
Gone to the Bank…

F3 Workout 5/10/23
AO: GritMil
PAX: 8
PAX Names: Sherlock, Whirlybird, Focker, Spreader, Deez, TimeClock, Ruxpin, MacDaddy.
QIC: MacDaddy
FNGs: o 🙁

Back Blast:

Warm –O-Roma
SSH X 20
Cherry Pickers x 10
Burpee Humpers X 10
Bolt 45s

The Thang:

¼ Mile Mosey to Old Wilmington Trust Bank parking lot by way of “The price is right run”.

Break into teams of two, one HIM conducts designated exercise on the wall while the other Bear Crawls ¼ way of parking lot, then NURs the rest. Then 10 SSH, 1 Burpee Humper, mossy back to their partner for the switch. Each round increases one burpee humper for a total 10 burpees humpers.

Wall Exercises:
Tri-cep dips on wall for 200 reps combined with partner.
Single leg lunges on wall (switch on 10 for each leg) for combined 200 reps.
Derkins on the wall for 200 reps.

3rd F:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
(In everything, give thanks).
When is it easiest to be thankful? When things are going good, right? I find this to be very true in my own life. Maybe it’s good news that a particular test was negative, may something like our response after we find our keys. (O thank God). It is certainly easier to praise God when you are happy, you and your family are healthy and comfortable, and life is going great.
Well, it is just as important, if not more important, to thank Him in the midst of trials, when things are not going well, when our health is under attack, when there is something going on that drains us and puts all our focus on that hardship.
Here in 1 Thessalonians, Paul tells the church at Thessalonica to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. Why is this so important for Paul to inform the church and us? Maybe they were acting thankless, or showing a lack of appreciation towards God. The reality is and sometimes it’s hard to hear, but God is in control of all things and always has a plan for us. The trials we face are not pointless, they may serve a bigger purpose than what we can understand. Sometimes God calls us to suffer, and sometimes God brings us overwhelming joy, but ultimately, God calls us to a lifetime of continual thankfulness. As the bible verse says, It is God’s will that we give thanks.
Let take a quick moment to go around and mention one thing that we are thankful for.

¼ mile “The price is Right Mosey” back to AO for COT

Be an Eagle

QIC: Deez


  • Side Straddle Hop – 20 in Cadence
  • Hip Circles – 10 each way OYL
  • Cherry Pickers – 20 in Cadence
  • Moroccan Night Club – 30 in Cadence

The Thang

Mosey to Wagamons Pond boat ramp

  • End of parking Lieutenant Dan up the parking lot until the electric pole
  • Top of the parking lot 5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide Merkins
  • Back down the parking Lieutenant Dan
  • Top of the parking lot 5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide Merkins
  • End of parking NUR (no clue on spelling) up the parking lot until the electric pole
  • Top of the parking lot 5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide Merkins
  • Back down the parking NUR
  • Top of the parking lot 5 diamond, 5 regular, 5 wide Merkins
  • Plank for the “6”

Mosey to Park behind Library

  • Find a bench and do 30 Dips
  • 30 Flutter kicks (double count)
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Flutter Kicks (double count)
  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Flutter Kicks (double count)

Mosey to FireHouse

  • 1 – Round of Sherlock Shuffle
  • 1 – Round of Bolt 45

3rd F

What is that one thing most people afraid of?
It’s CHANGE. Especially when it’s painful or uncomfortable.
But you have to go through the change to become more phenomenal in life. This story will help you understand the same.

The Story of an EAGLE:
The Eagle has the longest life-span of its species. It can live upto 70 years.
But to reach this age, the eagle must make a very difficult decision!
In its 40th year, the eagle’s long and flexible Talons can no longer grab a prey which serves as food.
Its long and sharp beak becomes bent.
Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, stick to its chest and make it difficult to fly.
Then, the eagle is left with only two options: DIE or go through a painful process of CHANGE!
This process lasts for 150 days (5 months)
The process requires the eagle to fly to a mountain top and sit on its nest. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out.
Then the eagle will wait for the new beak to grow back after which it will pluck out its talons. When its talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers.
And after this the eagle takes its famous flight of rebirth and LIVES for 30 more years!!
Why is Change needed???
In order to survive and live. We too have to start the change process.
We sometimes need to get rid of the unpleasant old memories, negative habits and our fixed mindset.
Only Freed from the past burdens can we take advantage of the present.
If an eagle can make a life-saving and life-changing decision at the age of 40….why can’t we?
In order to take on a New Journey ahead, let go of your negative old limiting beliefs.
Open up your mind and let yourself fly high like an eagle!
When it rains, all birds occupy shelter. But the EAGLE avoids the rain by flying above the clouds….
The problem is common to all but the attitude to solve it makes the difference!
Don’t be afraid of change…accept it gracefully..!!!


