
Jugs, Jugs, and more Jugs…

Date: 8/31/2022

QIC: MacDaddy

18 Outstanding HIM including one FNG beat the fartsack and showed up for a GritMil beat down. We had such a good turnout we had to overcome and adapt to our situation in order to have enough coupons for everyone. Big thanks to Chief Quattro for lending out various weighted objects to fulfill the order.

Side-Straddle-Hops X 20
Bolt 45s
Merkins X 20
Cherry Pickers x 20

The Thang
Mosey to Basketball “Field”

Round 1.
With 1 gallon jugs
50 Bicep Curls
Sprint to opposite end of B-Ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start and 50 Bicep Curls
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 2.
With 1 Gal Jugs
50 Overhead Shoulder Presses
Walking lung to opposite end of B-ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR Back to start and 50 Overhead Shoulder Presses.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 3.
With 1 gal jugs, lay flat on back for 50 tri-cep extensions (Skull Crushers) with 1 gal jugs
Scissor run to other side of B-ball court, 5 Burpees.
Scissor run back to Start, 50 Tri-Cep extensions with 1 gal jugs.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 4.
With 1 Gal jugs 50 Juggerbell Swings with squat.
Tightrope Walk with arm out to other side of B-Ball Court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start for 50 Juggerbell Swings
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

3rd F
Being a Man who Leads

In the Bible Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 11, where he says, “The man is the head of the woman…For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man, for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. This is Paul upholding the concept of a man’s leadership in the family by appealing to the order of creation, and the fact that man was created first, then the woman as a helper to man. Later on in Ephesians Paul addresses a married man’s role as head of his own home. Paul establishes that God’s design is that the husband is “the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church”. Then the bible gives specific instructions on how husbands are to fulfill their leadership role, beginning with the important command: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loves the church”.

Let’s think about the for a second. How much does Jesus love His church. This love would be described as a sacrificial, purifying, caring, unbreakable, Christ-like love. Christ’s love for the church is a model for husbands to follow, and is a living illustration of the redemptive love of Christ. One of the greatest act of love anyone could do for another is to sacrifice their own life for them. (Acts 20:28 – Christ purchased the church with His own Blood).

Now the question to ask is, if we are to love our wives with that same kind of love, how to we compare? Well, the answer is we all fall short, and we do not even come close. But that’s okay, because Christ has set the standard, so we now know where to aim.

Some more questions we could ask ourselves is:

How are we sacrificial in our own home?

Are we so self-focused that we are not aware of the needs in our home?

Are we willing to sacrifice our time to listen to & comfort our wives and provide emotional and physical security?

Who is the spiritual leader in the home?

If you are a Christian man, then you will recognize that success in your home is far more important than success in your career.

So when we leave here today, let’s note where it all begins, with the command, “Husbands, love your wives”.

C.H. Spurgeon said,

“A husband loves his wife with a constant love, and so does Christ his church. He will not cast her away tomorrow having loved her today. He does not vary in his affection. He may change in his display of affection, but the affection itself is still the same. A husband loves his wife with an enduring love; it will never die out. He says, “Tell death us do part will I cherish thee”, but Christ will not let death part his love to his people. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

So gents, with that said, we now know God’s standard when it comes to being a Godly husband, a leader in our home, and a father to our children. Let’s use that in our life to better serve our family.

Being the person I ought to be

• The SSH – 20 IC 4
• Mountain Man Pooper 15 – IC
• Hairy Rocketts – 20 IC
• Imperial Squat Walker – 20 IC
• Moroccan Night Club 40 – IC
• Low Lateral Skater – 10 IC
• Burpees – 10 OYO

The Thang:
Mosey to HOB
• Burpees – 10 OYO
• Lt. Dan to first light pole, NUR to pick up the six until everyone finishes
• Mosey to next pole
• High knees
• Butt kickers
• Carioca
• Mosey
• Jail break
Circular Bench on playground
• Burpees – 10 OYO
• Balance lunges – 25 each leg
• Plyo Merkins – 25
• Mosey aroung playground
• The American Hammer – 26 IC
• Burpees – 10 OYO
3rd F: Being the person I ought to be
• Single leg squats – 10 each leg
• Dips – 50
• Burpees – 10 OYO
Mosey to CHOP
• Number-rama
• Name-a-rama

Message: Excerpt from Bob Richards A Heart of a Champion book
Being the person I ought to be

We need a method, a technique, a means to help us accomplish our goal. People want to be great, they want to be successful, they want to accomplish great things, but the tragedy is that they stress what they want to be so much more that they forget the how technique. You’ve got to go out on the field and hurt, and take the bruises, the bumps. The sports world is a realistic world of tough competition. You’ve got to analyze yourself, recognize your weaknesses and work on them. Some of the greatest stories are stories where men have recognized their weaknesses, dealt positively with them, overcome them and gone on to tremendous heights.

You’ve got to welcome competition. There is a tendency within us to level off, to accept a certain standard as being good enough. The idea of competition is being criticized today, but you cannot escape it, you cannot avoid it, it is indispensable to progress. Competition is someone setting a standard for you that you ought to set for yourself; it is that outside stimulus or impetus that forces you to set your own standards higher and to achieve a higher mark. It pulls out the best there is in a man and the best in those around him. Competition forces you to re-evaluate your own ability, to set your standards higher, to lift your horizons so that you can accomplish greater things. If anyone is going to become great in life he has to welcome competition. Most people do not compete enough, they give up too easily. You need to be willing to put out a little more. The more I watch great men, the more I see the processes by which men achieve their goals, the more I am convinced that it is the willingness to put out just a little bit more that makes the difference. There isn’t a gigantic difference between victory and defeat, it is usually by the smallest margin. It’s that extra chin-up everyday and that extra push up, its that extra lap around the track, that extra 5 minutes a person puts into his workout, into his schoolwork or into his home life or business that makes the difference in his life. In the good creative things, you need to put out a little more, and in the negative things that tear you down, you’ve got to be willing to indulge a little bit less. This is what makes greatness in living.

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