Author name: Lance Holt

The 100

Q Sharkbait 
Pax Jagger, Bruhaja, Burgundy, Cleveland Rocks & Flea

20 Side Straddle Hops
20 Imperial Walkers
20 Don Quixote 

15 Blades of Steel
Start in plank position with hands directly under shoulders, keeping arms as straight as possible. Slowly perform merkin with only your shoulders doing the movement, no bend in your elbows. At your lowest position your shoulder blades are close together, with elbows and back still straight. Slowly raise your body with only your shoulder blades pushing away from your spine. Your shoulder blades will be slightly rounded at top once complete. Suggested to move slow.

The Thang
100 SSH / Imperial Walkers 
90 High Knees
80 Dying Cockroaches 
70 Mountain Climbers
60 Groiners / 
50 Squats / Freddie Mercury’s 
40 Jump Lunges / Wide Arm Merkins
30 Butt Kickers
20 Burpees 
10 Merkins

100 ft Inch Worm
Start in a good form plank, inch hands forward as far possible, when you can’t extend any further, inch feet forward until you are back in a standard plank, and repeat. 

50 LBC’s 4 count


Sunny Sunrise


Q Sharkbait 

Pax Burgundy, Flea, High Ball & Beach

Warm Up

SSH 50

IW 50

Don Quixote 20

The Thang

Super 21

Super 21: Do 1 merkin followed by 1 situp; 2 merkins / 2 situps; 3 merkins / 3 

situps, etc., etc. ……. up to 21 merkins/ 21 situps (total of 231 merkins and 231 

situps). Insert other exercises in between to allow for recovery (Super 21 

#1 – #10,Monkey Humpers x 21, Super 21 #11-#15, Squats x 21, 

Super 21 #16-#18 Calf Raises).

 Imperial Walker Squats 10 OYO.

Gas Pumps IC 20


Nine of 48


Q Sharkbait 

Pax Burgundy, Bruhaja, Cleveland Rocks, Beach, Butter Knife, This One Time, FNG Psyc & Flea 

Warm Up

SSH 50

Imperial Walkers 50 IC

CooperHead Squats 30 IC

Imperial Squat Walker 10 OYO

The Thang

Bearpees- from goal line, Bear crawl to the 10, 1 Burpee, Bear crawl to the 20, 2 Burpees, Bear Crawl to 

the 30, Bear crawl to the 40, 4 Burpees, bear crawl to the 50, 5 Burpees. Return to the Goal line in 

reverse. 5 Burpees, Crawl bear to the 40, 4 Burpees, Crawl bear to the 30, 3 Burpees, Crawl Bear to the 

20, 2 Burpees, Crawl bear to the 10, 1 Burpee, Crawl bear to the goal line.

11’s Merkins and Under Dogs


Lone Blimp


Q / Pax Sharkbait 

Warm Up

2 Laps around the far Volleyball Court

SSH 50

IW 50 

Copperhead Squats 50

Imperial Squat Walker 15

4-count exercise starts with hands clasp on head. Count 1 = a squat. Count 2 = stand up and bring one knee up to the opposite elbow. Count 3 = a squat. Count 4 = stand up, other knee to other elbow. 

The Thang

Double Shot of Jackees 20

Burpee Variation where after the Merkin, perform a plank Jack (first shot) and after recovery, instead of just jumping, perform a Jumping Jack or SSH (2nd shot)


5 burpees, 10 lunge each leg, 15 imperial walker, 20 merkins, 25 plank jacks, 30 squats. Rinse and repeat as needed. Can be done to cross a field or lot.

Another Burpee Mile


Q Sharkbait

Pax Great Clips, Flea

Warm Up

SSH 30

IW 30

Copperhead Squats 30

Happy Jacks 6

Do 5 side straddle hops in cadence then after the 5th one everyone does two jump squats. Like this… Side Straddle Hops IC: One, two, three, ONE! One, two, three, TWO! One, two, three, THREE! One, two, three, FOUR! One, two, three, FIVE! Quickly followed by two jump squats. Repeat 4x or until no one can breathe.

The Thang

Mosey to Dust Bowl

12 Burpees 

Mosey to Plaza 

12 Burpees 


10 jump-ups, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 lunge-walks. Mix and match as long as reps go up by 10. Sometimes followed by a lap around a parking lot.

Mosey to Dust Bowl

12 Burpees 

Mosey to Flag

12 Burpees 

6MOM 20 each

Flutter Kicks

Gas Pumps 




Q Sharkbait

Pax Cleveland Rocks, Bruhaja, This One Time, Burgundy, Hogs Breath & Flea.

Warm Up

SSH 50

IW 50

Don Quixote 30


100 Meter Run

10 Merkins

Walk back to start X30




Q Sharkbait 

Pax Great Clips, Burgundy, Beach & Flea


SSH 30

IW 30

Don Quixote 20

Copperhead Squats 20

Mosey to Dust Bowl

12 Burpees

Mosey to Plaza 12 Burpees

The Thang

The Wash

   50 Werkins hand release

 100 American Hammers

 150 Step Ups

 200 Hip Thrusters/Flutter Kicks

Mosey to Dust Bowl

12 Burpees 

Mosey to Flags


Burpee Heaven


Q Sharkbait 

Pax Hogs Breath, FNG Bones, This One Time, Flea, Oilermaker DR, You Betcha and Chair Lift


Side Straddle Hops 50

Imperial Walkers 50

Copperhead Squats 50

Don Quixote 50

The Thang

The Charles Bronson = 50 reps, 100 yard sprint, 30 yard Bearcrawl & Mosey back to the start. 

50 Side Straddle Hops

Sprint 100 yards Bearcrawl 30 yards and Mosey back to the start.

50 Merkins- rinse repeat.

50 Burpees rinse repeat

50 4 Count LBC’s rinse repeat

50 Jump Squats rinse repeat

Mosey to stairs at the Library for Jacobs Ladder 


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