
The Old Bull

Date: 10/28/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Hydraulic Squats – 10 IC (6 count)

Windmills – 15 IC

Jiminy Crickets – 10 OYO

Four Count Freddie’s – 20 IC

The Thang

Completed at CHOP (Chappie’s House Of Pain).  All Pax completed Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 split Jacks (10 each Leg).  All those completing early will start the evolutions over until all Pax are in. Mosey around the block and retuning for our six at three designated waypoints on the way back to CHOP.  Then all Pax completed 20 Burpees, 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey around the block and retuning for our six at three designated waypoints on the way back to CHOP.  Pax closed out the workout with a Super Toy Soldier set of 100 LBC’s, 50 E2K’s (each side), and 25 Big Boy Sit up’s.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message – 10/28/2021


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I’ve traveled a lot. Of course, sometimes I drive, and time matters a lot. So over the years, I’ve learned a fundamental secret of making great time on the open road. Not speeding – just driving steady. Over and over, I’ve watched what I call a “spurter” come roaring up behind me. (You’ve seen them too.) He does everything but push you into the right lane. He’s obviously well into the State Trooper Zone as far as his speed’s concerned. So I move over…he roars past…but I catch up with him a few miles later without ever changing my speed. See, he’s settled back into the right lane, just cruising along. (Have you passed this guy, too?) He speeds in binges, he floors it one minute and then he’s just tapping the accelerator a few minutes later. I usually make excellent time driving places, and I’ve talked to other marathon drivers who are used to getting places fast. And we pretty much agree. How do you trim hours off a long trip? A steady foot. The fast way to get somewhere is not with big spurts, but with a consistent, steady speed. 

I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and I want to have A Word With You today about “Big Spurts and Steady Speed.”

No, I’m not opening a driving school. I brought this up because there are people who do their Christian life like those drivers who do a wild sprint, and then settle into a slow crawl. A lot of believers follow Jesus in spurts. 

Spiritual bingers usually shift into high speed after a spiritual high of some kind – a great church service, a retreat, a conference, a concert, a recommitment, a special event – or just a season of great spiritual feelings. When you’re on one of your highs, oh, look out world! You’re coming on strong! Right? But then, a few miles later, there you are, back to mediocrity, back to business as usual, making little or no progress. A lot of us are really into what I call event Christianity. We live for the next spiritual event, we depend on the next spiritual event, and we start fading when there hasn’t been a spiritual event for a while.

A lot of believers live like this – but a lot of believers are getting tired of living like this. Maybe you’re tired of stop-and-go Christianity – the roller-coaster ride of real high highs and real low lows. Your heart’s hungry for something more satisfying than spiritual spurts. You’re hungry for spiritual consistency. 

Which is why our word for today from the Word of God is so helpful. In Luke 9:23, Jesus issues a call to follow Him, but in a way that will get you more than a high. He tells you how to get a life. Listen for the all-important “D” word: “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny Himself and take up His cross daily and follow Me.” How do you follow Jesus? He said daily! One 24-hour slice of life at a time. You give Him your life, not in one big blob, but by consciously living His Lordship each new day.

Our problems come when we try to make some super-commitment that will change our life forever, or by needing an event to keep us going. What Jesus calls us to do is a brand new surrender on this particular Monday, focusing on what it means to take up His cross on this particular Monday, and then giving Him the specific Lordship issues of this specific Monday. Then, when you drive into your Tuesday, you give Him specific Lordship issues of that specific Tuesday. Pretty soon, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, you have lived a Jesus-week. Put a few of those together and you’ve got a Jesus-month. Keep going and you’ve got a Jesus-year, and then a Jesus-life. How? One day at a time. 

The secret of spiritual success is not bigger and bigger highs or bigger and bigger commitments. It’s the daily enlarging of Jesus’ Lordship over the real stuff in your life for that day.

You won’t cover nearly as much ground in spurts as you will by keeping up a steady speed. Steady, consistent, daily progress. It may not be as exciting as the bursts of speed, but it will get you a lot farther, a lot faster.

Respectfully Submitted,


New Toys!

