Author name: Looney Tunes


JFK-Inspired F3 Workout: “Leadership Circuit”

On the 60th Anniversary of his death, this routine is designed to celebrate JFK’s commitment to physical fitness, leadership, and resilience in a positive and respectful manner.


  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Dynamic Stretches (5 minutes):
  • Cherry pickers
  • Arm circles
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Marilyn Hip Circles
  • Knee Circles

Round 1

Team up with Someone Team will complete:

• Dealey Plaza Mosey around the Parking Lot.

• “60 Bay of Pigs” Burpees.


3 Rounds of 20 = 60

1: 60 Cuban Missile Crisis Jumps:

  1. Box jumps (20 reps) to symbolize the agility and quick decision-making required during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  2. Use the Bleachers

2: 60 Dips


Grassy Knoll Challenge:

  • Sprint Uphill (Grassy Knoll):
    • Sprint Downhill and uphill representing the challenges JFK faced during his presidency.
    • At top of hill hit the deck for 10 Merkins.
    • Complete after 6 rounds(60 Merkins)

3rd F

Quick Timeline of the JFK Assassination:

If you look at photos in the 1950s and early 60s men wore hats.

John F Kennedy was so popular that men stopped wearing hats!

“In 1964, the year the Warren Commission issued its report, the New York Times

published five stories in which ‘conspiracy theory‘ appeared.”

• According to his son, and his friends. Bobby Kennedy did not believe the Warren Commission:

Official Treory 1. Only one shooter Lee Harvey Oswald.

The Bullet was found on Governor Connelly’s Gurney.

Bullet was just sitting there.

Bullet was Not Distorted.

Why was there no repercussions against Cuba?

Things we didn’t know at the time of Warren Report in 1964:

The Warren report was given the task to fit the evidence to fit the official story.

  1. LBJ was great friends with Herbert Hoover. Head of the FBI
  2. The Route was changed at the last minute.
  3. JFK was always in pain and wore a backbrace.
  4. Lee Harvey Oswald worked with the CIA
  5. His murderer Jack Ruby also worked with the CIA. Not revealed until 1975
  6. Thomas Arthur Vallee – a very similar patsy in Chicago

M1 rifle 500 rounds of ammunition.

Worked on secret U2 program in Japan.

He got a job with a window with a perfect view of the motorcade.

3 other snipers were arrested by the secret services as well.

Not revealed until 2007

  1. Abraham Bolden- the first black person to guard a president did not understand why all of the security was so lax and why the Secret service guys were drunk all the time of Chicago trip and the Dallas trip.
    1. Tried to contact the Warren commission but could not get through. May 17, 1964
    2. May 18th he was arrested trying for “to sell secret documents”.
    3. While in prison, his garage was burned down, a gun shot went through his window.
    4. When he spoke to Jim Garrison, he was put into solitary confinement.
    5. In 1995 AARB the Secret Service destroyed all info about the plot was destroyed
  2. Alan Dulles head of the CIA was fired by Kennedy.

As head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the early Cold War, he oversaw the 1953 Iranian coup d’état, the 1954 Guatemalan coup d’état, the Lockheed U-2 aircraft program, the Project MKUltra mind control program and the Bay of Pigs Invasion. He was fired by John F. Kennedy over the latter fiasco.

Alan Dulles was then Put on the Warren Commission.

Along with Future President Gerald Ford.


The CIA was going to fly an unmanned passenger jet via remote control over Cuba and blow it up and Blame the Cuban government.

How do we know this?

In the 1992 Assassination Records Review Board disclosed this document

The Assassination Records Review Board was an independent federal agency created to oversee the identification and release of records related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

OPERATION NORTHWOODS was vetoed by Kennedy.

16,000 U.S. military personnel were in Vietnam.

JFK was withdrawing troops when we he was assassinated.

11/22/63 JFK Assassinated

August 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin

Unseen North Vietnamese “ships attacked” two US ships.

2/21/65 Malcolm X Assassinated

4/4/68 Martin Luther King Assassinated

6/5/68 Robert Kennedy Assassinated

LBJ Leaves office January 20, 1969

Closing thoughts from Roger Stone:

Q: What is the lesson from the murder of John F. Kennedy?

