
Semi’s 2.0 BDAY

QIC: Semi

19 seal jacks i/c
21 plank jacks i/c
19 Imperial walkers i/c
21 seal waves i/c

The Thang

Mosey to food lion parking lot for a game of ultimate frisbee

2 merkins every turn over

3rd F
Talked about how the HIM have helped me in leading the soccer team I coach. How we HIM can point things out to each other and carry each other thru.

Mosey back to CHOP

Losing team did 20 bomb jacks
Wining team did 10 bomb jacks


20 HIM showed today: Quarto, Toy Soldier, Wildwing, Chairman, Streudel, Woodstock, Flatbottom, Roundhouse, Blockbuster, Spaceman, Chappie, Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Drago, Whirlybird,  Hideous, Mac Daddy, Chauffer

Declined 45’s

QIC: Semi


20 i/c
Plank jacks
Seal jacks
Cherry picker
Seal wave

The Thang

Mosey to tequila real

Decline Bolt 45 – feet 6 inches apart

Ranger merkin 15
Wide merkin 15
Merkin 15

Decline Bolt 45 – feet wide, toes pointing out

Diamond merkins 15
Wide merkins, hands out 15
Merkin 15

Mosey back to CHOP

3rd F
Referenced the lame man being lowered down through the roof in front of Jesus by his friends so he could be healed. F3 is the friends lowering their friend down in front of Jesus. Remember to open up in the COT and on group me about struggles you are going through.

Soldier Toy
20 big boys
20 e2ks
60 lbcs


17 HIM showed today: Semi, Ying Ying, Gump, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Fireplex, Cabana, Whirlybird, Flatbottom, Looney Toons, Chauffer, Drago, MacDaddy, Drop Kick, FNG(Clipt)


Glory to God

15 Pax joined the workout this morning including 3 guests; Dora, Drop Kick and Long Haul.


  • SSH – IC 25
  • Mountain Man Pooper – IC 10
  • Seal Jack – IC 20
  • Windmill – IC 15

The Thang

Mosey to Governors Walk Park

The Pax partnered up and rotated through 8 stations, each station had 2 exercises. Once both exercises were completed partners moved to the next station.

Station 1: Plank Crawl on park bench and 50 LBCs

Station 2: 20 Box Jumps and 50 Dips on park bench

Station 3: 30 Balance Lunges on park bench and 15 Burpees

Station 4: 25 Derkins on park bench and 60 American Hammers

Station 5: 30 Single Leg Squats and 25 Plyo Merkins on park bench

Station 6: 15 Diamond Merkins and 50 Flutter Kicks

Mosey up hill to the entrance of Governors Walk

Station 7: 30 Step-ups knee lifts and 25 Carolina Dry Docks on park bench

Station 8: 30 Bench Mountain Climbers and 25 Bench Crunches

The Q had planned on 2 rounds, but we were only able to complete one rotation.

Mosey back to the AO

The 3rd F was delivered at the start, when we arrived at Governor Walk and at the AO at the end of the workout.

Olympic Medalists Who Give Glory to God

By Movieguide® Staff

1. Sydney McLaughlin 

Not only did U.S. Olympian Sydney McLaughlin win the gold medal for Team USA in the 400-meter hurdles, but the 21-year-old also set a world record with a time of 51.46.

After McLaughlin’s win, she said that it was made possible by “just trusting the process and giving the glory to God.”

“Let me start off by saying, what and honor it is to be able to represent not only my country, but also the kingdom of God. What I have in Christ is far greater than what I have or don’t have in life,” she wrote on Instagram after her Olympic run. “I pray my journey may be a clear depiction of submission and obedience to God. Even when it doesn’t make sense, even when it doesn’t seem possible. He will make a way out of no way. Not for my own gratification, but for His glory. I have never seen God fail in my life. In anyone’s life for that matter. Just because I may not win every race, or receive every one of my heart’s desires, does not mean God had failed. His will is PERFECT. And He has prepared me for a moment such as this. That I may use the gifts He has given me to point all the attention back to Him. 2x Olympian, Olympic Champion, World Record Holder, Thank. You. God. ????????”

2. Caeleb Dressel

American swimmer Caeleb Dressel won five gold medals at the Tokyo Olympics and broke his world record by .05 seconds in the 100-meter butterfly. 

Dressel used his success to champion his central motivation: his faith in God. 