DATE: 10/26/21

QIC: Chappie

18 PAX won round #1 with a KO over the Fartsack to post for a highly touted “New Toys” workout in today’s Gloom. It was supposed to be raining but not a single PAX complained that the weather seemed to go right around us. We’ll start with a big welcome to FNG Mowdaboat (he got after it). Admittedly YHC was a little giddy to get out his new toys for the beatdown. It’s been an advertised mystery which drew some wrong guesses. What were the new toys? (Keep reading). That’s where we began, but wait YHC is getting ahead of himself…

WARM-O-RAMA: (with a twist)

The twist: All repetitions must be double-digit (i.e. One-zero! Two-zero…). If PAX mess up and count regular, the punishment would be prison…Prison Cell Merkins (10), that is. We only did 2 prison sets.

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Seal Jacks – 10 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 10 IC
  • Windmill – 15 IC
  • Hairy Chiggers – 15 IC


Intro of new toys: Two 8-person hand-carry litters. (Tried to insert pic here but site would not allow it.)

Team Carry: PAX counted off to pair up into teams of 1’s and 2’s: Team Carry from cone-to-cone (3 cones) across the field and back, switching PAX being carried at each cone, until everyone gets a ride. (Safety brief: Carry PAX feet first). Losing team: 50 Squats with Coupon of choice (from the stack of coupons). Winners: Team #1! Wait just a second! We had 18 PAX…how in the world did we end up with uneven teams?

Took a 3rdF/Faith breather here:

1 Corinthians 16:13 says, “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, be strong.” My emphasis today is on the phrase ACT LIKE MEN. Why does the Bible exhort us to act like men, and what does this mean?

Ray “Cash” writes, “Our society is full of hypocritical men. Men who talk a big game but don’t show up.” (No, I’m not necessarily referring to this to talk about Fartsackers, though it may apply. More critically the reference is to showing up for life.)

In Navy Seal training when I guy wants to quit he just walks up, sets his helmet on the ground and rings the bell; he’s done. Maybe that’s a tough moment to deal with, but you can quit seal training without a whole lot of fallout. However, you can’t just quit on your spouse or your family, you can’t quit on those you love, you can’t quit on yourself, and you cannot quit on life. There is no bell to ring because we weren’t designed to quit!

Instead, we’re exhorted in 1 Cor. 16:13 to be alert, to be courageous, to be manly, firm, to be mature, steady, resolved, and to have sound judgment, rather than being swept aside, corrupted, seduced, weak, and terrified like infants or confused like adolescents or teenagers.

Cash continues: “The man who keeps his word has become an endangered species. Now more than ever before our society needs men who can show up, step up, and follow through.”

ACT LIKE MEN: We need masculine men, men who are physically, mentally, AND spiritually strong. “We need battle ready men. We need men with character and core values. We need men who are definitive in their purpose! And men who say what they mean and mean what they say.”

ACT LIKE MEN: There’s a lot we could say, but imagine a world where men keep their word to themselves and to others. A world where men make eye contact. A world where men stand up to shake your hand. A world where men hold the door for others. A world where men are feared by politicians. A world where communities feel safe and protected knowing that capable men stand at the ready to keep their promise to take out anyone who endangers their family, friends, or way of life. These are all things HIM do!

ACT LIKE MEN: Step up! Get in the fight! Stay in the fight! Be men of strength, courage, integrity! Don’t even think about ringing the bell; it’s not an option!

Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage.”

Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and let your heart take courage, ALL you who hope in the Lord.”

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, be strong.”

Back to work…

3-2-1 Sandbag Burpees: (Compliments of GORUCK)

PAX planked in line (for a loooong time!), then in-turn each moved to the sandbags and did the following Sandbag Burpees:

  • 20lb Sandbag3 Sandbag Burpees
  • 40lb Sandbag2 Sandbag Burpees (Thanks to F3 Gump for the borrow)
  • 80lb Sandbag1 Sandbag Burpee (Thanks to F3 OBiwon for the borrow)
  • Hmm…looks like we need a 60lb’er
  • As PAX finished 3-2-1 Sandbag Burpees they planked on the other side of the sandbags.


Chest Bump Merkins – Sets of 10, 20, 30, 40…until last man is standing. The standard: Full extension up, chest to brick down.