GRIT MILL 3/22/2023












This One is for Lenny

Gee eye VQ – Warm up

Hip Circles – 20 OYO each Direction

Superman Merkins – 15 IC

SSH – 20 IC

Slow Tempo Squats – 15 IC

Mountain Climbers – 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Little League Park

F3 Message – Q shared the story of how he found a painted rock at the workout on 3/14/23.  The hashtag on the rock pointed to #Teamlennyrocks on Facebook.  The message was about Lenny Williams, a 20yr old that passed away from a battle with cancer back in October of 2022. Lenny’s family are all Milton FD members and Lenny was bestowed honorary membership in the dept. posthumously.  He loved the FD, and he loved baseball as he was active with his family at the Milton Little Park.  A benefit tournament was held on the Little League premises and it was only fitting that the rock be “hidden” there for the next person to find and to be inspired by the story and the strength of young Lenny Williams.  Q offered a word from Ron Hutchcraft below about preparing for the worst and the power of God’s Grace.

The Cycle – From home plate, bear crawl to 1st base, 3 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to 2nd base, 6 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to third base, 9 burpees, crawl bear back to home From home plate, bear crawl around the bases to home plate.   *The Thang was modified for time and all PAX completed the full cycle Bear Crawl around the bases, 9 burpees at home plate, and then a full cycle Crawl Bear back around the bases to home plate.*

Mosey back to AO

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 

F3 Message 03/16/23


March 3, 2023

During the high school football season, our Campus Life Club used to have a crowd breaker that provided a lot of entertainment for all of us. We had four cheerleaders up front with a box of football equipment, minus the more personal stuff, of course. They raced to see who was the first to get fully dressed in shoulder pads, hip pads, knee pads, helmets, the rest, you know. Well, they each had a football player providing verbal coaching, but the results were still hilarious. Those cheerleaders had no idea what gear went where. But that’s okay. They didn’t need to know. You can be sure the players knew. Every day, whether it was for a practice or a game, they got that equipment on. They didn’t need it all day in school, of course, because they weren’t generally being chased, or run into at high speeds, or thrown to the ground. But when it came time to play, the coaches made sure they had the equipment they needed. The coach wasn’t about to send them into the battle without what they would need to protect them.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Preparing For the Worst.”

Our missionary son called us one day and, in an uncharacteristically sober tone of voice, he opened with these words: “Mom, Dad, get your grace helmets on.” He was preparing us for some bad news. They were in their sixth month of pregnancy with our grandson, and the doctor had just spotted some rare and serious medical problems. Our son knew what he, his wife, and our whole family were going to need for the trying months ahead. We were going to need God’s grace; the equipment that God provides to give us that extra strength and protection we will need for the battle we’re headed into.

Right now, you may be in one of those seasons where all your human resources are just totally inadequate to keep you going. Here’s God’s open invitation, recorded in Hebrews 4:16, our word for today from the Word of God. “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” See, grace is God’s enabling power that sustains us when we’re running on empty. It’s sort of like a reserve fuel tank that kicks in when our emotional and physical fuel tank has run out.

And it’s not just generic grace, you know; not like “one size fits all.” No, it’s customized grace, specially designed for the kind of situation you need it for. So, God provides parenting grace when that’s needed; forgiving grace when forgiving is what you need to do. He’ll give you cancer grace, suffering grace, persecution grace, funeral grace. For our family, facing the deep questions, the deep feelings, and the critical decisions about that little baby, God’s grace came in like a Daddy’s arms picking us up and carrying us when we couldn’t walk any farther.

