

The Warm Up:

  • Side Strattle Hops IC
  • Cherry Pickers IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs IC
  • Windmills IC
  • 3 Inch Warm Burpees

The Thang #1

Overhead carried concrete blocks to the wall of burpees. Each PAX took the seat on the wall while holding his block. Starting on one side we took turns doing 3 burpees till each PAX did 3. Then we each did 2 burpees and then 1. We finished up with some windmills to stretch ourselves out.

The Thang #2

We overhead carried our blocks to the dentist parking lot for some more suck. Teamed up and did 75 curls, 75 irkins, and 75 squats, each with the blocks as a team. One PAX ran the length of the parking lot while the other did the exercise. Overhead carried our blocks back to the wall.

3rd F Message

Our message was about courage and taking action. Read the whole thing at

The Thang #3

Next we did Mike Tysons and Overhead presses with the blocks. We started with 10 of each and descended to 6 of each. Overhead carried our blocks back to where they belong. Finished up with a few minutes of Mary. COR, NAR, COT

Canal Bridge Sally

QIC: Chairman

PAX: Chappie, Chattahoochee, Leatherman, Summit, Wildwing

Warmup: 25 SSH IC, 18 Clam Pickers IC, 18 Moroccan Night Cubs IC, 18 Windmill IC, 18 Mountain Climbers IC

The Thang: Mosey to parking lot by Savannah along Canal.  Toy Soldier Set 50 LBCs 35 E2K 20 Big Boys. Wosey to Canal Drawbridge. Crawl Bear up bridge, Bear Crawl down bridge. Ltnt Dan across bridge.  Mosey to Zwanandale.  Bring Sally Up Arms Challenge. Mosey to end 2nd Street.  Bring Sally Up Squat Challenge.  Mosey back to Primis.

F3 Message: Q1 Get Right:

Joys: Building on the F3 message, Wildwing shared experience of flipping a sailboat 40 years ago but successfully making it ashore with wife and mother-in-law. Only casuaty was pair of suglasses.

Chairman mom had successful surgery and does not have to have 4th surgery in 2 weeks.

Prayers for Leatherman’s health.

Number and Name O Rama and Circle of Trust.

Hey, easy on the Heel!

QIC: Ruxpin

Date: 2/19/2019

Nursing a bruised left heel the past week. With that in mind, we went for a lower impact version to the norm.


Imperial Walker – 20 IC Cherry Pickers – 20 IC Wind Mill – 20 IC Shoulder Taps – 20 IC

The Thang:

In Lew of a Mosey; I opted for 20 Side Shuffles to Bobby Hurlys (OYO) back and forth across half the CHOP parking lot.

Crawl Bear 1-2-3 Team up in pairs. While HIM (1) Crawl Bears then Bear Crawls to the center line and back; HIM (2) is hitting (100) Merkins, (200) LBC, stopping for Message.

3rd F Message: “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” ~ Teddy Roosevelt ~

Back to the Crawl Bear 1-2-3!!! Picking up where we left off; (300) Squats; and finished with 20 Big Boys (OYO).

Circled up for Abs: Hold 6″ for a S-L-O-W 10 count, to Flutter Kicks 20 IC, to Hello Dollies 20 IC, to Leg raise and lower 10 IC (8 count).

Short round of Mary to finish time: High Plank LHand/RFoot in the air for a 10 count, then switch for another 10. Wildwing led us in a Proud Marry fast feet to kiss the pavement with his dun-du-du-dun singing voice. American Hammers, 20 E2Ks each side…….I may have missed one.

Number-O Rama: 10 PAX (Bo Derek)



3 Years. 3 Stops. 500 Reps.

QIC: Chappie

Date: 2/16/19

When YHC chimed in to volunteer to Q on this date, he had a couple things in mind. 1) That it would be near his 3-year manniversary, and 2) It would also be near the Daytona 500. With that he had to adjust after realizing it was a Saturday workout, not a Thursday as he initially thought. (The plan was to use the traffic circle at H.O.B. in Milton as a mock track for our own sort of “Daytona 500.”)

Enough said, the PAX met in Georgetown at the Aegis AO for a Saturday workout celebrating YHC’s 3-Year Manniversary. Thanks to all the HIM who posted and a special welcome to FNG Mrs. Doubtfire. Great to have a new brother among us! And, yes, we’ll drop the “Mrs.” Reeeelaaax! In honor of FebNG and assuming the credit for bringing the FNG, Vanilla executed 2 Burpees as we circled up.

