
Jugs, Jugs, and more Jugs…

Date: 8/31/2022

QIC: MacDaddy

18 Outstanding HIM including one FNG beat the fartsack and showed up for a GritMil beat down. We had such a good turnout we had to overcome and adapt to our situation in order to have enough coupons for everyone. Big thanks to Chief Quattro for lending out various weighted objects to fulfill the order.

Side-Straddle-Hops X 20
Bolt 45s
Merkins X 20
Cherry Pickers x 20

The Thang
Mosey to Basketball “Field”

Round 1.
With 1 gallon jugs
50 Bicep Curls
Sprint to opposite end of B-Ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start and 50 Bicep Curls
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 2.
With 1 Gal Jugs
50 Overhead Shoulder Presses
Walking lung to opposite end of B-ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR Back to start and 50 Overhead Shoulder Presses.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 3.
With 1 gal jugs, lay flat on back for 50 tri-cep extensions (Skull Crushers) with 1 gal jugs
Scissor run to other side of B-ball court, 5 Burpees.
Scissor run back to Start, 50 Tri-Cep extensions with 1 gal jugs.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 4.
With 1 Gal jugs 50 Juggerbell Swings with squat.
Tightrope Walk with arm out to other side of B-Ball Court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start for 50 Juggerbell Swings
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

3rd F
Being a Man who Leads

In the Bible Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 11, where he says, “The man is the head of the woman…For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man, for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. This is Paul upholding the concept of a man’s leadership in the family by appealing to the order of creation, and the fact that man was created first, then the woman as a helper to man. Later on in Ephesians Paul addresses a married man’s role as head of his own home. Paul establishes that God’s design is that the husband is “the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church”. Then the bible gives specific instructions on how husbands are to fulfill their leadership role, beginning with the important command: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loves the church”.

Let’s think about the for a second. How much does Jesus love His church. This love would be described as a sacrificial, purifying, caring, unbreakable, Christ-like love. Christ’s love for the church is a model for husbands to follow, and is a living illustration of the redemptive love of Christ. One of the greatest act of love anyone could do for another is to sacrifice their own life for them. (Acts 20:28 – Christ purchased the church with His own Blood).

Now the question to ask is, if we are to love our wives with that same kind of love, how to we compare? Well, the answer is we all fall short, and we do not even come close. But that’s okay, because Christ has set the standard, so we now know where to aim.

Some more questions we could ask ourselves is:

How are we sacrificial in our own home?

Are we so self-focused that we are not aware of the needs in our home?

Are we willing to sacrifice our time to listen to & comfort our wives and provide emotional and physical security?

Who is the spiritual leader in the home?

If you are a Christian man, then you will recognize that success in your home is far more important than success in your career.

So when we leave here today, let’s note where it all begins, with the command, “Husbands, love your wives”.

C.H. Spurgeon said,

“A husband loves his wife with a constant love, and so does Christ his church. He will not cast her away tomorrow having loved her today. He does not vary in his affection. He may change in his display of affection, but the affection itself is still the same. A husband loves his wife with an enduring love; it will never die out. He says, “Tell death us do part will I cherish thee”, but Christ will not let death part his love to his people. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

So gents, with that said, we now know God’s standard when it comes to being a Godly husband, a leader in our home, and a father to our children. Let’s use that in our life to better serve our family.

Visting Focker Falls in Milford, DE

DATE: 24 AUGUST 2022

QIC: Focker

YHC had a better planned Q this morning than last month! I was really looking forward to this beatdown so that we could get more burpees and school supplies collected. I am grateful for the 11 other HIMs who showed up this morning to include 2 FNGs and 3 unicorns.


  • Side Straddle Hop – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 20 IC
  • Turn and Bounce – 20 IC
  • Hairy Rockettes – 20 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 20 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub – 30 IC
  • Burpees – 10 OYO

Following the warm-o-rama we mosied to the parking lot at Arena’s. On the way the HIMs in attendance were able to witness the glorious Focker Falls where YHC took a misstep in a pothole and had to tuck and roll…I knew this wasn’t a running group!


Using the four corners of the parking lot, the beatdown would be conducting an exercise at each corner and mosey/sprint between corners. YHC would announce a new set of exercises for each round. Early finishers of the round would plank waiting for the 6. YHC conducted the 3rd F after round 2.