That little guy has had his battles, and he’s not a little guy any more, and he’s doing okay. But even if we have some more, you know what? His story is already one miracle after another. Not the least of which is the strength and the grace that has protected us like body armor on a soldier, or gear on an athlete. And, as God promised Paul in the pain and limitations of his thorn in the flesh, “My grace is sufficient.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) Or, as the original Greek says, “Enough for you – My grace.”

His grace really is enough for you, no matter how desperate the situation. Because He’s said “your strength will equal your days.” (Deuteronomy 33:25) Whatever the burden, He will match it with His grace. More than match it, if you’ll go to His throne of grace to get it. You have to go for the grace that this moment requires.

No matter what hits you, God is no less in charge; His plan is no less on target. Things may be out of your control. They are never out of His control. If you trust Him, He will give you just the equipment you need for the battle you’re facing right now, because God’s plan will not lead you where His grace cannot keep you.

Respectfully Submitted,


Roll & Rock

QIC: Chappie

Date: 2/28/23

A double-deuce of PAX (22) won #thatfirstbattle and posted for YHC’s Roll & Rock workout: I.e. Roll the dice and rock out the reps and run. So it could be called Reps & Run as well, but that’s just not as catchy. YHC has been on a hiatus so it was good to be back out in the Gloom. Welcome to this morning’s two FNG’s: Lil’ Joe (yes, Hoss brought him) and Snagglepuss; so named because he posted last week, but he exited Stage Left after YHC Rick Rolled him. IYKYK. Oh, there were many other nickname options like Houdini, Stage Left, Casper, Walk-Off, etc., however, when an FNG states he doesn’t particularly like a name, well, he gets THAT name–it’s just the F3 way! Lol. Again, welcome to F3FirstState Lil Joe and Snagglepuss! That being said, here’s how things went down…

COP/Official Disclaimer given


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Hip Circles – 10 L, 10 R OYO
  • The MOTIVATOR – Always a crowd-pleaser
  • Cherry Pickers – 18 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 15 IC

THE THANG: (no standing around, no stopping, only Planking acceptable)

The Brief: Roll the Dice & Rock the reps, then run. Clydesdales run the short lap (.27 miles); Shivering Whippets run the long block (.05 miles)

Round 1 – Rolled a 14

  • Burp-Jacks – 14
  • 4-Count Freddie’s – 14 IC
  • A2G Squats – 14 IC

Run around respective blocks

Shared 3rdF, check it out at this link: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnmhFsXL0Z0/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Here’s YHC’s adapted hard copy:

This is from Skip Bertman when he was head baseball coach at LSU and led the Tigers to 5 National Championships: Let’s say you have 25 nickels to represent 25 guys on the team, in your group, or at your respective workplaces. (Bertman stacks the nickels)

Boy, they’re easy to stack, aren’t they? We can put ’em right on top…on top of one another, and you can stack all 25, not much of a problem. We can stay together, we can be one. But, boy, if you have one guy, bent out of shape, not in the system; some guy who’s not with it (kinda just settled on doing his own thing his own way). I guess we could carry him for awhile [places bent nickel on top of stack]. If you had two guys, maybe we can carry…maybe two guys like that [places 2nd bent nickel on stack]. But they can offer no foundation, you see. If they’re bent out of shape, not with the team, group, or company) there’s no chance that we’re going to be able build on top of these guys [places bent nickels on bottom and tries placing others on top]. There’s no chance they can help any of us. If we try and put ’em in the middle and we try and stack some guys on them, but they’re bent out of shape—their altitudes are different than the rest…it’s just not going to happen, boys! [Bertman places bent nickels in middle with nickels on top, they fall]. You can’t be bent out of shape (just doing your own thing, in your own way, if your part of something bigger). HIM gotta be with the team (the group, the company and they gotta stay together and gotta be One as they strive to carry out the mission of that team, group, or company that hired them. Or as Skip Bertman said, “You gotta remember the nickel demonstration.”

Time to roll again…

Round 2 – Rolled a 6

  • Bearcrawl out/Crawlbear back (count only left step) – 6 steps
  • Dying Cockroaches – 6 IC (double count)
  • Lunges (count only left step) – 6 out/back

Run respective blocks

Round 3 – Rolled a 15

  • Hand-Release Merkins – 15 OYO
  • Triple Threat Gas Pumpers (side-middle-side) – 15 IC
  • MJB’s – 15

Omaha due to time: All PAX run short block

  • Clydesdale total run distance = .81 miles
  • Shivering Whippets total run distance = 1.27 miles

Note to self: Mumblechatter Radar detected words to the effect, that, “We need to do some more running...”