Chest Bump Merkins: Done to improve form, PAX do Merkins over a brick lying flat, bumping their chest on the down. No bump = no rep (Merkin doesn’t count). Honor system but as PAX are eliminated or VW (Voluntary Withdraw) they become judges and/or shenanigaters (i.e. Fireplex)

The Gist:

  • Each PAX does round of 10 Chest Bump Merkins – All men still standing
  • Each PAX does round of 20 Chest Bump Merkins – All men still standing
  • Each PAX does round of 30 Chest Bump Merkins – Number PAX cut to 5 men standing (Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Semi, Whirlybird & FNG)
  • Final PAX do round of 40 Chest Bump Merkins – The last man standing: Whirlybird w/32 Chest Bump Merkins (Though there was some controversy…)

With that, it was time to circle up; time flies when you’re having fun. Fartsackers…you got lapped! See you next time.


  • NAME-O-RAMA – Named FNG, welcome Mowdaboat!
  • Announcements: Shirt link is up and will be posted again today. In fact, here it is:

Always honored to lead, especially since we have so many Q’s and opportunities are more sparse. Shout out to all those who won THAT FIRST BATTLE over the Fartsack and posted, even though rain was a significant threat. You showed anyway; that’s discipline! Thanks men!


Chappie, out!

The 4 Horsemen


The HIM : Chappie, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Waterfall, Mac Daddy, Sherlock, Special Guest: Timeclock Looney Tunes on Q


30 Side Streudal Hops,

30 Windmills, 

30 Imperial Walkers,

30 cherry pickers,

30 Maracan Night Club

THA-THANG 4 Rounds of Staple Exercises:

Horseman 1 | ROUND 1:MOSEY

Bolt 45

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 2 | ROUND 2:

50 squats,

40 mountain climbers,

40 Big Boys


Horseman 3 | ROUND 3:


40 Squats

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 4 | ROUND 4:


20 Squats

30 Dips(tricep dips)

30 merkins.

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

BONUS: 20 Military Big Boys(Guy holding your feet)

THE 3rd F The 4 Horsemen:
I went to an Iron Council event called the Maine Event with what i thought was a Battle plan.

The focus is on the Battle Planner which has 4 quadrants Calibration | Contribution | Conditioning | Connection. Right now, I’m focusing on Contribution(business) this quarter, my calibration is good, my conditioning is good, my Connection quadrant was all about connecting with business owners and NOT about connecting with my family.
Then, we had a CONNECTION presentation by Taylor Jacobson. I fully planned on zoning out but I think the “Jocko Go” kept me super focused all weekend.

He began going through the 4 Horsemen of Fractured Relationships:
The First Horseman: Criticism – and I think, “Oh I criticize people sometimes, but my home life is great. This is just coincidence.”
Second Horseman: Defensiveness: Always justifying yourself.  I think, “Well, I have to do that, I HAVE to be defensive. My family doesn’t understand how hard I work.”
Third Horseman: Contempt: -“I dont do that” then once it was explained as talking down, I thought. “shit I do that, but in a funny way, that’s ok right?”
Most importantly, contempt is the single greatest predictor of divorce. It must be eliminated.

Fourth: STONEWALLING: Zone Out, ignoring.
It was at this point I wanted to sneak out of the building and hitchhike home down I-95.

I was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as an Atlas Stone on my shoulder. As uncomfortable as realizing that Taylor is telling stories as examples and he might as well use my name.
I realized- The Four Horseman were right outside my home. Just waiting.
It was a good wake up for me to be honest, I may have been taking my family relationships for granted.
Luckily, Taylor gave us some antidotes to fight these 4 bastards.
The 4 Antidotes
Gentle Startup Dealing with problems in a calm and gentle way. The focus is on the problem—not the person.
Take Responsibility Own up to your behavior without blaming others
Share Fondness & Admiration Foster a healthy relationship by regularly showing each other respect and appreciation. • Show affection. • Recognize your partner’s strengths. • Give compliments
Use Self-Soothing Use relaxation techniques to calm down and stay present with your partner.
• Agree to pause the conversation briefly.
• Use deep breathing. • Use progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

I usually I keep these things to myself, “I’ll work on them in silence”. This time, when I got home I opened my notes and showed my wife the Damn 4 Horsemen of Fractured relationships.
Im fighting them off now- it’s been a week since I got back from Maine. The other morning I got a little heated at something (dog related or probably job related) and I could feel myself wanting to STONEWALL.
I forced myself to tell my wife a separate story about farming or something to establish that: 1) the argument was over, 2) I’m not mad- we cool.
We dont know what we dont know.

