
Parking lot Cones…& a few merkins

Warmup – IC 

Windmills – 15

Moroccan NC- 15

SSH- 15 

Cherry Picker – 15 

Mountain climbers- 15

Imperial walker – 15 

2 flag patriot run to large parking lot by church. 

For……. 10 cones revisited. 

Inch worm to cone 1 

11 Merkin 

Nur back 

Burpee  broad jump to cone 2 

12 merkins

Nur back 

Lt dan to cone 3 

13 merkins 

Nur back

High knees to cone 4

14 merkins 

Nur back 

Mosey to cone 5

15 merkins 

Nur back

Side shuffle to cone 6

16 merkins

Nur back 

Side shuffle to cone 7 

17 merkins 

Nur back 

Karaoke to cone 8 

18 merkins

Nur back 

Karaoke to cone 9 

19 merkins 

Nur back 

Lunge to cone 10 

20 merkins 

Nur back 

3rd F message- 

Before leaving the lot , get a round of 10 cone Abs ! At each cone pax would do lbc’s – 5x the number of cone they were at …

Mosey to 10 cone

50 lbc 

Mosey back 

Mosey to 9 cone 

45 lbc 

Mosey back  


At cone 5 switched to The American Hammer / Lunge combo 

Finishing of at cone 1 with 5 American Hammers 

3rd F continued 

Mosey back to AO 


Name – a- Rama 
WELCOME FNG – “ Pusher “


Different Muscle Groups 2.0


20 seal jacks i/c

20 seal wave i/c

20 plank jacks i/c

20 harry rockets i/c

Capri lap around parking lot

Side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, mosey

20 ssh i/c

20 Imperial walkers i/c

20 Windmill i/c

21 crab FLIPPER

The Thang

1 HIM moseys out back drive and back.

Rest of Pax do the following exercises as many times as possible;

Coupon Squats


Abyss merkins

Manmaker merkins

Log row

Tire flip


Coupon carry

Big boys

Coupon curl

3rd F

Play The Man • Devotional


Round 2




14 HIM showed today: Semi, Gump, Fireplex, Ruxpin, Waterboy, Streudel, Summit, Vanilla, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Whaler, Doubtfire





F3 Nation, Inc. (“F3″) is a peer-led, zero-cost non-profit workout group. F3 makes no representations with regard to the skill level of workout leaders, the safety of the exercises performed during workouts or the hazardousness of the premises upon which workouts are conducted. The men who lead F3 workouts are not paid to do so and no representations of any kind are made by F3 about their skill level. The premises upon which F3 workouts are conducted are not owned or maintained by F3. F3 makes no representations of any kind regarding their safety. Although F3 workouts vary widely in intensity, all F3 workouts tend to be rigorous and are undertaken upon uneven ground during periods of limited visibility. Therefore, there are certain dangers inherent in participating in an F3 workout. Participants must be 18 or older and are assumed to have made their own reasonable decision as to whether they should so participate. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a father or male legal guardian. F3 disclaims any and all responsibility for any individual’s decision to participate in an F3 workout. By participating in an F3 workout, an individual assumes the risks inherent in doing so. This Disclaimer and Notice is made by F3 on its own behalf and on the behalf and for the benefit of any person leading an F3 workout and/or otherwise acting for the benefit of F3.

Warmup –  

19 of each IC 







Mosey to old Napa – 

F3 is a national network of free, peer-led workouts for men. Our mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

Toy soldier set 40-20- 10

Hold plank til 6 is in 

Circle up – One PAX does 25 merkins 

While all other PAX do squats. As soon as merkins are done , next pax jumps in and does 25 merkins while everyone else continues squats.  Go until everyone has done 25 merkins. 

Mosey to random spot on a Georgetown street.  


We welcome men of all fitness levels to our workouts and have no requirement for membership other than that you show up at the appointed time and place and follow what the workout leader (the “Q” in F3 lingo) does.

The F3 Credo is: Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you find him.

PAX line up for round of 11’s- 

One end-  burpees starting with 10 

Side shuffle to designated spot.

For 1 big boy.  Shuffle back. 

continue until done 10 big boy and 1 burpee. 

Stop after 6 burpees  and 5 big boy. 

Circle up and 

Break into groups of 3 – This time pax take turn doing  25 merkins while others are doing lunges

Mosey to Church lot.  

F3– Our workouts …

  • •Are free of charge
  • •Are open to all men
  • •Are held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold
  • •Are led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification necessary
  • •End with a Circle of Trust

Finish 11s of burpees and big boys. 

From 5 burpees / 6 big boys.  

Circle up and 

In groups of 3 – Another round of 25 merkins while remaining pax do squats. 

Mosey back to circle. 

An F3 Core Principle is to end each Workout with a Circle Of Trust, what we call the COT. Like most things F3, the COT was not part of the original design. It evolved to fill a need. Men told us that they didn’t feel right just jumping in their cars after the Workout without some type of minor ceremonial send off. So we conjured up the COT, which is where we recognize each man individually and say a brief prayer.

Within the COT, we often find ourselves asking the Creator for help at being better husbands, fathers, friends, mentors and workers. We don’t know the source of this particular petition, it just came about and seemed to spread across F3Nation. It is a recognition that as men, we yearn to be better at the things we were created to be, and have learned the hard way that we cannot do it alone. We need help. We need truth that is hard-earned and hard-learned. We need Wisdom.

