
Semi Rotator

QIC: Semi

15 Seal jacks i/c
15 Imperial walkers i/c
15 plank jacks i/c
10 hip circles oyo (each direction)
30 Moroccan night club i/c
15 Michael Phelps i/c
15 seal waves i/c

The Thang

Each PAX grabes 2 water bottles
Nur to other side of circle
10 low side plank rotator i/c
Toy Soldier set
50 lbc, 25 e2k, 10 big boys
10 low side plank rotator i/c
30 urkins oyo
10 low side plank rotator i/c
15 split squats ( per leg )
10 low side plank rotator i/c per side
10 pretzel sticks (per side)

Warrior run to Ruxpin’s distillery
15 hanging leg raises oyo
30 Durkin oyo
7 hanging knee raises oyo

3rd F
Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stand watch 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in any weather. Sentinels, who volunteer for this post, are considered the elite of the elite 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment (The Old Guard), headquartered at nearby Fort Myer, Virginia.

After members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment become ceremonially qualified, they are eligible to volunteer for duty as Sentinels at the Tomb. If accepted, they are assigned to Company E of The Old Guard. Each soldier must be in superb physical condition, possess an unblemished military record and be between 5 feet, 10 inches and 6 feet, 4 inches tall for men or 5 feet, 8 inches and 6 feet, 2 inches tall for women, with a proportionate weight and build.

Would-be Tomb Guards must first undergo an interview and a two-week trial. During the trial phase, they memorize seven pages of Arlington National Cemetery history. This information must be recited verbatim in order to earn a “walk.” 

If a soldier passes the first training phase, “new soldier” training begins. New Sentinels learn the history of Arlington National Cemetery and the grave locations of nearly 300 veterans.They learn the guard-change ceremony, the manual of arms, and methods for keeping their uniforms and weapons in immaculate condition.

The Sentinels must pass multiple tests to earn the privilege of wearing the silver Tomb Guard Identification Badge. First, they are tested on their manual of arms knowledge, uniform preparation and walks. Then, they take the badge test, consisting of 100 randomly selected questions from the 300 items memorized during training. The would-be badge holder must get more than 95 percent correct.

The Tomb Guard Identification Badge is a temporary award until the badge-holding Sentinel has honorably served at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier for nine months. At that time, the award can become a permanent badge, which may be worn for the rest of a military career. The silver badge is an upside-down, laurel-leaf wreath surrounding a depiction of the Tomb’s front face, the words “Honor Guard,” and figures representing Peace, Victory and Valor. Over 600 Tomb Guards have earned the badge since the late 1950s. 

The Tomb Guards work on a three-relief rotation; each relief has one commander and about six Sentinels. The three reliefs are organized by height, so that those in each guard change ceremony look similar in appearance. The Sentinels wear the Army dress blue uniform, reminiscent of the color and style worn by soldiers during the late 1800s. 

Chappie run across rr tracks back to circle
10 burpees

15 low side plank rotator i/c
Bolt 45 sumo style
15 low side plank rotator i/c
10 monkey humpers
Colt 45  palm down
Toy Soldier set
50 lbc, 25 e2k, 10 big boys

9 HIM showed today: Quarto, Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Probe, Ruxpin, Cinko, Bunt, Pusher

Mighty Thor

QIC: Semi

20 Seal Jack i/c
20 plank jack i/c
10 hip circles each direction oyo
Side shuffle around circle switching facing direction halfway
20 seal waves i/c
20 Imperial walkers i/c
10 screaming lunges per side oyo

The Thang

Merkins 20
Bent over row 10
Sit thru 20
Rest 30 sec
Floor fly 20
Renegade row 10 (double count)
Mountain climbers 20 (double count)
Rest 30 sec
Lunge 10 (double count)
Floor tricep ext. 10
Bear crawl/crawl bear 30 sec
Rest 30 sec
Repeat 2 times

3rd F

Captain Therkin
1:4 ratio with 5 merkins between each set
1 Big boy to 4 American hammers, 5 merkins
Finish is 10:40

10 burpees for the train

Chappie run to railroad tracks, back to the circle (water in mouth)
10 burpees for completion


