
Tabada-Something Different


QIC: Semi

18 seal jacks i/c
18 seal waves i/c
10 hip circles oyo, each way
30 moroccan night club i/c
10 mountain man pooper i/c
18 Windmill i/c

The Thang
Mosey to field next to Presbyterian church

Tabata, using small coupons
8 rounds of 6 excercises
Curls – palms up, hammer
Flys (shoulders on large coupon) – palms up, palms in
Squats – 6″, wide
Bench press (shoulders on large coupon) – elbows in, palms together
Holding chair chest squeeze – extended, close
Abs – gas pumpers, lbcs 

chairman lap around church

3rd F
Leadership Ignited • Devotional

Mosey back to circle

Number Rama

16 HIM showed today: Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Pusher, Bubba, TRex, Mr. Mom, Ruxpin, Quarto, Cinco, Doodle, Flycatcher, Whirlybird, FNG(IKEA), FNG(By-u)


November’s Finale with, Um…Rucks!

DATE: 11/30/21

QIC: Chappie

The last day of November brought a nice chill that needed to be worked off with some heat. 18 PAX won that first battle and posted. including FNG Fudd. (There were some “no questions asked” nicknames being thrown around so we settled on the more innocent “Fudd” instead.) Welcome to F3 brother!

We started the day with an excellent VQ Warm-O-Rama by Sherlock. It went something like this:


  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Squats – 20 IC
  • Spidey Reaches – 10 each side OYO
  • Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

At this point YHC took over the Q, and here’s how it went down…


First, some more warm-up:

  • Partner Leg Throws – 18 each PAX
  • Partner Ruck Pass – 10 each PAX (partners interlock heals in Sit-Up position, pass ruck, do American Hammer w/ruck, then all the way back w/ruck overhead, then Sit-Up passing ruck to partner. Rinse & repeat til each PAX completes 10 reps)

Now…the Thang: Everyone grab a ruck (for those without, grab cindy)

2 Sets:

  • 10 Walking Ruck Lunges (Ruck OH)
  • 10 Plank Pull Throughs
  • 10 OH Press
  • (Rinse & Repeat 2x)

Mosey the short block: Prison Break to Willow St., Mosey to Union St., Prison Break back to the AO. Gassed! 10-count by TRex and another followed by Semi. Whew!

F3 3rdF shared at the break (See below)

2 Sets:

  • 10 Ruck Squats
  • 10 Ruck Merkins
  • 10 Ruck high Pulls
  • (Rinse & Repeat 2x)

Ruck Suitcase Carry around the short block, switching as necessary, back to the AO.

Time expired, time for the COT. Good work by everybody. TRex committed to posting at every workout this week, have at it brother. Who else is in?


  • Number-Rama: 18 very cool PAX
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Naming of FNG: Welcome again to Fudd! (Still, your Hospital Name, Blayze, has to be one of the coolest out there!)
  • Announcements: YHC invited PAX to consider joining the protest Saturday at Beebe Hospital, protesting the vax mandate being forced upon all healthcare workers by Dec 24th (or they will be terminated. Those we were gathering to pray for and calling heroes for sacrificially fulfilling their duties in 2020, now need our support as they are being made into villains. Let’s show up Saturday at Beebe, from 9-11am, and demonstrate our support for them.
  • Prayers: Safe travels for Sherlock on his hog hunt; for Woodstock helping to clean out a perished friend’s home, etc.; for Quattro, facing some business/family decisions this week; for YHC traveling to Frederick for an executive committee meeting (self-retracted as of this writing) and for YHC’s sister, Tonia, facing devastating, life-altering surgery. Others…the Lord knows and never forgets. Finally, prayers that all PAX would be mindful this Christmas that the birth of Jesus Christ tells us that God desires that we have a relationship with Him–it’s NOT about religion, but relationship. We know this because He came to common man, not kings. (Again, see 3rdF below.)

Humbled and excited to Q, aye!

Chappie, out!


This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent—I love this season because in it we recall and celebrate the Birth of Christ (Coming/Advent). It was foretold by the OT prophets 900, 700, 500 years before it happened. I love this time of year also because it reminds me of the only 2 times a year we went to church when I was a kid (Easter & Christmas). I remember the ambiance of the Christmas Eve candle light service at First Moravian Church in my hometown like it was yesterday.

