
Split Deuce


Q; Sharkbait & Beach

Pax Beach & Sharkbait

As YHC (Sharkbait) remembers it.


SSH 25

IW 25

Abe Begotas 20

11’s box jumps bear crawl 40 yards Merkins Mosey back

Switch Q to Beach

1/4 Mile + Lap

Peter Parker’s to failure

1/4 Mile + Lap

LBC’s to failure

1/4 Mole + Lap




VQ Jagger

Pax Beach, Bruhaja, Cleveland Rocks, Burgundy, Hogs Breath and Sharkbait


1 Lap of Indian Run (surprise with 2)

20 LBCs

25 Abe Vigotas


The Thang

Deck of Death

DMC Routine Best on a football field but can be done with any designated points or posts. From the goal line Duck walk to the 10 yard line, 5 merkins, reverse bearcrawl back to goal line. Repeat to the 20, 30, 40 and 50 yardlines increasing # of merkins by 5. Duckwalk-Merkin-Reverse Bearcrawl.


Primis Pull-Up Ladder


QIC: Vanilla

AO: Primis: Lewes, DE

PAX: Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Semi, Vanilla, Wildwing


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 15 IC

Smurf Jacks – 15 IC

Plank Jacks – 15 IC

Chilly Jacks – 15 IC

Crab Jacks – 15 IC

Fairy Jacks – 10 OYO

Mosey to Playground @ George HP Smith Park

The Thang: Primis Pull-Up Circuit

Ladder style circuit. Pull-Up Progression was 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1. Between each set of Pull Ups PAX completed 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, and 10 American Hammers, totaling 100 reps each. 30 reps of Pull-Ups were completed in total.

Third F Message: Excerpt from “Extreme Ownership” -Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

Mosey back to AO Bball Court

The Thang 2: Court Corners

PAX Lt. Dan from 1st Corner to 2nd. Completed 10 Box Cutters IC. PAX then bear crawled to 3rd Corner, completed 10 Box Cutters in opposite direction IC. PAX Nur’d to 4th Corner and did 10 clockwise outlaws OYO. PAX crawl beared back to 1st Corner and completed 10 counter clockwise outlaws OYO.

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,



Burpee Mile +

Q Sharkbait

Pax Priorities, Burgundy, Ponch, Cleveland Rocks, Flea and Great Clips

Warm Up


Copperhead Squats

Imperial Walkers

Hill Billies

Sun Gods

Abe Begotas

The Thang

Burpee Mile

First Stop Wharf Marker

Second Stop Plaza then some work

Alternate 3 rounds of 4 count In Cadence

Dips and Derkins

Lunge Walk across Plaza

20 Plank Jacks

20 Box Jumps onto Ledge

Bear Crawl Back Across Plaza

Finish Burpee Mile same midpoint stop

6 Minutes of Mary

Gas Pumps 20

Flea’s round?

LBC’s 101

Team Leg Raises 20


Words of Wisdom

I am currently riding a high point and I am very grateful and aware this to shall pass.

The Robert Mueller Report

APRIL 18, 2019

PAX: Chappie, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Ying Ying, Summit, Chairman, Ruxpin, Waterfall, Semi, Toy Soldier, Wildwing


WARMUP (IC x 20):  Jumping Jacks, Morrocan Nightclub, Cherry Pickers, Windmill

THE THANG:  Based upon irrefutable press reports, the PAX received an early summary of the investigation:

1.  “The Wall”:  Lt. Dan carries cinder blocks from point to point.  And back.  Mosie one block.  20 jumping jacks.

2.  Russian Meeting – Junior’s Report:  one block interval run with 20 jumping jacks. Mosie to parking lot.  2x

3.  Clinton Russian Reset:  Bear crawl 20 yards, 10 jumping knee touches at “Reset” 6x

4.  Pelosi Virtual Wall:  Al Gore’s with partner doing 20 American Hammerjacks.  3x

5.  Clinton Reset repeated

6.  Mosie to corner for F3 summary of “3 blank page” method for resolving conflicts with others – one page with their positive attributes, one page with negative attributes, one page with action steps such as ignore, contront, accept, or fire.

