

Date: 09/03/2024

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

PAX: Deez, Whirlybird, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Probe, Streudel, Fireplex

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats to halfway down.   15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Jiminy Crickets – 10 OYO

Windmills – 15 IC

Hydraulic Squats – 10 IC ( 6 Count)

The Thang

An Inclined Toy Soldier Set was completed on the grass hill behind the stone parking lot – 100 LBC’s, 50 E2K’s x2, 25 Big Boys OYO.

Pax completed one lap around Mill Street and back to the flag pole at the Firehouse.

Captain Therkin – 1 big Boy to 4 American hammers; 5 Merkins .  2 Big Boys to 8 American Hammers; 5 Merkins in ratio up through 10:40 with 5 Merkins.

Pax completed one lap around Mill Street and back to the flag pole at the Firehouse. A short break was taken for the F3 Message.

Pax finished with a modified Super 21 beatdown for the abs-so-posa-lutely kickoff beatdown. 1 Merkin to 1 Big Boy Sit up.  2 Merkins to 2 Big Boy Situps.  3 Merkins to 3 Big Boy Situps, etc., etc., etc.  Q elected to start at 21 in descending fashion.  All Pax completed the round of 21 descending through the round of 15 of each to complete the beatdown.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 

F3 Message 09/03/24

Only Two Days On Your Calendar – #4481

Monday, March 15, 2004

Some years ago, my wife got a very serious case of hepatitis. Later, the specialist told her that the battle for her liver was so acute he could hear the blood rushing to save it, “Just like Niagara Falls,” he said. Thank God, she recovered fully with no trace today of that disease or any of its effects. But it took a while – seven months of bed rest. That was an interesting time for Daddy – suddenly known as Mr. Mom – and for our three children. Thankfully, our church brought dinner to our home almost every night. God bless them! It’s a good thing. I mean, if it had been up to me to feed the kids, they probably would have been on the cover of something like World Vision magazine eventually. But as tough as it was, my wife said she had much to praise God for in her recovery from hepatitis. For one thing, no one could really look to her or count on her for seven months. Here’s what she said about it: “God gave me the gift of cleansing my schedule!” He weeded out a lot that didn’t matter after all and left only what did matter.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Only Two Days On Your Calendar.”

If you look at many of our calendars, they are packed to the edges. Some days the date book boxes are just too small to write everything in. Our life is congested with places to go and things to do, and we’re overdosing on stress. We could all use a priority check. We could all use a little schedule cleansing so we can focus our time on the things that really, really matter.

Now I’m no magician. I can’t make your responsibilities disappear, but I can give you a simple grid that may make your life a little more doable. And it’s not my idea. It’s actually Martin Luther’s idea. He said he had only two days on his calendar – one of those is Judgment Day. He tried to evaluate everything in light of the Judgment Day that’s coming for all of us. God talks about that great values-clarifier in 1 Corinthians 4, beginning with verse 2, our word for today from the Word of God. Paul writes: “It is required that those who have been given a trust” – and I just want to add, “we all have” – “must prove faithful. I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court … It is the Lord who judges me. Therefore, judge nothing before the appointed time; wait till the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.”

If it’s not going to matter there, how much should it matter here? Earlier, Paul talked about things that are just “wood, hay, and straw” that will burn on that day. That’s a priority check.

Luther said he had only two days on his calendar: Judgment Day and this day. It’s the only day I can live right now. I don’t need to be weighed down with yesterday. It can’t be changed. I don’t need to be fretting about the future. I’m not there yet and I can’t control it.

What I have is today, one 24-hour slice of life in which to honor my Lord in everything I do. So this day will count on that day! Maybe that’s what Paul had in mind when he said, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). Keep your eyes on the prize, all day long and each new day.

God will take a life that you have lived for Him with His priorities, one day at a time and He will make a life out of those days that will fulfill you and glorify Him. It’s a great way to live – two days on your calendar: Judgment Day and this day.

Respectfully Submitted,


Dumb Spelled B.O.M.B.S.