23 HIM showed today: Semi, Swartz, Quattro, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Gator, Lunchable, Pedals, Ruxpin, Cinco, Pick, Itty Biddie, Biddie, Toy Soldier, T-rex, Waterfall, Double Ott, Doodle, Bunt, Sweet n Low, Woodstock, Yukon, Mr Mom


Date: 01/07/2023

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Hydraulic Squats – 10 (6 Count)   

The Thang

Round #1 – Karaoke around the circle switching directions at halfway and complete 10 hand release merkins.  Round #2 – Nur around the circle and complete 20 LBC’’s.  Round #3 – ass kickers around the circle and complete Aiken legs – 10 squats, 10 box jumps, 10 lunges (5 each Leg), 10 Mike Tyson’s (5 each Leg).  Round #4 – high knees around the circle and complete ATM’s – 10 alternating “merkin” shoulder taps, 10 tempo merkins, and 10 fast merkins.  Round # 5 – Lieutenant Dan around the circle and complete 10 four count mountain climbers.  Round #6 – Toy Soldier march around the circle and complete a set of 11’s.  1 big boy to 1 merkin, two big boys to 2 merkins ascending to 11 of each.  Round #7 – mosey 10 laps around the circle and complete ascending Burp & Merks up to 10 merkins.  The twist is we are going to repeat each of the previous exercises before starting the next lap around the circle.

F3 Message 01/07/23

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   


Monday, October 2, 2017
When I’m on the road and staying in a motel, I’m often leaving pretty early that day for the responsibilities I have. But by the time I return late that night, something amazing has happened. The bed is made and I didn’t make it! I’ve got new, clean towels! I didn’t find them. Everything’s straightened and neat. I even get these cool little soaps now that are in the bathroom! The Room Fairy has been there! Now, I know that not because I’ve seen the maid (actually I haven’t), but because I can see the results of her work all over the place.
I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “God All Over Your Day.”
He is, you know. It’s not unlike that maid scenario. You may not see the one who made the difference, but you can sure see the difference that He made, if you’re looking for it.
If you’ve ever been to one of those church meetings where they ask people to share their favorite verses, you’ve probably heard somebody mention our word for today from the Word of God. It’s a lot of people’s favorite verse. Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Notice what’s the opposite of trusting in the Lord with all your heart: trying to figure it out for yourself, doing what you think is best – leaning on your own understanding.
Now comes a formula for finding out what God wants you to do in any given situation. Well, we need that. Verse 6 says, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Now, God says, “If you want to know My heart for you, acknowledge Me in every situation you’re in.” You know what acknowledge means. Have you ever been in a new place or a roomful of people and you’ve gone totally un-greeted, un-noticed? Well, you were saying to yourself, “Hey, I wish someone would acknowledge me. I wish someone would notice I’m here.” See, God knows that feeling. He shows up all through our day, and we often never notice Him. We don’t acknowledge Him.
The other day I was really blessed in a place not normally associated with blessing-the dentist’s office. I was in the waiting room and I saw an old friend with his wife-they’re both in their 90’s. He’s working very hard to care for his wife because her health is deteriorating. Because it had been raining when they came in, my friend asked the dentist if he could help him get his wife out to the car. My dentist came back in, really touched by what had happened in those two minutes-so touched that he brought it up two more times. He said, “When I went out with George and his wife, it wasn’t raining. And George said, ‘Isn’t it great that the Lord stopped the rain long enough for us to get out to the car?’ Then he just looked heavenward and said, ‘Thanks, Father.'”
Now that’s acknowledging Him. That’s noticing God’s working in the details of your day. And that’s where praise comes from, where joy comes from, where a victorious attitude comes from in the toughest of times. But you have to go into your day looking for God at work. If you don’t, you’ll miss God and you’ll miss the joy. But if you do train your heart to go on a daily God-hunt (God-sightings, you know), you’ll experience what the great preacher Charles Spurgeon talked about when he said, “He who looks for providences (or God-actions) will never lack a providence to observe.”
If you haven’t been seeing God a lot lately, it’s because you haven’t been looking. You may have been focused on your circumstances, or other people, or yourself or what’s stressing you out. You’ve missed the fingerprints of God all over your day. The little mercies, the small miracles, the interventions, the protection, the encouraging surprises, the bad things that didn’t happen. I know there’s never a day where He doesn’t show up because the Bible says His “mercies are new every morning!”
In those transformed motel rooms, I seldom see the maid, but I see the results of her work. In the little and big moments of your day, you may not see God, but you can see the results of His work on your behalf because you’re His much-loved child. You’ll see God all over your day if you’re looking for Him.