And we dont know what to ask. I would’ve never googled 4 horsemen unless I was looking for a Ric Flair Meme.


Same muscles, different way

Spaceman  – Warm-a-Rama
Semi – Thang

15 ssh
15 Windmill
20 Moroccan nightclub
15 plank jack
15 Cherry pickers

The Thang

Mosey to new HOB entrance

Pair off
Wheelbarrow to first light pole
Nur to second, switch
Wheelbarrow to next light pole
Plank for the six

Mosey to the playground

Complete 5 rounds of the following exercises:
12 each
Plyo merkins
Split squats
Gas pumpers
Mike Tyson

3rd F
Love Dare

Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse—something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold the laundry. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 ESV

Mosey back to CHOP


17 HIM showed today: Blockbuster, MacDaddy, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Quarto, Ruxpin, Toy Soldier, Drago, Looney Toons, Chauffer, Doubtfire, Semi, Struedel, Spaceman, Whirlybird, Woodstock

Semi’s 2.0 BDAY

QIC: Semi

19 seal jacks i/c
21 plank jacks i/c
19 Imperial walkers i/c
21 seal waves i/c

The Thang

Mosey to food lion parking lot for a game of ultimate frisbee

2 merkins every turn over

3rd F
Talked about how the HIM have helped me in leading the soccer team I coach. How we HIM can point things out to each other and carry each other thru.

Mosey back to CHOP

Losing team did 20 bomb jacks
Wining team did 10 bomb jacks


20 HIM showed today: Quarto, Toy Soldier, Wildwing, Chairman, Streudel, Woodstock, Flatbottom, Roundhouse, Blockbuster, Spaceman, Chappie, Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Drago, Whirlybird,  Hideous, Mac Daddy, Chauffer

DOS workout

Wednesday Morning F3 Workout in Milford. Looney Tines on Q, with Ruxpin, Spaceman and Woodstock. We heard someone camping out under the Library’s overhang. But the F3 workout must go on!

5:15 Warmup


• Maraccan Night Club : 30

• Cherry Pickers: 20

• Imperial Walkers:20

• Bolt 45

End Warmup with a Lap around the Library

Leaving this F3 workout up to chance. I have half a deck of DOS cards, I removed all of the numbers higher than 5 . The card game cousin of famous game UNO. We flipped cards, and read from Jocko’s book, the Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.

DOS Key# = Mosie a LAP





2=WILD = Bear Crawl.





The Thang

Here’s the run down as the cards told us:

10 Merkins

10 Full Crunches

50 Burpees, ok we did 15 Burpees, because during our August 500 Burpee school supply drive, I realized 15 is a good burpee limit.


Bear Crawl

10 Squats

10 Merkins

10 Big Boys

Bear Crawl

40 Merkins

50 Merkins

Mosie a lap

10 Burpees

40 LBCs

40 Squats

50 Squats

10 Big Boys

Ended with prayer.

Recovery Workout +1

5 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE to post for a Chappie recovery workout +1. Meaning that it was a post Labor Day Beachday Beatdown +1 day, designed to get us moving but not to crush the soul. There’s something about working out in a group of 30, and there’s something about working out with a group of 5…bene’s on both ends of the scale. So here’s how things went down today:

QIC: Chappie

DATE: 9/8/21


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Mt. Man Pooper – 10 IC
  • Swartzjack – 15 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclubs – 30 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 18 IC
  • Low Slow Squats – 18 IC


Mosey to wall at East end of Gigante parking lot (while sharing 20lb sandbags)

On the wall:

  • Round #1:
    • 10 Chest Bump Irkins/Bearcrawl 70’/15 MJB’s OYO, back to the wall
  • Round #2:
    • 10 Derkins/Crawlbear 70’/20 Bombjacks OYO, back to the wall
  • Round #3:
    • 20 Chest Bump Irkins/ Lt. Dan 70’/25 X’s & O’s OYO
  • Round #4:
    • 20 Derkins/Lt. Danger 70’/30 Gas Pumpers IC
  • Round #5:
    • People’s Chair with OHC’s, 1 round of 10 Counts per each PAX/Dragon Crawl 70’/35 Flutter Kicks IC

YHC shared the following apropos 3rdF, directly from Q Source:

(Excerpt taken from QSOURCE by David “DREDD” Redding, Q1.5, 50-52)

Accelerating the M requires both skill and love

Marriage is not easy–it is not supposed to be. But because he never quits working at it, the HIM ultimately develops the skills he needs to enjoy life with his wife. To avoid committing relationship malpractice with his wife, the HIM focuses on five points of marital Preparedness:

1. Maintenance = Deceleration     

The M will not prosper if the HIM thinks in terms of maintaining its vitality rather than Accelerating it.