A: Government lies. The government that lies to you about the JFK assassination will lie to you about Benghazi today. It will lie to you about healthcare today. Citizens need to be skeptical about what the government says. Prior to 1963, most people thought the government was trying to help them and tell them the truth


4 Rooks

Warm-up (5 minutes):

  1. Side Straddle Hops (SSH) – 25 reps
  2. 10 Cherry Pickers
  3. 20 Mountain man Poopers
  4. Arm Circles – 15 reps each direction
  5. Hip Circles – 15 reps each direction
  6. Imperial Walkers -20
  7. Good Mornings – 15 reps
  8. 6 Cosack Squats
  9. Leg Stretches OYO.
  • Mosey around the Building

10 count for the Q to catch his breath.


Start at Station 1

10 Burpees.

Side Shuffle to

Station 2

30 Diamond Merkins

Side Shuffle other side to

Station 3

30 Dips

Leutenant Dan to

Station 4

30 Wide Merkins

Nur Back to 1

* Repeat 3x

Run Around Building

10 Count


Start at

Station 1

20 Mountain Climbers

Crescent Walk to

Station 2

40 American Hammers.

Nur to

Station 3

30 Derkins

High Knee to

Station 4

30 Big Boys

Nur back to One

Repeat 3x

3rd F

3rd F about Chess strategy:

  • Thinking in Chess: Look at the Whole Board. …
  • Evaluate all the Checks, Captures, and Threats. …
  • Thinking in Chess: Figure out what’s your opponent is doing. …
  • Figure out who has an edge. …
  • Thinking in Chess: Come up with a good plan. …
  • Stick to your plan. …
  • Take your time and double-check your moves.
F3 Milton Delaware Chop Double Coupon Workout

Double Q-Pon

F3 Milton Delaware Chop Double Coupon Workout
F3 Milton Delaware Chop Double Coupon Workout

To Honor my 2nd Q of August, we did a double Coupon F3 workout.

F3 Milton Delaware Chop Double Coupon Workout

F3 Warm-up (5 minutes):

  1. Side Straddle Hops (SSH) – 25 reps
  2. Arm Circles – 20 reps each direction
  3. Hip Circles – 20 reps each direction
  4. Imperial Walkers -20
  5. Good Mornings – 15 reps
  6. Burpees – 10 reps: Perform a Burpee exercise.

In honor of my Second Q this Month

Everyone Grab 2 Coupons and let’s go to the bank.

The Thang (35 minutes):

ROUND 1: Repeat 3 Times

Complete the following circuit of exercises. Use cinder blocks (Coupons) where specified. Perform each exercise for the designated number of repetitions, with minimal rest between exercises. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

• Farmers Carry Your Blocks Between Stations

  1. DOUBLE Coupon Curls – 20 reps: Hold a cinder block in each hand and perform bicep curls.
  2. Dip Merkins (Push-ups) – 20 reps: Perform standard push-ups.
  3. DOUBLE Coupon Rows – 20 reps each arm: Hold a cinder block in one hand and perform rows by pulling the block towards your hip.
  4. Feet Elevated Plank Hold – 1 minute

3rd F was more of a conversation.

The Stupidity is Coming.

• Masks are out.

• The Gaslighting is on.

• Election Riots WILL Start by next Summer

Dont let someone else run the conversation.

25 Burpeees

We put the blocks back, then finished off with 2 more minutes of Burpees.

Ai Wrote this F3 Workout

Ai Wrote this F3 Workout

Ai Wrote this F3 Workout
Ai Wrote this F3 Workout

F3 The Warmup

**Warm-up (5 minutes):**

1. **Side Straddle Hops (SSH)** – 25 reps: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands at your sides, and then jump, spreading your legs while bringing your hands overhead. Return to the starting position and repeat.

2. **Arm Circles** – 15 reps each direction: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, extend your arms out to the sides, and make circular motions with your arms. Repeat in both directions.

3. **Hip Circles** – 15 reps each direction: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your hips, and make circular motions with your hips. Repeat in both directions.

4. **Good Mornings** – 15 reps: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the back of your head, and bend forward at the waist while keeping your back straight. Return to the starting position.

5. **Plank Hold** – 1 minute: Get into a plank position, resting on your forearms and toes. Keep your core engaged and hold the position.

We ran the parking lot.

The Thang

**The Thang (35 minutes):**

Complete the following circuit of bodyweight exercises. Perform each exercise for the designated number of repetitions, with minimal rest between exercises. Repeat the circuit 3 times.

1. **merkins** – 20 reps: Perform standard push-ups with hands shoulder-width apart and elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body. Modify as needed (e.g., knee push-ups) to maintain proper form.

2. **Tricep Dips** – 15 reps: Find a sturdy elevated surface (like a bench or step), place your hands on the edge, fingers facing forward, and lower your body down by bending your elbows. Push back up to the starting position.