Respectfully Submitted,


Bearmuda Highs

On Saturday 7/16 (yes, that’s right…if there’s no Backblast, it didn’t happen) 24 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE over the fartsack and posted for a new variation of the Bearmuda Triangle (keep reading below).


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Bolt 45 (keep moving) – IC
  • “Lanco Special” – IC (YHC can’t remember what its called but he picked it up at Lanco, so…
  • ISW – 18 IC


Mosey around the block to County Building parking lot for YHC’s Bearmuda Highs, a variation of its close cousin, the Bearmuda Triangle, only this one keeps moving locations.

3 Cones, 50′ apart in a triangle

1st Set of Cones (1st Triangle)

  • Bearcrawl to Cone #2, 1 Burpee
  • Bearcrawl to Cone #3, 2 Burpees
  • Bearcrawl to Cone #1, 3 Burpees

Mosey to Library Parking Lot (Oops! Don’t forget the cones!)

2nd Set of Cones (2nd Triangle)

  • Crawlbear to Cone #2, 4 Hand-Release Burpees
  • Crawlbear to Cone #3, 5 Hand-Release Burpees
  • Crawlbear to Cone #1, 6 Hand-Release Burpees

Mosey to School Parking Lot (Take the cones with you!)

PAX took a quick breather here for 3rdF (See below), before returning to the Bearmuda Triangle

3rd Set of Cones (3rd Triangle)

  • Bearcrawl/Crawlbear to Cone #2, 7 Burpees/Hand-Release Burpees
  • Bearcrawl/Crawlbear to Cone #3, 8 Burpees/Hand-Release Burpees
  • Bearcrawl/Crawlbear to Cone #1, 9 Burpees/Hand-Release Burpees

Final round had to be done half & half: Bearcrawl/Crawlbear & Burpees/Hand-Release Burpees

Total Burpees = 45

PAX formed into 2 groups, lined up for parallel Snake Runs back to the AO.

Meanwhile back at the AO…PAX planked feet up around the circular planter for what turned out to be a “turrible” (think Sir Charles) round of the Wheel of Derkin, YHC Omaha’d this as it was taking forever to get all the way around the circle–we started going both directions. This took us from the Bearmuda Triangle to Bearmuda Highs because after all the Bearcrawls, Burpees and running, the Wheel of Derkin made the PAX a bit delirious (and gave us a cheap buzz).

Finally, a short round of Mary: Held feet at 6″, followed by 18 Gas Pumpers IC.


  • Number-Rama: 24 PAX
  • Name-O-Rama: Welcome FNG’s Pipe Lube & Rice Krispy
  • Announcements
  • Prayers
  • BOM

3rdF Shared Prior to the 3rd Set of Cones:

We talk about leadership, especially in men’s circles and in circles where we speak of “iron sharpening iron” (Prov. 27:17); we often borrow ideas, thoughts, & principles that express values that are prevalent in the military, where leadership is developed around potentially life/death situations.

After having served nearly 12 yrs in the Army National Guard I’ve seen some of the best leaders, but I’ve also seen some of the absolute worst (those familiar with Band of Brothers, think of Sobel). Personally, I’ve been both a good leader and a failed leader in my time in the military. I can say that even those failed experiences sharpened my ability to lead. It’s crucial that we continually learn from those experiences, from those who failed to lead well, and most importantly from those who did lead us well. We should not only borrow from their examples and teaching, but strive to live out the good examples.

