
Bass Ackwards

DATE: 02/09/21

QIC: Chappie

Congrats to Waler for pulling off an excellent VQ Warm-O-Rama! Glad to finally get you in the line-up; great job brother. PAX can’t wait for your official VQ. Kudos to the dirty dozen who won THAT FIRST BATTLE in the Gloom and posted in the rain to do a lot backwards, hence the title of this Backblast…

Warm-O-Rama: (YHC tried to remember the details, hope this is accurate)

  • SSH – 20 IC
  • Mt. Climbers – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 21 IC
  • Merkins – 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers – 16 IC

The Thang: Waler handed it over to YHC and off we went…bass ackwards

  • Nur to Willow Street,
  • Mosey to Mulberry Street,
  • Nur toward new entrance for H.O.B. Elementary School,
  • Mosey to pick up the six,
  • Nur to entrance of H.O.B. Elementary

Wosey to other side of storm pond, partner up for a little trip to…

Burpback Mountain:

  • Partner 1 mosey’s to bottom of hill, then Nur back to the top,
  • Partner 2 does Burpees
  • Partners swap & rinse and repeat until Burpees are complete
  • Team Goal: Completed 100 Burpees cumulatively. Just keep moving! “I hate Burpees, let’s do Burpees” was the name of the game.

PAX got a breather at 50 Burpees for the 3rdF:

Andy Stanley shared a quote this past Sunday from Albert Speer which really caught my attention; so much so that I wrote it down right away.

First, if you don’t know who Albert Speer was, you’re not alone. He served as the Minister of Armaments and War Production in Nazi Germany during of World War II. He was convicted at the Nuremberg trials and sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Speer later died in 1981. And as a right hand man of Adolph Hitler, we’d not typically think of him, a Nazi, as a man worthy of quoting, moreless someone to learn something/anything from.

Still, there are lessons to be learned even from some who’ve gained them the hard way. In his memoirs titled: Inside the Third Reich, Speer gave this profound statement: “Resist the evolution of a court.”

When you begin to understand his statement, it is incredibly powerful and poignant. It means to resist the development of a group of people around you, so-called friends, who will tell you only what you want to hear.

The Bible refers to this in reference to the end times and sound doctrine, but I also want us to apply it today in terms of that big word: ACCOUNTABILITY.

Second Timothy 4:3 says, “For the time will come when they will not tolerate sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires.”

In other words, men will not want to hear the truth and as a result they will hang around— they will gather a court of—those who tell them only what they want to hear and tickle their ears.

Truth is, there is no such thing as autonomy, there’s no such thing as a self-made man, there’s no such thing as a man who can fully hold himself accountable. Can you hold yourself accountable? No!

Accountability by definition requires a shield-lock with others who will speak truth to us. Accountability is about ideal relationships between men.

Here’s how Dredd started his chapter on accountability in his book F3 Q Source:

“The HIM seeks accountability because his life is not his own. No matter how dedicated or deliberate a HIM is in the building of his Guardrails, there will be some stretches of his road that he will not be able to protect through his own Bricklaying. These are a man’s Blind Spots, the hardwired gaps in his nature that he cannot protect without help.” (103)

“Because he is a servant who lives for the mission, the HIM treats his blind spots like any other obstacle in his life—as a problem that impedes movement. Because a problem can and must be remedied, the HIM does so by seeking accountability.” (104) The HIM does so by “resisting the evolution of a court.”

“Nobody likes being held accountable, held to a standard through enforcement and consequence. But accountability shines the light of hope into a man’s blindspots.” (104)

As HIM let’s strive to resist the evolution of a court; let’s strive to develop the F3 First State 2ndF (Fellowship), and let’s strive to stay out of the danger zone of [perceived] autonomy and, instead, develop ideal relationships between some of the guys in this group for mutual accountability! You’re in danger if you don’t have another man or two who can tell you the truth, brutal truth if need be.


After completing Burpback Mountain, PAX returned to the AO…mostly bass ackwards.

