
Semi Killer

QIC: Semi

15 shoulder tap i/c
15 mountain climbers i/c
15 seal waves i/c
15 hip circles oyo
15 Michael Phelps i/c
15 seal jacks

The Thang
Grab a coupon and mosey to park

Pair off, workout as a pair

Curls for the girls
Pull ups
Sledgehammer to tire
Pretzel sticks
Overhead press
American hammers w/ coupon

Timer is nur, side shuffle, and karaoke around gazebo

Don’t be confined by your environment!

Number Rama
Name Rama

12 HIM showed today: 2 FNGs (Manscape & Hoe N), Semi, Probe, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Quattro, Ace, Streudal, Mr. Mom, TRex, Toy Soldier

I Hate Burpees II

Date: 08/08/2024

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

PAX: Semi, TRex, Ace, Bunt, Toy Soldier, Chattahoochee, Probe, Streudel, Fireplex

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats to halfway down.   15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

SSH – 20 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Four Count Freddie’s – 31 IC

Hydraulic Squats – 10 IC ( 6 Count)  

The Thang

Pax paired up to complete as many Burpees as time allowed.  One PAX Nurs up the hill to Mill Street from the flag pole pad area at the fire station and runs down while the other works on his burpees. Pax rotate positions upon completion of each Nur and run down the hill at approx. .14 miles for each lap.  When all Pax reach 50 Burpees a break for the F3 message took place.  Pax continued the evolution for a second set of 50 Burpees.  

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message 08/08/24


July 16, 2024

By Ron Hutchcraft

There’s a mountain in northern New Jersey that has an intriguing view. It’s called Garrett Mountain, over the city of Paterson, New Jersey. In the 1980s, Paterson happened to be the fourth poorest, middle-sized city in America. Now, if you had driven around that city then and that’s all you saw, you would think the whole area of north Jersey was poor. But just beyond Paterson on the horizon, you can see some of the wealthiest communities in America.

If you drove around some of those towns, you’d think the whole area was well-off. If all you saw was Paterson, you’d say, “There’s no countryside around here.” If all you saw were the suburban communities, you’d say, “There’s no city here.” See, I like Garrett Mountain, because it gives me a bigger view than I can get when I’m right in the middle of things. Up there, you can see the bigger picture. Maybe you need a mountain like that right now.

1 Samuel 8:4 says, “All the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel. They said to him, ‘You’re old and your sons don’t walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead us such as all the other nations have.’ But when they said, ‘Give us a king to lead us’ this displeased Samuel; so he prayed to the Lord. And the Lord told him: ‘Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they’ve rejected, they have rejected Me as their king. As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking Me and serving other gods, so they are doing to you. Now, listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.’ Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king.”

Samuel has a frustrating situation. The structure of the judge ruling Israel on God’s behalf is coming unglued. He’s being unappreciated by the people he has given so much for. Does that sound familiar? These people are off on a total tangent that he knows is wrong. They’re trying to get a king, when all they really need is God ruling through the judges. Maybe you have some frustrating people in your life. Different issues, but frustrating.

What did he do when the people frustrated him? It says, “So, he prayed to the Lord.” What they did displeased Samuel, “So he prayed…” He didn’t tell them off or blow up. He takes the people and his feelings straight to the Lord when he’s frustrated. Do you?

There are two good results when you do that. First, the Lord gives Samuel the big picture. He says, “This isn’t against you. It’s part of a pattern.” And he defuses the emotions. It’s like being on that mountain overlooking both the suburbs and the city. You can see the whole picture when you take the frustration to the Lord. You can see where things are coming from, and where things are going. You’re above that limited view you have when you’re right in the middle of the aggravation. When you take the frustrating people to the Lord, He gives you the big picture instead of you just reacting to an incident.

Secondly, He gives you a balanced response. He told Samuel to listen to them and then warn them. Listening to frustrating people gives you credibility. They’ll listen if you’ve listened to them. Then warning them fulfills your responsibility to tell them the results of the way they’re going. Some people listen without warning people; some people warn people without listening to them.

When people’s actions displease, frustrate, and hurt you, would you go to God first? You know what He’ll do? He’ll take you up on a mountain where you can see the whole picture, and help you respond in a balanced way. When people frustrate you, go over their head. Go straight to the Throne Room of the King.

Respectfully Submitted,


Freakin’ Whirlybird 21

Date: 08/03/2024

AO: Aegis, Georgetown, DE

PAX: Reptile, Shake & Bake, Ace, Whirlybird, Bunt, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chauffeur, Probe, Fireplex

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Four Count Freddie’s – 30 IC

Mosey @.5 miles to the Armory

The Thang

All Pax worked on the descending Burpee and Big Boy evolution. 20 Burpees and 1 Big Boy Sit Up. Up the steps of the Armory hitting every step and back down.  19 Burpees and 2 Big Boy Sit Up’s.  Up the steps of the Armory hitting every step and back down.  18 Burpees and 3 Big Boy Sit Ups.  Up the steps of the armory and back down hitting every step and back down.  Continue the descending pattern until completing the round of 10 Burpees and 11 Big Boy Sit Ups. Break for the F3 Message before continuing the descending evolutions. Pax completed 210 of each exercise if completing the total evolution.