  • Number-Rama – 22 PAX
  • Name-O-Rama – FNG’s named Lil Joe & Snagglepuss
  • Announcements: Happy 51st Birthday to RuxpinREEESPECT! ShamRuck (family ruck) coming up Friday, March 17 @ 6:30. Stepping off from the Aegis AO. ShamRuck FAQ’s: see Deez.
  • Prayers: T-Rex’s dad; travel mercy for Chauffer; Blockbuster’s success going before Soldier-of-the-Month Board today, etc., and for God to help us all to be HIM instead “bent nickels”

YHC is glad to be back out. Thanks men!

Chappie, out!


DATE: 15 February 2023
QIC: Focker
11 PAX won the first battle of the day by getting out of bed and posting in the gloom for a beatdown. YHC has been undertaking the 75 Hard for 43 days now and has been doing extra workouts using the iFit app at home, which inspired todays HIIT beatdown. The beatdown uses a 5:1 work to rest ratio doing 50 seconds of an exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. The PAX will perform 5 exercises for 4 rounds.
• SSH – 25 IC

After two rounds YHC circled the PAX up for his 3rd F. Upon completion of the 3rd F all PAX circled up and completed the remaining 2 rounds.

3 RD F:
“I will never forsake you or abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5
Let’s face it, there is no way around it, we will all experience disappointment. It is a natural and normal part of life. We have high expectations for ourselves and others, but often, we don’t live up to those expectations.
Debbie is disappointed that she didn’t get the job that she thought was a perfect fit for her skills. She is disappointed in herself, the company and the process. Her disappointment turned into discouragement.
Bill is disappointed that after the undefeated season his baseball team enjoyed, they lost in the finals to a team they should have beaten. Bill is disappointed in himself, his teammates and coaches. He questioned whether he should return nex t season.
Sue thought she and Tom had the perfect marriage until the day Tom announced he was leaving her and the kids because he had fallen in love with his secretary. Sue’s disappointment turned quickly to depression and desperation.
Brian anxiously awaited the results from his surgery. He was disappointed when the surgeon told him that the cancer was worse than they expected. He was disappointed with the doctor and discouraged and angry with God.
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” –Martin Luther King,Jr.
Yes, we will all experience disappointment.
So what can we do when we experience disappointment? And, how do we keep from becoming discouraged or depressed?
Here are some thoughts:
Take some time to grieve. Often these disappointments are devastating. They require time to heal, to reflect, and to try to understand. Know, however, as St. Paul tells us in Romans, We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. (8:28)
Examine our Perspective and expectations. We have high expectations for others. And, often time’s people won’t live up to our vision of them. This is especially true for family members. We sometimes have unrealistic expectations for our children, spouses and parents. It has been said that when you have high expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Put your expectations into their proper perspective.
Turn toward and not away from God. When people are discouraged they often make the mistake of blaming God, of going into a shell, no longer attending church and they stop praying. These are times to turn toward our Lord. To gain strength from His promise to us, that He is with us always, that He will never abandon us, that He will see us through the problem and gives us a way out.
Focus on hope. We need to put our faith in God that he will give us a reason to hope. If we dwell on our Lord, and not on the disappointment we will begin to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And, that light begins with our hope.
“Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” –Romans 12:12
Be grateful for the good things in our lives. Often we spend so much time on our problems and disappointments that we fail to take a look at the blessings. We may have lost out on that job, but there will be other opportunities and we still have the God given skills. We may be disappointed at losing the big game, but we still have a season full of good memories to motivate us next year. In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. –1Thessalonians 5:18

We will all face disappointments during our lives. Dealing with disappointments by trusting in God and His promises will go along way to improving your mental health and happiness.
YHC discussed and experiment that was conducted in the 1950s where a scientist put rats in a bucket of water and after a few minutes they would drown and die. However, during his experiment at the moment when the rats had given up and about to die he pulled them out of the water and revived them in his hand. Once they were recovered he placed them back into the water and they continued to swim for over 60 hours before drowning. The scientist surmised that because they were saved once before the rats had hope for being saved again and with that hope they were able to swim longer.