  • Nur up Mulberry Street toward AO,
  • Mosey to pick up the six,
  • Mosey Left onto Clifton Street til PAX are together,
  • Prison Break for 10 secs.,
  • Mosey to Union Street,
  • Mosey up Union,
  • Prison Break for 10 secs.,
  • Nur rest of the way back to the AO

Round of [wet] Mary: (Must be in cadence)

  • Hello Dolly (sitting) – Compliments of Ruxpin
  • Flutter Kicks – Compliments of Chattahoochee
  • Big Boys – Compliments of Waterboy
  • Big Boys (Again!) – Complements of Woodstock
  • Crab Jacks – Compliments of Fireplex
  • “Reverse Plank” – Compliments of Quattro 😉
A Round of Mary



  • Announcements: PAX will be doing the Rucking Challenges “Love Your Ruck” rucking challenge for this week’s Roving RuckF3st Friday (2/12) in Georgetown. Join the fun and love your ruck!
  • Prayers: Praise for successful implant of Pacemaker in Chairman’s dad, Denny, expected to be released today. Continued prayers for Gavin. YHC’s son was able to visit with him for about 1 hr. on Friday. Gavin is overwhelmed at times by what the future holds, whether he will ever walk again or not. We’re continuing to pray for a miracle by the hand of the God for whom all things are possible. Prayers for all PAX that we’d make ourselves accountable to a few guys in the group so that we’re more successful at being HIM in our homes, workplaces, and the communities in which we serve. RESIST THE EVOLUTION OF A COURT!

Lots of Nur today. I.e. bass ackwards, legs will be feeling it tomorrow. But, hey, you can’t skip leg day…unless, of course, you do (shout out to the Fartsackers, you got lapped)!

Grateful for the opportunity to lead once again, and honored to introduce Waler into the Q rotation.

~Chappie, out!

Frisbee Golf


QIC: Semi


All i/c
20 Seal jacks
20 Plank jacks
Mosey around circle
20 Mountain man pooper
20 Cherry picker
side shuffle around circle, switching halfway
20 SSH
20 Seal waves
Nur around circle
20 Imperial walkers
20 mountain climbers

The Thang

Mosey up Bradford street to park past church on left.
Each pair will play Frisbee golf through park and down Edward street to other field by other church doing an exercise as many times it takes to get to the hole.
Hole #1
Hole #2
Lbcs – 40 extra at end of hole
Hole #3
Lunge between shots
Hole #4
Squats x 5
Hole #5 – throwing with non-dominit arm
E2ks (per knee) x 5
Hole #6
Sshs x 5
Hole #7
Merkins x 5


Wavewalker song lyrics (abbreviated)

How’s it so simple? Faith like a child
I give you an inch and you take me a mile
I feel the wind rush and the thunder roll
And two feet on the water, only one way to go, yeah

I don’t gotta be afraid no more
‘Cause I know You’ll walk me through the storm
I’m more than just a talker

I’m a wavewalker
I’m dancing on water
When the devil tried to shake me, I just pray harder
Even in my darkest hour
Got Holy Ghost power
When I keep my eyes upon You, Jesus
I’m a wavewalker (wavewalker)

I walk over my fears, over my doubt
The supernatural, it feels so natural now

I don’t gotta be afraid no more
‘Cause I know You’ll walk me through the storm
I’m more than just a talker
I’m a wavewalker

This song made me think of Peter walking on the water to Jesus. How we need to keep our eyes on Him at all times.


Named Semi’s 2.0 swarts

16 HIM showed today: Pusher, Semi, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Doubtfire, Leatherman, Lunchable, Gblock, Swabbie, Waler, Quarto, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Biddie, Polar, (FNG) Swarts



