
Single Awareness

QIC: Semi

15 seal jacks i/c
15 mountain man pooper i/c
15 seal waves i/c
10 hip circles each direction oyo
15 windmills i/c
15 harry rockets i/c
15 Michael Phelps i/c

The Thang
Mosey to Woodstock’s coupons

Single awareness
15 per side
L – lunge backwards
O – Overhead press, single arm
V – v up, single leg
E – E2K

S – single leg Squat to coupon
I – irkin
N – navy seal burpee
G – goblet Bulgarian Squat
L – lunge
E – E2K

Round 2
With 10 train burpees

Mosey back to AO

Number Rama
Name a Rama

11 showed today: Semi, Probe, Yukon, Bunt, Pick, Ruxpin, Hideous, Reptile, Chauffer, Chattahoochee, Motown

Sidewalk Doracides

Date: 12/28/2024

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

PAX: Box Car, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Pickles (down range), Probe, Pusher, Quattro, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Yukon

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Jiminy Crickets – 10 OYO

Merkin Mile – each ¼ mile Pax stopped and completed 25 merkins.  Pax completed two sets on the way to the site of the “Thang”.  Pax completed the second half of the merkin mile with two sets of merkins in returning to the Aegis.

The Thang

From the Exicon – Doracides – Two Pax worked together to reach exercise reps of 100, 200, 300, & 400 of 4 different exercises EACH.  One Pax worked on the exercises while the second Pax completed suicides to three designated waypoints.  The extra twist is at the waypoint of each suicide run; the Pax completed 1 burpee, then 2 burpees, and finally 3 burpees before returning to the starting point.  Once all three suicide sprints were completed, the Pax switched stations until all reps of each exercise were completed.  The exercises completed are as follows:  100 Merkins, 200 American Hammers, 300 LBC’s, & 400 squats.    

F3 Message 12/28/24

When God’s Promises Turn Into Life Preservers – #9792

July 23, 2024

There’s bad plaque and there’s good plaque. The bad kind is that substance that builds up on your teeth that you see in all the toothpaste commercials. They’re going to help you get rid of that. Oh, and then there’s good plaque; that’s the kind we have hanging on walls all over our house.

They’re good plaques because they have different promises on them from God’s Word. Right as you come into our house there’s been a plaque on the wall that says, “All your children will be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of your children.” That’s Isaiah 54:13. And most homes have God’s promises on plaques on the wall, or churches do. But plaques like that are meant to do more than hang on walls; they’re actually meant to float.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “When God’s Promises Turn Into Life Preservers.”

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Psalm 119. I’m going to read verse 50. David says, “My comfort in my suffering is this: ‘Your promise preserves my life.'” I love that. “Your promise preserves my life.”

Not long ago I was talking to some friends of ours who had lost a relative in a tragic auto accident. I said to them, “Was His grace enough?” You know, one of the great promises of God in 2 Corinthians 12:9 is, “His grace is sufficient.” There’ll always be enough grace.

And they said, “Oh yeah, it sure was.” And then together we began to remember some of those promises that make good wall plaques, like “Underneath are the everlasting arms.” And then it dawned on me, those promises of God are nice words, but when a storm hits and you’re sinking – like when a loved one dies for example – the promise of God becomes a lot more than a plaque. It becomes your life preserver, like someone drowning in the ocean, hanging on for dear life, and the promise is all you’ve got to hang onto.

David said, “My comfort in suffering is this, ‘Your promise preserves my life.'” All you’ve got to hang on to. And the more you hold on to that promise, the more you live as if the promise is true and the more you can handle. We’ve got to have those promises in our heart so we can rip them off the wall and hang onto them when that sudden storm hits.

I talked not long ago to a burned out Christian leader. He’s hanging on to a promise from the 23rd Psalm, “He restores my soul.” I talked to a family who was recently hit by five medical blows within as many weeks. They’re hanging on to Deuteronomy 33:25, “Your strength will equal your days.” When my wife got ill and was sick with hepatitis, in bed for nine months, I wondered, “How in the world am I going to do it without my partner?” I hung on to that verse. Every day I said, “Your strength will equal your days, Ron. Your strength will equal your days.” It did! It got me through.

So, learn those promises. They’re your source of strength. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” That means you’ll have everything you need. Maybe you need Philippians 4:19, “My God will supply all your needs.” Or maybe that plaque that becomes a life preserver is 1 Corinthians 10:13, “God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tempted more than you are able.” Or are you hanging onto Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” How many times have I hung onto Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things you do not know.”

Learn those promises, and then learn to lean on those promises. When your feelings are lying to you, when your world is upside down, grab a promise off the wall of your heart and rest all your weight on it. The promises of God are life preservers.