  • Burpees – 10
  • Big Boys – 20
  • Lunges – 20 (10 each leg)
  • Merkings – 10


  • Squats – 20
  • Burpees – 10
  • LBCs – 40
  • Wide Arm Merkins – 10


  • American Hammers – 40 (20 each side single count)
  • Flutter Kicks – 40 (20 each leg single count)
  • Burpees – 10
  • Tie Fighters – 20 (10 Forward Baby Arm Circles right leg lunge, 10 Backward BACs left leg lunge)


  • Diamond Merkins – 10
  • Freddy Mercury – 40 (20 each leg single count)
  • Alternating Side Squats – 20 (10 each side)
  • Burpees – 10


“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things..”

-Henry David Thoreau

Joe Rogan: “That’s Thoreau’s quote – that ‘most men live lives of quiet desperation’ – that’s one of my favorite quotes ever, because it’s true – and I’ve been that guy. You’re just in this world where you just can’t wait to run away.”

Annie Jacobsen: “And how do people get stuck there – how do you think they get stuck there?”

JR: “Bills and commitment. You have an apartment to pay for, you have a car you leased, you have a wife that you have to feed, you have a child you have to raise. You have your mortgage. You have your this, you have your that…and that’s where it all comes from.”

AJ: “Where do you think opportunity plays into that?”

JR: “Well, the opportunity takes place, usually when you’re young and you have no responsibility. That’s when you have your options. Your options are severely limited the more you gather responsibilities. Like, if I as a 51 year old, father of 3, married man, pays taxes, has a house and  mortgage and a business and all that jazz, if I had to quit everything now and struggle the way I struggled as a standup comedian – it would never work.” 

“The only way I could be this person now is if I took that chance when I was 21, when I was dead broke and had my cars repossessed and all that stuff. That’s the only way that you ever get where you want to go. You have to take a path that’s dangerous and most people want to take the safe path. And the safe path leaves you stuck in ‘quiet desperation’ almost every time. It’s hell. It’s hell. You’re selling insurance or some other shit that you care zero about.”

AJ: “But can people just make that change?”

JR: “Yes, yes you can, but you have to plan it out. The way to make that change is you have to put aside enough money to give yourself a window. And then you have to have a plan, and you have to spend all your waking hours outside of whatever shit job you do planning your escape, and you have to come to the realization very clearly, that you fucked up – you got yourself stuck, so whatever you’re doing you have to do it like your life depends on it.  Whether it is…if you’re going to try and be an author and you’re working 8 hours a day, plus commuting, plus family responsibilities plus whatever else you have, whatever time that you have, you have to attack like you’re trying to save the world, like you’re trying to save your life, you don’t want to drown. That one and a half hours a day that you have to write – god damn – you better be caffeinated and motivated. You gotta go. You gotta get after it. You gotta have discipline – that’s what most people don’t have, those things, most people don’t understand what it’s like to really go for something and to know that the consequences of not doing that are horrific.”

-Joe Rogan Podcast #1299 with Annie Jacobsen, 1:04:00

At the completion of the four rounds of exercises we still had time so we did Bolt 45s on the curb. We then mosied back to the Grit Mill to end the beatdown. When we arrived we still had two minutes so 10 more Burpees were completed. During the COT the train went by so we did 10 more Burpees for a total of 70 Burpees!




Welcomed FNG Tom Catalfamo named Tatty Patty and FNG Nick Wright named Nutty Buddy. Also, we had a few unicorns show up. Welcome back Loose Wheel, Silhouette, and Visitante!!!

Reminded the men about the upcoming CSAUP in Rehoboth on Labor Day with more details to be posted to group by Chappie.

Prayer requests for Ruxpins Father in law, Waterfall and his M, Gump and his M, Fireplex and his dad and any needs and requests unspoken.