The 24-year-old sports an eagle tattoo on his left shoulder, which represents one of his favorite Bible verses, Isaiah 40:31: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

“It’s the reason I’m in the sport—not just to go fast times, but to inspire people and show them where I find my happiness with what God’s given me,” Dressel told the Baptist Standard in 2015, adding in 2016: “Trust what God is doing, whether it be a rough point in your life or a top pinnacle in your life. You’ve just got to take pauses and really trust what He’s doing.”

3. Tamyra Mensah-Stock

American Olympic wrestler Tamyra Mensah-Stock thanked God and her country after winning her first gold medal in the Tokyo Olympics.

“Of course I surprise myself,” Mensah-Stock told reporters. “It’s by the grace of God I’m even able to move my feet. I just leave it in His hands and I pray that all the practice … my coaches put my through pays off and, every single time, it does.”

The athlete expressed how proud she is to represent the U.S. in the Olympics. 

“It feels amazing,” she said. “I love representing the U.S. I … love living here. I love it. And I’m so happy I get to represent USA!”

4. Kendra “Keni” Harrison

In her first Olympic games, U.S. track and field athlete Kendra “Keni” Harrison took home the silver medal in the 100-meter hurdles. 

However, she is no stranger to the spotlight, as she still holds the world record that she set in 2016.  

“I’m the WORLD RECORD HOLDER 12.20. I am a walking testimony of how incredible God truly is,” she said at the time. 

Despite not going to Rio in 2016, Harrison said she is thankful for the opportunity she had in Tokyo. 

“Missing the Olympic team in 2016 has made me a stronger Christian athlete and words can’t describe the gratitude I’m feeling right now,” she wrote. “In 2016 I allowed self-doubt to determine my destiny and became a victim to track & field press. BUT GOD…As I gained a deeper connection to God each year I noticed my faith conquering ALL doubt.” 

5. Kelsey Plum

Basketball player Kelsey Plum lifted the USA women’s 3×3 basketball team the gold medal.

Plum thanked God for her health and the opportunity to compete.

“I just want to thank a lot of people: God, my mom, my family, my friends,” Plum said. “I want to thank USA Basketball. They could’ve quit on me. They could’ve said, ‘We’re going to bring somebody else,’ and they didn’t. I’m just super grateful to my teammates, I mean, man, this was a battle.”

“I kind of had to go through life and figure out what’s important,” Plum told Sports Spectrum in 2019. “It takes a lot of failure and mistakes and humility to be able to see that I need a relationship with God.”

“I’m super grateful because I think that He’s always really been very precise about exactly where He wanted me to be and He’s put certain people in my life to really help me,” Plum said in an interview in 2020. “I’m just super grateful, so I think for me, as I continue to grow into a woman and a woman of faith, I try to make sure that I’m a light.”

6. Athing Mu

At just 19-years-old, U.S. runner Athing Mu is an Olympic gold medalist. Mu won gold in the women’s 800-meter race at the Tokyo Olympics.

“As a follower of Christ, our main goal is to live in the image of Jesus in order to connect to God and ‘get to God,” Mu told The Battalion in June. “I believe when God is ready to give you blessings, He gives it to you with all intentions. In this case, ‘keeping one at the top, never at the bottom.’”

Mu referenced Deuteronomy 28:13, which reads: “The Lord will make you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom.”

“The only thing I can do is thank God because without Him, I wouldn’t be able to do anything I’ve done this season,” she told WomensRunning.com. “I think He’s really awakened me with one thing, especially, that’s confidence. That’s one thing I’ve really gained this year as a collegiate athlete, having confidence in all I do because I do have the capability, I was made for this.”

Ended with the COT

AND…More Burpees

Week #2 of the August Burp to School Challenge began with, well, Burpees. Simple: Bring school supplies, do Burpees that correlate to the Burpee values in school supplies, and withdraw that number from your Burpee account (everyone’s account contained 500 Burpees at the start of the month). Bring school supplies to contribute to the Delaware State Police “We Got Your Backpack” community fundraiser AND get stronger by doing Burpees = PAX supporting our community AND getting stronger. That’s a win, win! Caveat: FNG’s are worth 100 (free) and Unicorns/Kotter’s are valued at 50 (free).

14 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE and posted, regardless of the high potential for Burpees. Shout out to 2 PAX who joined us from downrange: Dora from F3 Philly and Drop Kick from F3 Cape Fear, and a special welcome back, welcome back, welcome back…to Beeker (50 Burpee Bounty secured by YHC).

And, now, for the highly anticipated workout:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Italian Night Clubs – 52 IC (had to go til we could feel ’em)
  • Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
  • Windmill – 15 IC

Mosey to entrance of H.O.B. Elementary

PAX paired up to do “Burp Back Mountain” – PAX #1 runs to bottom of hill, then Nurs back to top, while PAX #2 does Burpees. Swap, rinse and repeat until 100 Burpees are completed (cumulative = 100 Burpees per group).