Some of greatest military leaders come from the special operations realm. They have the most grueling assessments, evaluations, and training just to be picked to join their ranks–then the real training begins. There’s a lot of leadership training, and it’s the mental toughness that seems to count the most. When my nephew was going through Ranger School I told him a few times to “never give up what you want most (becoming a Ranger) for what you want in the moment (rest, relief, relaxation, food, etc.). We ALL do that too easily, too often! In fact, it’s the easy road!

Here’s four of the most important and valuable lessons one operator shared from his training and experiences in special ops that I think all leaders should adopt/develop:

1) ADAPTABILITY: Readiness for change. That’s why we’re “disrupters” as F3 HIM. We’ve declared in varied ways that we’ll not settle for the status quo. We’re following the lead of others who’ve brought about change, we’re following after an amazing servant-leader Savior who disrupted the status quo and brought about change, and we’re striving to be leaders who do the same. In order to do that, we must first train ourselves to be adaptable. Status quo kills! Jesus spoke of this when He said you can’t put new wine into old wineskins (Mt. 9:14-17)

2) EMOTIONAL STABILITY: This involves being able to make good decisions under pressure. Proverbs is chocked full of wisdom to help us develop the capacity to stay objective and deliver a high level of performance regardless of what we’re feeling. Important to us? Yes! But crucial to gaining, earning, keeping, and honoring the respect of those we lead! Proverbs 16:32 says, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.”

3) PERSPECTIVE: Leaders have to be able to carry on when the world seems to have turned against them. We have to keep our troubles in PROPER perspective so that we do not lose sight of what needs to be accomplished. In a world full of lone rangers, keep in mind that “in an abundance of counselors there is victory” (Prov. 11:14b). And “Without consultation, plans are frustrated” (Prov. 15:22). We must train our perspective, and often other eyes/wisdom/counsel is crucial to helping us see properly.

4) TENACITY: This goes well with the acronym we hear a lot – DFQ! What defines tenacity is never giving up! ILLUST.: In the 1912 Olympics, Jim Thorpe, an American Indian from OK represented the U.S. in track & field. On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Jim ended up finding two shoes in the garbage. Those are the shoes he wore — one was too big, so he had to wear an extra pair of socks (different shoes and different socks!). Wearing those shoes, Jim won 2 Gold Medals that day. A perfect reminder of tenacity and that you don’t have to resign to the excuses that have held you back.

So, these are 4 valuable tools every HIM should develop consistently: ADAPTABILITY. EMOTIONAL STABILITY. PERSPECTIVE. TENACITY.

A Tough Mother

Date: 05/08/2022

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 40 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

The Thang 

B.O.M.B.S. – 50 Burpees,  100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats.  PAX  will mosey @.08 miles around the circle after every 25 count of each exercise completed.  When all is completed you will have moseyed approximately 2.4 miles.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message 05/07/2022


May 3, 2017

Two words. But a valuable reminder just in time for Mother’s Day.

Recently, I had occasion to stay at my son and daughter-in-law’s house while I recovered from a painful injury.

They set me up with a wonderful little “apartment” in their basement – recliner, remotes (of course), kitchenette. And like all the babies in our family, a night monitor.

I needed some help in the middle of the night, but I hadn’t touched the pager. Suddenly, I hear my daughter-in-law’s feet coming down the stairs. In my 3 AM haze, I said, “But how did you know?”

She smiled and gave these two little words: “Mom ears.”

And that’s something a lot of us have to celebrate this Mother’s Day.

Those Mom-ears who heard our silent cries over the years.

Who heard our need when others would only see our deed.

Who heard the heart that our words could not express.

Who listened to our jabberings, our dumb jokes, our endless attention-getting antics.

Who heard the unspoken fears. Unspoken pain. And carried them to the throne of God.

Sadly, mom-ears have also heard mean words they didn’t deserve, angry words that left a scar, rebellious words because we didn’t want to hear what we now know was wisdom.

But somehow, a Mom heart could reach for some of God’s amazing grace, and forgive, though wounded.

As a dad, I learned early how important it was for me to seek and respect what my wife heard in our kids. Those times when I got home and was ready to drop a bomb on a disobedient child – while she intervened, with “actionable intel” of what was going on behind the scenes in their life.

