Looney Tunes

Chilly black jack

QIC- Chattahoochee

18 PAX braved the chilly weather and posted for a Chattahoochee beatdown at the county seat this morning including a PAX (Roddick) from down range that brought an FNG we named subpar. Whirlybird also brought an FNG we named Whim welcome guys.










and COT

Doce Dias De Navidad La Parte Dos

Date: 12/16/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex with an Assist by Quattro when the tones dropped for Station 85 for a medical assist

Welcome to an FNG that was named in the Circle of Trust – Grub-It-Is ?? whatever that means…:)…

Warm up

12) Side straddle hops – IC (4 Count)

11) Big boy sit-ups OYO

10) Jiminy crickets OYO

9) Donkey kicks – OYO

8) Windmills – IC (4 Count)

7) Mountain climber IC (4 Count)

6) Goofballs (ladder climbers) – IC (4 Count)

5) Cherry pickers – IC (4 Count)

4) American hammers (4 Count)

3) Mountain man poopers – IC (4 Count)

2) Tempo merkins (4 Count)

1) Set of Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

The Thang – 12 Days of Christmas Part Two…..or…… Doce Dias de Navidad La Parte Dos

Each exercise was completed and repeated in descending order just as the Twelve days of Christmas Song would be sung. You get the idea…..

1– Tuck jump followed by a lap around the Church at end of each evolution

2 – Mountain climbers (4 Count)

3 – Hand release, diamond, wide & ranger merkins (3 ea.)

4 – LBC’s (4 Count)

5 – Burpees

6 – Donkey kicks

7 – Iron Mikes

8 – SSH’s (4 Count)

9 – Apolo Ohno’s

10 – Shoulder tap merkins – ATM’s

11 – Full motion squats

12 – Big boy sit-ups

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

F3 Message 12/16/2021Rinse and Repeat from Quattro’s Warmup VQ with Fireplex on 12/12/19

The Twelve Days of Christmas – True Meaning Behind the Lyrics

Ace Collins – From Crosswalk.com

To many people, the lyrics of the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas” seem strange beyond belief. The odd carol’s words might make one think it is a novelty song, in the vein of “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” or “My Favorite Things.” Though a host of modern internet sites and some magazine articles have tried to reduce “The Twelve Days of Christmas” to a little more than a silly Christmas carol, most scholars of the Catholic Church deem it a very important surviving example of a time when that denomination used codes to disguise their teachings. Originally a poem written by Catholic clerics, this song was transformed into a carol at a time when celebrating the twelve days of Christmas was one of the most important holiday customs. By understanding the meaning the clerics chose the twelve days as wrapping for their poem, the full impact of the tradition of the twelve days of Christmas can be understood.

The 12 Days of Christmas – True Meaning

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . a partridge in a pear tree.

The partridge in a pear tree represents Jesus, the Son of God, whose birthday we celebrate on the first day of Christmas. Christ is symbolically presented as a mother partridge, the only bird that will die to protect its young.
 On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . two turtledoves.

These twin birds represent the Old and New Testaments. So in this gift, the singer finds the complete story of Judeo-Christian faith and God’s plan for the world. The doves are the biblical roadmap that is available to everyone.
 On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . three French hens.

These birds represent faith, hope, and love. This gift hearkens back to 1 Corinthians 13, the love chapter written by the apostle Paul.
 On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . four calling birds.

One of the easiest facets of the song’s code to figure out, these fowl are the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
 On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . five gold rings.

The gift of the rings represents the first five books of the Old Testament, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch.
 On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . six geese a-laying.

These lyrics can be traced back to the first story found in the Bible. Each egg is a day in creation, a time when the world was “hatched” or formed by God.
 On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . seven swans a-swimming.

It would take someone quite familiar with the Bible to identify this gift. Hidden in the code are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, and compassion. As swans are one of the most beautiful and graceful creatures on earth, they would seem to be a perfect symbol for the spiritual gifts.
 On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . eight maids a-milking.

As Christ came to save even the lowest of the low, this gift represents the ones who would receive his word and accept his grace. Being a milkmaid was about the worst job one could have in England during this period; this code conveyed that Jesus cared as much about servants as he did those of royal blood. The eight who were blessed included the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, and those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.
 On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . nine ladies dancing.

These nine dancers were really the gifts known as the fruit of the Spirit. The fruits are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
 On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . ten lords a-leaping.

