Panty Hose

Stations Everyone!

DATE: 12/27/22

QIC: Chappie

19 PAX won that first battle and posted at CHOP to take part in YHC’s 200th Post celebration with a good old fashioned stations workout. Truth be told YHC’s been working on this one for weeks, brainstorming and adding items to the 3×5 card on his desk as his Q crept closer. Here’s the 411, the skinny, the low-down…


  • SSH – 25 IC
  • Seal Jack – 21 IC (or, something like that; got rep-jacked by PAX who wets himself every time SSH’s are called)
  • Swartzjack – 18 IC
  • Crab Flippers – 16 IC


YHC took a brief to explain the stations

Partner Up – Work through stations at each cone.

The WHOLE Idea: KEEP MOVING! thru the 10 STATIONS: (not necessarily in this order, follow instructions on paper at each cone)

  • 20 Abyss Merkins
  • Firehose Pulls (partner resist, cone to cone) Safety brief: Resisting… DO NOT faceplant partner!!
  • 20 Partner Big Boys (interlock/hold ankles)
  • Chairman Lap: 0.27 miles
  • 10 Swerkins
  • 40 Curls for the Girls (w/Cindy)
  • 10 Compass Squats (THE crowd pleaser of the day)
  • 20 Patty Cake Merkins
  • Sandbag Steps (single leg over parking blocks – down & back)
  • 10 Sandbag Burpees

CHANGE IT UP! Big Dice, 3 Options

+ ROLL SNAKE EYES: No Burpees/No run

+ ANYTHING but SNAKE EYES = 18 Burpees/Long Run (a 0.50 mile mosey around the block)

+ NO ROLL, JUST RUN: Choose the hard thing & do it. No gambles, no negotiations. Just a choice.

3rdF Shared Near End of Workout

TRex asked on Saturday how we did over the past year in achieving our goals. Not many of us responded. Unfortunately that’s probably more often the case than not. In fact, many won’t set goals because they know they’re not likely to keep them, and, therefore, won’t even take the time to seriously think through setting goals.

I can’t say that Ruxpin’s goal was to post for 200 workouts this year. Personally, it was in the back of my mind and perhaps a small’ish goal, but YHC’s real goal was simply to be consistent. Consistency meant working out after being all night helping 2.0’s with issues and dead tired, working out with a head full of snot, working out in the rain, the snow, the hot, the cold, or working out when I just didn’t feel like getting out of the Fartsack. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, I post because I know you guys will be here. I honestly wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for knowing you’re all going to be here. The patch for 100 workouts or 200 workouts isn’t the real reward, CONSISTENCY itself is the reward! I love that F3 is a community of consistency! I heard the quote recently that, “Commitment gets you started, but consistency takes you to the finish.”

So maybe last year you committed to some goals, but came up short because you lacked the consistency to follow through. Keep in mind we have to live out consistency exactly where God has placed us. Maybe things got changed up in the past year. Doesn’t matter, live it out where God placed you. That may mean sacrifice, serving others, or stepping in somewhere to make a difference. (Somewhere uncomfortable and unfamiliar, but nonetheless where you’re called to make a difference.)

Consistency isn’t a once-and-done thing; not once a month, not once a week, but everyday…and sometimes even hourly or moment by moment, depending on the curveball life throws at you. I’ve talked about consistency in posting for workouts, and while consistency here is great and you will benefit by it in Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith—you become stronger, gain endurance, and lose weight; you build deeper and lasting camaraderie; and your belief system/faith is shored-up on a firmer foundation—all of these are only a microcosm of what’s going on in the real world. So consistency, as we’re heading into a 2023 may require making some changes or taking some new steps. Maybe not New Year’s resolutions per se, but commitment to more attainable goals. Goals which are not “possible”, but are better labeled instead as “probable.”

Make changes and take steps that’ll help you live consistently for the Lord, your family, your workplace and for the communities in which you live and serve. That way when crisis comes, your consistency will trump its challenges, there will be no need to panic. You’ll stay committed to family, job, friends, to achieving your goals…especially if you’re first commitment is to the Lord and consistency in your daily walk with Him. Start 2023 by intentionally renewing your commitment to Him. But don’t forget: Commitment only gets you started, consistency takes you to the finish! Be HIM and be consistent.

