
Pre-Blast F3 First State Christmas Party

First State Christmas Party

  • When: Friday 12/13/19
  • Time: 7 p.m.
  • QIC: Ruxpin & Shawna

Who: PAX, M’s, & 2.0’s of F3 First State

What: Annual Christmas Party

When: Friday, December 13th — 7 pm…until we get kicked out

Where: Teddy McNamara’s (Ruxpin) — 20306 Applewood Drive | Lincoln, DE 19960

Why: Why not? You’ll regret not being there if you miss it.


Q: How much does it cost?

A: Not a dime. But each PAX/M is asked to bring a pasta dish of your choice, salad, & dessert (just bring something to share)


A: Drinks will be provided. But booze…I think is BYOB. Check with Ruxpin

Q: When should I RSVP?

A: Yesterday. Since you can’t do that hit up Ruxpin on the GroupMe or DM him so that he and Shawna can start to get a headcount.

Q: What if I have any additional questions not covered here?

A: Reach out to Ruxpin or Chappie in the Gloom or on F# First State FB or IG.

Thanks ahead of time to Ruxpin and his M, Shawna, for hosting this always-a-fun-time event. Let’s get together, celebrate Christmas and another year of F3, and enjoy some 2ndF beyond a morning workout (i.e. lets introduce our families to each other…)

Cooper Suicides

QIC- Chattahoochee

8 HIM including a visitor (Longhaul) from Lehigh Valley posted at the CHOP for a beat down on this muggy Thursday morning

Welcome Longhaul to F3 first state great having you stop by a visit for my Q RESPECT RESPECT to you and Wildwing

WARMUP- 22 SSH, 22 Windmills , 22 seal jacks, 22 cherry pickers, 22 MNC

The Thang- Mosey to foodlion parking lot for a modified Sheldon Cooper

Start out at west side of parking lot mosey to center line of first set of parking spots return to start 10 Burpees, 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 big boy sit ups.

Mosey to 2nd line return to start 9 burpees, 9 squats, 9 merkins, 9 big boys

Mosey to 3rd line return to start 8 burpees, 8 squats, 8 merkins, 8 big boys

Mosey to center island and return to start for 7 of each excercise

You get the idea after center island work your way back to first line then back up until everyone got down to 1 rep of each excercise

After completing all rounds mosey back to the CHOP for 1 final Ab excersise 22 flutter kicks IC

Number-rama Name-0-rama and COT followed the beatdown with a group pic for war daddy Longhaul to take back north with him

All excercise that were IC went to 22 Reps in remembrance of the 22 veterans a day that fall to suicide hopefully that number has dropped dramatically in the past few months

3rd F was short and sweet a quote by Teddy Roosevelt taken from the book Pale horse that I am reading

( There is little use for the being whose tepid soul knows nothing of great and generous emotion, of high pride, the stern belief, the lofty enthusiasm, of men who quell the storm and ride the thunder.

I believe this quote fits right in with F3 with the storm being beating the fartsack in the gloom and we ride the thunder of the Qs beatdowns when we post


It was great to once again have a Cousin Eddie with us. We had 2 PAX from different regions in SC last week and today we extended a warm (very warm!), humid, and sandy welcome to JAX FL, Gecko. Nothing like getting that F3 Passport stamped! That made it a 12-pack for the beatdown.

This Gloom’s “gameful employment” brought to you by Nugget’s influence. Our brother has a reputation for bringing games into his Q’s, so YHC, looking for a fresh Q idea, decided to throw-down with a man-sized game of sandbag Tic-Tac-Toe. a.k.a. Tic-Tac-Gohhh! Of course, we started with the warmup…


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Swartz Jacks – 20 IC (just pay attention Leatherman, you’ll get ’em figured out)
  • Imperial Walkers – 20 IC
  • Hill Billy Walkers – 18 IC
  • Crab Flippers (a.k.a. Cherry Pickers) – 20 IC
  • Flying Squirrels – 10 OYO

Mosey down N. Bedford Street to the field on North Bedford Street Park, where PAX would find what pre-ruck rucker Ruxpin caught YHC red-handed setting up prior to the workout: A man-sized Tic-Tac-Toe painted on the field (shout-out to sprayable sidewalk chalk!) YHC should’ve taken a pic because, you have to admit, it did have a cool F3 symbol painted in the middle square.