Date: 02/06/2024

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Fireplex

PAX: Ruxpin, Wood, Bunt, Chattahoochee, Probe, Deez, Semi, Streudel, Fireplex, Looney Tunes

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats to halfway down.   15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

Mosey approx. .25 miles around the Mill Street block back to CHOP

The Thang 

B.O.M.B.S. – 50 Burpees,  100 Overhead Claps completed as a single count SSH with an Overhead Clap, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats.  PAX partnered up and worked on exercises while partner Nur’d up the Chestnut Street hill to Mill Street and ran back down.  Each PAX should try to complete their half of the listed exercises.

F3 Message  

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

I love to drive through Custer State Park in South Dakota because if you’re lucky you get to see a lot of buffalo. Now, seeing them is one thing – riding them is another. We were recently in South Dakota. One important part of our ministry, of course, is reaching what one researcher called the most devastated young people in America, and we were there for an outreach among Native American young people. Reservation young people are in just great need of the Lord. We were with our Lakota Sioux Christian brother and we saw some buffalo, and we joked a little bit about hunting them, and so on. Then he said, “You know, I know someone who rides buffalo in parades and on holidays.” I said, “Wait a minute. Did you say rides a buffalo?” I can’t imagine boarding one of these wonderful wild animals. Well, somebody asked this buffalo rider, “What’s it take?” He said, “Patience.” Then he said, “If you neglect him one or two days, he won’t be tamed anymore.”

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Buffalo Riding.”

Our word for today comes from Romans 7:19. It talks about the buffalo inside you and me – a wild beast that does not want to be tamed. Verse 19: “For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do – this I keep on doing. Now, if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it.” Verse 24, “What a wretched man I am!” Paul says. “Who will rescue me from this body of death?” It’s pretty hopeless up to this point. And then here’s the good news. “Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

There’s an animal inside me that wants to go against God. The hymn writer says, “Prone to wander, Lord I feel it … prone to leave the God I love.” We know what God wants. We want it too, but we keep choosing to let that part of us that gets out of control run us. We can’t tame it, but we’re not without hope. There’s a Savior, not only from the penalty of sin, but from the power of sin. Romans 6 says, “sin will no longer be your master.” When we surrender that wild part of us to Jesus, He begins to tame what has always ruled us. But you can’t tame it once and for all. It takes patience, like the buffalo rider said.

Luke 9:23, “Take up your cross daily, and follow me.” If you neglect that buffalo, that animal inside of you one or two days, well, he won’t be tamed anymore. That sin has beaten you. And it has to be beaten now on a 24-hour basis. Twenty-four-hour little victories. Some of us have made the mistake of thinking that one great spiritual experience would tame the buffalo once and for all. But it keeps getting away from us again. It keeps riding over us. We miss the daily part.

If you conquer sin one day at a time, and if Jesus is the only one that can conquer it, then it stands to reason you have to be with Jesus each new day. You notice something that happens consistently when you miss a day or two of your time with Jesus. The dark side of you starts to surface again. I see it happen to me. I see traits that I was seeing less of, and suddenly I start seeing more of it again and so does everyone else close to me. It’s as if that daily surrender time with Jesus is the only dam that holds back the parts of me I hate. You miss being with the Savior from sin, and the sin starts to leak back in. You need a consistent get-together with the Lord Jesus where you again make Him Lord of your stubborn sins.

That’s largely the margin between victory and defeat because we’ve all got a buffalo to tame. Let him go unattended for a couple of days, and that sin will stampede right over you again. But you can ride the buffalo that has ridden you by daily turning over the reins to the one who died to tame the animal in you – the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Respectfully Submitted,


Who’s in Charge

Date: 01/04/2024

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

Pax: Bunt, Quattro, Wood, T-Rex, Mr. Mom, Chattahoochee, Pooh, Probe, Fireplex, Streudel

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats full up to half way down, 15 squats half way down to full down, & 15 squats full motion.  All completed IC as a 4 count.