10 seal jacks i/c

10 plank jacks i/c

20 harry rockets i/c

20 cherry pickers i/c

Side shuffle around circle, switch halfway

10 ssh i/c

10 Imperial walkers i/c

20 Windmill i/c

20 seal wave i/c

The Thang

Mosey to Ruxpin’s distillery

10 hanging knee lifts

10 derkins

20 hanging knee lifts

20 erkins

10 hanging knee lifts

10 erkins

20 hanging knee lifts

20 derkins

Mosey to parking lot across from Domino’s

Lt. Dan across, nur back

Karaoke across, karaoke back

Nur across, Dan Lt. back

Side shuffle across, side shuffle back

3rd F

The next day Moses sat to judge the people, and the people stood around Moses from morning till evening. When Moses’ father-in-law saw all that he was doing for the people, he said, “What is this that you are doing for the people? Why do you sit alone, and all the people stand around you from morning till evening?” And Moses said to his father-in-law, “Because the people come to me to inquire of God; when they have a dispute, they come to me and I decide between one person and another, and I make them know the statutes of God and his laws.” Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you! You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. And let them judge the people at all times. Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you. If you do this, God will direct you, you will be able to endure, and all this people also will go to their place in peace.”

Exodus 18:13‭-‬23 ESV


We need to listen to wise counsel. Look for other HIM to pull up into leadership roles. We as men want to do everything on our own. We can’t. We need to ask for help or delegate so we can prosper.

Mosey to armory

10 ranger merkins, mosey up steps and back

10 diamond merkins, mosey up steps and back

20 wide arm merkins, mosey up steps and back

20 merkins, mosey up steps and back

Mosey back to AO

20 gas pumpers

20 split squats, per leg

20 derkins

Mosey around circle

Toy soldier set

50 lbc

30 e2k

20 big boys

20 squats

20 erkins

Side shuffle around circle switching halfway

10 burpees

Round of Mary; American hammers, flutter kicks, 4 count Freddie, mountain climbers, scissor kicks

Number Rama

Name Rama


9 HIM showed today: Semi, Quarto, Swabby, Waler, Chappie, Toy Soldier, Cowbell, Doubtfire, Fireplex

[Very] Active Recovery

Date: 9/8/20

QIC: Chappie

9 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE and reported for a Chappie led [Very] Active Recovery workout–necessary after yesterday’s 4th Annual Labor Day Beach Day Beatdown. The sand, the water, the passing of the baton all called for some recovery today. Some took the route of fartsacking, others took to awakening the dawn at the CHOP AO in Milton, DE. Here’s how it went down:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Seal Jacks – 18 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 18 IC
  • Smurf Jacks – 18 IC
  • IW – 20 IC
  • Plank Jack – 18 IC


PAX stayed on the reservation and ran around the cones, doing Burpees at the start point each round:

  • 12 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 11 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 10 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 09 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 08 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
    • 3rdF Message breather here (Read below)
  • 07 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 06 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 05 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 04 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 03 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 02 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run
  • 01 Burpees followed by 0.18 mile run

Total = 78 Burpees, 2.16 miles

3rdF shared between rounds 8 and 7:

Winston Churchill is quoted as having given one of the shortest and one of the most profound speeches ever with the words: “Never, never, never, never give up.” The infamous speech, given on October 29, 1941 to the boys at Harrow School in London, was actually longer; as was the quote itself.

Still as powerful, Churchill said, “This is the lesson: Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never, — in nothing, great or small, large or petty–never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” It’s men like that who win wars!

This is a message boys need to hear and men need to hear. Those around us who are benefactors of our influence need to hear this message. Never, never, never, never give in. Never give up. Never quit. DFQ! (Regardless of how you feel!)

If I can share an honest moment with you, as I got involved in sports, or anything for that matter, when I was a kid…I quit! I quit everything! Literally! Why? First, because I could. Second, because  I never had any influence in my life to tell me not to [quit].

I was a really good baseball player. I quit! I played football, wrestled, ran track, was a Boy Scout, all between 7th – 11th grade and I ended up quitting every last one of those activities. As a grew up other factors were involved, but the one key factor in all of my quitting was my influencer, or lack thereof, — my Dad! I can count on one hand the number of times he came to watch my games, encourage me, and route for me. No joke! In fact, I was never encouraged to stick with anything.