PAX counted-off by 2’s…well, some of us did. Uh, hem, Doubtfire! It took a couple tries but we got it figured out. Nonetheless, 12 PAX beat the Fartsack to post for this highly excellent game! 12 PAX equals 2 teams of six. Y’all started your Saturday with 2 Six PAX! Here’s how it all went down:


Teams were set up EXACTLY 100′ feet apart. Team X, with 5 40lb sandbags stacked at their cone marked with X’s. Team O, with 5 40lb sandbags stacked at their cone marked with O’s. On the count of 3, 2, 1 Gohhh! PAX took turns and had to carry a sandbag and carefully place it (like a baby, per Q’s instructions) into the tic-tac-toe design in the middle of the field trying to get 3-in-a-row-tic-tac-toe! Teams played to win the best of 7 rounds.

Round 1: O’s win! (wouldn’t you like to hear THAT more??)

  • Winners, Plank.
  • Losers, 25 Sandbag Squat Swings
    • (Yes kids, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose!)

Round 2: O’s win! (yep, you heard it here first, folks! O’s won 2 straight!)

  • Winners, Plank.
  • Losers, 25 Sandbag Squat Curls

Round 3: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 1

  • Winners, Plank
  • Losers, 25 OH Shoulder Press

Round 4: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 2

  • Winners, Plank
  • Losers, 25 Bulgarian Ball Busters

Round 5: X’s win! O’s 2 – X’s 3

  • Winners, Plank
  • Losers, 25 Sandbag Pulls (vertical…sack to your Bombjacks!)

Round 6: O’s win! O’s 3 – X’s 3

  • Winners, Plank
  • Losers, 25 Plank Pulls

CHAMPIONSHIP ROUND, Round 7: Teams compete with their best line-up

  • Jack Wins! SOG…Son Ofa Gun!
  • Losers, 18 Burpees (both teams)

Great competition, great fun! We all got stronger, so yep, it looks like everyone actually did win. Hmm…

3rd F Breather: YHC shared a rinse and repeat of a 3rd Word he shared from a life experience which really drove home the Word of God:

Exodus 33:13-15. Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Lead these people,’ but You have not let me know whom you will send with me. you have said, ‘I know you by name and you have found favor with Me.’ If you are pleased with me, teach me Your ways so I may know You and continue to find favor with You. Remember that this nation is Your people.” The Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Verse 15 reads: Then Moses said to Him, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not lead us up [to the Promised Land] from here.

  1. As leaders, what’s one thing we CANNOT do without? God’s presence!
  2. Earlier in verse 2 it says that an angel would go with them, but NOT God’s presence.
  3. In verse 3, going into the Promised Land, victory was promised
  4. BUT…God’s presence WOULD NOT go with them. Before Moses pleaded with God later in the chapter, we read that God had planned to withhold His presence from His people.

Have you ever thought about why? This used to confound me until I was walking a trail in the woods across the parking lot from my church years ago, with 2 of my 3 boys. After playing with every stick (guns/swords) and every rock (grenades) it was time to start heading down through the woods, across the field and parking lot toward home. But the boys would not stay with me! After repeated urgings for them to stay with me, without their corresponding response to do so, I, slightly ahead of them on the trail just simply stepped behind a large tree. I literally hid or withheld my presence. I’m their father, so I didn’t do it to be mean or even to make them suffer. I didn’t go home and cruelly leave them in the woods to fend for their 2-yr-old and 3-yr-old selves. I stepped behind the tree to hide my presence for one reason: To hear the words “Daddy, where are you?” They cried out almost immediately and I responded almost immediately. That’s when it hit me! When God hides His presence from us it’s not because He’s mean, wants us to suffer, and it’s not that He is cruel. He simply wants us to recognize His absence and to call out to Him and say, Daddy, where are you? I need your presence in my life, my leadership! I need you God. That’s what Moses cried out on behalf of himself and the nation. And God answered and said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

As men, husbands, fathers, and leaders what’s one thing we cannot do without in order to be HIM? God’s presence! When you notice His absence, repent (turn) and cry out to Him.