21 and the Tomb of the Unknown

QIC : Semi


21, All i/c
Seal jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker
Capri lap around parking lot, side shuffle up, nur across, and side shuffle down
Plank jack

The Thang

Mosey to bridge by park
21 lt. Dan across bridge, if not all the way across mosey to end
21 burpees
Nur across bridge
21 dan lt. across bridge, if not all the way across mosey to end
21 big boys

3rd F

21 meekins
21 e2k leftside
21 diamond merkins
21 e2k rightside

Mosey back to ao

1 round of banana, superman, ripcord

7 HIM showed; Semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, Gump, Woodstock, papa bear, and visitante

Number Rama

Name Rama


21’s & 4 Years

DATE: 02/13/20

QIC: Chappie

The Grit Mill was 5 solid this morning with HIM who won THAT FIRST BATTLE by overcoming the fartsack, dropped the DRP, and posted in some soggy weather. It was a celebration beatdown at the hands of YHC for a 4-year “Manniversary.” (Details will follow in the 3rdF below…read on!)


If you don’t know Jack, you do now…

  • SSH (a.k.a. – Jumping Jacks) – 18 IC
  • Smurfjacks – 18 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 20 IC (forgot to stop at 18!)
  • Plankjacks – 18 IC
  • Splitjacks – 18 IC
  • Sealjacks – 18 IC
  • Sorry Fireplex…no Crabjacks.

Mosey to Arena’s parking with 2 sandbags being swapped between PAX along the way. Here’s a freebie: YHC explained along the way that parking at the Milford Senior center was completely filled last night, as were surrounding streets, and the entire lot at Arenas. YHC had to park a block-and-a-half away to get to the NRA-ILA meeting held at the Senior Center–proud that it was very well attended!

Upon arriving at the Arena’s parking lot (now all but empty) YHC explained the concept of “21’s”. At one end of the lot PAX would perform 20 Merkins, at the other end PAX would do 1 Gas Pumper. Rinse and repeat all the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 Gas Pumpers.

  • EXTRA RULE: PAX could not pass a sandbag. If a bag is free carry it to the other end of the lot. If you carried one there, you didn’t have to pick one up. Good tool to extend the suck a little. Here’s what it looks like on paper:
  • 20 Merkins – mosey to other end of lot – 1 Gas Pumper
    • mosey back picking up sandbag…
  • 19 Merkins ………….2 Gas Pumpers
  • 18 Merkins…………..3 Gas Pumpers
  • 17 Merkins…………..4 Gas Pumpers
  • 16 Merkins…………..5 Gas Pumpers
  • So on and so forth to we got to…
  • 1 Merkin…………….20 Gas Pumpers
  • When PAX got to 10 Merkins and 11 Gas Pumpers YHC called for a breather to share the following 3rdF about his Manniversary:


Four years ago I walked onto the parking lot at an AO called “The Dragon.” It was the parking lot of the York Comprehensive High School near where I lived in SC, and I’d showed up for my first F3 workout, after being EH’d by my buddy Wade — whom I would come to know by his newly minted F3 nickname, Nunchuk.

Wade had called me after his first workout and said, “You gotta come check this out!” He told me, “It’s a military style bootcamp workout. They do a lot of the exercises in cadence, etc. and it’s a great group of guys.” He was actually EH’ing me. Though I didn’t know it then, I would come to learn that an EH is called an Emotional Headlock. If you want to see F3 grow right here in Milford, the most effective way to make that happen is for you to make contact with other guys you know and invite them personally.

So anyway, I posted with my buddy Nunchuk and I was hooked! And it’s true: The fitness brings men out, but the fellowship is the glue that keeps them coming back.

That first time I was lost! I was familiar with exercising in cadence because I had served for nearly 12-years in the Army National Guard, but a lot of the exercises/names really threw me off (for instance, the Imperial Walker), so I spent a lot of time watching guys next to me in the COP’s.

That first day after the warmup, our Q ran us around to the other side of the high school where in a long alley-like concrete stretch between two wings of the high school we did 21’s!. It was tough! I wasn’t out of shape but I certainly wasn’t in shape either. In fact, I never finished the 21’s that day because the Q finally moved us on to something else. Thank God! I was gassed! Yet I was invigorated at the same time.

Here’s the thing that got me: The whole time guys were running past me going in the same or the opposite direction, they kept encouraging me by saying things like, “You got this! Good job! Keep it up! DFQ! Hang tough.” I knew in that moment I’d found a special brotherhood because they demonstrated that they’d never leave anyone behind. I’d found out they called it “picking up the 6.” That Saturday…I WAS THE SIX!”