This is probably the easiest gift to understand. As lords were judges and in charge of the law, this code for the Ten Commandments was fairly straightforward to Catholics.
 On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . eleven pipers piping.

This is almost a trick question, as most think of the disciples in terms of a dozen. But when Judas betrayed Jesus and committed suicide, there were only eleven men who carried out the gospel message.
 On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me . . . twelve drummers drumming.

The final gift is tied directly to the Catholic Church. The drummers are the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostles’ Creed. “I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day he rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.”

The Context & History Behind “The 12 Days of Christmas”

Teaching the Catholic faith was outlawed in sixteenth-century England. Those who instructed their children in Catholicism could be drawn and quartered. Thus, the church went underground. To hide the important and illegal elements of their teaching, clerics composed poems that seemed sill to most people. But these verses were veiled works that taught the church’s most important tenets. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” is said to be one of these teaching tools.

Most people today believe that the twelve days of Christmas start on December 12th or 13th and run through Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. But in fact, the first day of Christmas is December 25th and the final day is January 5th. Thus, for hundreds of years the Christmas holidays didn’t begin until Christmas Eve and didn’t end until Epiphany.

Why were these twelve days important? These dozen days were tied to more than just the teaching of the Catholic Church. A host of other denominations also celebrated the twelve days of Christmas. Some denominations celebrated Christmas in January and began to count the twelve days then. But whenever they began, the counting of the days became an important facet of each holiday season. Even in the Dark Ages, in some Eastern European churches, the twelve days of Christmas meant attending daily church services. For Christians who lived during this extremely difficult age, the twelve days were a time of rededication and renewal. It was also a period when small, simple, and usually symbolic gifts of faith were given to children. Thus, in both coded poems and public worship, the twelve days were considered a holy period.

For many Christians today, even the recognition of the twelve days of Christmas has been lost . . . for two reasons. The first is that when Epiphany lost out to Christmas as the day of giving gifts, many simply quit celebrating the twelve-day observance. The other reason is based more on the change in the fabric of culture than on overlooking the Christian holiday of Epiphany.

In ancient times, when most societies were rural, few people worked in the dead of winter. It was a time when many were spending long, dark days inside their homes, looking forward to winter’s chill giving way to the spring thaw. So devoting a dozen days to prayer, reflection, and attending church was not a huge undertaking. Yet with the coming of the Industrial Age and the regular year-round work schedules it brought, finding time to continue the activities that had been traditionally associated with the twelve days of Christmas became all but impossible for most people.

So the passing of the twelve-days custom probably had as much to do with “progress” as with anything else. As fewer and fewer churches and families participated in the tradition, it was all but lost. Yet in the obscure poem that was later turned into a popular carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” live on. And the twelve days described are actually a wonderful and complete picture of the Christian faith.

The “true love” mentioned in the song is not a sweetheart but the Catholic Church’s code for God. The person who receives the gifts represents anyone who has accepted Christ as the Son of God and as Savior. And each of the gifts portrays an important facet of the story of true faith.

So, just a silly song? On the surface maybe, but in reality, a refreshing reminder of the essential elements of Christian faith. The twelve days of Christmas may no longer be a widely recognized holiday tradition, but the days were an important bridge that connected persecuted believers of the past with the whole story of God’s plan. In the complicated world of today, a trip back to the not-so-distant past when Christians celebrated the twelve days of Christmas would only enhance the meaning of Christmas for everyone.

Ace Collins is the writer of more than sixty books, including several bestsellers: Stories behind the Best-Loved Songs of Christmas, Stories behind the Great Traditions of Christmas, The Cathedrals, and Lassie: A Dog’s Life. Based in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, he continues to publish several new titles each year. Ace has appeared on scores of television shows, including CBS This Morning, NBC Nightly News, CNN, Good Morning America, MSNBC, and Entertainment Tonight.

This article is part of our larger Christmas and Advent resource library centered around the events leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ. We hope these articles help you understand the meaning and story behind important Christian holidays and dates and encourage you as you take time to reflect on all that God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ!