The Thang 2:

  • 10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 20 Carolina Drydocks
  • 10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 15 Split Jacks (15 each leg)
  • 10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 10 Mtn. Man Poopers
  • 10 Swerkins, run (kinda) across field – 05 Nipple Scraper Merkins

Mosey back to AO for a 10 mins of Mary:

  • 15 Climb da Ladder -Compliments of Vanilla
  • 20 4-Count Freddies – Compliments of Hideous
  • 25 Reverse Crunch – Compliments of Nugget
  • 15 Big Boys – Compliments of Bovine
  • 20 Flutter Kicks – Compliments of Ying Ying (great cadence bro!)
  • 20 Groiners – Compliments of Doubtfire (some serious sucktology!)
  • 15 Burpees – Compliments of Cousin Eddie, Gecko from JAX, FL.
  • Great recall Nugget!

YHC heard the bells ringing; time to circle up.

  • Announcements: Get your shirts now, order window closes in few days and won’t open again for 6 or 8 months. order try this link:
  • Prayers: Chappie’s teens; Gecko’s teens; Chattahoochee; etc. Thanx for taking the hand-off Vanilla!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead HIM! Thanks for your ear at Coffeeteria, Gecko. What are the odds that you show up in DE and post at exactly the same time we’re working through almost identical issues with sons? Perhaps Soul-Q might’ve had a hand in our schedules.

Chappie, out!

Ace of Bases VQ Beatdown

May 25, 2019 Doubtfire VQ

Warmup: 15 Flying Phelps, Butt Kickers around the fountain, 15 SSH, 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Windmills

The Thang: Mosey to Little League Fields for Ace of Bases. Bear Crawl to each base and do 10 Bobby Hurley Burpees, Then Crawl Bear to each base and do 20 Merkins

3rd F Paul Tripp: The grand illusion of every act of sin is that we can be disloyal to God and everything will work out in the end.

We all do it sometimes and in some ways. In little and not so little moments of disloyalty to God, we work to excuse ourselves and convince ourselves that it will all be okay in the end. In private moments of moral self-conversation we say: “I can handle this, it will be okay.”, “I’ll only do it this once.”, “I really didn’t have much of a choice.”, “It’s not really such a big deal.”, “Other people do it all the time.”, “It’s not really clearly forbidden by the Bible.”, “What else could I do?”, “I just chose the lesser of two evils.”, “God is good, he’ll forgive me.”, “It’s not like I do this all the time.”, “Doesn’t God want me to be happy?”

Each statement is designed to relieve the burden of conviction. Each is meant to mask the reality that we have chosen to be disloyal to God, rebellious to his authority, and resistant to his call. Each is meant to cover the true allegiance of our hearts. Each is designed to enable us to feel okay about what God clearly says is not okay. Each is meant to make sin look not so sinful after all. Each is meant to ease our fear that sin really is destructive and that it rally does lead to death.

These are moments when we are all tempted to give in to the delusional logic of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. In the mundane moments of our daily lives, we buy into the fallacy that we can step over God’s loving and wise moral boundaries without consequences.. In myriad little moments, we’re morally disloyal to the One who is our wisdom, righteousness, and hope. And what’s important about this is that the character of a life isn’t set in three or four big moments of life, but in ten thousand little, virtually unnoticed moments. These acts of disloyalty expose the war that still rages for the rulership of our hearts and the depth of our ongoing need for rescuing and forgiving grace. Isn’t it good to know that that grace is ours in Christ Jesus!

Mosey to JOP for Dorrice Burns: PAX in plank position in circle facing inward. Rotate to adjacent PAX position after each exercise while remaining in plank position in clockwise manner after each exercise. 1st position – plank for 30 count, 2nd position – 10 merkins IC, 3rd position – 10 angle grinders IC, 4th position – 30 count plank, 5th position – 10 groiners IC, 6th position – 10 zebra butt kickers IC.

Mosey back to AO for Mary: 20 flutter kicks, 20 LBC’s, 20 American Hammers

Name o rama, COT, Welcome FNG (Zach Hayes AKA Bovine) Total 2.67 miles, Coffeteria Memorial day pre plan at Starbucks

Going Postal

Date: 5/2/19

QIC: Chappie

YHC is a little behind the ball on getting this BB posted, but its better late than never. Last Thursday workout was brought to you by Bo Derek…i.e. 10 HIM won the first battle, struck down the fartsack, and posted for a Chappie beatdown. First we got in the Warm-O-Rama, then we mosey’d to the Post Office. YHC figured a federal building would be a the best place to workout on our nation’s National Day of Prayer. Here’s how it all went down…


Disclaimer stumbled through

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Cherry Pickers – 18 IC
  • Nipple Scraper Merkins – 5 OYO (remain planked)
  • Merkins – 10 IC
  • Seal Jacks – 18 IC

Patriot Run to the “oval track” in front of the Post Office. You gotta love running with Old Glory!