7.  Russian Meeting – Jared’s Report: two block interval run using “30-20-10 ” methodology

8.  Unbuild Wall – Lt Dan cinder block removal at CHOP

Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama


Wildwing on Q (with thanks to Cpt Mueller, recipient of Bronze Star and Purple Heart).

Lt. Danger Bridge


QIC : semi

10 HIM showed this beautiful morning. The thang took to long so we had mosey back without a 3rd F.
Warm up

22 Seal jacks. I/c
19 Cherry picker. I/c
22 Seal wave. I/c
19 Windmill I/c
22 Ssh. I/c


Mosey to park

Pair off

1 pair of HIM mosey to bridge and lt. danger across and danger lt. back across bridge and mossy back to pax. Rest of pax will AMRAP the other exercises.

Pull ups

Mosey back to AO

10 HIM showed – semi, summit, Chappie, Chairman, leatherman, Chattahoochee, doubtfire, Fireplex, toy soldier, Ruxpin

Number Rama

Name Rama


7 of Diamonds, etc.


QIC: Vanilla

AO: Aegis: Georgetown, DE

PAX: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Fireplex, Hideous, Nugget, Summit, Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmill – 15 IC

Circle Burp

Mosey to Georgetown Elementary for the thang!

The Thang 1: “7 of Diamonds”

Using a square of sidewalk in front of Georgetown Elementary with roughly 100 yards between the points, the PAX went through 7 rounds of pain. In each round the PAX stopped at each tip of the “diamond” to perform the given exercise and reps. Mosey transitions

Round 1: 7 Burpees

Round 2: 14 4-Count Flutter Kicks

Round 3: 21 Merkins

Round 4: 28 Squats

Round 5: 21 LBC’s

Round 6: 14 Iron Mikes

Round 7: 7 Diamond Merkins

After first 4 rounds, we broke for a third F. I read an excerpt from “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge


“Which would you rather be said of you: “Harry? Sure I know him. He’s a real sweet guy.” Or, Yes, I know about Harry. He’s a dangerous man…in a really good way.” Ladies, how about you? Which man would you rather have as your mate? (Some women, hurt by masculinity gone bad, might argue for the “safe” man…and then wonder why, years later, there is no passion in their marriage, why he is distant and cold.) And as for your own femininity, which would you rather have said of you–that you are a “tireless worker,” or that you are a “captivating woman”? I rest my case.

What if? What if those deep desires in our hearts are telling us the truth, revealing to us the life we were meant to live? God gave us eyes so that we might see, he gave us ears that we might hear, he gave us wills that we might choose, and he gave us hearts that we might live. The way we handle the heart is everything. A man must know he is powerful, he must know he has what it takes. A woman must know she is beautiful, she must know she is worth fighting for. “but you don’t understand,” said one woman to me. “I’m living with a hollow man.” No, it’s in there. His heart is there. It may have evaded you, like a wounded animal, always out of reach, one step beyond your catching. But it’s there. “I don’t know when I died,” said another man. “But I feel like I’m just using up oxygen.” I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it’s there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released.”

Mosey to National Guard for The Thang 2!

The Thang 2: “Grizzcalator”

PAX Complete 1 Merkin with hands on the bottom step and then 2 Merkins with hands on the 2nd step, 3 Merkins on the 3rd step, etc., all the way up to 14 merkins on the 14th step. Total = 105 Merkins

Mosey back to the AO for “Johnny Cash”

Johnny Cash: Part 1

PAX circled up and all hold 6 inches. 1 PAX at a time completes 10 Big Boys while everyone else holds 6.