For the HIM:

  • Movement is action taken in furtherance of purpose.
  • Momentum is the sustained Movement that results from Acceleration
  • To Decelerate is to decrease the pace of Movement

With this in mind, the HIM knows that he is either Accelerating or Decelerating in all his endeavors and relationships, particularly with his wife. There is no in-between state of nature such as “maintenance.” If you think you are maintaining, you are actually Decelerating because there is no Status quo. That is the myth of the plateau. Thus, the HIM never thinks of maintaining his marriage. He always focuses on Accelerating it.

2. The Culture is a Jester      

While the culture purports to embrace marriage, it is actually a hinderance to Acceleration. It breathes truthy-sounding lies like “my wife is my best friend,” and “we try every day to meet each other halfway,” and “we’re pregnant!” Why does our culture resort to Oprah Bombs like these when it comes to marriage? Probably because it doesn’t believe that anything so difficult can possibly be so good. The HIM knows the inverse to be true. Virtue takes work—it is the un-Virtuous act that comes easily and “naturally.”

3. There is no Fifty Yard Line     

Halfway is not good enough when it comes to the M. It is not a football game where husband and wife meet at the fifty-yard line for the coin flip. The HIM must drive the ball the full length of the field and stay in his wife’s red zone, regardless of whether she even breaks the huddle. To the Sad Clown focused on balance and fairness, this seems unfair and out-of-balance. Perhaps, but that’s what Acceleration requires when it comes to the M.

4. Your Wife is not Your Best Friend     

She is made for a much higher purpose. There is a pedestal in the life of the HIM that is set out for his wife and there is no room on it for his best buddy (that relationship is actually two more rings out on the HIM’s Concentrica). Nor is marriage a joint-venture within which man and wife have equal and identical roles. Husband and wife may both become parents, but it is only the mother who is pregnant. The lives of both husband and wife are changed by parenthood, but it is only the mother whose body is rearranged form the inside out, and only she who spends nine months in a state of complete vulnerability—during which the HIM is to be her stalwart and constant protector. The HIM does not let the culture confuse him. He knows his role, and it is nowhere nearly as important as hers.

5. Joy Trumps Happiness     

The culture often confuses joy and happiness interchangeably, but they are actually very different things. Happiness is a transitory positive feeling governed by mere external circumstances. Happiness is a full belly—it goes away when you get hungry again. In contrast, Joy is not so ephemeral. It is a permanent state of hopeful satisfaction that is unaffected by external happenstance. Joy cares not whether a man’s belly is full or empty. It requires a long view, well past the toils and triumphs of any given day. The HIM is a joyful man under any and all circumstances because his vision is cast at a point well beyond the day before him. His focus is on the end and beyond. What do joy and happiness have to do with marriage? Simple. A healthy and vital M is a lifetime pursuit. Anything designed to last a lifetime needs the pure fuel of Joy to grow and prosper. The short term warm and fuzzies of Happiness won’t do the trick. Happy-focused men give up on their marriages when the going is rocky because they are un-Happy. But the Joy-focused HIM views those same rough spots as the precise time to double-down on his Commitment to his bride. Anybody can stay married on a full belly. But it is within the crucible of hunger where the true bond between man and wife is formed.

Marriage is a Team, not a Community. It requires Proximity and purpose to succeed. It transforms a man from a selfish Happiness-junkie into a selfless Joy-seeker. The HIM knows if he fails at his M, nothing else he does will matter.