Respectfully Submitted,

Quattro & Fireplex

1:4 ratio


7 December 2021- 17 HIM BEAT THE FARTSACK for a mathematical beatdown.



1 lap around all the middle parking spots at the CHOP followed by 10 mekins, 10 squats,10 bigboys, 10 burpees rinse and repeat 5 times then 1 extra lap just because

After Bill Murray the real fun started with Dan Taylor

1 squat 4 alternating lunges 1:4 ratio all the way to 10 squats 40 alternating lunges

after the leg beatdown it was time just a little arm and shoulders with Mr Jack Webb

1 merkin then up on knees for 4 overhead hand claps again 1:4 ratio all the way to 10:40.

ran out of time before we could get to cpt. Thor so that will be added in the future o. A Saturday when we have a little more time.

November’s Finale with, Um…Rucks!

DATE: 11/30/21

QIC: Chappie

The last day of November brought a nice chill that needed to be worked off with some heat. 18 PAX won that first battle and posted. including FNG Fudd. (There were some “no questions asked” nicknames being thrown around so we settled on the more innocent “Fudd” instead.) Welcome to F3 brother!

We started the day with an excellent VQ Warm-O-Rama by Sherlock. It went something like this:


  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Squats – 20 IC
  • Spidey Reaches – 10 each side OYO
  • Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

At this point YHC took over the Q, and here’s how it went down…


First, some more warm-up:

  • Partner Leg Throws – 18 each PAX
  • Partner Ruck Pass – 10 each PAX (partners interlock heals in Sit-Up position, pass ruck, do American Hammer w/ruck, then all the way back w/ruck overhead, then Sit-Up passing ruck to partner. Rinse & repeat til each PAX completes 10 reps)

Now…the Thang: Everyone grab a ruck (for those without, grab cindy)

2 Sets:

  • 10 Walking Ruck Lunges (Ruck OH)
  • 10 Plank Pull Throughs
  • 10 OH Press
  • (Rinse & Repeat 2x)

Mosey the short block: Prison Break to Willow St., Mosey to Union St., Prison Break back to the AO. Gassed! 10-count by TRex and another followed by Semi. Whew!

F3 3rdF shared at the break (See below)

2 Sets:

  • 10 Ruck Squats
  • 10 Ruck Merkins
  • 10 Ruck high Pulls
  • (Rinse & Repeat 2x)

Ruck Suitcase Carry around the short block, switching as necessary, back to the AO.

Time expired, time for the COT. Good work by everybody. TRex committed to posting at every workout this week, have at it brother. Who else is in?


  • Number-Rama: 18 very cool PAX
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Naming of FNG: Welcome again to Fudd! (Still, your Hospital Name, Blayze, has to be one of the coolest out there!)
  • Announcements: YHC invited PAX to consider joining the protest Saturday at Beebe Hospital, protesting the vax mandate being forced upon all healthcare workers by Dec 24th (or they will be terminated. Those we were gathering to pray for and calling heroes for sacrificially fulfilling their duties in 2020, now need our support as they are being made into villains. Let’s show up Saturday at Beebe, from 9-11am, and demonstrate our support for them.
  • Prayers: Safe travels for Sherlock on his hog hunt; for Woodstock helping to clean out a perished friend’s home, etc.; for Quattro, facing some business/family decisions this week; for YHC traveling to Frederick for an executive committee meeting (self-retracted as of this writing) and for YHC’s sister, Tonia, facing devastating, life-altering surgery. Others…the Lord knows and never forgets. Finally, prayers that all PAX would be mindful this Christmas that the birth of Jesus Christ tells us that God desires that we have a relationship with Him–it’s NOT about religion, but relationship. We know this because He came to common man, not kings. (Again, see 3rdF below.)

Humbled and excited to Q, aye!

Chappie, out!


This past Sunday was the first Sunday of Advent—I love this season because in it we recall and celebrate the Birth of Christ (Coming/Advent). It was foretold by the OT prophets 900, 700, 500 years before it happened. I love this time of year also because it reminds me of the only 2 times a year we went to church when I was a kid (Easter & Christmas). I remember the ambiance of the Christmas Eve candle light service at First Moravian Church in my hometown like it was yesterday.

In the four verses of great Christmas hymn Angels We Have Heard On High, we sing of the angels visiting lowly shepherds and the shepherds’ response.

Here’s what I think is one of the most incredible things about God: He wants us to know Him through relationship, not religion. This is evident in the song, but it was evident first in the Scriptures.