3. **Incline Push-ups** – 20 reps: Use the same elevated surface as for tricep dips. Place your hands on the edge and perform push-ups with your body at an incline.

4. **Lying Leg Raises** – 20 reps: Lie on your back with your hands under your glutes for support. Lift your legs straight up towards the ceiling, then lower them back down without touching the ground.

5. **Burpees** – 10 reps: Start in a standing position, drop down into a push-up position, perform a push-up, then jump back up, reaching your arms overhead.

3rd F

For our 3rd F I pointed out that I wrote this workout using Chat GPT using this prompt:


You are HIM- High Impact Man from the group F3. Produce a 45 minute outdoor workout using the F3 lexicon. Include 5 minutes of the warm up, focus on upper body, arms, abs and provide a 3rd F about the future of AI and how it can help men. Include Burpees. Give each exercise a rep count. We do not have any equipment, workout bars or dumb bells.

We then discussed the pros and cons of AI. Much of which is in this podcast:

Running Fool

By Sweet n Lo


Buy in: 15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

400m run

30 Mericans

15 burpees

400m run

30 alternating lunges

15 burpees

400m run

30 air squats

15 burpees

Buy out: 15 burpees

For those counting that’s 90 burpees for the Boro this morning and just shy of a mile run.

3rd F:
10 things that require ZERO talent

  1. Being on Time
  2. Work Ethic
  3. Effort
  4. Energy
  5. Body language
  6. Passion
  7. Doing extra
  8. Being prepared
  9. Being coachable
  10. Attitude

The L Workout – F3 First State Lewes


20 Side Straddle Hops

20 Harry triggers

14 Imperial Walkers

20 Cherry Pickers

Maracan Night Club

Shoulder circles

20 Cosack Squats

1 Minute of Leg Stretches OYO.

  • Mosey around The Track at the School

10 count for the Q to catch his breath.

The L


Start at Station 1

5 Burpees.

Side Shuffle to Station 2

20 Big Boys

Bear Crawl to station 3

30 Merkins

Bear Crawl BACK to Station 2

20 Big Boys

Side Shuffle Back to 1

5 Burpees.


Start at Station 1

5 Navy Seals.

NUR to Station 2

50 LBCs

Leutenant Dan to station 3

30 Diamond Merkins

Leutenant Dan BACK to Station 2

50 LBCs

Nur Back to 1

5 Navy Seals.

ROUND 3 (we didnt get to these)

Start at Station 1

20 Mountain Climbers

NUR to Station 2

40 American Hammers. seated twists

High Knee to station 3

30 Wide Merkins

High Knee BACK to Station 2

40 American Hammers. seated twists

Nur Back to 1

20 Mountain Climbers


Bolt 45

4 minutes of Mary**

The Dolly – legs apart then together, legs straight, 6 inches off ground.

High Dolly(Rosalita) – Legs apart then together, legs straight

Dying Cockroach. Legs in sky, touch opposite foot, in cadance.

3rd F

Harnessing the Power of Decision Making decisions and using your Personal Power, which is your ability to take consistent action, change your life. This power is already within you and just needs to be awakened by igniting your desire and by showing yourself some simple systematic strategies on how to get greater results on a daily basis. If you’re dissatisfied with some area of your life right now, instead of getting frustrated, get exited. Because until you get dissatisfied, you won’t do anything to really take your life to another level. No matter what’s happened in your past or how many times you’ve tried and failed, none of that matters because each moment is a fresh new opportunity. The biggest trap that keeps people from taking action is fear: fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of pain, fear of the unknown. The only way to deal with fear is to face it. Look it in the eye, and take action in spite of it. It’s not what we can do in life that makes the difference. It’s what we will do. Often, we don’t follow through because we don’t know what we want, and when we do know, we’re afraid to take action.


If you want to create success in your life, there are four steps:

  1. Know your outcome.
  2. Get yourself to take action by deciding to do so.
  3. Notice what you’re getting from your actions.
  4. If what you’re doing is not working, change your approach

Roll the Dice- Don’t Be Nice

We came to the BORO to roll the workout Dice, we had over 90 Squats! More than 3 Minutes of Crunches and named two FNGs.