Q called for a break for the 3rdF at mid-point (see below)

Burp Back Mountain was completed and followed by a brief round of Mary:

  • ????
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Dying Cockroaches
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Four-Count Freddies

Mosey back to AO, with a Jail Break from beginning of drive to AO

10 Burpees just for fun (60 Burpees in all). If PAX brought school supplies, they could withdraw the earned amount from their accounts; otherwise they’re just plain old Burpees.

Still time: PAX tackled a 1/4 round of Jack Webb. 1 Merkin/4 Overhead claps. 2 Merkins/8 Overhead claps…all the way up to 10 Merkins/40 Overhead Claps. Call 911, there’s a massive shoulder fire at the CHOP AO at @f3firststate !


  • Announcements: Keep bringing school supplies; welcome to the guys from downrange; F3 First State Family picnic at Doubtfire’s, Sep 5 @ 4pm; F3 Nation 10 Year Anniversary celebration at Cape Fear, Oct 8-10…HC today!
  • Prayers: Prayers for kids and teachers getting back to school, that they’d be able to get back to some sense of normalcy; prayers for Beeker and “unmentioned” request concerning his unmentionables; prayers for Streudel…tests and answers.

Always a privilege to Q, even when bringing MORE Burpees. Well done to all those who posted knowing full well that Burpees would be expected.


Chappie, out!

Review of the #rdF shared earlier at the 50 Burpee mark:

The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:23-24 that Jesus “…while being reviled, He did not revile in return; while he suffered, He uttered no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him [God] who judges righteously; and He bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”

Many years ago I saw this Christ-like character trait—of being reviled and accused and NOT responding—lived out by a friend of mine. One of the hardest things we will ever do is take to the hits for someone else and say nothing! It happened while we were in Basic Training at Ft. Sill, OK, and it humbled me! In basic training we learned ALOT: Basic infantry skills, teamwork, self-discipline, marksmanship, bayonet fighting, hand-to-hand combat, physical fitness, and many other things. One of my favorites was Drill & Ceremony. This is when troops align and march in various formations and carry out commands with uniform precision. In practicality it is meant for moving large numbers of troops, quickly from Point A to Point B. Drill & Ceremony is still taught and used in Army ceremonies to instill honor, promote camaraderie and preserve tradition.

In Basic Training we practiced and practiced and practiced until it was time for an elaborate demonstration before a handful of Army evaluators. We became a well-oiled machine! We’d be evaluated based on Army standards AND in comparison to other platoons. After doing our entire Drill & Ceremony routine our platoon retreated to our laundry room to await the results, when all of a sudden DS McCutchen burst through the door looking for Pvt. Bean!!! (YHC) You see, for a small portion of our routine, Pvt. Bean was half-stepping where he shouldn’t have been half-stepping. So DS McCutchen came cussing and carrying-on through the door to tear Bean a new “Bombjacks”! Problem was my buddy Pvt. Grove and I, along with Pvt. Beals looked identical. DS McCutchen went right up to Grove and let him have it. Right there in front of the whole platoon, and right there in front if me (Pvt. Bean), thinking the whole time he had the right guy. Grove never said a word. He never said, “But DS, I’m not Pvt. Bean, I’m Pvt. Grove.” HE stood there and took it. And he took it for me, in my place, and covered over my half-stepping bafoonery.

My buddy didn’t know it then, but that instance was a small, albeit grand, in-person picture of what it looked like when Christ was arrested and whipped and beaten and reviled; He never said a word. And He took our punishment! Peter goes on to say Jesus went even further: “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.” (1 Peter 2:24)

The main role of the Old Testament high priest was to offer sacrifices for his own sins and the sins of the people. The problem was that those sacrifices were only temporary. The Jewish people would have to offer sacrifices again and again for their continued sins. The priests, being no less human, were prone to the same sins such as pride, selfishness, anger, and disobedience. Because they were merely men, they eventually died, and the next priest continued the sacrifices.

Yet Hebrews 7:24-27 says, “But because Jesus lives forever, his priesthood lasts forever. 25 Therefore He is able, once and forever to save those who come to God through him. He lives forever to intercede with God on their behalf. 26 He is the kind of high priest we need because He is holy and blameless, unstained by sin. He has been set apart from sinners and has been given the highest honor in heaven. 27 Unlike those other high priests He does not need to offer sacrifices every day. They did this for their own sins first and then for the sins of the people. But Jesus did this once for all when He offered himself as a sacrifice for the people’s sins.” (emphasis added…because Jesus is Risen!)