Roving ruckfest this Friday in Georgetown. New AO in Lewes beginning next week 2/22/2023 at Beacon Middle School. Sherlock will be taking the helm of NANTAN while our ever faithful leader Chappie has to step away to handle his affairs. The Grit Mill is in need of a new Site Q.

We lift Chappie up with our prayers as well as Woodstocks mother as she undergoes a surgical procedure today. Also offered up in prayer were all the unspoken needs and attentions of all HIM present and those not present.

Crawling is for Pooh

Date: 02/07/2023

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE 19968

QIC: Pooh – Warmup VQ & Fireplex – Q


SSH – 21 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

The Thang

Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Pax completed a Toy Soldier set consisting of 100 LBC’s, 50 E2K’s each side, and 25 Big Boy ‘s.

Hydraulic Squats – 10 IC (6 Count)

“Chairman Lap” out the back driveway of the CHOP, to the left on Willow, left on Union and to the left back to CHOP parking lot.  Approx. .25 miles.

All Pax were asked to complete a set of 21’s approx. 30 yards apart. Complete 20 merkins and bear crawl approx. 30 yards and complete 1 Bobby Hurley.  Bear crawl back the @30 yards and complete 19 merkins, then bear crawl back and complete 2 Bobby Hurleys.  Continue until you complete 15 merkins and 6 Bobby Hurleys. Pax took a breather for the F3 message after which they finished strong with 10 Burpees, a 30 yard bear crawl, 10 burpees, and a 30 yard bear crawl.

F3 Message 02/07/2023


Monday, August 6, 2001

I’m about 5’8″. You probably know that because I sound about that tall, right? Years ago, I was carrying 210 pounds on this little 68″ body. Goodyear actually offered me a job as their blimp. But thankfully, I have weighed about 45 to 50 pounds less than that for a lot of years. Of course, I’ve still got the same metabolism that inflated this body many years ago. So, ohhh, do I know about dieting! And I also know the point at which your diet is in the greatest danger. OK, you’ve really been good…the scale has been giving you good news the last couple of weeks…your diet discipline is holding. Then somebody offers you something that you just can’t resist–let’s say, a few french fries. You consume them in one bite. So, you buy a whole order of fries for yourself. And now you feel bad. You have blown your diet. You could just get back on track right then. But no–you say to yourself, “I blew it! I’ve failed! Oh well, what’s the use? I might as well have a milk shake to wash down those fries. Hey, and anybody got the number of Pizza Heaven?” Yeah, you messed up. So you give up–and soon return to your former roundness.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A WORD WITH YOU today about “Bouncing Back When You Blow It.”

Now, it’s a shame when one or two failures make you give up on your diet. Or, more importantly, on living like Jesus wants you to live.

Maybe it’s a pattern you know all too well. Like a dieter, you’ve made up your mind to change–to do things Jesus’ way. You’re living right, you’re doing well. But one day you mess up and fall back into something the old you would do. And you feel ashamed. Now right here is the point–in dieting or being a disciple–that will determine whether or not this is a brief detour or a huge defeat. What will you do when you’ve blown it? Now, you can clean up or give up. And, believe me, Satan is gonna be right there whispering, “What’s the use? You tried this Christian thing, and look at you! You’re a spiritual lose. You’ll never make it. This is too hard for you. Give it up, man.”

Now, Jesus said Satan is capable only of telling lies–and this is no exception. But he wants to take one defeat and turn it into many defeats…to use this one detour to get you to turn back completely. And maybe you have. Well, it’s time for the truth. Our word for today from the Word of God, Proverbs 24:16, “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again.” Notice it doesn’t say, “a righteous man never falls.” It says that when he falls, he gets right back up and starts walking again! See, that’s God’s intention for you when you’ve messed up.

That’s why He invites us in 1 John 1:9 to “confess our sins” because “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” It’s not Jesus standing there, condemning you for falling. God says, “there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1) No, that’s your enemy trying to pull you into a cycle of defeat. Live right…then mess up…then feel ashamed…then you give up…then you mess up a lot more…and then you crash spiritually. That’s the cycle of defeat. But Jesus is saying, “One failure is one failure. And the only people who never fell down are people who aren’t trying to walk. Bring that sin to My Cross. Let me clean you up. Tomorrow’s a new day!”