Each group finished up their last station(s) and YHC called it a wrap: (All made it through the stations at least once)


  • Number-Rama – 19 PAX said, “There’s a heatwave; it’s back up to 24 degrees so I’m posting!”
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Announcements: SLT (Shared Leadership Team meeting scheduled for Thu. evening Jan. 12, 2023 for strategic planning, etc. Details/Location/Agenda TBD). YHC honored to be among the 2 @f3firstState PAX to earn the 200 Posts patch. #earnednevergiven
  • Prayer: No specific personal; requests offered up besides prayer for those in our Armed Forces away from home over the Holidays and for our first responders.

Always love Q’ing. Thanx to all the men who stuck around to help put gear away.

Chappie, out! Aye!


That’s Not a Hill

Date: 12/08/2022

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to halfway down, 15 squats halfway down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Hydraulic Squats – 17 IC (6 Count)

Mosey @.5 miles to Holy Hill and took a brief break for the F3Message…see below

The Thang

1st & 10 Routine per the Exicon…Well sort of….:)…..Perform 10 merkins and 1 burpee.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 9 merkins and 2 burpees.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 8 merkins and 3 burpees.  Nur up the hill and run down.  You recognize a pattern developing here.  Rinse and Repeat until you complete 1 merkin and 10 burpees followed by your final Nur up the hill and a run back down.   

Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   

F3 Message 12/08/22


June 4, 2020

The Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri are known for their rocks. They make for some hard farming, some beautiful views, and some challenging road building. Like this one stretch of highway from Branson, Missouri, to Springfield, Missouri, that they widened. As you slowed down through those construction zones, there were some pretty impressive changes that were taking place. Some places were nothing but solid-rock mountain, but somehow they managed to blast away at those mountains and they literally made a road where a mountain used to be!

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Removing a Mountain, Making a Road.”

Now if human engineers can do that, don’t you think God can? In fact, God’s mountain-moving ability may be your only hope right now.

Let’s remember the miracle Jesus promised to us, as recorded in our word for today from the Word of God. In Mark 11:23, He says, “I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Obviously, it’s not the power of your word that removes mountains; it’s the power of God. The words immediately preceding these dramatic promises are these: “Have faith in God.”

But we have a God who does remove mountains that appear as if they could never be moved – in answer to the faith-believing prayers of His children. This might be one of those times when the only way there’s going to be a road for you is if God blows away the mountain that stands in the way. But you can ask Him, you can trust Him to do just that, within the boundaries of His perfect will of course.

Our mountains don’t usually come in the form of some huge rock formations. For you, what blocks the way might be a person whose heart is hard; whose heart needs a miraculous change. God does those. According to Proverbs 21:1, “The heart of the king is in His hand.” Maybe your mountain is seemingly impossible financial obstacles.

That’s the kind our ministry has faced a number of times, and we were facing that as it became clear that God wanted us to build our own headquarters to better carry out His orders. We didn’t have one dollar in a building fund. We had no reserves and no clear idea of where an amount like that would come from. But in less than a year, there was the headquarters, totally debt-free. There was this mountain, and then by God’s power and grace, there was a road.

Maybe it’s going to take a change of leadership in order for there to be a way, a miraculous recovery, or seemingly impossible breakthroughs. But God does all of those. God’s allowed you to run up against this mountain so you would run to the end of you. All our lives, we underestimate and under trust the God we have. There’s way too much of us and way too little of God. And then there it is – that massive mountain looming in the way, so huge there’s nothing you can do to move it. There’s nothing any human solution can do to move it.

Well, praise God! You what? Yeah, praise God! You’ve just reached the end of you and possibly you are at the beginning of unleashing your Lord as never before. I love the promise in Ephesians 3:20, “He is able to do immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine according to the power that works in us.” I call that a 320 in Ephesians 3:20.

Looking at that mountain, you’d have to say, “No way.” But looking at your all-powerful God, don’t you ever say, “No way.” He blows away mountains and makes a road where you could have never dreamed there would be one, and then you know what? He gets all the glory!

Respectfully Submitted,


Clear View

Warm-Up- Side straddle hops , Cherry Pickers, Moroccan Nightclubs

The Thing!

Mosey to the courthouse- Split into 2 groups. From starting point one at a time, Alligator Merkin to the staircase. Bunny Hop up each step, squats on each step coming down, then jail break back to starting point. While waiting for group member to return all other members doing 50 American Hammers, 20 Big Boys, 50 LBC’s.

Patriot Run to the School.

11’s- Start at line with 10 Merkins and 1 Burpee. Mosey to next line and do 9 Merkins and 2 Burpees. So on until reach 1 Merkin and 10 Burpees.

Patriot Run back to Courthouse

Get back into groups. Bear Crawl to steps, Merkin up each step, Run down next set and back to group. While waiting for group member to return all other members doing 50 American Hammers, 20 Big Boys, 50 LBC’s.