Scripture Reference: (Ephesians 5:25-33)

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 that He might present to Himself the church [q]in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. 28 So husbands also ought to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 30 because we are parts of His body. 31 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless, as for you individually, each husband is to love his own wife the same as himself, and the wife must see to it that she respects her husband. (YHC’s emphasis added)

Mosey back to the AO

As our pool of Q’s grow here at @f3firststate it’s amazing to see newer PAX get into the rotation, first with a Warm-up VQ, then with a full VQ. The Q list grows long so it’s even more a privilege to Q when the opportunities come. Grateful to lead these 5 HIM at the Grit Mill. Glad to be in the rotation.


  • Number-Rama
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Announcements: Looks like our Hero’s Journey Gauntlet Ruck will be stepping off on Fri 9/10 at 2200 hrs. Plan: Ruck from the Grit Mill to CHOP and ending at the Aegis (hitting all our AO’s, i.e. The Gauntlet) for a 20 mile ruck, before partaking of the Saturday morning beatdown Q’d by the one and only Quattro. 20 miles = 20 years since 9/11. Looking forward to the challenge. Also: Fallen Angel: Call Sign – Extortion 17 showing tonight at 7 at Chauffer’s, all PAX welcome.
  • Prayers: Praise for YHC’s buddy Jeff being able to get up on his feet and walk across his hospital room yesterday; prayers for marriages of the PAX of @f3firststate; prayers for YHC’s oldest son, Zeke (a.k.a. Nature Boy)

GO M.A.D. ( Go Make A Difference)

Date: 09/02/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Four Count Freddie’s – 30 IC

Mosey @.5 miles to the Goshen Church Hill

The Thang

PAX split up into teams of two to complete the Whirlybird 21 evolution from Saturday, August 28, 2021.  One Pax Nurs up the hill and moseys down while the other works on the descending Burpee and Big Boy evolutions.  Since we left off on Saturday completing the round of 15 Burpees and 6 Big Boys, we will pick up from there in a cumulative team effort beginning with 14 Burpees & 7 Big Boys while your Brother Nurs up the hill & moseys down.  Switch out each time your Brother returns from the hill.  Teams completed the Whirlybird 21 in descending order down to 1 Burpee and 20 Big Boy Sit Ups.  Any over-achievers were instructed to return to the round of 15 burpees and 6 Big Boys and work their way back up to the 20 Burpees and 1 Big Boy Sit Up.

Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP

F3 Message – Go M.A.D. (Go Make A Difference)

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

WHY IT’S GOOD TO GO M.A.D. – #8693

May 6, 2020

When it was 7:00 a.m. in the Hutchcraft house, the word “chaos” took on new meaning – a typical school day morning. It was very exciting to get two teenage sons up, get them around, and get them dressed and out to school. Of course, both of them were a little crazy like their Mother, and that contributed to the chaos as well. Finally we were able to get them off to school.

But in-between all kinds of things happen. I mean, pairs of pants mysteriously disappeared and reappeared on the other brother. What? Socks and underwear took on enormous value as we tried to find one pair. Phones rang, papers needed signing, books needed covering. And after it was all over and the boys were headed out, on a typical morning you might hear me step outside the front door and call my final instructions to them for that day.

“Go M.A.D.!” Can’t you imagine our next door neighbor sticking his head out and saying, “Say what? Go M.A.D.? Have you? You want your two teenage boys to go mad? What’s the matter with you?” Well, that’s exactly what I wanted them to do every day. Actually, it’s what I hope you’ll do.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Why It’s Good to Go M.A.D.”

Now, our word for today from the Word of God comes from Matthew 5, and verses 13 and 14, and Jesus is using two figures of speech here to describe His followers. As you listen to these, maybe you’ll ask the question I’ve asked, “What do they have in common?” Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth.” And then in verse 14 He says, “You are the light of the world.”

Now in these verses, and you probably don’t realize this, Jesus is telling us to “go M.A.D.” You say, “Come on Ron, that’s not even in the original Greek. Where are you getting that?” Well, if you understand what M.A.D. stands for, it’s an acrostic. When I told my boys to “Go M.A.D.,” I was saying, “Guys, go make a difference.” That’s what a day in the life of a Jesus-follower is all about, and that’s what Jesus is saying here, “Go make a difference.” What does salt and light have in common? Not much. But they have one thing in common.