I’m not sure Moms fully know their massive power to define their child’s life. For better or worse.

“She speaks with wisdom on her tongue” (Proverbs 31:26).

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down” (Proverbs 14:1).

Sure, I know Moms who’ve turned their God-given Mom-ears to the seductive song of an “all about me” world. Whose children languish under the awful cloud of “I’m not worth much. Mom doesn’t think so.”

Deafened moms can’t hear themselves nagging, controlling, criticizing, diminishing – hoping to make a “super kid,” crushing them in the process.

The Mom-ears that have tended to miss their children’s cries are those who stopped listening to the One who gave her these children.

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him” (Psalm 127:3).

It’s so easy to succumb to the selfie drumbeat of “my rights, my pleasure, my flourishing.” A sort of deafness can grow. Deaf to those quiet little cries in the night, the intuition to drop everything I love and listen, the Heavenly Father’s promptings as He “gently leads those that have young” (Isaiah 40:11).

But thank God many of us were blessed, not with a perfect mom, but a mother whose ears truly heard us.

If you have a mom with those wonderful “ears,” tell her how her finely-tuned heart shaped and changed your life. While you can.

If you’re a Mom who wants to have better ears for your children, just know there’s amazing power to do that. In the Jesus Whose relentless love led Him to die for our sins, the great relationship-wreckers.

There is no greater life-force on earth than a woman whose ears are always open to the voice of God and the voices of those she loves.

And for the one who approaches this Mother’s Day with little to celebrate – because their Mom really wasn’t one – there is a higher hope. Because God has said: “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion for the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will never forget. See, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands” (Isaiah 49:15-16).

On the palms of His hands. With nail prints.

His ears listen all day, all night for the deepest cries of your heart.

Respectfully Submitted,


Stiff and Thor II

Blockbuster with his Swag – Proud of our Army Bound Young Brother
Proud Dad
20 Straight Workouts for Ruxpin – The man’s a beast on the verge of getting even more RESPECT

Date: 02/26/2022

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Monkey Humpers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to half way down, 15 squats half way down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Windmills – 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to Ruby Slippers home for a robust round of 20 monkey humpers followed by a round of merkin Jax.  Merkin Jax are a 1:4 ratio of I merkin to 4 plank jacks followed by 2 merkins to 8 plank jacks continuing until reaching the 10:40 ratio.  It types easier than it really is…????..

F3 message before leaving the first pain station.

Mosey to the Georgetown Elementary School and completed a deconstructed toy soldier set that 50 LBC’s, 30 E2K’s each side, and 20 big boys. Nur to each sidewalk across the front completing the 50 lbc’s, then 30 E2K’s, then a second set of 30 E2K’s opposite side, and finally the 20 big boys.  Rinse and repeat and return to the starting sidewalk. 

Mosey to Georgetown Public Library where all PAX completed a round of Captain Thor – 1 Big Boy sit up to 4 American hammers in a ratio up to 10:40.

Mosey to the Armory steps and complete Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 Iron Mike’s (10 each Leg).  The twist is that each PAX will box jump up each step up of the armory and walk down each step before performing each individual exercise of Aiken Legs.

Mosey back to AEGIS for Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers. Please keep Blockbuster in your thoughts and prayers as he leaves for Army boot camp. Congrats to Ruxpin for completing 20 straight workouts and joining the RESPECT crowd on 2/28/22. 


February 16, 2022

  They’re some of the best of the best in America’s military. They’re known as the Navy Seals. And when there’s a mission that’s almost impossible, they send the Seals behind enemy lines, or maybe it’s a highly sensitive covert mission, against enormous odds. They’re trained in just about any military skill you can think of. In fact, their training was the subject of a cover story in a national magazine a while back; especially that brutal final week that decides who will and will not be a Navy Seal.

Cold, and wet, and fatigued, there’s pain, there’s a pace that are more than most human beings could bear. And some might call it cruel and extreme. But the Navy is trying to prepare these men for heroism. They say they’re trying to build men who learn one mindset that is often the difference between a hero and a zero. Turn off the pain and focus on the mission.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “The Mission and the Pain.”