Jesus is the ultimate High Priest! The final High Priest! He really understands us and He knows what we go through in our flesh. He was God, but He came down to the world as a human being. He faced many of the same challenges we do, yet He did not sin.  Even when He was reviled, He did not revile in return. He did not fight back–even when He was accused!

One if the hardest things we will ever do as HIM is take the hit(s) for someone else and never say a word! There is certainly a time and a place for it.


Side-note: Btw, our Drill & Ceremony demonstration was nearly flawless that day. Nearly, except for that dude who was half-stepping. And we won the competition and hung the banner on our guide-on flag for the rest of Basic Training.

Can You Just Leave It The Hill Alone

Date: 07/22/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Four Count Freddie’s – 25 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to half way down, 15 squats half way down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Windmills – 20 IC

Mosey @.5 miles to Oh Hill No

The Thang 

The Modified Slugger & Toy Soldier Routine.  Crawl Bear up the Hill and Bear Crawl down and complete 20 Diamond Merkins, 20 wide armed merkins and 20 Hand Release Merkins.  Crawl Bear up the hill and Bear Crawl down and complete a Toy Soldier Set 100 LBC’s, 50 E2K’s each side and 25 Big Boys.  Rinse & Repeat as time allows.

F3 Message

Mosey @ .5 miles back to the AO. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   

F3 Message 07/22/21


It was the end of the day at the 1968 Mexico City Olympics – only a few thousand spectators were in the stadium as the last of the marathon runners were carried off in exhaustion to the first-aid stations. More than an hour earlier and Ethiopian runner had been the first to cross the finish line in this grueling 26-mile event. As the remaining spectators prepared to leave, they were stopped by the sound of sirens going off and policemen blowing whistles. There, entering the stadium came a lone figure wearing the colors of Tanzania – his name was John Akhwari. He was the last man to finish the marathon.

His leg was bloodied and bandaged, and he grimaced with each step. He had severely injured his knee in a fall, but painfully, he hobbled around the 400-meter track. The spectators who were still there just got to their feet and applauded as if he were the winner. After he crossed the finish line in excruciating pain, he was asked why he hadn’t quit when he had no chance of winning a medal. His answer: “My country did not send me 7,000 miles away to start the race. They sent me 7,000 miles to finish it.”

Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Finishing Your Race.”

When God wanted to give us a mental picture of our life and our service for Him, He used an Olympic image – running a race. And you’ve been running the race He set out for you – but you’ve been hurt – you’re running with pain – you’ve been disappointed – you’re bloodied and bandaged. And you may be tempted to drop out of the race. But you haven’t reached the finish line yet.

The great Apostle Paul must have felt that way many times. But we have this report from the finish line – it’s in our word for today from the Word of God in 2 Timothy 4:5-8. He starts out addressing his next generation leader, Timothy – who’s been hammered, discouraged, and considering quitting. “Keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry. For I am already being poured out like a drink offering…” Just imagine an Olympic runner, collapsing as he crosses the finish line, having given all he had to give in the race. “I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith, I have finished the race. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord…will award to me.”

The problem with too many of us is that we run hard for a while – but we quit before the end of the race – when Jesus has called us to be that lone runner who knows he or she was put here to finish the race, no matter how painful it is. Maybe you’re one of those exhausted runners on Team Jesus who says, “Look, I served my time, I worked very hard for the cause – I’ll just step aside and let others do the running now.” Listen – in the service of Jesus Christ, there is no such thing as early retirement! God may change your assignment, but He’ll never leave you without one until the day you see Him!

Maybe you’ve been tempted to quit an assignment God has given you – and He’s coming to you right now saying, “Finish the race.” Run with everything you’ve got, not halfheartedly. Remember, He gave everything He had in His race to rescue you – and even though He was beaten and bloody, Jesus didn’t quit until He had crossed the finish line. Run the whole race – He’ll be waiting to embrace you as you cross that finish line for Him.