“The angels coming to men who worked menial [lowly] jobs in the fields and informing THEM of the birth of the Son of God symbolizes that Christ came for all people, rich or poor, humble or powerful. The angels’ words as recorded in Luke 2, “Fear not: For behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people,” paired with Jesus’ own parables concerning shepherds and their flocks, symbolizes that it would be the common man and not kings or religious leaders who would first carry the story of Jesus’ life to the masses.”

It has been the Called man, not the Cleric, and really always has been, who has spread the message of Jesus Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection. Think of who it was to whom Jesus first said “follow Me“: Was it not to Fishermen? Common men? As you hear and sing this song for Christmas, keep this one thing in mind: It is the common man, not kings who carry the story of Jesus’ life. For you and I to be HIM, the story of Jesus in our own lives, OUR own transformation by trusting in Jesus Christ, must not only be heard but it must be seen, especially by our children (not to mention those around us). When mom tells the story, the kids will be more prone to go to church and become followers of Christ. But when we as dads—common men, not kings—tell the story of Jesus Christ, the statistics make a significant leap, they actually go through the roof! I.e. When you and I share this story of the incredible, special relationship available between God and man with our own children, we—common men—are acting/behaving like HIM.

The Old Bull

Date: 10/28/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s – IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Hydraulic Squats – 10 IC (6 count)

Windmills – 15 IC

Jiminy Crickets – 10 OYO

Four Count Freddie’s – 20 IC

The Thang

Completed at CHOP (Chappie’s House Of Pain).  All Pax completed Aiken legs – 20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each Leg), 20 split Jacks (10 each Leg).  All those completing early will start the evolutions over until all Pax are in. Mosey around the block and retuning for our six at three designated waypoints on the way back to CHOP.  Then all Pax completed 20 Burpees, 20 Squats, 20 Merkins, 20 Big Boys.  Mosey around the block and retuning for our six at three designated waypoints on the way back to CHOP.  Pax closed out the workout with a Super Toy Soldier set of 100 LBC’s, 50 E2K’s (each side), and 25 Big Boy Sit up’s.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message – 10/28/2021


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I’ve traveled a lot. Of course, sometimes I drive, and time matters a lot. So over the years, I’ve learned a fundamental secret of making great time on the open road. Not speeding – just driving steady. Over and over, I’ve watched what I call a “spurter” come roaring up behind me. (You’ve seen them too.) He does everything but push you into the right lane. He’s obviously well into the State Trooper Zone as far as his speed’s concerned. So I move over…he roars past…but I catch up with him a few miles later without ever changing my speed. See, he’s settled back into the right lane, just cruising along. (Have you passed this guy, too?) He speeds in binges, he floors it one minute and then he’s just tapping the accelerator a few minutes later. I usually make excellent time driving places, and I’ve talked to other marathon drivers who are used to getting places fast. And we pretty much agree. How do you trim hours off a long trip? A steady foot. The fast way to get somewhere is not with big spurts, but with a consistent, steady speed. 

I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and I want to have A Word With You today about “Big Spurts and Steady Speed.”

No, I’m not opening a driving school. I brought this up because there are people who do their Christian life like those drivers who do a wild sprint, and then settle into a slow crawl. A lot of believers follow Jesus in spurts. 

Spiritual bingers usually shift into high speed after a spiritual high of some kind – a great church service, a retreat, a conference, a concert, a recommitment, a special event – or just a season of great spiritual feelings. When you’re on one of your highs, oh, look out world! You’re coming on strong! Right? But then, a few miles later, there you are, back to mediocrity, back to business as usual, making little or no progress. A lot of us are really into what I call event Christianity. We live for the next spiritual event, we depend on the next spiritual event, and we start fading when there hasn’t been a spiritual event for a while.

A lot of believers live like this – but a lot of believers are getting tired of living like this. Maybe you’re tired of stop-and-go Christianity – the roller-coaster ride of real high highs and real low lows. Your heart’s hungry for something more satisfying than spiritual spurts. You’re hungry for spiritual consistency. 

Which is why our word for today from the Word of God is so helpful. In Luke 9:23, Jesus issues a call to follow Him, but in a way that will get you more than a high. He tells you how to get a life. Listen for the all-important “D” word: “If anyone would come after Me, he must deny Himself and take up His cross daily and follow Me.” How do you follow Jesus? He said daily! One 24-hour slice of life at a time. You give Him your life, not in one big blob, but by consciously living His Lordship each new day.