Respectfully Submitted,


“Lid” It Go

Date: 11/02/2024

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

Pax: Bunt, Chattahoochee, Chauffeur, Fireplex, Motown, Pick, Probe, Pusher, Ruxpin, Semi, Yukon

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Hydraulic Squats – 10 (6 Count)   

The Thang

Round #1 – Karaoke around the circle switching directions at halfway and complete 10 hand release merkins.  Round #2 – Nur around the circle and complete 20 LBC’’s.  Round #3 – ass kickers around the circle and complete Aiken legs – 10 squats, 10 box jumps, 10 lunges (10 each Leg), 10 Iron Mike’s (5 each Leg).  Round #4 – high knees around the circle and complete ATM’s – 10 alternating “merkin” shoulder taps, 10 tempo merkins, and 10 fast merkins.  Round # 5 – Lieutenant Dan around the circle and complete 10 four count mountain climbers.  Round #6 – Toy Soldier march around the circle and complete a set of 11’s.  1 big boy to 1 merkin, two big boys to 2 merkins ascending to 11 of each.  Round #7 – mosey 10 laps around the circle and complete ascending Burp & Merks up to 10 merkins.  The twist is we are going to repeat each of the previous exercises before starting the next lap around the circle.

F3 Message 11/02/24

A Strong Sense of Season – #9721

April 15, 2024

On the first warm day of spring I can remember my son saying, “Ready for a little baseball, Dad?” Well, ’twas the season, although that early in the season we usually ended up stuck in the mud somewhere between home plate and first base. Now, he didn’t ask about playing baseball if it was fall or winter. Now, he always had a like a strong sense of season. By the same token, the first cool day of late summer, of course, that brought a predictable question, “Ready for a little football, Dad?” This is the same son, of course, that got upset when he saw Christmas items up before Thanksgiving, or phone calls when he was studying or homework that you had to do on weekends. See, this kid had and actually still does have for that matter, a strong sense of what season it is, and there’s actually a lot of sanity in living that way.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “A Strong Sense of Season.”

Now, our word for today from the Word of God comes from Ecclesiastes 3, and let me read some excerpts to you: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” It goes on with a list of life’s times, and then concludes in verse 11, “God has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Well, the message of Ecclesiastes 3 to me is this: Know what time it is. Know what season it is at this point in your life, or your month, or your week. And then really do what it’s time to do and don’t mix up your seasons. When it’s time to work, really work; when it’s time to fellowship, really fellowship. Just don’t mix everything up.

Now, I know some people who talk for half of their work day. Well, when it’s fellowship time, do that, but don’t mix that with your work and vice-versa. When it’s time to play, really play. When it’s time to be home, don’t bring your work home with you; really be home. When it’s time to be at work, don’t keep doing personal stuff. When it’s time to pray, block out everything else.

Maybe that’s why Jesus told us to go into a closet to do it. When it’s time to listen, drop everything else and focus on that person. If it’s time to finish something else before you listen, get that done and schedule a time when you really can listen. When it’s time to study, don’t talk. When it’s time to unwind, don’t study. Get the idea? It’s like the Bible says in Colossians 3, “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart.”

I have a friend whose employees’ wives are on the warpath because their husbands are coming home forever late from work. Guess who they blame? The boss and the company for overworking their men. Well, the fact is what the wives don’t know is that these men are taking extended lunch hours for gym time and shooting the breeze much of the day. They waste as much time as they work, and then they have to work like crazy at the other end of the day. And then, guess what? They can’t be the fathers they need to be.

I like what the Bible says again, “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart.” And I really like what Jim Elliott, the missionary martyr said, “Wherever you are, be all there.” See, things don’t work as well when you do them “out of season.” Each day, each week has seasons in your life. Well, do with all your heart what it’s time to do at that moment and then God makes everything beautiful in its time.

I’ll tell you, life is a lot more peaceful when you live with a strong sense of season.

Respectfully Submitted,


Killer Warrior

QIC: Semi


20 seal jacks i/c
15 seal waves i/c
15 Michael Phelps i/c
15 mountain man pooper i/c

The Thang
Mosey to Woodstock’s coupons
Mosey to Allen school with coupons

Break up into 3 groups

15 swerkins
15 sprawl and curl
30 press jacks

3rd F

‭Exodus 3:1-4 ESV‬
[1] Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. [2] And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked, and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. [3] And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight, why the bush is not burned.” [4] When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”


20 swerkins
15 merkin coupon row
10 screaming lunges per leg

Stack coupons along building
Grab a bottle of water

Chappie run back to AO
Those that completed the run with water, reward of 10 burpees

20 lazy crab oyo
15 pickle pointers oyo
32 American hammers i/c

Number Rama
Name Rama

16 HIM showed today: Semi, Probe, Yukon, TRex, Mr. Mom, Whirlybird, Fireplex, Bunt, Motown, Pick, Quattro, Sinco, Pusher, Looney Toons, Doodle, Chauffer