Respectfully Submitted,


Blimpety, Blimp, Blimps

Date: 06/10/2021

AO: CHOP, Milton, De.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Mountain Climbers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Chairman Lap

The Thang

Pax completed the Hindenburg BLIMPS routine from the Exicon at the CHOP.  We modified the sprint portion to a straight line across the CHOP Parking lot approx. .02 miles apart.  Sprint from the Church to the field behind CHOP and perform 1st exercise, sprint back to Church and perform 1st exercise, sprint back to the field and perform 1st exercise.  Sprint back to the Church and perform 1st exercise.  Plank it up until all PAX are in.  That completes one round.  Rinse and repeat until all 6 Rounds are complete. Round # 1 – 10 Burpees, Round #2 – 20 Lunges (10 each leg). Round #3 – 30 Imperial Walkers. Round #4 – 40 Merkins. Round #5 – 50 Plank Jacks. Round #6 – 60 Squats.

F3 message See Below….


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Years ago there was a cowboy hero, and a young boy who thought he was a big deal. The boy was me. And my parents bought me this plate with my hero’s picture on it and an inscription that said, “That a boy! You cleaned your plate.” I wanted his approval very much, so I just kept cleaning my plate – and filling it so I could clean it again. By the time I was in high school, I was 210 pounds. And whose fault was it that I was so heavy? I’ve told many people – it was the fault of that cowboy hero, of course. At least, I wish I could have blamed him.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft, and I want to have A Word With You today about “Someone Else’s Fault.”

I’ve always been joking, of course, when I blamed my “clean your plate” hero for my teenage weight problems. But it is no joke that blaming someone else is, for most of us, one of our favorite ways to account for something in our life that shouldn’t be there – whether it’s a bad attitude, a bad habit, a bad situation, or a bad relationship.

This attempt to dodge the responsibility for our actions is nothing new. Centuries ago, the prophet Nathan was sent by God to confront King David with his sins of adultery and conspiracy to commit murder. David had slept with Bathsheba, the wife of one of his most loyal soldiers, and then arranged for that man’s death in battle. When David learned that Bathsheba was pregnant, well, he knew he had a serious problem on his hands and he tried to cover it up. But Nathan approached David with the parable of a rich man who had owned many sheep and a poor man who owned one little lamb. When a traveler came for dinner at the rich man’s house, the rich man killed the poor man’s one little lamb for dinner. David was enraged at this rich man’s outrageous crime, and he angrily said, “The man who did this deserves to die!”

Then Nathan said these four chilling words to the king, “You are the man!” And in 2 Samuel 12:13, our word for today from the Word of God, “David said to Nathan, ‘I have sinned against the Lord.'” That moment of painful honesty was the beginning of David’s deep repentance and the restoration of his shattered relationship with God. It took a while, but David finally accepted the responsibility for what he had done. And the healing began that moment.

That’s how it will begin for someone who’s listening right now. As you look at that bad situation, the mess, the problems, you have two choices – blame someone else or accept your part of the responsibility for that broken or strained relationship, for that negativity, for the conflict, the mess, or the trouble. Many of us hide from taking responsibility for our situation with a victim copout.

Maybe you’ve honestly been hurt or wronged, and you can’t do anything about the other person taking responsibility for what they’ve done. But you can accept the responsibility for the way you’ve handled it, for the wrong things you may have tried to excuse by the wrong things someone else did. Those who have been victims – and those who’ve been victimizers – never get free until they realize that they are now the victims of their own choices, not someone else’s.

There is an old spiritual that goes something like this, “Not my brother, not my sister, but it’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer.” That’s a great place to start – looking in the mirror, asking, “Lord, what do I need to change?” Taking responsibility: that’s the price of healing, and it’s the price of greatness.

Respectfully Submitted,


We kept running and running

Warm o rama

  • 20 ssh
  • 20 grady corn
  • 20 cherry pickers
  • 10 whindmills

The thang

  • PAX came out on a beautiful morning for a modified Cooper routine. PAX ran 1 big lap (roughly .6 miles) followed by 10 burpees 10 merkins 10 Big boy situps and 10 squats followed by another lap. Rinse and repeat we finished up running 3.3 miles!!! Way to get after it HIM!!

3rd F message

Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, 

when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” If I were to sum up what Jesus is saying here it would be this. “I send you” In a world of chaos, “I send you” in a world full of hatred “I send you” in a world that doesn’t accept Jesus as their savior” I send you”. To the lowly and lost in spirit “I send 

you” to the friend or family member who has lost their way “I send you”. We are called to be a light in the darkness, but you can’t overcome darkness with more darkness. We have to be the light and it starts with you, it starts with I. You see we can’t wait on others to bring the light, the darkness is already here, we have to bring the light, Jesus said “I send you”. The greatest wildfires are started with the smallest spark. We can be that spark that improves the world. But it starts at home. So remember this when the world around you seems dark and full of hatred, searching for hope, and looking for a sign of kindness. 

Jesus chose you to be the light in the darkness!!

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