Here’s how the rest of 3 years, 3 stops. And 500 reps went down:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 10 IC
  • Smurf Jack – 15 IC (No, YHC cannot start Smurf Jacks in the Seal Jack position.)
  • Calf Raises – 30 (TI), 30 (TO) OYO (plantar fasciitis prevention?)
  • Cherry Picker, Crab Flipper, Hairy Chigger – 15 IC
  • PC Merkins – 10 OYO

The Thang:

PAX were gathered at the edge of the traffic circle. Each man ran a timed lap of the circle for “Pole Position.” Tclaps to Vanilla for winning the pole at 29 secs. The Pole Winner would be the first to run steps at our 3 COP’s (Circle Of Pain) along the workout route. Plus, each man was supposed recall his own pole time at the end of the workout and execute the corresponding number of Burpees. YHC conveniently forgot about that by end of workout. There’s always tomorrow.


Mosey to 1st Stop — Steps on backside of County Bank

Pole Sitter (Vanilla) commences to run up steps & back down while other PAX did Seal Jacks, switch out with next PAX. Rinse & repeat until an accumulated 500 Seal Jacks are completed. Oh, come on! It was only approximately 72 Reps/PAX

YHC shared 1st portion of 3rdF Message:

3rd MANNIVERSARY: Three years ago this weekend I went to my first F3 workout after my buddy Wade (Nunchuk) put the EH on me to check it out. I want to share a few things I’ve gained from F3–things that kept me coming back: FITNESS – This is the “why” for any man who comes to an F3 workout. This one speaks for itself, but here’s where I came from: Spent just short of 12 years in the ARNG, and always stayed in great shape. I had that carrot (APFT) to motivate me. But I got out in April 2001. That’s 15 years with only a few short bursts of exercise BUT NO FITNESS. F2L (Freed to Lead) notes the difference: F3 “…is about fitness, not exercise…we’re far more focused on staying in shape. Getting in shape is a sprint fueled by the enthusiasm of a change for the better, but staying in shape is a marathon sustained by discipline and near-maximum effort virtually every day of a man’s life” (36). “Train yourself…”


Mosey to 2nd Stop — Steps on front of ARNG Armory

*Pit Stop: Dragon Crawl, NAPA parking lot

2 PAX at a time, Vanilla & Nugget got us started running up, then back down the steps to switch out with PAX doing Merkins. Rinse & repeat until an accumulate 500 Merkins is completed.

YHC shared the 2nd portion of his 3rdF Message:

FELLOWSHIP – This is “why” any man keeps coming back. At the first (and every subsequent) workout all the other men kept encouraging me; they kept encouraging one another! In a matter of terms, each was saying, “Brother, you’re the reason why we’re here” (F2L 20). Afterward we all went to coffeeteria, and I knew I’d found something I’d been longing for–the camaraderie experienced that day. I’d found a group of men serious about locking shields and serious about going steel-on-steel like Prov. 27:17: “Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Through F3 I’ve gained deep friends in SC, here, and deep bonds in a lot of other places. The common problem that F3 solves (and why men keep coming back) is that men “forgot how to make friends.” “We could make friends when we were boys. We watch our sons do it now. Somehow, by the time we’re adults, we lose our grasp on that elemental skill” (F2L 50). To be honest, it’s an even greater challenge for me as a pastor, so I found F3 to be the perfect solution for curing the embarrassing problem of loneliness. Again, this is the common problem among men–not just among pastors. It’s also the reason we need to PROTECT and PROMOTE the 2ndF more. “Because the fellowship acts as the glue for F3, protecting and promoting the 2ndF is critical. Erode the fellowship and the PAX will come unstuck from the workout” (F2L 25). In another portion of F2L you read this: “ all a mountainside that you either climb up or slide down, a little bit every day…F3 may be a better way for you to keep climbing. The plateau thing? That’s a myth” (F2L 38). Personally, F3 has helped me to keep climbing!


Mosey to 3rd Stop – Steps on Side of County Admin Building:

*Pit Stop: Lt. Dan from power pole to power pole

Pole Sitter commenced to Bear Crawling up, then Crawl Bear down the steps, then switching with next PAX. Rinse & Repeat until an accumulated 500 Squats are completed.