Here’s our word for today from the Word of God – 2 Timothy 2:1. God says, “You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” See, God doesn’t need any more spiritual wimps. That’s why He’s calling for warriors here. And in verse 4 He says, “No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs. He wants to please his commanding officer.”

Well, what does that take? Verse 3: “Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” Endurance: staying with the mission even when you’re hurting. Those Navy Seals do it for their country. We do it for our Savior. Our mission is to be like Jesus so the people in our world can get a good look at what He’s like. And to be His personal representative to people who are lost and needy and have no hope for eternity without Him.

There’s one problem though. Instead of turning off the pain and focusing on the mission, our tendency is to focus on our pain and forget our mission, and put the work of the Lord at the mercy of how we’re feeling. When we’re hurting, let’s face it, we usually get pretty self-focused don’t we? We’re consumed with our survival, our needs, our hurt. And that’s natural. It’s understandable, but it’s unacceptable for a soldier of Jesus Christ.

No matter how great the pain was, He never abandoned His mission; not when His family turned against Him, not when the crowds turned against Him, not when His life was threatened, not when He was arrested or beaten or humiliated or nailed to a cross. Even when He was dying, Jesus was looking out for His mother. He was reaching out to a dying thief, He was forgiving His crucifiers.

We will never begin to face the pain that our leader did. But we do have our share of pain. Here’s the question: Do we retreat from what we’ve been doing for the Lord when it gets hard or when we’re hurting? Are we so full of our own agenda that we shut down to the needs of others? Do we quit when it’s dark?

If you forget your mission because of your pain, you can still belong to Jesus. His love for us is unconditional. This isn’t about His love for you. It’s about your love and service for Him. He wants to trust you with some heroic assignments for Him. He’s got so much to be done! He’s looking for heroes like the song says, “Jesus needs a few good men.” And I might say, “a few good women.”

In the rigors of your life right now the training and testing of Jesus are not to hurt you. They’re not to sink you. They’re His tools to make you a warrior. To strengthen you. to prepare you for a great work for Him. So be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.

Respectfully Submitted,


Chilly black jack

QIC- Chattahoochee

18 PAX braved the chilly weather and posted for a Chattahoochee beatdown at the county seat this morning including a PAX (Roddick) from down range that brought an FNG we named subpar. Whirlybird also brought an FNG we named Whim welcome guys.










and COT

Tabada-Something Different


QIC: Semi

18 seal jacks i/c
18 seal waves i/c
10 hip circles oyo, each way
30 moroccan night club i/c
10 mountain man pooper i/c
18 Windmill i/c

The Thang
Mosey to field next to Presbyterian church

Tabata, using small coupons
8 rounds of 6 excercises
Curls – palms up, hammer
Flys (shoulders on large coupon) – palms up, palms in
Squats – 6″, wide
Bench press (shoulders on large coupon) – elbows in, palms together
Holding chair chest squeeze – extended, close
Abs – gas pumpers, lbcs 

chairman lap around church

3rd F
Leadership Ignited • Devotional

Mosey back to circle

Number Rama

16 HIM showed today: Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Pusher, Bubba, TRex, Mr. Mom, Ruxpin, Quarto, Cinco, Doodle, Flycatcher, Whirlybird, FNG(IKEA), FNG(By-u)


Date: 11/25/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 20 IC

Mosey @ .5 miles to the Goshen Hill

The Thang

Thanksgiving Workout: Set 1

  • Mountain Climbers x 25
  • Squats x 20
  • Side Straddle Hops x 30
  • Side Lunges x 20 (10 each side)
  • High Knees x 25
  • Plank x 1 minute

Nur up the Hill

Thanksgiving Workout: Set 2

  • Burpees x 20
  • Lt. Dans’s x 20
  • Tuck Jumps x 10 or Bobby Hurleys x 20
  • Merkins x 30
  • Apolo Ohno’s x 20
  • Side Plank’s x 30 sec (each side)

Mosey @.5 miles to the Hill by the Boat Dock Stopping to Squat Broad Jump Across the Footbridge Behind Irish Eyes

Dragon Crawl Up the Hill & Run Down

Thanksgiving Workout: Set 3

  • 50 LBC’s
  • 25 E2K’s each side
  • 15 Big Boy Sit-ups

Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP

F3 Message – 11/25/2021


November 25, 2019

My parents told me they were the “magic words.” But they would often have to remind me, “And what are the magic words again, Ronnie?”