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,



Beaching Obamas

Q Sharkbait
Pax Beach & Burgundy

Warm Up
Hill Billies
Abe Begota
Copper Head Squats

The Thang

Mosey to the Plaza

Grateful Dead dancing bear
Basically a plank-o-rama with some stupidity mixed in. Do 5 Merkins. Rotate 360° in place to the left. Left arm up, right arm up, etc. Do 5 Werkins. Rotate 360° in place to the right. Left arm up, right arm up, etc. Do 5 Diamond Merkins. Now while in place, lift left arm and leg up, then quickly swap to right arm and leg up. Do this back and forth as quick as you can, making sure to get full extension. Now you look like a Dancing Bear!

5 rounds of Obama’s and Jonny Drama’s
In honor of the 44th POTUS, this traveling exercise consists primarily of a Bear Crawl, but after every 4 hand moves PAX must stop and perform 4 Merkins. (The 4 and 4 for the 44th, in case you needed that explained to you…)
Jonny Drama
Stand with your toes on a stair. One hand on the handrail to the side. Drop your heels below the stair, and then do a calf raise (Technically a Negative Calf Raise). Johnny Drama wanted Calf implants because his calves were not big enough – get them bigger using this. Will smoke the PAX when multiple sets of 25+ are done in workout and folks start running funny

She Hate Me
10 Lunges (20 movements)/10 Burps (Burpees without the pushup and the standing)/10 Pushups. No rest, as many sets as you can, for as long as the QIC deems necessary.
Mosey Back to the Flag’s

Sally Hurley


Q: Chairman

PAX: Billboard, Chappie, Chattahoochie, Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Semi, Summit, Toy Soldier, Waterfall

Warmup: All In Cadence – 25 SSH 20 Cherry Pickers 18 Windmills 18 Moroccan Night Clubs 18 Mountain Climbers Mosey to Willow to Union and back to CHOP

The Thang 1: Super Toy Soldier Set. 50 LBCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys. Bring Sally Up Merkin Challenge. Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge. Hurley Merkins – OYO 25 Bobby Hurleys 25 Hand Release Merkins 25 Bobby Hurleys 25 Diamond or Ranger Merkins 25 Bobby Hurleys 25 Merkins 25 Bobby Hurleys OYO 25 Merkins.

F3 Mesaage. Giving Thanks. Need to concentrate on what we have to be thankful for rather than what we dont have or what we want. Psalm 118:19. I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips. …Psalm 34:1-3. I thank you, Lord, with all my heart; I sing praise to you before the gods. …Psalm 138: 1-2. I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness;

The Thang 2: Suicides. Sprint to 1st line and Luitenant Danger Back Sprint to 2nd line Nur back. Sprint to grass Bear crawl to 2nd line and sprint back. Karoake to grass and back. 50 Merkins. 10 Burpees.

Circle of Trust: Number-O-Rama, Name-O- Rama, Announcements & Prayers

Catch me if you can!

3/26/19. Milton, DE. Nugget on Q.

Warm Up. 20 SSH, 15 windmill, 15 cherry picker. Capri lap.

Catch me if you can… partner up, person A runs to bottom of hill while person B does 7 burpees then runs to bottom of hill. If person B catches person A before the bottom of the hill person A has to do 13 burpees. (we will rotate on way back to AO.)

March Merkin Madness. 10 tricep extensions. 20 rangers. 30 hand release merkins. 40 merkins for a total of 100 merkins, ouch!

Crawl bear up Milton hill and bear crawl down just for fun.

Catch me if you can back to AO. (switch positions, same format.)

3rd F talked about a post I saw on instagram from a Pastor who’s instagram name is dad.tired. title was ‘God is using your wife and kids to make you more like him.’

Ultimate football. when team in possession drops ball they have to do 1 burpee before resuming play. at the end of the game the winning team has to do X amount of ranger merkins while losing team does twice the amount but in regular merkins. MVP was the dynamic duo of Doubtfire and Fireplex. Great push HIM!

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