Monkey Humpers – 10 IC

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 15 IC

American Hammers – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Mosey @.1 miles to Holy Hill

The Thang

1st & 10 Routine per the Exicon…Well sort of….:)…..Perform 10 burpees and 1 merkin.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 9 burpees and 2 merkins.  Nur up the hill and run down.  Perform 8 burpees and 3 merkins.  Nur up the hill and run down.  You recognize a pattern developing here.  Pax took a break for the 3rd F (see below) after completing the round of 5 burpees and 6 merkins.  After the break for the message, all HIM completed the rounds down through 1 burpee and 10 merkins with a final Nur up the hill and the run down.    

Mosey @.1 miles back to CHOP. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.   

F3 Message 01/04/2024


January 2, 2023

There’s a reason so many of us grandparents are overcoming our technophobia and venturing into cyberspace. We get to see pictures of our grandkids as soon as they’re taken!

There’s that hilarious photo that our son sent me. It was a picture of our then one-year-old grandson sitting on the kitchen floor with a fork in his hand. Oh, yeah, with a lemon-meringue pie splatted on the floor next to him. He’s looking at the camera with an expression somewhere between “uh-oh” and “what’s the problem?”

Then came the story with the picture. Dad and big sis were outside, and Mom had to leave the room briefly. As she left, she said to our seven-year-old grandson, “You’re in charge.” Which apparently was interpreted as, “Keep playing your video game.” That’s when Terminator Toddler made his move to the pie on the counter above him. The law of gravity? Well, of course, that provided a very valuable assist.

That’s when Daddy – the event photographer – walked into the room. As he surveyed the mess on the floor, big brother made a proud announcement, “Guess what, Daddy? I’m in charge!” All Daddy could think was, “You sure you want to own this mess, son?” Strange as it may seem, I’m actually thinking about that little drama as a personal parable early in this new year.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “How New is Your New Year?”

I wonder how many times that would be a picture of imaginary conversations between God and me as He surveys that mess right in front of me? And there I am saying, “Guess what, Father? I’m in charge!” And He must be thinking as He looks at the damage, “Yeah, I could tell you’re in charge, Ron.”

So how new is any new year really going to be? Especially in the parts of our lives that are messy, confused, tense, and troubled? It may all depend on who’s in charge. I’ve found that the messes are usually in areas where I’ve hijacked the wheel from God and decided to take charge myself, often without even realizing it. Then I hear the echoes of a haunting question from God. It’s in our word for today from the Word of God in Galatians 3:3 – “After beginning with the Spirit” (that’s the Holy Spirit) “are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?”

When I’m facing something that I can’t fix or change or control, I desperately turn to Him and I say, “Jesus, take the wheel!” But somewhere along the way, Mr. Control takes it back. And that’s where the messes come from. A new year, a fresh start, usually makes us reflect a little on things that aren’t as they should be; in our marriage, our family, our finances, maybe our relationships. Maybe it’s our lifestyle, our love life, our walk with God.

If you see a mess in a part of your life that you’re looking at right now, consider whether you have moved Jesus to the margins and said, “I’m in charge” effectively making you “Lord” of that part of your life instead of Him. That’s when He asks that disturbing question, “Why do you call Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46).

The realization that I was never meant to drive my life; that’s the first step to beginning a relationship with God; the very relationship you were made for. And when you realize that the mess of your life, the guilt of your life, the shame of your life, the hurt we’ve inflicted is because we’ve taken our life and done it our way instead of His. That’s called SIN in the bible.

And you’re ready at that point to say, “I need a Savior. I need a Rescuer from this sin.” Especially when you understand that the Bible says that sin carries an eternal death penalty, which Jesus loved you so much that He paid on the cross when He died for your sin. And He walked out of his grave; He’s alive. He can walk into your life this very day at your invitation and forgive that sin, and erase it forever.

If you’re ready for that next step that makes that possible – a new you – you can find some answers at our website I hope you’ll go there. Maybe this new year is time for new management.