Mosey @.5 miles back to the Aegis. 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

Respectfully Submitted,



Friday, April 24, 2015

Sometimes you see hitchhikers by the side of the road. What are they usually holding? A sign, usually crudely lettered, and it doesn’t have the name of the car they want to ride in. No, it has the name of a place on it; the place they want to go. On Indian reservations, hitchhiking is a way of life. I asked one of our Native American friends recently about her hitchhiking experiences. She told me she asked only one question before she got in a car. She didn’t care about the make of the car, the driver’s IQ, or where the driver was from. She had one question, “Where are you headed?”

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “How Your Friends Change Your Life.”

Hitchhikers have a simple basis for deciding who they will travel with: is this person going where I want to end up? That’s exactly the question we all should have in mind when we’re deciding who we’re going to travel with.

Our word for today from the Word of God is from Proverbs 13:20. This is God’s counsel concerning the people you hang out with, people you spend time with, make friends with, people you date, people you marry. “He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.” You tend to become like the people you spend time with. Like a hitchhiker, you end up where the people you are traveling with end up. God reinforces that point in 1 Corinthians 15:33. He just simply says, “Bad company corrupts character.”

If you’re going to make good decisions about who to travel with at your school, at your workplace, in your social life, or even who you’ll marry, you first need to decide what kind of person you want to become; what kind of goals you want to achieve. I hope you want to end up being a positive person, not a negative person. Who needs any more of those? You probably want to end up being caring, not self-centered, encouraging, not tearing people down, living for what really matters instead of just some attractive, meaningless junk.

And if you’ve been to the cross of Jesus to have your sins forgiven; if you belong to Him, I hope you want to end up being someone that Jesus is proud of; someone who lives for the One who died for you – not for some little earth-stuff. Decide what kind of person you want to be; what kind of attitudes you want to have. And then look for some people who have the same “destination sign” as you do.

Your selection of friends, associates, romantic prospects may well be one of the most important choices you will ever make because you will probably end up on the same road as they do. If you’re with people who are spiritually careless, or just don’t care, you’ll probably end up there, too. If you’re with people who just simply settle for mediocrity as a Christian, you will live that grey life like they do. But if you are connected with some people who are going in the “make a difference” direction, the “live for other people” direction, the “live for Jesus” direction, chances are that’s where you’re going to end up – going the direction where your life can mean the most and matter the most, and count for something lasting.

You can ask any hitchhiker, it really does matter who you decide to travel with. You don’t decide who you’re going to go with on the basis of how cool they are, or how well-connected they are, or how exciting their lifestyle looks – or even how they treat you. You ask that all-important, deciding question about who you’re going to spend your time around, “Where are you headed?” You only travel with someone who’s going to a destination that you’re not ever going to regret.

Christmas Explorers

Silent morning warm up….

10 hip circles each way (Delaware tornado)

20 fairy jacks 

20 cherry pickers 

20 windmill

Mosey around the blocks looking for the following Christmas decorations and preform the corresponding exercises…..

Example house has a 2 wreaths and lights

You will preform 

     25 merkins 

     25 squats

Wreath- 25 merkins 

Lights- 25 squats 

Reindeer- 25 calf raises 

Santa clause- 25 LBB

Christmas tree- 25 American hammers 

All of the above add- 10 burpees  

If we are unable to locate sufficient yards we will modify and use the towns decorations and work through in a rotating manner….

Third F….

11/28/1981 Bear Bryant becomes the winningest college football coach of all time #315 in the iron bowl……

10 Best Quotes From Bear Bryant

  1. “When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it: 1. Admit it. 2. Learn from it, and 3. Don’t repeat it.”
  2. “The first time you quit, it’s hard. The second time, it gets easier. The third time, you don’t even have to think about it.”
  3. “It’s not the will to win that matters—everybody has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.”
  4. “I know what it takes to win. If I can sell them on what it takes to win, then we are not going to lose too many football games.”
  5. “My attitude has always been…if it’s worth playing, it’s worth paying the price to win.”
  6. “If a man is a quitter, I’d rather find out in practice than in a game. I ask for all a player has so I’ll know later what I can expect.”
  7. “Football changes and so do people. The successful coach is the one who sets the trend, not the one who follows it.”
  8. “Set goals-high goals for you and your organization. When your organization has a goal to shoot for, you create teamwork, people working for a common good.”
  9. “It’s awfully important to win with humility. It’s also important to lose. I hate to lose worse than anyone, but if you never lose you won’t know how to act. If you lose with humility, then you can come back.”
  10. “You boys were eight and ten years old last time Alabama was on top. That was before any of you were paying much attention to it. What are you doing here? Tell me why you are here. If you are not here to win a national championship, you’re in the wrong place. You boys are special. I don’t want my players to be like other students. I want special people. You can learn a lot on the football field that isn’t taught in the home, the church, or the classroom. There are going to be days when you think you’ve got no more to give and then you’re going to give plenty more. You are going to have pride and class. You are going to be very special. You are going to win the national championship for Alabama.”

Inspirational Quotes From Bryant

  • “Winning isn’t everything, but it beats anything that comes in second.”
  • “If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride -and never quit- you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards.”
  • “In life, you’ll have your back up against the wall many times. You might as well get used to it”
  • “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.”

Continue on….until returning to the BORO to finish in a circle of silent trust…..


Mumford family, Quatros wife as she is just returning home, and for those who see things that people shouldn’t….


Memorial Day is Memorial Day, Labor Day is Labor Day, DU gun bash is in March again….

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