In the four verses of great Christmas hymn Angels We Have Heard On High, we sing of the angels visiting lowly shepherds and the shepherds’ response.

Here’s what I think is one of the most incredible things about God: He wants us to know Him through relationship, not religion. This is evident in the song, but it was evident first in the Scriptures.

“The angels coming to men who worked menial [lowly] jobs in the fields and informing THEM of the birth of the Son of God symbolizes that Christ came for all people, rich or poor, humble or powerful. The angels’ words as recorded in Luke 2, “Fear not: For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people,” paired with Jesus’ own parables concerning shepherds and their flocks, symbolizes that it would be the common man and not kings or religious leaders who would first carry the story of Jesus’ life to the masses.”

It has been the Called man, not the Cleric, and really always has been, who has spread the message of Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. Think of who it was to whom Jesus first said “follow Me“: Was it not to Fishermen? Common men? As you hear and sing this song for Christmas, keep this one thing in mind: It is the common man, not kings who carry the story of Jesus’ life. For you and I to be HIM, the story of Jesus in our own lives, OUR own transformation by trusting in Jesus Christ, must not only be heard but it must be seen, especially by our children (not to mention those around us). When mom tells the story, the kids will be more prone to go to church and become followers of Christ. But when we as dads—common men, not kings—tell the story of Jesus Christ, the statistics make a significant leap, they actually go through the roof! I.e. When you and I share this story of the incredible, special relationship available between God and man with our own children, we—common men—are acting/behaving like HIM.

Something different

QIC: Semi

15 seal jacks i/c
15 seal waves i/c
10 hip circles oyo, each way
30 moroccan night club i/c
10 mountain man pooper i/c

The Thang

Tabata, using small coupons
6 rounds of 6 excercises
Curls – palms up, hammer, palms down
Flys (shoulders on large coupon) – palms up, palms in, palms down
Bench press (shoulders on large coupon) – elbows in, palms together, wide
Clean and press move – palms down, palms in
Holding chair chest squeeze – extended, close
Abs – i/c, 4 count Freddie, gas pumpers, lbcs

3rd F

Prayer: Productive men

Dear Lord,

Thank you for how your word changes us if we let it. I pray that we would love your word to the deepest parts of our being. Lord, make us into productive men. Not only for our homes and at work but also for your kingdom. Productive in our learning and understanding. productive in our growth in our marriages. Productive in our careers. Take away any laziness that is in us and give us energy to move forward. I pray that we would produce a crop of good fruit in our lives, fruit that would please you

In Jesus’ name, amen!

Mosey to light pole at end of back drive. Chappie run (water in mouth) around block. Wait for six. 15 blockeys with water if completed block with water. 10 blockeys with water if you did not.

Number Rama

10 HIM showed today: Chappie, Quarto, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Struedel, Semi, Chauffer, Blockbuster, Mowdaboat, Wildwing


Same muscles, different way

Spaceman  – Warm-a-Rama
Semi – Thang

15 ssh
15 Windmill
20 Moroccan nightclub
15 plank jack
15 Cherry pickers

The Thang

Mosey to new HOB entrance

Pair off
Wheelbarrow to first light pole
Nur to second, switch
Wheelbarrow to next light pole
Plank for the six

Mosey to the playground

Complete 5 rounds of the following exercises:
12 each
Plyo merkins
Split squats
Gas pumpers
Mike Tyson

3rd F
Love Dare

Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse—something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold the laundry. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 ESV

Mosey back to CHOP


17 HIM showed today: Blockbuster, MacDaddy, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Quarto, Ruxpin, Toy Soldier, Drago, Looney Toons, Chauffer, Doubtfire, Semi, Struedel, Spaceman, Whirlybird, Woodstock

Frisbee golf w/ a twist

QIC: Semi

All i/c

15 Seal Jack
15 mountain man pooper
15 ssh
15 Cherry pickers
15 seal wave

The Thang

Apache Mosey (running with water in your mouth) to Walgreens redbox
Pair off, alternate shots
Frisbee golf with a twist
Roll die for exercise to do per stroke
1 – burpees
2 – wide merkins hands pointing out
3 – lbcs  x 10
4 – squats
5 – mike tyson
6 – diamond merkins