The Thang:

Once reaching at the Post Office, PAX circled up while YHC stationed two 40# sandbags (restrictor plates) at each end of the oval. PAX paired up and completed the following exercises. One rule: No one could pass a sandbag. If there was a sandbag in your lane around the oval, you had to carry it half-way around (opposite end). 3rd F was introduced, then shared at the end of each round. Since it was the National Day of Prayer, each portion was contained in a letter that volunteers opened and read amongst the PAX


Exercises: (Partners switched back and forth until the accumulated reps was accomplished)

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squat Jumps (side-to-side)…YOWZA!!
  • 300 American Hammers

Chattahoochee said something about Burpees, so…YHC shared the following, encouraging PAX to take some time to pray throughout the day. This was followed by the PAX doing Burpees while Chattahoochee ran the oval one last lap.

PAX collected the 2 sandbags, the shovel flag, and mosey’d back to the AO to return right on time – 0600hrs.


  • Announcements: Aegis closed Saturday, workout to be held at CHOP; Mystery Dinner at Milton Firehall Saturday evening 5-9, etc.
  • Prayers: Continued prayers for Brenda & Denny, Chairman’s mom & Dad; PRAYER FOR OUR NATION, not just today but especially today


Great work by all the PAX, nothing but love expressed during those Jump Squats. Always appreciate the chatter! He, he! As always YHC was humbled and honored to lead.

~Chappie, out!

On the run

QIC : semi
Warm up

25 Seal jacks. I/c
20 Cherry picker. I/c
Capri lap
25 Seal wave. I/c
20 Windmill I/c
Capri lap
25 Ssh. I/c


Mosey to alley by bank

10 chicken peckers i/c

10 derkins i/c

Mosey to grassy hill along water south of bridge

Crawl bear down hill,
5 burpees
Bear crawl up hill,
5 burpees

X 2

Mosey to parking lot by bridge

Danger lt. Half way across lot, jailbreak back to start.
Nur full length of lot mosey back to start
Side shuffle across lot, 25 lbcs, side shuffle back to start

Mosey back to AO

3rd F

From True Competitor, #50, Don’t believe everything you believe. Train your brain.

10 HIM showed – semi, Chairman, Chattahoochee, Ruxpin, leatherman, summit, Wildwing, hideous, FNG (rocky), FNG (megabit)

Number Rama

Name Rama


7 of Diamonds, etc.


QIC: Vanilla

AO: Aegis: Georgetown, DE

PAX: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Fireplex, Hideous, Nugget, Summit, Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Windmill – 15 IC

Circle Burp

Mosey to Georgetown Elementary for the thang!

The Thang 1: “7 of Diamonds”

Using a square of sidewalk in front of Georgetown Elementary with roughly 100 yards between the points, the PAX went through 7 rounds of pain. In each round the PAX stopped at each tip of the “diamond” to perform the given exercise and reps. Mosey transitions

Round 1: 7 Burpees

Round 2: 14 4-Count Flutter Kicks

Round 3: 21 Merkins

Round 4: 28 Squats

Round 5: 21 LBC’s

Round 6: 14 Iron Mikes

Round 7: 7 Diamond Merkins

After first 4 rounds, we broke for a third F. I read an excerpt from “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge


“Which would you rather be said of you: “Harry? Sure I know him. He’s a real sweet guy.” Or, Yes, I know about Harry. He’s a dangerous man…in a really good way.” Ladies, how about you? Which man would you rather have as your mate? (Some women, hurt by masculinity gone bad, might argue for the “safe” man…and then wonder why, years later, there is no passion in their marriage, why he is distant and cold.) And as for your own femininity, which would you rather have said of you–that you are a “tireless worker,” or that you are a “captivating woman”? I rest my case.

