Semi again?

QIC: Semi

15 Seal jacks i/c
15 Imperial walkers i/c
15 plank jacks i/c
10 hip circles oyo (each direction)
30 Moroccan night club i/c
15 seal waves i/c
15 Michael Phelps

The Thang
Each PAX grabes a coupon and moseys to park

Bolt 45 toes in block

Round 1
10 swerkins
10 hanging knee raises
20 curls holding bottom of coupon (hammer)
5 blockeys
10 curls palms up inside coupon
30 derkins

Nur around gazebo

Round 2
Repeat above
Add or modify knee raises to leg raises

Lt. Dan, Dan Lt. Around gazebo

3rd F
9 lessons from F3
1. You can go a lot farther with others by your side.
2. Men need challenges to stay sharp mentally, physically, and emotionally.
3. Confidence is built by setting and accomplishing goals.
4. Competition makes us better.
5. Sweat and shared suffering build strong bonds.
6. If you’re not accelerating, you’re decelerating.
7. You’re stronger than you think you are.
8. The COT is great therapy.
9. Friends make life worth living and loving.

Mosey back to AO
Muder bunny across parking lot to return coupons


11 HIM showed today: Semi, Fireplex, Toy Soldier, Trex, Mr. Mom, Bunt, Probe, Piglet, Looney Toons, Whirlybird, Yukon

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