3rd F

We played 7 holes and did burpees, squats, Mike Tyson, and wide merkins


14 HIM showed today: Semi, Chappie, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Blockbuster, Whirlybird, Drago, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, MacDaddy, Struedel, Sherlock, Looney Toons, Chauffer

Semi’s 2.0 BDAY

QIC: Semi

19 seal jacks i/c
21 plank jacks i/c
19 Imperial walkers i/c
21 seal waves i/c

The Thang

Mosey to food lion parking lot for a game of ultimate frisbee

2 merkins every turn over

3rd F
Talked about how the HIM have helped me in leading the soccer team I coach. How we HIM can point things out to each other and carry each other thru.

Mosey back to CHOP

Losing team did 20 bomb jacks
Wining team did 10 bomb jacks


20 HIM showed today: Quarto, Toy Soldier, Wildwing, Chairman, Streudel, Woodstock, Flatbottom, Roundhouse, Blockbuster, Spaceman, Chappie, Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Drago, Whirlybird,  Hideous, Mac Daddy, Chauffer

Glory to God

15 Pax joined the workout this morning including 3 guests; Dora, Drop Kick and Long Haul.


  • SSH – IC 25
  • Mountain Man Pooper – IC 10
  • Seal Jack – IC 20
  • Windmill – IC 15

The Thang

Mosey to Governors Walk Park

The Pax partnered up and rotated through 8 stations, each station had 2 exercises. Once both exercises were completed partners moved to the next station.

Station 1: Plank Crawl on park bench and 50 LBCs

Station 2: 20 Box Jumps and 50 Dips on park bench

Station 3: 30 Balance Lunges on park bench and 15 Burpees

Station 4: 25 Derkins on park bench and 60 American Hammers

Station 5: 30 Single Leg Squats and 25 Plyo Merkins on park bench

Station 6: 15 Diamond Merkins and 50 Flutter Kicks

Mosey up hill to the entrance of Governors Walk

Station 7: 30 Step-ups knee lifts and 25 Carolina Dry Docks on park bench

Station 8: 30 Bench Mountain Climbers and 25 Bench Crunches

The Q had planned on 2 rounds, but we were only able to complete one rotation.

Mosey back to the AO

The 3rd F was delivered at the start, when we arrived at Governor Walk and at the AO at the end of the workout.

Olympic Medalists Who Give Glory to God

By Movieguide® Staff

1. Sydney McLaughlin 

Not only did U.S. Olympian Sydney McLaughlin win the gold medal for Team USA in the 400-meter hurdles, but the 21-year-old also set a world record with a time of 51.46.

After McLaughlin’s win, she said that it was made possible by “just trusting the process and giving the glory to God.”

“Let me start off by saying, what and honor it is to be able to represent not only my country, but also the kingdom of God. What I have in Christ is far greater than what I have or don’t have in life,” she wrote on Instagram after her Olympic run. “I pray my journey may be a clear depiction of submission and obedience to God. Even when it doesn’t make sense, even when it doesn’t seem possible. He will make a way out of no way. Not for my own gratification, but for His glory. I have never seen God fail in my life. In anyone’s life for that matter. Just because I may not win every race, or receive every one of my heart’s desires, does not mean God had failed. His will is PERFECT. And He has prepared me for a moment such as this. That I may use the gifts He has given me to point all the attention back to Him. 2x Olympian, Olympic Champion, World Record Holder, Thank. You. God. ????????”

2. Caeleb Dressel

American swimmer Caeleb Dressel won five gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics and broke his world record by .05 seconds in the 100-meter butterfly. 

Dressel used his success to champion his central motivation: his faith in God. 

The 24-year-old sports an eagle tattoo on his left shoulder, which represents one of his favorite Bible verses, Isaiah 40:31: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

“It’s the reason I’m in the sport—not just to go fast times, but to inspire people and show them where I find my happiness with what God’s given me,” Dressel told the Baptist Standard in 2015, adding in 2016: “Trust what God is doing, whether it be a rough point in your life or a top pinnacle in your life. You’ve just got to take pauses and really trust what He’s doing.”

3. Tamyra Mensah-Stock

American Olympic wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock thanked God and her country after winning her first gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics.