What if? What if those deep desires in our hearts are telling us the truth, revealing to us the life we were meant to live? God gave us eyes so that we might see, he gave us ears that we might hear, he gave us wills that we might choose, and he gave us hearts that we might live. The way we handle the heart is everything. A man must know he is powerful, he must know he has what it takes. A woman must know she is beautiful, she must know she is worth fighting for. “but you don’t understand,” said one woman to me. “I’m living with a hollow man.” No, it’s in there. His heart is there. It may have evaded you, like a wounded animal, always out of reach, one step beyond your catching. But it’s there. “I don’t know when I died,” said another man. “But I feel like I’m just using up oxygen.” I understand. Your heart may feel dead and gone, but it’s there. Something wild and strong and valiant, just waiting to be released.”

Mosey to National Guard for The Thang 2!

The Thang 2: “Grizzcalator”

PAX Complete 1 Merkin with hands on the bottom step and then 2 Merkins with hands on the 2nd step, 3 Merkins on the 3rd step, etc., all the way up to 14 merkins on the 14th step. Total = 105 Merkins

Mosey back to the AO for “Johnny Cash”

Johnny Cash: Part 1

PAX circled up and all hold 6 inches. 1 PAX at a time completes 10 Big Boys while everyone else holds 6.

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,



And We Were Swerkin’

Date: 3/23/19

QIC: Chappie

Another double-digit Saturday at the Aegis AO in Georgetown, DE. Hey, this is starting to look like a habit. Now, its time to start getting in some regular coffeeteria. YHC, along with Doubtfire and his 2.0 (FNG Fly Catcher) enjoyed some o’ that 2ndF following Saturday’s workout. Always well worth it!

11 PAX posted for what turned out to be a sunny Saturday at the Aegis–a rare sunny day, albeit rather breezy. It seems to rain more often than not at the Aegis, so we’ll take the sun any day. It went a little something like this:



  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Moroccan Night Club’s – 18 IC
  • Italian Night Club’s – 18 IC
  • Cherry Picker, Crab Flipper, Hairy Chigger – 18 IC (CPCFHC’s)
  • Planks Jacks – 18 IC
  • Imperial Walker’s – 18 IC


PAX led to YHC’s vehicle where each one received a paver & a frisbee (seriously, a frisbee).

Mosey to North Bedford Street Park carrying said coupons, holding paver OH every other block. Once arriving at the park, PAX placed pavers spread out along a line perpendicular to the swing set.

From the line of Pavers, PAX tossed their frisbee. Goal: Toss frisbee to distant picnic table in as few throws as possible (like in disc golf). Number of throws = the number of Swerkin Rounds per PAX. First 3 rounds = 25 Swerkins, subsequent rounds = 10 Swerkins (see video above for Swerkin demo). About half the PAX hit the picnic table in 3 throws (3 rounds), other half in 4 throws (4 rounds).

  • Frisbee Seal Crawl back to paver line.
  • Swerkin Round 1 – 25 Swerkins
  • Paver Drag to park bench, OH Press back to line.
  • Swerkin Round 225 Swerkins
  • *Frisbee Seal Crawl to picnic table was planned, but due to the number of broken frisbees from the first round YHC had to Omaha: Paver Drive to picnic table. *Apparently frisbees have a weight limit.
  • OH Lunge Press return to line.
  • Swerkin Round 325 Swerkins (those things carry some suck factor!)
  • Paver Drag to park bench, mosey return to line.
  • Subsequent Round – 10 Swerkins, while 3-Round PAX did a varied mosey around perimeter of field: Nur, Karaoke, mosey. Upon completion of Swerkins, other PAX caught up on perimeter mosey.

In midst of Swerkin rounds, PAX took a 3rd F breather. Because of sore throat and oncoming head-cold, YHC had to abbreviate his 3rdF. Here’s the full account of what was prepared/borrowed from the Q Source:

PAX stacked the pavers and frisbees for post-workout pick-up. Shout out thanks to Chattahoochee for the reload assistance!

Still time on the clock, so we circled up for a little introduction of Jack Webb (1/4 ratio).

Mosey return to AO

NUMBER-RAMA: 11 PAX, nice double-digits again! Let’s keep up the EH’ing; it’s that time of year when it’s a little easier to get new PAX to post. Hit ’em up men! Great push by all, especially Doubtfire’s 2.0 FNG!