YHC shared the 3rd portion of his 3rdF Message:

FAITH – Some of you may think the 3rdF (the way we do it) is BECAUSE I’m a pastor. But I want to tell you the ratio is significantly offset between the number of PAX who are pastors and those who are not. Many of the AO’s out there operate just like ours. The faith YHC personally expresses is NOT part of my life because I’m a pastor. I’m a Christian man first (God just happened to call me as a pastor) and my contribution to the 3rdF’s we have, gives me (each of us) an opportunity to share where true and lasting strength and leadership comes from. As far as the overall mission of F3, “To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership,” I keep coming back because I’m NOT a born leader. Leadership is a skill developed by learning and exercising leadership. I’ve continue to gain so much from others’ (yours) thoughts, insights, AND exercise of leadership. F3 has sharpened and invigorated me personally as a leader. And I hope to be able to say I’ve offered you the same in return, so that we’re all better leaders in our homes, workplaces, and communities in which we serve. For 3 years now different aspects of the Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith have taught me that “despite our easy lives, we need something hard to do, something to reach for” and so this incubator of leadership has trained me and been a catalyst for pushing through hard stuff in life. But where it counts most, I’ve learned to be a better husband and father. THAT’S WHY I KEEP COMING BACK!


Mosey return to AO at the traffic circle

2 Minute Abs to wrap up the workout – 20 secs each non-stop (AMRAP) :

  • Knee to Elbow Crunches
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Dying Cock Roaches
  • Gas Pumpers
  • American Hammers

That’s the deal. 3 years. 3 stops. and 500 reps (in honor of Sunday’s Daytona). Honored to Q and glad to be able to keep at it after jumping in as an FNG 3 years ago. Here’s to another 3, at least! Appreciate all the PAX posting and making the workout worthwhile. Appreciate all you guys.

Number-Rama – 7 PAX including FNG, Doubtfire



  • Announcements: Crayons & FNG’s, bring ’em. Crayons accepted until Friday 2/22 when we’ll ruck them to Milton PD to contributed to Faryn Adams’ collection to give to child patients at AI and other local hospitals. Remember, crayons are worth 1 Burpee/box and FNG’s are worth 2. Time is ticking, let’s get those crayon’s
  • Prayers: Chairman’s mom, Brenda; other requests concerning some HIM in PAX’s lives who are facing health battles

Chappie, out!


Diego and his Crazy Cousins

Thursday 14 2019

QIC- Leatherman

PAX- Waterfall, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Summit, Fireplex, Chairman, Wildwing , Semi

Warm Up-

15 SSH

15 Moroccan Night Clubs

15 Cherry Pickers

15 Squats

Capri Lap

The Thang

Partner up for a little Diego Doracide with Cindy

partner 1 suicide across parking lot

Partner 2 does exercises. Switch off till Rep amount is completed

100 Merkins – 150 Overhead Press with Cindy – 200 LBCs –

250 Curls with Cindy – 300 Squats with Cindy

We stopped half way through for the message

Perseverance – Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

” Perseverance is a positive, active characteristic. It is not idly, passively waiting and hoping for some good thing to happen. It gives us hope by helping us realize that the righteous suffer no failure except in giving up and no longer trying. We must never give up, regardless of temptations, frustrations, disappointments, or discouragements” – Joseph P. Wirthlin

That Quote speaks to all who post never give up always finish strong regardless of the temptation to quit.

We finished with a failed attempt at partner squats and owing burpees lol.

so we moved onto a 9 min round of MARY.

Name-o-rama and COT to finish out a great morning.

Basketball, Stairs & Burpees

QIC – Summit 

Strong morning with handful of men who chose to beat the fart sack and pushed through 45 minutes of ‘fun’.

Warm up

Mosey Lap around courts 

SSH- 15

Cherry Picker -15

Wind mill -15

Forward Lunges -10

Reverse lunges -10


Mosey lap around courts

Basketball Drill –

Each PAX picks a corner while One pax will be shooting foul shots and getting their own rebounds while others are at a corner doing a specific exercise. 

1- American Hammers 


3- High Plank 

4- Mountain climbers 

Once 3 foul shots are made , everyone switches to next station.  If you take too long to make shots- you can bear crawl the length of the basketball court…..

We got in 2 full rotations. 

3rd F- No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.’ Hebrews 12:11 
Disciplines of Fitness.  Faith.  Fellowship. 

Fitness– self explanatory. Stay steady. We all have seen, felt and experienced the results of discipline in this area by being consistent with F3. And for those who haven’t… you can Start now.

Faith– it isn’t always easy to believe in the unseen Or even what’s been promised.   But when focused enough it can be seen. Choose daily to see the good through the even roughest times. 

Fellowship– this can be ever challenging with schedules, commitments , priorities , families, work, etc.   but staying disciplined to healthy fellowship with men who empower and sharpen each other will in turn keep you sharper and allow you to add value to all those around you.  By committing to stay disciplined in this area- you may open yourself to vulnerability. But it your peaks and valleys of life this proper fellowship will be what helps navigate us through.  

Mosey across park to stairs. 

‘Stair Drill’

Pair up.  