So when you mess up spiritually, it’s either the cross or a crash. Bring that sin straight to Jesus’ cross, and you can get up and keep going. Believe the “what’s the use?” lie, and you’ll crash. Because of Jesus, no failure is final. If you’ve fallen, you can get up, in the forgiveness and power of your Savior.

Now take it from a veteran dieter–it’s a terrible mistake to give up just because you mess up. Today’s failure doesn’t have to sink you tomorrow. You have a Savior who makes each new day a brand new beginning.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pooh & Fireplex

Tabada 1/3/2023

QIC: Semi

13 seal jacks i/c
20 mountain man pooper i/c
23 Moroccan night club i/c
13 seal waves i/c
10 hip circles  oyo each direction
23 Windmill i/c

The Thang
Every PAX grab 1 large coupon and 2 small coupons

20 second on, 10 second off = 1 round
10 rounds of 6 excercises
Curls – palms up, hammer
Flys (shoulders on large coupon) – palms up, palms in
Squats – 6″, wide
Bench press (shoulders on large coupon) – elbows in, palms together
Holding chair chest squeeze – extended, close
Abs – gas pumpers, lbcs 

3rd F

2023 is about discipline
Decide what you want
Write that down
Make a plan
Work on it
Your competition isn’t other people
It’s the knowledge you neglect
Compete against that
Conquer yourself
Master the universe within


25 HIM showed today; Pooh, Sherlock, Ruxpin, Beeker, Semi, Mr. Mom, Hoss, Streudel, Woodstock, Quattro, Chauffer, Whirlybird, Bunt, Deez, Nuts, Phyfe, Gee-eye, Probe, Spreader, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Roscoe, Looney Toons, Drago, Wood

12 Day Of Fun


  • Moroccan Night Club (In Cadence)
  • Cherry Pickers (In Cadence)
  • Side Straddle Hop (In Cadence)
  • Windmills (In Cadence)


Start on the “1st Day just like the song and then you do 2nd Day & 1st Day, Then 3rd Day, 2nd Day, 1st Day and so on…

Music – Different Varieties of “The 12 Days of Christmas”

  • 1 run
  • 2 burpees
  • 3 15 sec plank (Total time 15 sec)
  • 4 merkins
  • 5 E2K
  • 6 big boys
  • 7 flutter kicks (double count)
  • 8 American hammers ( double count)
  • 9 mountain climbers (double count)
  • 10 air squats 
  • 11 side straddle hops 
  • 12 – 1 round of stairs at library
  • Stop before you do the 12th day go back to the library plank wait for the six. 


3 benefits of fellowship

Fellowship is the relationship that we have with one another as Christians. It is based on the relationship we have with Jesus Christ. When you and I became Christians three relationships changed: Jesus became our Savior; God became our Father; and the church became our family. 

There are many Benefits to fellowship but here are 3 of them. 

Benefit 1

“Fellowship builds friendships. The early church really was a close knit group. They were all together and had everything in common. I believe that the reason that the early church had such good relationships was because of their commitment to Jesus and to each other.”

Benefit 2

Fellowship builds unity. The church is called to be united. Unity is having everything in common and being of the same mind.

We cannot manufacture unity within the church. We cannot fake unity. We can only protect, or guard the unity we already have. Paul calls it “the unity of the Spirit.” This phrase reminds us that “the unity, the agreement, the common ground” Fellowship builds unity.

Benefit 3

Fellowship builds God’s kingdom. Our fellowship, the relationship we have with one another and with Jesus is a witness to the world. The early church was committed to Jesus and to one another and the world saw it. When Christians regularly meet together to worship God and fellowship with one another, we are a witness to the world. Jesus said: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). We are to love God and love people.

Rev. J. Patrick Street is Lead Pastor at Redeemer Church

Benefit 1 really hits home for me. Fellowship builds Friendship. 