“Of course I surprise myself,” Mensah-Stock told reporters. “It’s by the grace of God I’m even able to move my feet. I just leave it in His hands and I pray that all the practice … my coaches put my through pays off and, every single time, it does.”

The athlete expressed how proud she is to represent the U.S. in the Olympics. 

“It feels amazing,” she said. “I love representing the U.S. I … love living here. I love it. And I’m so happy I get to represent USA!”

4. Kendra “Keni” Harrison

In her first Olympic games, U.S. track and field athlete Kendra “Keni” Harrison took home the silver medal in the 100-meter hurdles. 

However, she is no stranger to the spotlight, as she still holds the world record that she set in 2016.  

“I’m the WORLD RECORD HOLDER 12.20. I am a walking testimony of how incredible God truly is,” she said at the time. 

Despite not going to Rio in 2016, Harrison said she is thankful for the opportunity she had in Tokyo. 

“Missing the Olympic team in 2016 has made me a stronger Christian athlete and words can’t describe the gratitude I’m feeling right now,” she wrote. “In 2016 I allowed self-doubt to determine my destiny and became a victim to track & field press. BUT GOD…As I gained a deeper connection to God each year I noticed my faith conquering ALL doubt.” 

5. Kelsey Plum

Basketball player Kelsey Plum lifted the USA women’s 3×3 basketball team the gold medal.

Plum thanked God for her health and the opportunity to compete.

“I just want to thank a lot of people: God, my mom, my family, my friends,” Plum said. “I want to thank USA Basketball. They could’ve quit on me. They could’ve said, ‘We’re going to bring somebody else,’ and they didn’t. I’m just super grateful to my teammates, I mean, man, this was a battle.”

“I kind of had to go through life and figure out what’s important,” Plum told Sports Spectrum in 2019. “It takes a lot of failure and mistakes and humility to be able to see that I need a relationship with God.”

“I’m super grateful because I think that He’s always really been very precise about exactly where He wanted me to be and He’s put certain people in my life to really help me,” Plum said in an interview in 2020. “I’m just super grateful, so I think for me, as I continue to grow into a woman and a woman of faith, I try to make sure that I’m a light.”

6. Athing Mu

At just 19-years-old, U.S. runner Athing Mu is an Olympic gold medalist. Mu won gold in the women’s 800-meter race at the Tokyo Olympics.

“As a follower of Christ, our main goal is to live in the image of Jesus in order to connect to God and ‘get to God,” Mu told The Battalion in June. “I believe when God is ready to give you blessings, He gives it to you with all intentions. In this case, ‘keeping one at the top, never at the bottom.’”

Mu referenced Deuteronomy 28:13, which reads: “The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.”

“The only thing I can do is thank God because without Him, I wouldn’t be able to do anything I’ve done this season,” she told WomensRunning.com. “I think He’s really awakened me with one thing, especially, that’s confidence. That’s one thing I’ve really gained this year as a collegiate athlete, having confidence in all I do because I do have the capability, I was made for this.”

Ended with the COT

F3 Workout Coupon Styles

Coupon Styles

After a long weekend celebrating our Independence from that fat jerk the king of England, we were back in the GLOOM at CHOP- Chappie’s House of Pain. I was scheduled to Q next Saturday but I’m taking the kids to the Poconos so I pulled the switcheroo with Vanilla and Cabana.

The F3 Warmup: Done by Cabana:

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Moroccan Night Club
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain man Poopers
  • 20 Merkins, Palms facing in

Looney Tunes on Q

Mosey around the premises.

Each HIM Grabs a Coupon from the stack, That stack sure is getting a lot of love lately.

The Thang:

Same thing with different Styles,

Round 1: Traditional Style

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP – Fireplex ran with his Coupon- starting a trend that every HIM kept going.
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 2: Quatro Style

Gloves OFF

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP with Coupon
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 3: Drago Style

Every exercise is done at a much slower pace, creating more burn.

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Crab Crawl!
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 4: Cabana Style

Every exercise is done 50% more than required. Instead of 20, you do 30. Cabana of course, did 40 since 40 is 50% more than the now required 30

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP with Coupon
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

3rd F.