I’m not looking for sympathy here, my Dad and I had some hard discussions and resolved the issues behind this long ago. What I AM DOING INSTEAD is offering you words I needed to hear, but didn’t until I was an adult; words that perhaps you’ve heard but maybe need to hear them again. And words that you perhaps need to share with someone else…a son, a daughter, a friend, a co-worker, etc.: “Never, never, never, never give in!” Never quit!

As a man and then as a father, I became the antithesis of my own Dad concerning this mindset; and that’s exactly what it is! I won’t give up. I won’t quit on anything! And I’ve never allowed my sons to quit on anything (and probably to a fault, I can count on about 2 or 3 fingers, the number of times I’ve missed any of their games or activities).

There are times, whether in a workout, a job, a relationship, a marriage or any other number of things which bring trials, when you’ll want to quit. Never, never, never, never give in! Your group needs you. Your team needs you. Your workplace may need you. And most importantly, your spouse and your family needs you. Never quit! Harken back to Churchill’s words! Furthermore, be the influencer who tells those around you the same thing!

The Apostle Paul said it this way: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:14) High Impact Men: “Never give up what you want most for what you want in the moment.”

Well, an [Active] recovery it was indeed, but all the PAX kept at it and kept working. As always it was a privilege for YHC to Q, even on the heals of a beachday beatdown. Shout out to the PAX who posted back-to-back!


  • Announcements: 1) Grit Mill moved to a Wednesday workout, starts tomorrow. 2) Serving the community this Saturday in Lewes. See Quattro for details.
  • Prayers: 1) For Allen Chorman (|Woodstock’s dad) facing heart surgery. 2) For marriages among the PAX. 3) For YHC’s M, who fell and hurt her right arm yesterday. 4) Etc. What YHC forgot, God’s got!

Chappie, out!

Paver Rinse & Repeat

Paver Aftermath… +9 more just like ’em

Date: 7/28/20

QIC: Chappie

YHC had the privilege to stand in the gap for Chattahoochee while he’s following quarantine protocol after he kissed a girl and he liked it. Got you covered brother…”I got this” if you know what I mean Quattro.

Today’s workout called for pulling out the stack of pavers in YHC’s shed–they haven’t been out since WBOC posted and did a Delmarva Life story on F3 First State, so YHC dusted them off, chalked them up with some new motivational messages, and put ’em to work again in the hands of 11 strong PAX.

Remember when…

• SSH – 18 IC
• Swartzjacks – 18 IC
• IW – 10 IC
• Prisoner Squats – 15 IC
• Shoulder Tap Merkins – 10 OYO

Patriot Run (around short block)


(Partner Up)
Paver Pass
American Hammers/Plank & switch (til each team does sandbag transfer – 2 sandbags opposite ends of parking lot, partners run and switch bags to other ends all while everyone else is doing AH’s or in Plank)

Paver Drive
• 1 PAX drives paver, other runs cones/ switch (4 rotations)
Cone 3 to 4:
Dragon Crawl,
Inchworm Merkin

Shout-out to Fireplex (who bowed out to respond to the fire call, but gave us a good piece from the Night Train as they were going by). Monkey Humpers…next time! To all the men and women of Milton Fire 85, thank you for all that you do to keep our community safe.

Paver Overhead Squat Press
• 1 PAX POSP, partner runs to Cone 3
8, 6, 4, 2 Burpees per round …great push on the extra credit Burpees Waterfall!

Paver Sunday Drive – Done as bonus (not punishment) by teams who finished early — it pays to win!
• PAX Wosey “Drive” w/paver

3rd F shared mid-workout – First, PAX took the time to read the motivational message on each paver, then…

Thomas Edison said, “If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.”

Back in May YHC watched an episode of one of the ESPN E60’s. It was titled Cliff Diving, but it wasn’t about cliff-diving at all. Instead it was about a man named Cliff Devries, diving.

Cliff is the diving coach at Rochester Institute of Technology. He says in the documentary, “You might see me walking down the road and think ‘Man, he’s got it rough,’ but there’s more…which is a little beyond what you think right now.”

In high school Cliff was the Empire State Games diving champion and selected as an All-American in his junior and senior years. That led to a scholarship to dive for the University of Kentucky with Olympic dreams.