Somewhere mid-workout the Q circled us up and shared a brief devotional message. Then he shared a little bit more about F3 mission, which is: “To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Every aspect of what I was experiencing was exactly what I was looking for as a man! The physical fitness, the camaraderie with other men who are striving to be a better men and better leaders at home, in the workplace, and in the communities in which they serve, and the opportunity to lock shields and be strengthened and sharpen one-another in our faith “as iron sharpens iron” (Prov 27:17). And the Coffeeteria that followed was as awesome with about 10-12 guys.

So this week marks my 4 year manniversary! I’d only been in F3 for 4.5 months before I’d move here to Delaware, but for that period F3 became such a part of my life that I knew I had to bring it to Delaware where it didn’t exist yet. The group of guys I was leaving behind threw me and my wife a going away party, at which time they also gave me a shovel-flag and said, “Go plant that thing in Delaware!”

Here we are 3.5 years later, with 4 AO’s and a day dedicated to rucking: Roving RuckF3st Friday. F3 First State has touched the lives of more than 50 guys so far, we are seeing nearly 20 guys working out regularly, and we’re growing because HIM like yourselves continue to value the fitness, fellowship, and faith. We’re growing because HIM like you continue to own the mission by striving to be better leaders at home, in your workplaces, and in the communities in which you serve. F3 First State exists because of HIM like each of you! So keep up the good work! DFQ! Keep EH’ing guys around you, not necessarily so that F3 First State will grow (it will), but because you know that through F3, MEN will grow and become better leaders. “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him!” LET’S KEEP PLANTING, GROWING, AND SERVING, MEN!

After the 3rd F, PAX got back to it and continued 21’s through to 1 Merkin and 20 Gas Pumpers.

Mosey’d back to the AO.




Announcements: Annual “Shamruck” will take place on Sunday Afternoon. March 16. Details to follow but this is a family ruck to a nearby McDonald’s to get Shamrock shakes for St. Patty’s Day.

Prayers: PAX circled up and prayed for Chairman, Doubtfire, and Chauffeur and their “home fires”… Prayers also for Leatherman and for everyone else to stay healthy.

YHC appreciates all the PAX who posted in the sogginess of this Gloom; humbled by the opportunity to lead! Thanks men!

~Chappie, out

P.S. – Following the workout, YHC did Eh the Milford Police Officer who was observing our workout from across the street. He took a few cards to share with his peers, said he was watching us, and that it sounds good!

One More for Two – Four!

DATE: 1/30/20

QIC: Chappie

While dreaming earlier this morning YHC was guided to another world. Time and time again when that happens, at sunrise YHC fights to stay asleep ’cause he doesn’t wan to leave the comfort of this place (name that tune). Nonetheless, it was time to rouse and post at The Grit Mill, for yet another beatdown in the name of #Two-Four…Kobe Bryant. Almost all the reps today were done with a Two-Four rep count simply to remember and honor one of the best ballers to ever play the game in our generation. The idea: Adopt the Mamba mentality which Kobe was so legendary for. Here’s how it want down:


  • SSH – 24 IC
  • Squats – 24 IC
  • [Legit] Crab Flippers – 24 IC
  • Motivators – by the 10’s (Shout out to @sunspot and the Lanco PAX)
  • Calf Raises – 24 OYO

Alternating 2 baby sandbags (20-pounders) between one another, PAX Mosey’d to 4′ wall near east end of Gigante International Market parking lot. On this beautiful newly-discovered structure PAX did the following…


  • Derkins – 24 OYO, Dragon Crawls – 24 Steps, MJB’s – 5 (return to wall)
    • Somebody mentioned going to Kobe’s first jersey number (8) to ease the pain. Lol! Nope!
  • Irkins – 24 OYO, Bear Crawl – 24 Steps, MJB’s – 10 (return to wall)
  • PC – 12 count 2x, Crawl Bear – 24 Steps, MJB’s – 15 (return to wall)
  • BTTW – 12 count 2x, Bear Crawl – 24 Steps, MJB’s – 20 (return to wall)
  • Iron Mikes – 12 OYO, Lt. Dan -24 Steps, MJB’s – “Two Four” (Return to parking lot)


This morning I’m sharing some thoughts adapted from Jocko Willink’s LEADERSHIP STRATEGIES & TACTICS. A portion of the book is about “The Power of Relationships” (48-51). In it he writes, “Leadership requires relationships. Good relationships with people above you, below you, and beside you…are critical for a strong team. The better the relationships, the more open and effective communication there is. The more communication there is, the stronger the team will be.”