Respectfully Submitted,



Swings, coupons, and a wall

20 seal jacks i/c
20 seal wave i/c
20 plank jacks i/c
Capri lap around parking lot
Side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, mosey
20 ssh i/c
20 Imperial walkers i/c
20 Windmill i/c
21 crab FLIPPER

The Thang
Everyone grabs a coupon

While 1 HIM moseys out to the wall with his Coupon and ascends the wall and moseys back, rest of PAX does the following:

Tire flip
Coupon Hip thrust
Coupon Merkins
Coupon curl
Coupon swing (kettle bell)
Coupon squats
Coupon big boys
Coupon split squats


Round 2

HIM showed today: Semi, Chappie, Gump, Chairman, Quarto, Chattahoochee, Toy Soldier, Vineyard, Strudel, Fireplex, Bovine

Number Rama
Name Rama


To start of I would to welcome FNG Jay Baxter. ( QUATTRO) to his first F3 beatdown

QIC- Chattahoochee

Warm up – 20 ssh, 20 windmills, 20 imperial walkers, 20 MNC

The THANG- mosey down to food lion to the grass lot behind the former donut shop. 343 firefighters lost there lives on sept. 11th 18yrs ago due to the terrorist attacks on the WTC. To honor that sacrifice we will started the beatdown with different exercises that will equal up to 343 reps

50 squats


50 alternating lunges

50 alternating shoulder taps from the plank position.

50 american Hammers

50 merkins

20 Bobby hurley’s

23 burpees

After the 343 there happened to be a nice lonely wall right beside us all pax had a seat on the wall will each pax individually done 15 overhead hand claps 1 at a time

Followed this up with a toy soldier set.

30 LBCs/20 E2ks each leg/15 big boys

Then we took a nice mosey back to the AO for a short round of mary.

Finished up with count=0=rama, name=0=rama and giving the FNG his F3 nickname finally ending with COT.

Inaugural Milford Beat Down

Warm up: SSH 20IC, Cherry Picker 20IC, Windmill 20IC, Moroccan Nightclub 20IC

Break into 2 groups: G1 takes a lap around the Library while G2 does Erkins with an alternating K2E (knee to elbow). Groups 1 & 2 switch when Mosie groups has returned. (x2).

Mosie through downtown Milford.

7 of Walls!!! (Play on the 7 of Diamonds).

7: Mike Tyson’s at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

14: Snow Angels at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

21: Merkins at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

28: Deadlift Squats at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

Third F Message (see below)

21: Double Crunches at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

14: 4 count alternating hand to wall planks at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

7: Bobby Hurley’s at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

WHETSTONE (Q1.8) March 31, 2019 by Dancing Idiot.

A man must be sharpened like a knife blade. Both a man and a knife are made to cut, but neither can be effective until properly honed. A knife is sharpened by a whetstone. While water is used to lubricant the whetstone prior to sharpening, that is not where the “whet” part comes from. To whet actually means to sharpen, like with a man’s appetite and curiosity. In other words, to whet both blade and man is to put on an edge, with a result that is sharp, dynamic, and ready to cut. The unsharpened man is dull and lethargic, in-effective as a leader and I’ll-prepared for the obstacles he will face in his life.

Just as a man’s appetite for pure food must be whetted, so must his appetite for the heavy responsibility that comes with leadership. The HIM acts as the stone to the younger man’s blade, providing the hard surface against which he becomes sharper and whetting his appetite for greater responsibility.

Through the whetstone, the blade receives something he lacked before, a honed edge to his life that he must posses to be effective and have impact on his community. But the stone gets something as well. In fulfilling his natural desire to pour into younger men he accelerates his own pursuit of proper personal alignment.

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT.

Pyramid of Pain


QIC: Leatherman

A/O: CHOP, Milton DE

PAX: Ruxpin, Chappie, Wildwing, Summit, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Semi, Leatherman

Warm-O-Rama: 15 SSH- 15-Wind Mills- 15 CherryPickers-15 Moroccan Night Clubs

Snake Run with Coupon ( cinder block ) Overhead to the Car Wash.