I still need a reminder. “Please.” “Thank you.”

Actually, “thank you” can be almost magical. Because like valuable collectibles, those words are getting to be pretty rare.

We need a day called Thanksgiving. To remind us we should be thanksliving.

Just watch the reaction when you thank the Walmart checker for working on a weekend or a holiday. Or the custodian for keeping this a nice place to be. Or the housekeeping lady for being the angel who magically makes your hotel room a welcoming place to come back to. Or the teacher for all the time she invests in preparation and shaping young lives.

Don’t be surprised if they’re surprised. You may be one of the few – or the only – person who stops to say thank you. You’ve made their day. You’ve let them know they’re not taken for granted. That someone actually notices and values what they do. You’ve gotten them back in the ring for another round.

Because we’re in the Age of Entitlement. “The belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.” Gratitude dies on the altar of entitlement. “I have this coming.”

As a Jesus-follower, I’m struck by this Bible description of what following Jesus looks like. “Let your lives be built on Him…and you will overflow with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:6).

Unfortunately, we’re more likely to overflow with negativity. Seldom praising the people we live or work with – but faithfully pointing to what’s wrong with them. Which they already know all too well.

The Bible bluntly declares, “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs 18:21). We’ve all felt the pain of names called, putdowns fired, anger dumped. Things that killed our joy, our confidence, our sense of worth. And then there are those few, but not forgotten, comments that were like wind beneath our wings. Among them, the powerful uplift of “thank you.”

Like “thank you” to your son or daughter for strengths you see in their character – their generosity, their smile, their sensitivity to hurting people, their passion. Their sense of humor, their discipline, their ability to organize, their insight, their honesty. They’ll flourish with your compliments. They’ll wither with your criticism.

With my wife no longer here to thank, I know it’s important to ask how long has it been since your spouse heard “Thank you”? For the difference you’ve made in my life. For the sacrifices, for listening, for loving me enough to tell me things I didn’t want to hear. And it means affirming them for positive changes. So much better than a boatload of nagging. As my Karen often said, “Water what you want to grow.”

Thanking an employee for their attitude or effort is that kind of “watering.” Being appreciative, rather than defensive, when someone shows you a fault or a weakness models humility and teachability.

Wherever there’s a “thank you” deficit, Thanksgiving is a good time to catch up. By hug. By phone. By text. By letter.

Of course, Thanksgiving is originally and primarily about thanking the God who is ultimately the Giver of every gift in our life. “Every good and perfect gift comes down from above” (James 1:17).

When you consciously look for “God-sightings” throughout your day, your worst day can still be a good day. You’ll bring blessing into the room with you instead of burdens. God’s showing up in my day constantly – a beautiful sunrise, an encouraging text, a welcome smile, locating something I can’t find, a helpful insight, the accident that didn’t happen. One writer said, “The thankful heart is like a magnet, and it goes through life picking up all the beautiful things all day long.” I love that!

Surprisingly, ingratitude is at the very heart of a lot of the darkness in our world. In our culture. In my heart. God diagnoses the brokenness in this world this way: “They neither glorified God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened” (Romans 1:21).

When we rocket through life, marginalizing the One who gave us our life, we start thinking wrong is right and we are God. Failure to sincerely thank God starts us down a road of hurtful choices, dead-end streets and a growing deficit of hope and meaning.

I know there have been times someone gave me a gift or sacrificed to help me, and I failed to acknowledge it. That’s how I’ve made God feel so many times.

Because no one has given me more – beginning with life itself. And no one has sacrificed more for me. One Bible writer says this about it: “Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!” (I Corinthians 9:15).

The gift? “He did not spare even His own Son for us, but gave Him up for us” (Romans 8:32). Because there was no hope of ever knowing God, of being forgiven, of going to heaven without the death penalty for all my junk being paid.