He first talks about having a good relationship with those above you (i.e. your boss/bosses/managers, etc.) and gives this advice when it comes to building a trustworthy relationship with superiors:

▪ The first, most obvious way, (often overlooked) is PERFORMANCE. Your boss expects you to complete certain tasks. So COMPLETE THEM. On time. On budget. Without drama. Get the mission done.

▪ There will be things you might not be in 100% agreement with, do them anyway. It will always serve you well. If the boss wants you to fill out extra paperwork — Do it. If the boss wants you to cover a shift for someone else — You’ve got it! Does the boss want you to clean up an administrative mess that got spilled? — You’re on it! Even take on the nasty, low-reward missions that need executing — Get all over it.

▪ With each set of problems. Be the solution. With each problem you solved, the level of trust the boss has in you goes up.

▪ Over time, as you do what needs to get done, your boss/bosses will know that you’re the man who can be trusted to make things happen; you gain clout with the boss.

▪ Gaining clout with the boss allows you to give feedback or criticism of their plans if that becomes necessary (when time is right, and only when ego is set aside). So ultimately this leads back to one of the most powerful tools you could have as a leader and in the workplace — a good relationship with your boss. This will always lend itself to your team’s ability to BETTER accomplish the mission.

As followers of Christ, this ultimately (first) has everything to do with our relationship with God. God’s Word tells us,

Whatever you do, do it heartily (with all of your heart), as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” (Col.3:23-24)

▪ Personal experience. Years ago only a couple of years after I’d joined the Army Nat’l Guard, I got stuck with KP duty (“kitchen police”) during Annual Training at Ft. Drum. I’d been in a few years by this point so quite frankly I felt that it was beneath me to pull KP duty, after all I was a high ranking PFC! KP sucked in a regular mess hall, but what was worse was that we were in the field. The next morning my Sergeants roused me from my fartsack at O-Gawd-Thirty and took me for about a 15 minute drive to the location of our field kitchen. As we traveled the road, images of M*A*S*H episodes were flashing through my mind as I bounced around on the dew-covered back seat of that 1/4 ton Jeep. But it was far from humorous–I was cursing under my breath for getting stuck with a duty that NO ONE EVER WANTED to get stuck with. I was mad as a hornet. As about a “3-yr-old” Christian, I knew the things I was saying under my breath were wrong. Plus, I dared not voice them aloud because I didn’t want to be insubordinate toward either of my Sergeants. Yet, God heard them! Then, about 5 minutes into the ride, the Lord spoke to my heart (His voice came alive in my heart by His Word being hidden there) and I heard that verse: “Whatever you do, work heartily at it, as for the Lord rather than for men…

Those words hit my like a ton of bricks and changed my perspective and attitude in an instant. As I was dropped off I went to work on KP duty, which turned out to be about a 16 hr day. I did everything you can imagine and washed ever pan, and cleaned everything that didn’t move, etc. in that field kitchen. And I did it as if I were working for the Lord. Enjoyed it. Embraced the suck, if you will. By the end of that non-stop day, when my Sergeants came to pick me, the Mess Sergeant , along with the rest of the Mess crew said I’d done such a great job that they were begging for me to come back the next day. As much as I enjoyed my response was a quick “Uh, no thanks.” Yet two things happened: (1) I’d left a good impression on both the mess crew and with my Sergeants (my “bosses”), and, (2) I’d left a good testimony for serving my Lord — the ultimate pleasure in all of life is giving glory to His name!

Back at it…

Mosey return to AO, alternating baby sandbags between PAX.

Partial round of Mary:

  • LBC’s – 24 OYO (Courtesy YHC)
  • Dolly – 24 IC (Courtesy Ruxpin)
  • E2K – 24 Single Count (Courtesy Loose Wheel)
  • X’s & O’s – 24 OYO (Courtesy Waterfall)


  • Announcements: Planning on putting a Site-Q meeting together sometime in Feb to plan into the year a bit.
  • Prayers: For Waterfall, Felicia, and Dee Dee; for both Chauffeur’s and Doubtfire’s families; and for Papa Bears daughter sitting for her nursing boards near future.