Our problems come when we try to make some super-commitment that will change our life forever, or by needing an event to keep us going. What Jesus calls us to do is a brand new surrender on this particular Monday, focusing on what it means to take up His cross on this particular Monday, and then giving Him the specific Lordship issues of this specific Monday. Then, when you drive into your Tuesday, you give Him specific Lordship issues of that specific Tuesday. Pretty soon, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, you have lived a Jesus-week. Put a few of those together and you’ve got a Jesus-month. Keep going and you’ve got a Jesus-year, and then a Jesus-life. How? One day at a time. 

The secret of spiritual success is not bigger and bigger highs or bigger and bigger commitments. It’s the daily enlarging of Jesus’ Lordship over the real stuff in your life for that day.

You won’t cover nearly as much ground in spurts as you will by keeping up a steady speed. Steady, consistent, daily progress. It may not be as exciting as the bursts of speed, but it will get you a lot farther, a lot faster.

Respectfully Submitted,


New Toys!

DATE: 10/26/21

QIC: Chappie

18 PAX won round #1 with a KO over the Fartsack to post for a highly touted “New Toys” workout in today’s Gloom. It was supposed to be raining but not a single PAX complained that the weather seemed to go right around us. We’ll start with a big welcome to FNG Mowdaboat (he got after it). Admittedly YHC was a little giddy to get out his new toys for the beatdown. It’s been an advertised mystery which drew some wrong guesses. What were the new toys? (Keep reading). That’s where we began, but wait YHC is getting ahead of himself…

WARM-O-RAMA: (with a twist)

The twist: All repetitions must be double-digit (i.e. One-zero! Two-zero…). If PAX mess up and count regular, the punishment would be prison…Prison Cell Merkins (10), that is. We only did 2 prison sets.

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Seal Jacks – 10 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 10 IC
  • Windmill – 15 IC
  • Hairy Chiggers – 15 IC


Intro of new toys: Two 8-person hand-carry litters. (Tried to insert pic here but site would not allow it.)

Team Carry: PAX counted off to pair up into teams of 1’s and 2’s: Team Carry from cone-to-cone (3 cones) across the field and back, switching PAX being carried at each cone, until everyone gets a ride. (Safety brief: Carry PAX feet first). Losing team: 50 Squats with Coupon of choice (from the stack of coupons). Winners: Team #1! Wait just a second! We had 18 PAX…how in the world did we end up with uneven teams?

Took a 3rdF/Faith breather here:

1 Corinthians 16:13 says, “Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, be strong.” My emphasis today is on the phrase ACT LIKE MEN. Why does the Bible exhort us to act like men, and what does this mean?

Ray “Cash” writes, “Our society is full of hypocritical men. Men who talk a big game but don’t show up.” (No, I’m not necessarily referring to this to talk about Fartsackers, though it may apply. More critically the reference is to showing up for life.)

In Navy Seal training when I guy wants to quit he just walks up, sets his helmet on the ground and rings the bell; he’s done. Maybe that’s a tough moment to deal with, but you can quit seal training without a whole lot of fallout. However, you can’t just quit on your spouse or your family, you can’t quit on those you love, you can’t quit on yourself, and you cannot quit on life. There is no bell to ring because we weren’t designed to quit!

Instead, we’re exhorted in 1 Cor. 16:13 to be alert, to be courageous, to be manly, firm, to be mature, steady, resolved, and to have sound judgment, rather than being swept aside, corrupted, seduced, weak, and terrified like infants or confused like adolescents or teenagers.

Cash continues: “The man who keeps his word has become an endangered species. Now more than ever before our society needs men who can show up, step up, and follow through.”

ACT LIKE MEN: We need masculine men, men who are physically, mentally, AND spiritually strong. “We need battle ready men. We need men with character and core values. We need men who are definitive in their purpose! And men who say what they mean and mean what they say.”

ACT LIKE MEN: There’s a lot we could say, but imagine a world where men keep their word to themselves and to others. A world where men make eye contact. A world where men stand up to shake your hand. A world where men hold the door for others. A world where men are feared by politicians. A world where communities feel safe and protected knowing that capable men stand at the ready to keep their promise to take out anyone who endangers their family, friends, or way of life. These are all things HIM do!

ACT LIKE MEN: Step up! Get in the fight! Stay in the fight! Be men of strength, courage, integrity! Don’t even think about ringing the bell; it’s not an option!

Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong and let your heart take courage.”

Psalm 31:24 “Be strong and let your heart take courage, ALL you who hope in the Lord.”

Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, ACT LIKE MEN, be strong.”

Back to work…

3-2-1 Sandbag Burpees: (Compliments of GORUCK)

PAX planked in line (for a loooong time!), then in-turn each moved to the sandbags and did the following Sandbag Burpees:

  • 20lb Sandbag3 Sandbag Burpees
  • 40lb Sandbag2 Sandbag Burpees (Thanks to F3 Gump for the borrow)
  • 80lb Sandbag1 Sandbag Burpee (Thanks to F3 OBiwon for the borrow)
  • Hmm…looks like we need a 60lb’er
  • As PAX finished 3-2-1 Sandbag Burpees they planked on the other side of the sandbags.


Chest Bump Merkins – Sets of 10, 20, 30, 40…until last man is standing. The standard: Full extension up, chest to brick down.

Chest Bump Merkins: Done to improve form, PAX do Merkins over a brick lying flat, bumping their chest on the down. No bump = no rep (Merkin doesn’t count). Honor system but as PAX are eliminated or VW (Voluntary Withdraw) they become judges and/or shenanigaters (i.e. Fireplex)

The Gist:

  • Each PAX does round of 10 Chest Bump Merkins – All men still standing
  • Each PAX does round of 20 Chest Bump Merkins – All men still standing
  • Each PAX does round of 30 Chest Bump Merkins – Number PAX cut to 5 men standing (Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Semi, Whirlybird & FNG)
  • Final PAX do round of 40 Chest Bump Merkins – The last man standing: Whirlybird w/32 Chest Bump Merkins (Though there was some controversy…)

With that, it was time to circle up; time flies when you’re having fun. Fartsackers…you got lapped! See you next time.


  • NAME-O-RAMA – Named FNG, welcome Mowdaboat!
  • Announcements: Shirt link is up and will be posted again today. In fact, here it is:

Always honored to lead, especially since we have so many Q’s and opportunities are more sparse. Shout out to all those who won THAT FIRST BATTLE over the Fartsack and posted, even though rain was a significant threat. You showed anyway; that’s discipline! Thanks men!


Chappie, out!

The 4 Horsemen


The HIM : Chappie, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Waterfall, Mac Daddy, Sherlock, Special Guest: Timeclock Looney Tunes on Q


30 Side Streudal Hops,

30 Windmills, 

30 Imperial Walkers,

30 cherry pickers,

30 Maracan Night Club

THA-THANG 4 Rounds of Staple Exercises:

Horseman 1 | ROUND 1:MOSEY

Bolt 45

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 2 | ROUND 2:

50 squats,

40 mountain climbers,

40 Big Boys


Horseman 3 | ROUND 3:


40 Squats

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 4 | ROUND 4:


20 Squats

30 Dips(tricep dips)

30 merkins.

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

BONUS: 20 Military Big Boys(Guy holding your feet)

THE 3rd F The 4 Horsemen:
I went to an Iron Council event called the Maine Event with what i thought was a Battle plan.

The focus is on the Battle Planner which has 4 quadrants Calibration | Contribution | Conditioning | Connection. Right now, I’m focusing on Contribution(business) this quarter, my calibration is good, my conditioning is good, my Connection quadrant was all about connecting with business owners and NOT about connecting with my family.
Then, we had a CONNECTION presentation by Taylor Jacobson. I fully planned on zoning out but I think the “Jocko Go” kept me super focused all weekend.

He began going through the 4 Horsemen of Fractured Relationships:
The First Horseman: Criticism – and I think, “Oh I criticize people sometimes, but my home life is great. This is just coincidence.”
Second Horseman: Defensiveness: Always justifying yourself.  I think, “Well, I have to do that, I HAVE to be defensive. My family doesn’t understand how hard I work.”
Third Horseman: Contempt: -“I dont do that” then once it was explained as talking down, I thought. “shit I do that, but in a funny way, that’s ok right?”
Most importantly, contempt is the single greatest predictor of divorce. It must be eliminated.

Fourth: STONEWALLING: Zone Out, ignoring.
It was at this point I wanted to sneak out of the building and hitchhike home down I-95.