So my Thanksgiving – this week…every day, doesn’t begin at a dinner table. It begins at the foot of an old rugged cross.

Respectfully Submitted,


Cover Your Bases

Date: 08/07/2021

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 30 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 20 IC

Mosey to Ball Park @.5 miles. While enroute, PAX were held up by a Gazillion car freight train. All PAX completed burpees until the train passed by.

The Thang

The Super 21 Cycle.  1 Merkin to 1 Big Boy Sit up.  2 Merkins to 2 Big Boy Situps.  3 Merkins to 3 Big Boy Situps, etc., etc., etc.  But wait there is a twist….after each completed set of #1 though #5 PAX will complete 21 Imperial Walkers.  Bear Crawl to 1st base.  After each completed set of #6 through #10 PAX will complete 21 Mountain Climbers.  Bear Crawl to 2nd base.  After each completed set of # 11 through #15, PAX will complete 21 Monkey Humpers.  Bear crawl to 3rd base.  After each completed set of #16 through #20 PAX will complete 21 Prisoner Squats.  Bear Crawl to Homeplate and PAX will complete the final set of #21 Merkins to #21 Big Boys then finish strong with 21 Burpees.

NOTE: Because of the train and the reduction of time, the third base cycle had to be skipped and the evolution at home plate was modified to the 21 burpees only!!

Mosey back to Aegis @ .5 miles.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

WELCOME to F3 OBiwon !!!!  

F3 Message 08/07/2021 – Ron Hutchcraft Ministries


Not long after we moved to this area, we had a chance to explore a beautiful cave that really has some breathtaking views. Most of the caves you tour in America were discovered some time in the 1800s. Not this one. It was just discovered in 1969. Actually it was discovered because of a giant sinkhole that opened up. Some adventurous young men decided to crawl down into that sinkhole and see where it led. The cave guide showed us the little hole in the rocks that they crawled through and then out into this huge room, decorated with spectacular rock formations. I don’t suppose the big lights and sidewalks and the railings were there when they first looked in, but they must have been amazed at what they saw, and what millions have been able to discover because they did. And it was all because of a sinkhole.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Deep Holes, Beautiful Discoveries.”

I’ll bet a lot of folks weren’t very happy about that big hole in the ground opening up. It was probably a pain for some people; potentially dangerous for others. But the “problem” of that sinkhole turned out to be the access route to beauty like those folks had never seen before.

That’s happened to a lot of us when a big hole opened up in our life – when things collapsed. And it may be that God is wanting you to look beyond that big hole to see the undiscovered beauty that’s underneath it.

In our word for today from the Word of God, He talks about folks who had some major sinkholes open up in their lives. In Isaiah 61:1: “The Lord has sent Me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners…to comfort all who mourn, and provide for all those who grieve in Zion.” Then He goes on to show what beauty He hopes we will discover in our grief, “To bestow on them a crown of beauty for ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.” Beauty in the middle of ashes, gladness in the middle of mourning, and praise in the middle of despair.

When things collapse in our life, we are keenly aware of what we’ve lost. Unless we go deeper, unless we go looking, we will miss what He’s wanting us to gain from this loss; the things He wants us to see that we would never see without that collapse.

It’s in our hurting times that we can see in the person we married some beautiful strengths that maybe we forgot or never noticed. If you let the cave-in drive you closer to your children or your parents, you may see in them a beauty that you’ve missed before. If you look in the right direction, a time of loss can actually be a time of finally seeing the everyday blessings in your life that you’ve been taking for granted. The hole that’s opened up may provide an opportunity for people to really show you how much they love you, for you to appreciate your Christian friends in a new way, for you to tell people that you’ve prayed about, about your Jesus. And they’ll listen to you now because of what you’ve been through.

Most of all, when things collapse you can see the faithfulness and love and power of your Lord in ways that we can only see when we’re desperate and when we’re beyond what we can fix, what we can handle, what we can control. This season that you’re in maybe, when things are caving in, can be a season, also, of life-changing discovery. You can’t make the hole in your life go away, but you can go through it to discover beauty that you might never see any other way.

Respectfully Submitted,


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