Ye Old 4×4

PAX: Baaa, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chauffer, Drago, Fireplex, Flat Bottom, Focker, Probe, Quattro, Rooster, Roscoe, Ruxpin, Semi, Streudel, T-Rex, Whirlybird, Wildwing, Woodstock,

QIC: Chappie

DATE: 1/31/23

PAX at CHOP won #thatfirstbattle and posted for yet another surprise Chappie Q, who stood in the gap for Bunt who “called in sick.” YHC jumped at the opportunity and jumped into action with an oldie but a goodie–Ye Old 4×4! That is, 4 corners around the block x 4 exercises at each corner, plus the transitions from corner to corner around the CHOP’s .5 mile square. This workout has been done before and has been returned to from time to time as a bit of a measuring stick. It has been awhile, so…


YHC was all set up for a good warmup and completely forgot Roscoe was scheduled for his VQ Warm-O-Rama. Fortunately said PAX was mingling in the circle and ready to go. YHC doesn’t recall all the warm-up exercises, but kudos to Roscoe who did a great job leading. Thanks brother for being ready and NOT slipping into the shadows thinking maybe you could just do it another time. After that, off we went to get in the 4×4…


PAX moseyed from the AO to the dentist office parking lot

Corner #1: Merkins (Corner of Union & Tobin)

  • 05 Diamond Merkins
  • 10 Ranger Merkins
  • 15 Regular Merkins
  • 20 Hand-Release Merkins

Transition to next corner: Lt. Danger to light pole, Mosey to corner #2…

Corner #2: Abs (Corner of Tobin & Mulberry)

  • 20 X’s & O’s
  • 20 E2K’s
  • 35 4-Count Freddie’s IC – A real crowd-pleaser
  • 60 Dying Cockroaches

Transition to next corner: Bearcrawl to power pole, Dragoncrawl to light pole, Karaoke rest of the way

**3rdF attached below was shared here after a 10-count (see below)

Corner #3: Legs (Corner of Mulberry & Willow)

  • 18 Smurf Jacks IC
  • 30 Calf-Raises OYO
  • The Bolt 45
  • 05 Compass Squats (Omaha’d from 10 for time’s sake)

Transition to next corner: 50% Jailbreak to church driveway, 75% Jailbreak to next corner)

Corner #4: Full body (Corner of Willow & Union)

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Plank Jacks (4-count)
  • 05 8-Count Body Builders (Omaha’d from 10 for time’s sake)
  • 10 Mule Kicks

Transition back to AO: Just a good ol’ fashioned Mosey

Returned to the AO at 0602 hrs. (apologies to the PAX). Had a few extras ready just in case there was time:

  • Jack Webb
  • Hands of Time

**3rdF shared at Corner #3:

In the OT book of Exodus, Ch. 7 begins a record Moses’ repeated visits with Pharaoh (King/Ruler) of Egypt to plead with him to “Let my people go!” God called Moses to lead Israel out of 430 years of Egyptian slavery. Each time Moses met with Pharoah he said no, or he said yes, only to turn around and recant Israel’s release to freedom.

Throughout this exchange with Pharoah, Moses warned with plague after plague–10 to be exact–and repeatedly we read that Pharaoh hardened his heart. But we also read the peculiar verse in Ex. 9:12 which says “the Lord hardened Pharoah’s heart.” I’ve always wondered about this, even at times fearing that God, in my own stupidity and rebellion, might harden my heart. But this goes against the concept of Free Will (the idea the we have the ability to interact with God voluntarily and NOT under compulsion).

I want to share some thoughts on this I recently discovered that helped me understand the verse. “Maybe you have your own thoughts on this verse, but let’s look at it another way–through the lens of a metaphor: Let’s say God is the sun, and let’s say Pharaoh is a leaf that IS NOT connected to the vine, and Moses is a leaf connected to the vine.

Now keep in mind the verse in John 15:5 where Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” We know the sun is the same today, forever, and always, but it will have a drastically different effect on the leaf that is connected to the vine, compared to the one that is not. The sun causes the vine and everything connected to it to flourish and to have life in itself. While on the other hand, it causes the unattached leaf to harden, shrivel up, and to eventually die. The same sun, the same leaves. The difference is one is connected to the Vine and one is not.” (Source: kingdom.story.films )


  • Number-Rama – 19 PAX
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Announcements: Take a look at the nation site and check out the information for GRT Event coming up in D.C. Mar 24, 25, 26. This is THE premier F3 event. Sign Up today.
  • BOM/Prayer: Praise for the outcome/justice in the trial mention in previous prayers; strong finish for Swartz’ wrestling season and for his school work as his marking period is coming to a close; prayers for YHC’s parishioner who lost her husband to suicide yesterday; prayers for Bunt to get well soon and return to action; prayers for other requests mentioned–forgotten as of this writing by YHC, but never forgotten by Sky-Q, our great God and King who will continue to keep our hearts pliable and teachable and full of life IF we remain connected to Him through faith in Jesus.

Always honored to Q and appreciate the call from Bunt to fill in.

Chappie, out!

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