BEEKER is the only reason why I am here. Beeker has been talking about this group for about two years to me. The summer of 2021 he brought it up real quick and of course i ignored him. I thought why would you want to wake up how early and run from parking lot to parking lot and work out. Then this past summer I realized I needed to change my health and needed to start doing something. Beeker would first work out with this group and then meet me at 6:15 to help me out. I actually started to feel bad that he was doing two a days just to help me out. So then I decided to suck it up and wake up earlier and get my butt kicked at my first Saturday with the 2.0 work out. After a couple of weeks I couldn’t understand why I kept wanted to come back morning after morning and then FOCKER one morning during a Ruck brought up the 2nd F (fellowship) and how important that part of this group is to him. I stepped back and realized this is the same for me. Every morning Seeing Wirlybird, Quattro, Sherlock and T-Rex non stop picking on each other and everyone else. The constant bomb jacks that Fireplex is doing. Then you see and hear about Spreader and Ruxbin loosing weight and becoming more healthy for themselves and their families. The extra rucking that Chappie encouraged myself and the whole group for the November challenge. And then there is Nutz working some crazy hours and making the time for his family and coming to the workouts so we can always say Deez Nutz. 

I truly can not say thank you all enough for the camaraderie and the fellowship that you have all given me and shown me. 

That’s Not a Hill

Date: 12/08/2022

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to halfway down, 15 squats halfway down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Hydraulic Squats – 17 IC (6 Count)

Mosey @.5 miles to Holy Hill and took a brief break for the F3Message…see below

The Thang

1st & 10 Routine per the Exicon…Well sort of….:)…..Perform 10 merkins and 1 burpee.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 9 merkins and 2 burpees.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 8 merkins and 3 burpees.  Nur up the hill and run down.  You recognize a pattern developing here.  Rinse and Repeat until you complete 1 merkin and 10 burpees followed by your final Nur up the hill and a run back down.   

Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   

F3 Message 12/08/22


June 4, 2020

The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri are known for their rocks. They make for some hard farming, some beautiful views, and some challenging road building. Like this one stretch of highway from Branson, Missouri, to Springfield, Missouri, that they widened. As you slowed down through those construction zones, there were some pretty impressive changes that were taking place. Some places were nothing but solid-rock mountain, but somehow they managed to blast away at those mountains and they literally made a road where a mountain used to be!

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Removing a Mountain, Making a Road.”

Now if human engineers can do that, don’t you think God can? In fact, God’s mountain-moving ability may be your only hope right now.

Let’s remember the miracle Jesus promised to us, as recorded in our word for today from the Word of God. In Mark 11:23, He says, “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Obviously, it’s not the power of your word that removes mountains; it’s the power of God. The words immediately preceding these dramatic promises are these: “Have faith in God.”

But we have a God who does remove mountains that appear as if they could never be moved – in answer to the faith-believing prayers of His children. This might be one of those times when the only way there’s going to be a road for you is if God blows away the mountain that stands in the way. But you can ask Him, you can trust Him to do just that, within the boundaries of His perfect will of course.

Our mountains don’t usually come in the form of some huge rock formations. For you, what blocks the way might be a person whose heart is hard; whose heart needs a miraculous change. God does those. According to Proverbs 21:1, “The heart of the king is in His hand.” Maybe your mountain is seemingly impossible financial obstacles.

That’s the kind our ministry has faced a number of times, and we were facing that as it became clear that God wanted us to build our own headquarters to better carry out His orders. We didn’t have one dollar in a building fund. We had no reserves and no clear idea of where an amount like that would come from. But in less than a year, there was the headquarters, totally debt-free. There was this mountain, and then by God’s power and grace, there was a road.

Maybe it’s going to take a change of leadership in order for there to be a way, a miraculous recovery, or seemingly impossible breakthroughs. But God does all of those. God’s allowed you to run up against this mountain so you would run to the end of you. All our lives, we underestimate and under trust the God we have. There’s way too much of us and way too little of God. And then there it is – that massive mountain looming in the way, so huge there’s nothing you can do to move it. There’s nothing any human solution can do to move it.

Well, praise God! You what? Yeah, praise God! You’ve just reached the end of you and possibly you are at the beginning of unleashing your Lord as never before. I love the promise in Ephesians 3:20, “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine according to the power that works in us.” I call that a 320 in Ephesians 3:20.

Looking at that mountain, you’d have to say, “No way.” But looking at your all-powerful God, don’t you ever say, “No way.” He blows away mountains and makes a road where you could have never dreamed there would be one, and then you know what? He gets all the glory!

Respectfully Submitted,


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