I was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as an Atlas Stone on my shoulder. As uncomfortable as realizing that Taylor is telling stories as examples and he might as well use my name.
I realized- The Four Horseman were right outside my home. Just waiting.
It was a good wake up for me to be honest, I may have been taking my family relationships for granted.
Luckily, Taylor gave us some antidotes to fight these 4 bastards.
The 4 Antidotes
Gentle Startup Dealing with problems in a calm and gentle way. The focus is on the problem—not the person.
Take Responsibility Own up to your behavior without blaming others
Share Fondness & Admiration Foster a healthy relationship by regularly showing each other respect and appreciation. • Show affection. • Recognize your partner’s strengths. • Give compliments
Use Self-Soothing Use relaxation techniques to calm down and stay present with your partner.
• Agree to pause the conversation briefly.
• Use deep breathing. • Use progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

I usually I keep these things to myself, “I’ll work on them in silence”. This time, when I got home I opened my notes and showed my wife the Damn 4 Horsemen of Fractured relationships.
Im fighting them off now- it’s been a week since I got back from Maine. The other morning I got a little heated at something (dog related or probably job related) and I could feel myself wanting to STONEWALL.
I forced myself to tell my wife a separate story about farming or something to establish that: 1) the argument was over, 2) I’m not mad- we cool.
We dont know what we dont know.

And we dont know what to ask. I would’ve never googled 4 horsemen unless I was looking for a Ric Flair Meme.


Same muscles, different way

Spaceman  – Warm-a-Rama
Semi – Thang

15 ssh
15 Windmill
20 Moroccan nightclub
15 plank jack
15 Cherry pickers

The Thang

Mosey to new HOB entrance

Pair off
Wheelbarrow to first light pole
Nur to second, switch
Wheelbarrow to next light pole
Plank for the six

Mosey to the playground

Complete 5 rounds of the following exercises:
12 each
Plyo merkins
Split squats
Gas pumpers
Mike Tyson

3rd F
Love Dare

Do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse—something that proves (to you and to them) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Wash her car. Clean the kitchen. Buy his favorite dessert. Fold the laundry. Demonstrate love to them for the sheer joy of being their partner in marriage.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 ESV

Mosey back to CHOP


17 HIM showed today: Blockbuster, MacDaddy, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Quarto, Ruxpin, Toy Soldier, Drago, Looney Toons, Chauffer, Doubtfire, Semi, Struedel, Spaceman, Whirlybird, Woodstock

Frisbee golf w/ a twist

QIC: Semi

All i/c

15 Seal Jack
15 mountain man pooper
15 ssh
15 Cherry pickers
15 seal wave

The Thang

Apache Mosey (running with water in your mouth) to Walgreens redbox
Pair off, alternate shots
Frisbee golf with a twist
Roll die for exercise to do per stroke
1 – burpees
2 – wide merkins hands pointing out
3 – lbcs  x 10
4 – squats
5 – mike tyson
6 – diamond merkins

3rd F

We played 7 holes and did burpees, squats, Mike Tyson, and wide merkins


14 HIM showed today: Semi, Chappie, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Blockbuster, Whirlybird, Drago, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, MacDaddy, Struedel, Sherlock, Looney Toons, Chauffer

DOS workout

Wednesday Morning F3 Workout in Milford. Looney Tines on Q, with Ruxpin, Spaceman and Woodstock. We heard someone camping out under the Library’s overhang. But the F3 workout must go on!

5:15 Warmup


• Maraccan Night Club : 30

• Cherry Pickers: 20

• Imperial Walkers:20

• Bolt 45

End Warmup with a Lap around the Library

Leaving this F3 workout up to chance. I have half a deck of DOS cards, I removed all of the numbers higher than 5 . The card game cousin of famous game UNO. We flipped cards, and read from Jocko’s book, the Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.

DOS Key# = Mosie a LAP





2=WILD = Bear Crawl.





The Thang

Here’s the run down as the cards told us:

10 Merkins

10 Full Crunches

50 Burpees, ok we did 15 Burpees, because during our August 500 Burpee school supply drive, I realized 15 is a good burpee limit.


Bear Crawl

10 Squats

10 Merkins

10 Big Boys

Bear Crawl

40 Merkins

50 Merkins

Mosie a lap

10 Burpees

40 LBCs

40 Squats

50 Squats

10 Big Boys

Ended with prayer.

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