HOB Disc Golf

QIC: Semi

20 Seal jack i/c
14 seal waves i/c
14 mountain man pooper i/c
14 Michael Phelps i/c
10 hip circles each way oyo
30 Moroccan night club i/c

The Thang

Patriot run to HOB

Frisbee golf
Add 10 to the strokes of each hole
Diamond merkins
Wide Merkins
Pretzel sticks
Gas pumpers

3rd F


Mosey back to AO


9 HIM showed today: Semi, Probe, Yukon, TRex, Streudal, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Bunt, Deez

Semi’s Playground 2.0

QIC: Semi


15 seal jacks i/c
15 seal waves i/c
15 Imperial walkers i/c

11 monkey humpers for someone RIH
10 hip circles each way oyo
15 Micheal Phelps i/c
15 mountain man pooper i/c
30 Moroccan night club i/c

The Thang

Frisbee golf to playground
Merkins per stroke plus 10
4 holes played, 3-5 strokes per hole
50-70 merkins total

15 swerkins
15 hanging knee raises
30 urkins
30 gas pumpers
30 derkins

3rd F

15 swerkins
15 hanging  knee raises
30 urkins
15 pretzel sticks per side
30 derkins
150 merkins total

Mosey back to AO

Roughly 200 merkins total


4 HIM showed today: Semi, Hump Day, Looney Toons, Yukon

Semi again?

QIC: Semi

15 Seal jacks i/c
15 Imperial walkers i/c
15 plank jacks i/c
10 hip circles oyo (each direction)
30 Moroccan night club i/c
15 seal waves i/c
15 Michael Phelps

The Thang
Each PAX grabes a coupon and moseys to park

Bolt 45 toes in block

Round 1
10 swerkins
10 hanging knee raises
20 curls holding bottom of coupon (hammer)
5 blockeys
10 curls palms up inside coupon
30 derkins

Nur around gazebo

Round 2
Repeat above
Add or modify knee raises to leg raises

Lt. Dan, Dan Lt. Around gazebo

3rd F
9 lessons from F3
1. You can go a lot farther with others by your side.
2. Men need challenges to stay sharp mentally, physically, and emotionally.
3. Confidence is built by setting and accomplishing goals.
4. Competition makes us better.
5. Sweat and shared suffering build strong bonds.
6. If you’re not accelerating, you’re decelerating.
7. You’re stronger than you think you are.
8. The COT is great therapy.
9. Friends make life worth living and loving.

Mosey back to AO
Muder bunny across parking lot to return coupons


11 HIM showed today: Semi, Fireplex, Toy Soldier, Trex, Mr. Mom, Bunt, Probe, Piglet, Looney Toons, Whirlybird, Yukon

Mighty Thor

QIC: Semi

20 Seal Jack i/c
20 plank jack i/c
10 hip circles each direction oyo
Side shuffle around circle switching facing direction halfway
20 seal waves i/c
20 Imperial walkers i/c
10 screaming lunges per side oyo

The Thang

Merkins 20
Bent over row 10
Sit thru 20
Rest 30 sec
Floor fly 20
Renegade row 10 (double count)
Mountain climbers 20 (double count)
Rest 30 sec
Lunge 10 (double count)
Floor tricep ext. 10
Bear crawl/crawl bear 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
Repeat 2 times

3rd F


Captain Therkin
1:4 ratio with 5 merkins between each set
1 Big boy to 4 American hammers, 5 merkins
Finish is 10:40

10 burpees for the train

Chappie run to railroad tracks, back to the circle (water in mouth)
10 burpees for completion


23 HIM showed today: Semi, Swartz, Quattro, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Gator, Lunchable, Pedals, Ruxpin, Cinco, Pick, Itty Biddie, Biddie, Toy Soldier, T-rex, Waterfall, Double Ott, Doodle, Bunt, Sweet n Low, Woodstock, Yukon, Mr Mom

What the Hill Pooh

Date: 03/23/2023

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Pooh VQ


SSH – 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – 30 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s

The Thang

Moseyed to “Oh Hill No” where Pax completed a bear crawl up the hill and a crawl bear down. Then each Pax completed 10 burpees, 20 merkins, and 30 squats. Plank for the six. Pax Nur’d up the hill and ran down and completed 10 burpees, 20 merkins, and 30 squats. Plank for the six. Pax Nur’d up the hill and ran down and completed 25 LBC’s, 25 flutter kicks, and 25 squats. Plank for the six. A break was taken for the 3rd F Message. Then each Pax completed a bear crawl up the hill and a crawl bear back down and completed 5 of the 6 previously identified exercises at their discretion. Plank for the six. Pax mosey’d back to the AO for a round of Mary to finish the beatdown.

The beatdown ended with a COT with a name-o-rama, announcements, and a prayer.