The Thang :

5 Merkins-5 Big Boys-10 Coupon Swings

10 Merkins- 10 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

15 Merkins – 15 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

20 Merkins – 20 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

25 Merkins- 25 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

20 Merkins- 20 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

15 Merkins -15 Big Boys- 10 Coupon Swings

10 Merkins – 10 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

5 Merkins – 5 Big Boys – 10 Coupon Swings

Break for 3rd F :

The 3 Rs of Habit Forming The reminder the routine the reward

Reminder The cue a trigger that starts the habit

Routine The action you take. The habit itself

Reward The benefit you gain from doing the habit

The Reminder for us setting the Alarm !!!

The Routine for us POSTING , Working hard and Completeing the Exercise set for us !!

The Reward for us Bonds formed ,Healthy body and Mindset.

Quote: We don’t Grow when things are easy: we grow when we face challenges.

Quote: Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits

If you are unwilling to Risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary . Jim Rhone

For us the unusual 5:15am workouts HOT-COLD-SNOW-RAIN-ICE the ordinary a boring gym life.

Thang Part 2:

Mosey with Coupon back to A/O and stack the Blocks at the wall.

All PAX line up wall sits pass the blocks down the line and back

Second Round first man 10 block curls while PAX stay seated on the wall. Pass block and so on once last man is done come back down the line 15 block curls. All finished stack blocks

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT.

Yours Truly



8 HIM beat the fartsack this morning for a good ole leg beatdown

WARMUP- 25-ssh, 10 side lunges each side, 20 windmills, 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards.

THE THANG- Mosey to H and R block 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 4 count freddies, mosey to alley between Walgreens and Family dollar, half pax take the peoples chair while other half does 10 meekins, 10 LBC , 10 burpees switch off followed by 21s between walls 20 Mike tyson’s without the merkin , bear crawl to other wall 1 squat Lt Dan back to first wall for 19 Mike tyson’s bear crawl back to 2nd wall for 2 squats you get the idea. Half way thru there was not much chatter but plenty of grunting and groaning. Took a short break for a 3rd F then mosey back to AO made it with just a couple minutes to spare so 10 War Hammers ( 1 world war II sit up 4 american hammers) The legs may be a little tight but the end of the day.

3rd F I read Isaiah 40: 28-31 the part I thought fit i with today’s beatdown was He gives strength to the weary and Increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall.

Quote by Bruce lee. You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass

1st 2019 Beatdown

10 HIM showed up for the first beatdown of the year. To start of the year we passed the baton to give everyone that wanted it a chance to get in on serving a beatdown to the other Pax. Hopefully I can remember everything and get the order close to being right.

Warm up by Chattahoochee



Mosey out back entrance of the AO and around to the front Chappie took the baton on the first round with a little bring sally up bring sally down merkin beat down

Another repeat mosey followed by 40 squats IC by leatherman

Repeat mosey and Summit took the Baton with a toy soldier set with a surprise between sets 30 LBCs, Lt Dan to next parking row bearcrawl back to start, 20 E2Ks each leg, Lt. Dan/bearcrawl, 10 big boys, Lt. Dan/ bearcrawl

I think it was one more mosey after that and Vanilla took over with 20 alternating shoulder taps, 10 side plank 4 count shoulder taps.each side,

Fireplex/ Semi combo by fireplex descending merkins staring at 10 end in at 1 with a burpee after each set

Vanilla again with 25 American Hammers

Chattahoochee with 20 scissor kicks

Chappie with 20 4 count Freddie’s

Chattahoochee with 5 wall crawls start in the plank with feet against the wall crawl up to balls to the wall position crawl back to the plank

I believe I hit it all but still have the feeling I missed something

Number-rama, Name-o-rama followed by COT.

Afterwards we enjoyed some coffee, juice, breakfast casserole and fellowship thanks to Chappie and his M

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