Take, for example, popcorn without salt. Blaaa! Or meat…usually meat requires some salt. It doesn’t take a lot. A little salt will change the environment you put it in. It will change the taste of the popcorn; it will change the taste of the meat. What about light? Well, once again, you take a little light into a big, dark room, and it will change the environment. And in both cases it doesn’t take much.

Now, Jesus is saying, “You’re my salt; you’re my light.” If you’re a Jesus-follower, you should be changing the people around you; changing the atmosphere around you. You should go M.A.D. You should make a difference. Now, most believers have a smaller purpose in life. Not necessarily to make a difference, maybe to make money, or make friends, or make an impression, or just make it through and survive as a Christian.

Jesus said, “You’re not here for any of those. You’re here to make a difference.” Well, are you? Do you change the flat flavor of the world around you, do you bring a smile, do you bring a positive spirit, do you bring some real love into your circle? Do you bring light to a dark office, a locker room, a classroom, a home?

Let Christ make a difference in you, then you can go make a difference in others. And the ultimate difference you can make in anyone’s life is to change their eternal address from hell to heaven. And that can only happen if you will let them know what you know about Jesus; if you’ll tell them how Jesus changed your life by what He did on the cross, and by being a living Savior who walked into your life. That’s making a difference that will last a hundred billion years.

There’s a lot more reasons for getting up in the morning, believe me, when you say, “Lord, help me make a difference for You today.” So, as you head out each morning, imagine Jesus at the front door calling out to you, “Go M.A.D. for Me today! Go make a difference!”

Respectfully Submitted,


Bear crawl 1 2 3

QIC Chattahoochee

15 HIM posted in the gloom for a little Chattahoochee beatdown. You couldn’t ask for a better morning to be out and about during sunrise

Warmup- 30 SSH, 25 CHERRY PICKERS, 20 MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS, 20 WINDMILLS all IC then OYO 15 arm circles forward 15 backwards

THE THANG- Mosey down to firehouse parking lot where mysteriously there happen to be 2 cones set up approximately 70 feet apart. PAX partnered up while PAX 1 bearcrawled to cone and back PAX 2 performed the excercises then switch off for total of 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 Squats.

Then all PAX moved over to side of the fire house and lined up along this pretty wall just waiting for the HIM to put the all to use. At the wall BTTW for 10 Alternating shoulder taps in cadence followed by a wall sit with 20 o erhead claps in cadence

Mosey back to the CHOP arrived with 2 minutes to spare so on the 6 for 30 flutterkicks IC.

Finished up with Woodstock presenting Chappie with a patch for posting for 100 workouts in 2021

Congratulations Chappie good job leading the way.

Ended with number-rama, Name-0-rama and COT

Life of a Dog

Life of a Dog

QIC: Semi

20 i/c
Plank jacks
Seal jacks
Cherry picker
Seal wave
Mountain climbers
Mountain man pooper

The Thang

Each HIM grabs a coupon and pairs off

Wheelbarrow to center parking line
Half of pax does 10 burpees while other half does 10 swerkins
Partners switch and wheelbarrow back
Half of pax does 10 burpees while other half does 10 swerkins

Coupon barrow to first center line. Switch positions and return to start.

21’s coupon curls, 7 halfway up, 7 halfway up to full, 7 full
21 coupon overhead presses

3rd F


Here’s the surprising answer of a 6 year old child.

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker‘s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that dogs’ lives are shorter than human lives.  Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ”I know why.”

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, ”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The six-year-old continued,

”Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

• When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
• Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
• Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
• Take naps.
• Stretch before rising.
• Run, romp, and play daily.
• Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
• Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
• On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
• On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
• When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
• Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
• Be faithful.
• Never pretend to be something you’re not.
• If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
• When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

That’s the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.

While your partner does abyss merkins you nur to center line at the light poles, mosey back and switch
Partner does abyss merkins while you side shuffle across parking lot and back and switch

21 coupon curls
22 coupon shoulder presses

Wheelbarrow to end of first parking line
Half of pax does 5 burpees while other half does 5 swerkins
Partners switch and wheelbarrow back
Half of pax does 5 burpees while other half does 5 swerkins

Return coupons

Find a seat on the wall for a 30 sec hold and then 10 squats i/c


12 HIM showed today: Quarto, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Summit, Fireplex, Drago, Semi, Toy Soldier, Woodstock, Struedel, Looney Toons

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