DATE: 02/13/20
QIC: Chappie
The Grit Mill was 5 solid this morning with HIM who won THAT FIRST BATTLE by overcoming the fartsack, dropped the DRP, and posted in some soggy weather. It was a celebration beatdown at the hands of YHC for a 4-year “Manniversary.” (Details will follow in the 3rdF below…read on!)
If you don’t know Jack, you do now…
- SSH (a.k.a. – Jumping Jacks) – 18 IC
- Smurfjacks – 18 IC
- Swartzjacks – 20 IC (forgot to stop at 18!)
- Plankjacks – 18 IC
- Splitjacks – 18 IC
- Sealjacks – 18 IC
- Sorry Fireplex…no Crabjacks.
Mosey to Arena’s parking with 2 sandbags being swapped between PAX along the way. Here’s a freebie: YHC explained along the way that parking at the Milford Senior center was completely filled last night, as were surrounding streets, and the entire lot at Arenas. YHC had to park a block-and-a-half away to get to the NRA-ILA meeting held at the Senior Center–proud that it was very well attended!
Upon arriving at the Arena’s parking lot (now all but empty) YHC explained the concept of “21’s”. At one end of the lot PAX would perform 20 Merkins, at the other end PAX would do 1 Gas Pumper. Rinse and repeat all the way down to 1 Merkin and 20 Gas Pumpers.
- EXTRA RULE: PAX could not pass a sandbag. If a bag is free carry it to the other end of the lot. If you carried one there, you didn’t have to pick one up. Good tool to extend the suck a little. Here’s what it looks like on paper:
- 20 Merkins – mosey to other end of lot – 1 Gas Pumper
- mosey back picking up sandbag…
- 19 Merkins ………….2 Gas Pumpers
- 18 Merkins…………..3 Gas Pumpers
- 17 Merkins…………..4 Gas Pumpers
- 16 Merkins…………..5 Gas Pumpers
- So on and so forth to we got to…
- 1 Merkin…………….20 Gas Pumpers
- When PAX got to 10 Merkins and 11 Gas Pumpers YHC called for a breather to share the following 3rdF about his Manniversary:
Four years ago I walked onto the parking lot at an AO called “The Dragon.” It was the parking lot of the York Comprehensive High School near where I lived in SC, and I’d showed up for my first F3 workout, after being EH’d by my buddy Wade — whom I would come to know by his newly minted F3 nickname, Nunchuk.
Wade had called me after his first workout and said, “You gotta come check this out!” He told me, “It’s a military style bootcamp workout. They do a lot of the exercises in cadence, etc. and it’s a great group of guys.” He was actually EH’ing me. Though I didn’t know it then, I would come to learn that an EH is called an Emotional Headlock. If you want to see F3 grow right here in Milford, the most effective way to make that happen is for you to make contact with other guys you know and invite them personally.
So anyway, I posted with my buddy Nunchuk and I was hooked! And it’s true: The fitness brings men out, but the fellowship is the glue that keeps them coming back.
That first time I was lost! I was familiar with exercising in cadence because I had served for nearly 12-years in the Army National Guard, but a lot of the exercises/names really threw me off (for instance, the Imperial Walker), so I spent a lot of time watching guys next to me in the COP’s.
That first day after the warmup, our Q ran us around to the other side of the high school where in a long alley-like concrete stretch between two wings of the high school we did 21’s!. It was tough! I wasn’t out of shape but I certainly wasn’t in shape either. In fact, I never finished the 21’s that day because the Q finally moved us on to something else. Thank God! I was gassed! Yet I was invigorated at the same time.
Here’s the thing that got me: The whole time guys were running past me going in the same or the opposite direction, they kept encouraging me by saying things like, “You got this! Good job! Keep it up! DFQ! Hang tough.” I knew in that moment I’d found a special brotherhood because they demonstrated that they’d never leave anyone behind. I’d found out they called it “picking up the 6.” That Saturday…I WAS THE SIX!”
Somewhere mid-workout the Q circled us up and shared a brief devotional message. Then he shared a little bit more about F3 mission, which is: “To plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Every aspect of what I was experiencing was exactly what I was looking for as a man! The physical fitness, the camaraderie with other men who are striving to be a better men and better leaders at home, in the workplace, and in the communities in which they serve, and the opportunity to lock shields and be strengthened and sharpen one-another in our faith “as iron sharpens iron” (Prov 27:17). And the Coffeeteria that followed was as awesome with about 10-12 guys.
So this week marks my 4 year manniversary! I’d only been in F3 for 4.5 months before I’d move here to Delaware, but for that period F3 became such a part of my life that I knew I had to bring it to Delaware where it didn’t exist yet. The group of guys I was leaving behind threw me and my wife a going away party, at which time they also gave me a shovel-flag and said, “Go plant that thing in Delaware!”
Here we are 3.5 years later, with 4 AO’s and a day dedicated to rucking: Roving RuckF3st Friday. F3 First State has touched the lives of more than 50 guys so far, we are seeing nearly 20 guys working out regularly, and we’re growing because HIM like yourselves continue to value the fitness, fellowship, and faith. We’re growing because HIM like you continue to own the mission by striving to be better leaders at home, in your workplaces, and in the communities in which you serve. F3 First State exists because of HIM like each of you! So keep up the good work! DFQ! Keep EH’ing guys around you, not necessarily so that F3 First State will grow (it will), but because you know that through F3, MEN will grow and become better leaders. “Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him!” LET’S KEEP PLANTING, GROWING, AND SERVING, MEN!
After the 3rd F, PAX got back to it and continued 21’s through to 1 Merkin and 20 Gas Pumpers.
Mosey’d back to the AO.
Announcements: Annual “Shamruck” will take place on Sunday Afternoon. March 16. Details to follow but this is a family ruck to a nearby McDonald’s to get Shamrock shakes for St. Patty’s Day.
Prayers: PAX circled up and prayed for Chairman, Doubtfire, and Chauffeur and their “home fires”… Prayers also for Leatherman and for everyone else to stay healthy.
YHC appreciates all the PAX who posted in the sogginess of this Gloom; humbled by the opportunity to lead! Thanks men!
~Chappie, out
P.S. – Following the workout, YHC did Eh the Milford Police Officer who was observing our workout from across the street. He took a few cards to share with his peers, said he was watching us, and that it sounds good!