Gone to the Bank…

F3 Workout 5/10/23
AO: GritMil
PAX: 8
PAX Names: Sherlock, Whirlybird, Focker, Spreader, Deez, TimeClock, Ruxpin, MacDaddy.
QIC: MacDaddy
FNGs: o 🙁

Back Blast:

Warm –O-Roma
SSH X 20
Cherry Pickers x 10
Burpee Humpers X 10
Bolt 45s

The Thang:

¼ Mile Mosey to Old Wilmington Trust Bank parking lot by way of “The price is right run”.

Break into teams of two, one HIM conducts designated exercise on the wall while the other Bear Crawls ¼ way of parking lot, then NURs the rest. Then 10 SSH, 1 Burpee Humper, mossy back to their partner for the switch. Each round increases one burpee humper for a total 10 burpees humpers.

Wall Exercises:
Tri-cep dips on wall for 200 reps combined with partner.
Single leg lunges on wall (switch on 10 for each leg) for combined 200 reps.
Derkins on the wall for 200 reps.

3rd F:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
(In everything, give thanks).
When is it easiest to be thankful? When things are going good, right? I find this to be very true in my own life. Maybe it’s good news that a particular test was negative, may something like our response after we find our keys. (O thank God). It is certainly easier to praise God when you are happy, you and your family are healthy and comfortable, and life is going great.
Well, it is just as important, if not more important, to thank Him in the midst of trials, when things are not going well, when our health is under attack, when there is something going on that drains us and puts all our focus on that hardship.
Here in 1 Thessalonians, Paul tells the church at Thessalonica to rejoice always and give thanks in all circumstances. Why is this so important for Paul to inform the church and us? Maybe they were acting thankless, or showing a lack of appreciation towards God. The reality is and sometimes it’s hard to hear, but God is in control of all things and always has a plan for us. The trials we face are not pointless, they may serve a bigger purpose than what we can understand. Sometimes God calls us to suffer, and sometimes God brings us overwhelming joy, but ultimately, God calls us to a lifetime of continual thankfulness. As the bible verse says, It is God’s will that we give thanks.
Let take a quick moment to go around and mention one thing that we are thankful for.

¼ mile “The price is Right Mosey” back to AO for COT

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