F3 message 03/23/2023

God created humans in His image. We have the distinction of being designed on the model of our creator and Lord. As such, we are treasured by Him. We should take note that those around us are also made in the image of God. That person in line at the grocery store, that face on social media, that server at dinner — all are made in God’s image, and God cherishes them all. They are all human beings and creations of God. Knowing that we are all made in the image of God should prompt us to see value in others. God calls us to love one another. Seeing value in everyone is not the same as agreeing or being best friends with everyone. Instead, it means showing all people the love of Christ through what we do and how we treat them. Each person brings value to the world and to God’s kingdom. We all have purpose, and we should treat all people mindfully and with great respect because God has deemed them of value.

Respectfully, POOH

This One is for Lenny

Gee eye VQ – Warm up

Hip Circles – 20 OYO each Direction

Superman Merkins – 15 IC

SSH – 20 IC

Slow Tempo Squats – 15 IC

Mountain Climbers – 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Little League Park

F3 Message – Q shared the story of how he found a painted rock at the workout on 3/14/23.  The hashtag on the rock pointed to #Teamlennyrocks on Facebook.  The message was about Lenny Williams, a 20yr old that passed away from a battle with cancer back in October of 2022. Lenny’s family are all Milton FD members and Lenny was bestowed honorary membership in the dept. posthumously.  He loved the FD, and he loved baseball as he was active with his family at the Milton Little Park.  A benefit tournament was held on the Little League premises and it was only fitting that the rock be “hidden” there for the next person to find and to be inspired by the story and the strength of young Lenny Williams.  Q offered a word from Ron Hutchcraft below about preparing for the worst and the power of God’s Grace.

The Cycle – From home plate, bear crawl to 1st base, 3 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to 2nd base, 6 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to third base, 9 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to home plate.   *The Thang was modified for time and all PAX completed the full cycle Bear Crawl around the bases, 9 burpees at home plate, and then a full cycle Crawl Bear back around the bases to home plate.*

Mosey back to AO

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 

F3 Message 03/16/23


March 3, 2023

During the high school football season, our Campus Life Club used to have a crowd breaker that provided a lot of entertainment for all of us. We had four cheerleaders up front with a box of football equipment, minus the more personal stuff, of course. They raced to see who was the first to get fully dressed in shoulder pads, hip pads, knee pads, helmets, the rest, you know. Well, they each had a football player providing verbal coaching, but the results were still hilarious. Those cheerleaders had no idea what gear went where. But that’s okay. They didn’t need to know. You can be sure the players knew. Every day, whether it was for a practice or a game, they got that equipment on. They didn’t need it all day in school, of course, because they weren’t generally being chased, or run into at high speeds, or thrown to the ground. But when it came time to play, the coaches made sure they had the equipment they needed. The coach wasn’t about to send them into the battle without what they would need to protect them.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Preparing For the Worst.”

Our missionary son called us one day and, in an uncharacteristically sober tone of voice, he opened with these words: “Mom, Dad, get your grace helmets on.” He was preparing us for some bad news. They were in their sixth month of pregnancy with our grandson, and the doctor had just spotted some rare and serious medical problems. Our son knew what he, his wife, and our whole family were going to need for the trying months ahead. We were going to need God’s grace; the equipment that God provides to give us that extra strength and protection we will need for the battle we’re headed into.

Right now, you may be in one of those seasons where all your human resources are just totally inadequate to keep you going. Here’s God’s open invitation, recorded in Hebrews 4:16, our word for today from the Word of God. “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” See, grace is God’s enabling power that sustains us when we’re running on empty. It’s sort of like a reserve fuel tank that kicks in when our emotional and physical fuel tank has run out.

And it’s not just generic grace, you know; not like “one size fits all.” No, it’s customized grace, specially designed for the kind of situation you need it for. So, God provides parenting grace when that’s needed; forgiving grace when forgiving is what you need to do. He’ll give you cancer grace, suffering grace, persecution grace, funeral grace. For our family, facing the deep questions, the deep feelings, and the critical decisions about that little baby, God’s grace came in like a Daddy’s arms picking us up and carrying us when we couldn’t walk any farther.

That little guy has had his battles, and he’s not a little guy any more, and he’s doing okay. But even if we have some more, you know what? His story is already one miracle after another. Not the least of which is the strength and the grace that has protected us like body armor on a soldier, or gear on an athlete. And, as God promised Paul in the pain and limitations of his thorn in the flesh, “My grace is sufficient.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) Or, as the original Greek says, “Enough for you – My grace.”

His grace really is enough for you, no matter how desperate the situation. Because He’s said “your strength will equal your days.” (Deuteronomy 33:25) Whatever the burden, He will match it with His grace. More than match it, if you’ll go to His throne of grace to get it. You have to go for the grace that this moment requires.

No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control. They are never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you’re facing right now, because God’s plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.

Respectfully Submitted,


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