The 3rd F was about the Book No More Mr. Nice Guy

Here’s some Key points from the book


  • A series of societal shifts have broken the bond between boys and their fathers.
  • Boys have grown up without a healthy male role model and have as a result adopted a feminized version of masculinity called the Nice Guy Syndrome.
  • Nice Guys force themselves to live according to a set of rules they have acquired in their childhood as a result of not getting their needs met.
  • The pattern goes like this: I have needs -> they’re not met, probably because I am bad -> I have to be good to get my needs met.
  • Nice Guys believe that they have to do everything well to satisfy everyone and get their needs met.
  • Doing so, they cut themselves from their core masculinity which prevents them from being happy and fulfilled.
  • They expect other people to fulfill their needs as a result of them being “good boys”, and become rageful and frustrated when they don’t.
  • To recover, Nice Guys must understand that they have to put their needs a priority, change the way they think and act, face their fears, and express themselves clearly.

What No More Mr. Nice Guy Talks About

No More Mr. Nice Guy is a book written by the psychiatrist Dr. Robert Glover. It explains how societal changes have led young boys to hopelessly seek everyone’s approval constantly. They try their best to be “good boys”, get split from their core masculine identity, and struggle in their daily lives as a result. The book is a proven method to help men reclaim their masculinity and get the life they desire.

I noticed lately that I had a tendency to lack assertiveness, so I read The Assertiveness Workbook but I didn’t find it good enough. I remember that No Mr. Nice Guy, which I read in 2017, was much better, so I decided to re-read it.

This book is by far the best book for men’s mental health.

10/10. If you’re a man and you’re struggling in your life, read it (do not let the ugliest cover in the history of books discourage you).

If you have never read it, do yourself a favor and buy a copy. Don’t read the summary.

If you have read it though, this is the best summary on the Internet (!!).

Order from Chaos

12/6/22 Looney Tunes on Q


Cherry Pickers.

Bend and Reach

Whirly Bird Grinder

Marraccan Night Club

Quattro’s Pickle Pumpers (or is it Pickle Pounders?)

Mountain Climbers 20

Phase 1 Mosey to…

Get a Coupon (approximately 50 feet)

Phase 1

Coupon Swing – Swing – Land 10

Coupon Overhead Walk to other side of parking lot.

20 Decline Merkins- feet on Coupon

Coupon Overhead Walk to other side of parking lot.

Repeat 3 Times each then Plank and wait for the 6.

Phase 2 – Super Set. Partner Up, Abs, Strength, Farmers Carry

Explained like this, partner up. One Partner Farmer Carries both blocks to other end of parking lot. Other Partner does 50 Big Boys, then switch. Next round its big boys, then repeat. 2 rounds of each 4 total. This was not very clear The intention was:

Partner 1: Farmers Carry Both Coupons to End of Parking Lot and Back.

Partner 2: does 50 BIG boys

When partner 1 returns Switch

Partner 1: does 50 BIG boys

Partner 2: Farmers Carry Both Coupons to End of Parking Lot and Back.


Partner 1: Farmer Carry Both Coupons to End of Parking Lot and Back.

Partner 2 does 50 Wide Grip Merkins


Partner 1 does 50 Wide Grip Merkins

Partner 2 Farmers Carry to End of Parking Lot and Back.


This is where the Chaos began, it looked great on Paper but many men found confusion. I had the men line up in a row, and partner up. Then I explained the exercise. As Q, I was not clear in my initial description. Since all the men were spread accross the corners could not hear me as well. Some men split the 50 merkins and 50 big boys between them. Some teams did not repeat the set and only did 50 of each, not 100. This was my fault for not being clear that there were 4 rounds total, 100 of each exercise for each HIM.

3rd F Create Order from Chaos

A big take away I had from the Maine Event I went to a few months ago was from Lex Robinson. A simple idea, as men we must Create Order from Chaos. As god did when creating the earth. The chaos and confusion on today’s workout was great to illustrate this point, although it wasn’t intentional! Bills are chaos? Organize them. Work is chaos, systemetize the processes. Family is disorganized, pull out the Calendar and the pen and paper.

Finally Finished with the LEG BREAKING


Coupons in hand, a recommendation was made to lift the coupons over head. The Q couldnt even breathe when doing the BLOCK 45.


Looney Tunes in The Multiverse of Madness

Looney Tunes on Q at CHOP for a cold windy Spring day in May. The point of the workout was to throw some Chaos into the Routine to mix things up, keep us out of breathe and our bodies guessing.