One man stays down and does burpees while partner runs up steps. Does 10 merkins and 20 LBCs then run down stairs and switch. Continue until your team has done 60 burpees. 

Mosey back to basketball court. 

For a quick basketball game that involved more foul shots, lay ups and burpees.  

Toy soldier set. 

That’s a wrap..

Circle of Trust 

Go Win The Day! -Summit

Baba O’Riley


QIC: Chairman

Warmup: 30 SSH 15 Cherry Pickers 15 15 Moroccan Night Clubs 15 Windmills 25 Washboards All IC.

The Thang 1: Mosey to Union Street to Tobin Drive to lot in front of Shipbuilders. Super Toy Soldier 50 LVCs 35 E2Ks 20 Big Boys. Mosey back to Union Street and back to AO.
Ascending Testicles 15 degree, 45 degree, & BTW 10 derkins each
Clowney: 4 jump lunges IC 4 Merkins 7x
London Bridge Plank: head to wall 1 hand to wall then other then 1 hand to ground then other. Bear crawl under bridge 1 PAX at time.

F3 Message about Hope: We all need hope in our lives whether famil, work, etc. and most of us turn to God for hope when needed. Bible verses about hope:

Psalm 46:1-3 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Exodus 15:2 The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God, and I will praise him—  my father’s God, and I will exalt him!

Psalm 34:10b Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.

The Thang 2:

Monkey Drill: Sideways Lunges palms to ground as extend.  1 each direction.

20 Merkins 20 Diamond Merkins 20 Hand Release Merkins

Baba O’Riley: Imperial Walkers for entire 5 min 4 sec. song increasing tempo for last 30 seconds.

Count-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama

Wall of Fire Webbicide

Warm Up: SSH 20x, Morroccan Nightclub 20x, Cherry Picker 20x, Matt Biondi 20x

THE THANG: Bear crawl to pick up patio pavers, Lt Dan carries pavers to Wall of Fire for rotating merkins, mosie pavers down to corner, sprint one block and Karaoke return to starting line 4x, Bobby Hurleys 30x, mosie pavers back to Wall of Fire, Webbicide with 10 merkins 6x, Bear crawl limbo under pavers

THIRD F: Storytime… Fellow finds clay balls buried in sand, packs them in ruck but throws all but one into sea. Last one cracks open showing beautiful gemstone inside. See what you lose by throwing away without looking past surface.



COT…praise for 35* and rain plus more important things.

QIC: Wildwing

Modified mini cooper

8 HIM posted on this glorious Feburary morning to partake in a slight Chattahoochee beatdown starting off with a little warmup at the AO then a mosey downtown

Warmup- 22 SSH, 20 seal jacks, 15 windmills, 15 MNC, 15 Merkins all in cadence

The Thang– Mosey down union street to the firehouse for a round of Howling Monkees Pax in a circle all pax grab ankles in the monkey humper position first pack does 10 monkey jumpers while all pax hold ankles until all pax do 10

Mosey across footbridge to the park for a modified mini cooper.

10 pullups, 10 squats, 10 Merkins, 10 War Hammers then mosey a lap around gazebo rinse and repeat taking of 1 rep of each excersise until 1 rep per exercise finished up with a mosey back to the AO .

3rd F pulled from the Q source:

TEAM DEVELOPMENT = Dynamic teams are essential to both communities and organizations. If a task can be performed by one man than there is no reason to form a team, but when it is to complicated or difficult for a single person acting alone then people must combine to see it through and as soon as they do then BOOM a team is formed whether they realize it or not. For a team is nothing more than a proximate combination of 2 or more people formed to perform a specific mission for the benefit of a community or organization or both.

F3 uses the acronym TEAM

T- is for trust reliance between team members builds a leaders trust.

E- is Equipping a leader ensures his team has what it needs

A is Accountability setting and maintaining high standards within a team

M is for missionality prioritizing team accomplishments


Warm up

20 Seal jacks
15 Cherry picker
20 Seal wave
15 Windmill
20 Ssh


Mosey to pavilion

X 2
20 American hammers – single count
20 shoulder taps – single count

Mosey to parking lot near bridge

Start at bridge end of parking lot, exercise to curb at far end, complete exercise and exercise back to start

Side shuffle
6 barfys
6 barfys
6 burpees

Mosey back to AO

3rd F
Thanked the HIM for showing up consistently. Talked about how I joined F3 and why.

9 flutter kicks
6″ hold with 10 count around Pax
A round of Mary – 4 count Freddies, big boys, e2ks, hello dollies w/ 2 burpees, and monkey drills

6 HIM showed – semi, Chappie, Chairman, Wildwing, Ruxpin, leatherman

Number Rama

Name Rama


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