Lots of 24 count reps to remember and honor Kobe Bryant. The Mamba Mentality gave us some good motivation to go beyond normal rep counts. The reminder to build relationships with those above us, based upon serving the Lord, gave us good motivation to go above and beyond even what is expected of us.

Always honored to bring the beatdown. Thanks for the opportunity HIM!

~Chappie, out!

MLK Library Laps

Warm-up: (20) SSH IC, (20) Cherry Pickers IC, (20) Wind Mill IC, (20) Plank Jacks IC, (20) Shoulder Taps IC, (20) 4 Count Superman IC.

Take a lap around the library hitting every flight of steps. Meet at the Amphitheater seating area for a 6 pack of exercises.

10 WMD (10 wide merkin, 10 merkin, 10 diamond merkin)

20 Dips

20 Box Jumps

20 Lunges (rear leg elevated)

20 Reverse Crunches (bum on the bench; legs hanging over)

20 American Hammers (bum on the bench; legs hanging over)

Take a lap hitting every step. Wash, Rinse, Repeat x3.

Third F:

Before he was assassinated at age 39, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, organized the 1963 March on Washington, advocated for civil disobedience and non-violent protest, and became one of the most influential figures in American history.

Fifty years after his death, here’s a look back at some of the civil rights leader’s most memorable speeches.

“I Have a Dream” – Washington, D.C., August 28, 1963

In his most famous speech, King stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and called for an end to racism in the United States before a crowd of more than 250,000 people.

“Our God is Marching On” – Selma, Alabama, March 25, 1965

Delivered after the historic marches from Selma to Montgomery, historians consider King’s triumphant deliverance of his “Our God is Marching On” speech to mark the end of the civil rights movement’s first phase focusing on legal and political rights. The movement would later focus on fighting for economic equality.

 “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break the Silence” – Riverside Church in New York City, April 4, 1967

Exactly one year before his assassination, King condemned the Vietnam War at a time when a majority of Americans still supported the effort. King was criticized for the speech, considered one of his most controversial, and lost supporters for being too political.

 “The Other America” – Stanford University, April 14, 1967

Just 10 days after declaring his opposition to the Vietnam War, King spoke to a crowd at Stanford University and advocated for economic and social equality. In his “Other America” speech, King described “two Americas” to highlight the growing poverty gap in the United States as a root of inequality. King gave a similar version of this speech at Michigan’s Grosse Pointe High School on March 14, 1968.

“I’ve been to the Mountaintop” – Memphis, Tennessee, April 3, 1968

In his final speech, King addressed a church filled with striking sanitation workers who were protesting their low pay and working conditions. King emphasized the importance of unity and nonviolent protest in the fight for justice, no matter how painful the struggle.

“Well, I don’t know what will happen now. We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop… And I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land.”

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT

Music To My Ears

Thursday, January 16, 2020 @ The Grit Mill

Q: Chairman PAX: Chappie, Chewtoy, Gump, Loose Wheel, Poppa Bear, Ruxpin, Waterfall, FNG Visitante

Warmup: 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs, 15 Windmills, & To the song, Tubthumper by Chumbawumba, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. In the end, you will do about 27 burpees. Lap around library

The Thang: Toy Soldier Set 35 LBCs 25 E2Ks 15 Big Boys. Another lap around the library.

Bring Sally Up Merkin Challenge, Hold plank on bring Sally up and hold bottom position of merkin on bring Sally down.

Burpee mile: 48 burpees, 1 mile run. Done as 12 burpees, run 1/4 mile x 4. Last 12 burpees replaced with Burpos: low burpee. Starting position is bottom of a squat. Then reach hands out to ground, legs fire back into a plank, chest to the ground, pushup, draw legs back into a squat, final position is the bottom of a squat. No standing up for the duration of the reps.

F3 Message about being part of F3 and how great it is to see F3 First State growing with record #s posting. How forcing yourself to post is hardest and most important part. Once you post being around other HIM motivates us and we lift each other up during the workouts and in our family lives, jobs, etc.

Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, naming FNG, and COT.

Watch “F3 First State Grit Mill” on YouTube

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