21 Men Posted to the CHOP for this morning’s beatdown.

Warm Up 5:15-5:20 minutes

  • 20 Morrocan night club
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Harry triggers
  • 20 on your 6 hairy triggers
  • 10 Count back leg stretch
  • 20 Imperial Walkers
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops

Part 2 5:20-5:25 Minutes Wosey to the Wall

  • 10- In Cadence Inverted Merkins
  • 20 – Big Boys

Part 3 5:25-5:35 Minutes

Half Mile Mosey to the Bottom of the Hill

3rd F– See Below

  • Bolt 45 Part 1 at bottom of hill
  • Nur to top of the Hill
  • Bolt 45 Part 2 at top of hill
  • Bear Crawl down
  • Bolt 45 Part 3 at bottom of hill

At this point it was rumored through Quattro that Hideous complained about the Awesome workout we were having. So Looney Tunes pulled the plug! Declaring we were stopping the workout and heading back to CHOP to start over.

That’s it’s! Mosey Back to CHOP: 5:35-5:45 Minutes

Part 4 5:45-5:55

3 Knees Over Toes – Wall of Pain

  • 25 Tibialis Raise – Back against the wall, Feet shoot out. lift feet lower them.
  • 25 FHL Calf Raise (Flexor Hallucis Longus) Hand against the wall feet shooting out
  • 25 Repeat Tibialis Raise

PART 5 5:50-5:55 am

Coupons to Hell

Teams of three with Coupons

Everyone had the chance to go Once:

Man 1 – 20 Slow Bicep Curls

Man 2 – NUR with block

Man 3 – 20 Slow Overhead Press


We named a new FNG- Boones Farm! Welcome to F3

3rd F from John Whiting-Bulletproof Entrepreneur You’ve got this ultra-powerful tool at your disposal and nobody has ever shared with you how to use it or even what it is!You are composed of mind, body and soul.You are a soul, a being, YOU. You just happen to be living in a body. When someone is talking to YOU, they’re talking to you, not the body, not the mind… YOU!
You are incredibly powerful. Your thoughts until this point in your life have created the reality which you now know.Some may call this “your heart”Every single thought you’ve had has created your reality perfectly.

Your MIND is separate from YOU

Your mind is a collection of mental image pictures organized by similarity.

They go back in time since the beginning
You are not born with fear and anger. They are learned, recorded and stored as mental image pictures.Your mind is the voice you hear telling you to be afraid, angry, sad, depressed, resentfulYour mind is NOT YOU.
This is incredibly important
Your body is not YOU eitherYour body is a vehicle for this physical universe
Your body is the vehicle for your soul (YOU) and your mind
The entire game of the physical universe is to achieve your soul’s desires while consistently reducing the limitations of the mind and body.

So ignore your fears and your pains.

Easter Weekend Beatdown: the Stations of the Cross Workout

Easter Weekend Beatdown: the Stations of the Cross Workout
F3antastic workout I devised to celebrate Jesus before a weekend of Egg hunts and over eating!

The Reason for the Season

20 Side Straddle Hops
20 Harry triggers
14 Imperial Walkers
20 Cosack Squats

**Mosey to the School – Go down S Bedford. Right on West Pine Street.**
10 count for the Q to catch his breath.
I explained there was a theme to this workout and there would be 14 stations, to see if the HIM could guess it.

Nur to station 1
1st Station: Jesus is condemned to death
(50 Merkins)
Nur to station 2
2nd Station: Jesus carries His cross
(50 American Hammers. seated twists)
Nur to station 3
3rd Station: Jesus falls for the first time
10 Burpees.
Nur to end
The third F was broken up and this was the first portion, I explained that we were doing a Stations of the Cross workout, no one guessed it.
Catholics love the stations of the cross.

Up next:
4th Station: Jesus meets his mother – Mary
4 minutes of Mary**

The Dolly – legs apart then together, legs straight, 6 inches off ground.

High Dolly(Rosalita) – Legs apart then together, legs straight

Dying Cockroach. Legs in sky, touch opposite foot, in cadance.

**• JAIL BREAK BACK to the starting point**

5th Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross
Wheel Barrell to station 6

6th Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
(20 Big Boys)

Wheel Barrell to station 7 (bonus)

7th Station: Jesus falls for the second time
(20 burpees)

Nur to Station 8
8th Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
14 Air squats.

Nur to Station 9
9th Station: Jesus falls for the third time
(30 Burpees)

10th Station: Jesus clothes are taken away
(100 LBCs lil baby crunches)

11th Station: Jesus dies on the cross
Bear Crawl to the Wall!

12th Station:
Jesus is nailed to the cross
(2 minute wall sit)

13th Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross
(40 lunges)

14th Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb
(50 push-ups)


New FNG named – Son of Chauffeur : Tinder

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