But which of us is wise? How do we know what we are hearing is Wisdom and not the song of a fool? How are we to discern the voice of the shepherd from that of the wolf?

Because the Q is a Leader who takes responsibility for the Outcome, he is also a man who seeks help answering these questions. In turn, because he is part of a Community, he is obligated to help other men find them as well. The source of the Q’s Wisdom, the QSource, is best discovered through the mutual iron-sharpening that occurs when people unite and search for answers together, the old-fashioned way.

Toy soldier set 40-20-10

Hold plank until 6 is in

Circle up in groups of 3 and Repeat the 25 merkins / lunges 



Body builder

QIC Chattahoochee

15 HIM posted on this nice cool fall like morning for a warmup VQ from Woodstock and a Chattahoochee beatdown

Woodstock Warm up at the CHOP my old memory cant recall exactly what we done anyway the beatdown as follows

Mosey to historical society lot

10 OYO 8 count body builders followed by a round of Capt. Thor 1:4 ratio bigboy situps / american hammers all the way up to 10/40

Mosey down the governor’s walk to fishing pier parking lot

Aiken legs 20 squats, 20 boxjumps, 20 lunges, 20 split Jack’s

Bear crawl length of parking lot

Mosey to HOB entrance for a few merkins

15 merkins, 15 wide arm, 10 diamond, 10 ranger, 5 hand release

Mosey back to CHOP just in time for numerama, nameorama and COT

We Dropped Some B.O.M.B.S.

Date: 08/11/2020

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE

QIC: Streudel (VQ) & Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Mountain Climbers – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – 25 IC

Mosey .48 miles to Food Lion Shopping Center

The Thang

Pax performed a quick Mike Tyson set of 7’s in the alley between Walgreens and Dollar Tree utilizing a bear crawl to traverse the distance between the walls.  Once complete Pax went right at a set of B.O.M.B.S. which consist of 50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats.  PAX partnered up and worked on the set while their partner ran a lap around the Walgreens approximately .11 miles switching off after each lap.  Each PAX were asked to try to complete their half of the listed exercises.  Q suggested that any unfinished exercises be completed as homework.

Mosey .48 miles back to CHOP

F3 Message 08/11/20 – From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries

Years ago, I was at a youth conference where we needed to raise some money for a camp scholarship fund. So we challenged the kids to buy their counselor into this Friday night food fight. Oh, well, the kids found the money all right! So Friday night all of us leaders showed up on the field of battle with the campers watching like these sadistic spectators at the Roman Coliseum. Now, for starters, we got hosed down so everything would cling to us. I’m embarrassed about the food we wasted, frankly, but I’m at least glad we paid for a few kids to get to camp.

Well, Round 1 was flour. The campers got their money’s worth as we redecorated each other with this blizzard of flour, followed by eggs, then fudge sauce – you get the idea? The last round was the worst – lard. From our hair to our toes, we were totally gross by the end of this massacre. Our only satisfaction was at the end when we went after those kids to give them a big, gooey hug. I couldn’t wait to get to a shower. And I was there a long time, especially with my new coat of lard. I’ve never felt dirtier – but clean has never felt better!

Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You about “Stubborn Dirt And A Strong Shower.”

If you’ve ever felt real dirty, you know how much you enjoyed that shower that made you clean again. If only there was a shower that could make us clean on the inside – where we carry the guilt, and the regrets, and the dirt of the things we wish we’d never done – or the things we should have done and didn’t. Unfortunately, there is no medication, no therapist, not even a religion that seems to be powerful enough to remove the dirt on our soul.

That’s why our word for today from the Word of God is such good news. Acts 3:19 – “Repent and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Now look at this, all the sins of your life can be wiped out – erased from God’s records. God says you can be clean – that you can have a new beginning. He’s offering a cleansing spiritual shower for those who repent and turn to Him. Now, that means you acknowledge the wrongness of what you’ve done and that you’re ready to turn from your sin-choices – and to Him for a new beginning.

We all have things we’re ashamed of – there are things we’re not proud of – things that make us afraid of what God will do when we meet Him on Judgment Day. According to the Bible, the sins of our life will, in fact, make it impossible for us to ever enter God’s Heaven because there’s no sin there. Our only hope is if somehow God will forgive a lifetime of choices that have left Him out.

And there’s only one place where a spiritual shower like that is available – at Jesus’ cross – the place where every sin of yours was paid for. You carry all the garbage of your life up that hill – you give yourself in total trust to the One who paid for your sin on that cross – and you leave your sin at that cross forever. You may have started this day guilty – but you may go to sleep tonight forgiven and finally clean. God’s promise: “Everyone who believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins through His Name” Acts 10:43. There is nothing you’ve done that is so bad that Jesus didn’t pay for it on His cross.

Today can be the day you are finally clean. If you’ve never trusted Jesus to be your own Savior from your own sin, would you tell Him you’re doing that right now? Your sins will be erased – and you will never carry them again – or face them when you meet God. And the only thing that would keep you from heaven will be gone.

That day I felt so gross, it was an awesome feeling to stand in that shower and have all that accumulated junk get washed away. That’s what Jesus wants to do for your heart, right now. It is an incredible feeling to finally be clean.

Respectfully Submitted,

Streudel & Fireplex

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