From the F3 classic Freed to Lead

For organizations to change in this way a dice cultural shift would be necessary. Men have grown discharging their service obligations via a well-worn boy to them, like Cub Scouts being led through a craft or
This problem, of men passively waiting to be told what to be done rather than actively doing it themselves, has been creeping up on us for a long time. More than thirty yes (1980), George W.S. Trow wrote in The New Yorker that “in important role of a father is to give a son a sense of permission -a sense of what might be done. This still works, but since no adult is supported by the voice of the culture (which is now a childish voice), it does not work well. As a result, Trow wrote, “(i)n the absence of adults, people came to put their trust in experts.”
He sums it up pretty well. The absence of male community leadership has progressively infantilized us, sapping our will toward independence and self-reliance. When we compare sense of what might be done to our culture’s Trow’s sense of what might be done” to our culture’s command to do “what ought to be done”, we can clearly see how far into childish expert-dependence we have descended. Maybe this is why our pastors and other community leaders foist opportunities upon us. Otherwise, nothing would ever get done. Arresting this cultural devolution will require action as bold as the initiative it took to reverse the flow of the Chicago River, but we are confident that it can be done. We have seen it work in F3. Healthy men, brought together in Fellowship and finding themselves driven to serve, are more than able to do so dynamically if given the “sense of permission” cited as lacking by Trow. This, we believe, is how men are wired.

The HIM in action!


Quatro: Today is July 6th.

Life of a Dog

Life of a Dog

QIC: Semi

20 i/c
Plank jacks
Seal jacks
Cherry picker
Seal wave
Mountain climbers
Mountain man pooper

The Thang

Each HIM grabs a coupon and pairs off

Wheelbarrow to center parking line
Half of pax does 10 burpees while other half does 10 swerkins
Partners switch and wheelbarrow back
Half of pax does 10 burpees while other half does 10 swerkins

Coupon barrow to first center line. Switch positions and return to start.

21’s coupon curls, 7 halfway up, 7 halfway up to full, 7 full
21 coupon overhead presses

3rd F


Here’s the surprising answer of a 6 year old child.

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker‘s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that dogs’ lives are shorter than human lives.  Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ”I know why.”

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, ”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The six-year-old continued,

”Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

• When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
• Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
• Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
• Take naps.
• Stretch before rising.
• Run, romp, and play daily.
• Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
• Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
• On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
• On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
• When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
• Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
• Be faithful.
• Never pretend to be something you’re not.
• If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
• When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

That’s the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.

While your partner does abyss merkins you nur to center line at the light poles, mosey back and switch
Partner does abyss merkins while you side shuffle across parking lot and back and switch

21 coupon curls
22 coupon shoulder presses

Wheelbarrow to end of first parking line
Half of pax does 5 burpees while other half does 5 swerkins
Partners switch and wheelbarrow back
Half of pax does 5 burpees while other half does 5 swerkins

Return coupons

Find a seat on the wall for a 30 sec hold and then 10 squats i/c


12 HIM showed today: Quarto, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Summit, Fireplex, Drago, Semi, Toy Soldier, Woodstock, Struedel, Looney Toons

Block Party

Cool morning on May 1, we warmed up quickly!


16 HIM posted in the gloom to attend a Block Party! Warm-O-Rama: 20 SSH I/C, 20 Windmills I/C, 20 Smurfjacks I/C, 20 Cherry Picmers I/C, Toy Soldier Set (50/25/15)OYO. Mosey to the Firehouse.
The Thang “Block Party”

All HIM grab a block. 10 Blockees OYO. Lt. Dan with an Overhead Press across the parking lot. 26 American Blockhammers I/C. Bear Crawl Block Drag across parking lot. 25 Big Boys with Block OYO. Mosey around the block carrying your block. 10 BTTW Merkins OYO. Lt. Dan length of building. 15 Offset Merkins each arm alternating between Merkins. Crab Crawl with block on stomach across parking lot. 20 Gas Pumpers I/C. Shared Third F. NUR across parking lot with block. 30 Jump Ups onto Block. Duck Walk carrying block. 15 Merkins OYO. Wosey to truck with block overhead. Replace blocks into truck.

Mosey back to circle. 5 Pretzel Merkins each arm OYO.

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, Named FNG, “Sinko” COT.

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