NAME-O-RAMA: Welcome to Doubtfire’s 2.0, Harrison, now known as Fly Catcher. This young HIM is, in his own words, a “bird nerd.”


  • Announcements
  • Prayers

Coffeeteria followed at Dunkin. Nor worries, we ate healthy and had some good fellowship between Doubtfire, Fly Catcher, and YHC.

Honored to Q it up at the Aegis!

Chappie, out!

North, East, South and West

March 9, 2019

QIC- Summit 

Another damp morning at the georgetown circle but that didn’t slow us from hitting double digits for the first time at the AEGIS! Great push by all men!


Merkins IC 

Arm circles forwards / backwards 

SSH ICCherry Picker IC

Windmill IC

 Moroccan NC IC

Mountain Climbers IC 

The Thang-


Mosey to church lot for Abs 

Super Toy Soldier Set -In Cadence 

25- lbc, 10 e2k, 10 Big boys 

Flutter kicks 15 IC 

American Hammers – 25 IC

 Mosey back to Circle 


Mosey to Masonic Lodge parking lot.

Aiken legs set 

20 squats

20 wall jumps 

20 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)

20 split jacks 

Wrap up with each pax runs up 2 flights of stairs and back down 

Mosey back to circle 

Break for 3rdF-  ‘Say Not’ 


Mosey to opposite side of Fire Hall 

Partner up -one partner holds plank while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 20. 


20 reg 

20 wide 

20 hand release 

20 ranger 

20 reg 

Mosey back to circle. 


Mosey to M&T bank lot   – 

Partner up one partner does dips while other partner does merkins. Switch for each set of 10 Merkins- 

10 reg 

10 wide 

10 hand release 

10 ranger 

10 reg 

Mini Aiken legs 

10 squats

10 curb jumps 

10 lunges (forward, 10 each leg)

10 split jacks 

Mosey back to circle.

Wrap up with toy soldier set 

30 lbc. 15 e2k,  10 big boy 


3rdF- ‘ Say Not’ from Mark Battersons book ‘Play the Man’  The hardest part of the body to subdue is the tongue. So, let’s issue a gentleman’s challenge. What we refer to as locker room talk, the Bible calls sin.    Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk of course joking, which are out of place.
     Here’s a simple rule of thumb: don’t say something about someone that you wouldn’t say if they were standing here. And above all, honor your wife with your words. If you’re going tot all about her behind her back, make sure you are bragging!    There is a powerful little phrase repeated in Scripture: “ say not”     Whatever you verbalize, you give power to. When you voice negative thoughts, you’re reinforcing what’s wrong. Over time, it often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.    Instead of verbalizing negativity, speak words of faith.    Instead of verbalizing complaints, speak words of praise.   When God called Jeremiah to be a prophet, Jeremiah felt overwhelmed and under qualified. He used inexperience as an excuse, and God rebuked his excuse.    Say not, I am a child
So Quit making excuses!I’m too old.  I’m too young. I had bad parents. I’ve made too many mistakes. I don’t have the education. I don’t have the experience. SAY NOT!       What needs to go on your “say not” list?  You can start with obscenities, foolish talk and course joking.  While you are at it, add gossiping and lying. And to top it off, quit insulting others or bragging about yourself.       If we can subdue our tongues, there is no part of our bodies we cannot control. James likened the tongue to the rudder of a boat— it turns the whole ship.       “ When we put bits in the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever  the pilot wants to go.  Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.”Say not!   

99 problems… and then some.

warm up

20 ssh. 15 windmills. 15 cherry pickers. butt kicks. high knees. L & R shuffle.

mosey to alley to do 11’s (almost) of Mike Tyson’s w/ a bear crawl in-between sets.

Mosey to Pine st. and do patriot run with last pax doing a burp before he sprints to front of line, all the way to the middle school.

3rd F. on scheduling/planning/calendar. Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?

99’s- in front of middle school with sets of sidewalks, run to 1st side walk do 33 pike press, nur to start. run to second sidewalk do 33 bicep curls(each arm), nur to start. run to 3rd do 33 merkins, nur to start. new round, same format but do 33 leg raises, 33 reverse crunches and 33 big boys.

mosey to AO for COT.

good push HIM!

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