Mosey Back to Start Point

3rd F– Story, A young couple moved into a new neighborhood. The next morning while they were eating breakfast, the young woman saw her neighbor hanging the wash outside. “That laundry is not very clean,” she said. ” She doesn’t know how to wash correctly. Perhaps she needs better laundry soap.” Her husband looked on, but remained silent. Every time her neighbor would hang her wash to dry, the young woman would make the same comment. About a month later, the woman was surprised to see a nice clean wash on the line and said to her husband, “Look, she has learned how to wash correctly. I wonder who taught her this?” The husband said, “I got up early this morning and cleaned our windows.”

And so it is with life. What we see when watching others depends on the purity of the window through which we look.

“Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3

Our perspective of other as well as the world varies according to how clean we keep our windows.

Dirty Mac Deuce

QIC Chattahoochee

21 PAX posted at the CHOP on 15 Sept. 2022 for a little fun in the gloom.

Warm-up 30SSH, 20 CHERRY PICKERS,15 TOY SOLDIERS and 15 Windmills all IC

The Thang consisted of a mosey out the rear entrance and around to the front meeting back in the center of parking lot for 12 reps of 3 excercises most in cadence

12 merkins, 12 squats, 12 hello dollys

repeat mosey

12 diamond merkins, Bobby Hurleys, 12 dying cockroaches

repeat mosey

12 wide merkins, 12 lunges, 12 american hammers

reapet mosey

12 squat burpees, 12 monkey humpers, 12 flutter kicks

repeat mosey

12 ranger merkins, 12 reverse lunges, 12 box cutters

repeat mosey

12 dirty hookups on wall of pain

plank in front of wall left hand to wall right hand to wall left hand to ground right hand to ground is 1




Being the person I ought to be

• The SSH – 20 IC 4
• Mountain Man Pooper 15 – IC
• Hairy Rocketts – 20 IC
• Imperial Squat Walker – 20 IC
• Moroccan Night Club 40 – IC
• Low Lateral Skater – 10 IC
• Burpees – 10 OYO

The Thang:
Mosey to HOB
• Burpees – 10 OYO
• Lt. Dan to first light pole, NUR to pick up the six until everyone finishes
• Mosey to next pole
• High knees
• Butt kickers
• Carioca
• Mosey
• Jail break
Circular Bench on playground
• Burpees – 10 OYO
• Balance lunges – 25 each leg
• Plyo Merkins – 25
• Mosey aroung playground
• The American Hammer – 26 IC
• Burpees – 10 OYO
3rd F: Being the person I ought to be
• Single leg squats – 10 each leg
• Dips – 50
• Burpees – 10 OYO
Mosey to CHOP
• Number-rama
• Name-a-rama

Message: Excerpt from Bob Richards A Heart of a Champion book
Being the person I ought to be

We need a method, a technique, a means to help us accomplish our goal. People want to be great, they want to be successful, they want to accomplish great things, but the tragedy is that they stress what they want to be so much more that they forget the how technique. You’ve got to go out on the field and hurt, and take the bruises, the bumps. The sports world is a realistic world of tough competition. You’ve got to analyze yourself, recognize your weaknesses and work on them. Some of the greatest stories are stories where men have recognized their weaknesses, dealt positively with them, overcome them and gone on to tremendous heights.

You’ve got to welcome competition. There is a tendency within us to level off, to accept a certain standard as being good enough. The idea of competition is being criticized today, but you cannot escape it, you cannot avoid it, it is indispensable to progress. Competition is someone setting a standard for you that you ought to set for yourself; it is that outside stimulus or impetus that forces you to set your own standards higher and to achieve a higher mark. It pulls out the best there is in a man and the best in those around him. Competition forces you to re-evaluate your own ability, to set your standards higher, to lift your horizons so that you can accomplish greater things. If anyone is going to become great in life he has to welcome competition. Most people do not compete enough, they give up too easily. You need to be willing to put out a little more. The more I watch great men, the more I see the processes by which men achieve their goals, the more I am convinced that it is the willingness to put out just a little bit more that makes the difference. There isn’t a gigantic difference between victory and defeat, it is usually by the smallest margin. It’s that extra chin-up everyday and that extra push up, its that extra lap around the track, that extra 5 minutes a person puts into his workout, into his schoolwork or into his home life or business that makes the difference in his life. In the good creative things, you need to put out a little more, and in the negative things that tear you down, you’ve got to be willing to indulge a little bit less. This is what makes greatness in living.

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