As a diver he was always pushing himself to get better and to do harder, more complicated, dives. He was a competitor! But then he noticed his movements were getting worse. I’ve seen some of the videos of this highly skilled diver, flopping on his back. Something was going wrong.

An MRI revealed that a 6″ tumor in his spinal column was the cause of the loss of movement in his shoulder and arm. At 21-yrs-of-age, complications during surgery to remove the tumor, left him with severe trauma to his spinal chord. Totally paralyzed on his right side, he was told he’d be in a wheelchair the rest of his life.

Cliff grew tired of hearing that and determined he’d walk again.

His walk would leave you with some impressions, but he does walk. He has been coaching at RIT since 1999 and has always longed to get back on the diving board. A few years ago Cliff Devries did just that, and it has now became his annual tradition to dive on his birthday. He slowly climbs the 10M ladder, shuffles to the end of the spring board and dives in to the applause of his family, his team, and the crowd watching.

Such an inspiration, as he’s telling his story he states:
• “There’s always more to you; there’s always more to what YOU CAN do.”
He reiterates, “You might see me walking down the road and think, ‘he’s got it rough,’ but when you look beyond what’s on the surface, there’s always more!”

Hw says, “You’re not gonna find alot of beauty in what I do; it’s alot of hard work, alot of emotion, all balled up into a half-second fall into the water.

But then he asks a series of inspiring questions: “When you see my dive, what else can YOU do? What can you find in yourself? And this question is even more key: What can you find in others? When you look in the mirror, what else is there? What more can you bring out–which is a little beyond what you think right now?

All of this brings to mind the familiar verse from Philippians 4:13, which says, “I can do all things through [Christ] who strengthens me.” That verse is meant to inspire us in a variety of life’s situations where we cannot seem to find strength to go on, or to do what we need to do; it’s meant to carry us through in stating that we can, in fact, find whatever strength is necessary, both in highs and lows, by trusting in Jesus Christ.

I think as leaders, as High Impact Men (HIM), husbands, fathers, and brothers we ought to be asking ourselves (and those around us) the same questions: When we look in the mirror we have to be inspired to ask: What else is there? What else do you have? What more can you bring out…which is a little beyond what you think right now?


  • Announcements:
    • All PAX invited to join YHC & Gump this evening in Georgetown for RuckingChallenges “Scav Ruck”. Friday Gloom will be the “Suns Out Guns Out” ruck, all PAX also invited to join the fun: Step off @ 2 a.m. for first 7 miles at Primis in Lewes, final 3 miles will be part of Roving RuckF3st Friday.
    • YHC reiterated that the COT is just that, a Circle Of Trust and that the GroupMe is an extension of that. Just a maintenance issue to continue to build our trust with one-another and to lock shields.
  • Prayers: YHC prayed for PAX to be able to live out the inspiration heard from Cliff Devries. Prayed for Chattahoochee. Prayed for Semi’s family traveling to and from GA. And Praised for Fireplex and others who serve as VF in our communities.

Special thanks to Chattahoochee for the opportunity to stand in the gap. Honored to Q. Humbled to lead. Always grateful for those who won that first battle (over the fartsack) and posted to get better and get stronger and there’s never any regrets for doing that! Well..almost never. You lapped those who slept.

~Chappie, out!

Ace ain’t the place…

QIC- Summit

Warm up- 

SSH- 25 

Arm circles forward – 15

Arm circles reverse- 15

Cherry pickers – 15

Mosey lap around block. Back to AO

Prisoner squats – 15

Wind Mill – 15

Mosey to Ace Parking Lot. 

Line up on one end of lot. 

25 ssh –

Nur to 3/4 point 

25 ssh. Bear crawl  to end of lot. 

25ssh. Mosey back to start. Plank for 6

Round 2

25 merkins 

Sprint  to 3/4 

25 merkins 

Lt Dan to end 

25 merkins 

Let Dan back to 3/4 point.
Mosey back to start. Plank 

Toy soldier set 

Round 3

25 ssh

Nur to 3/4 

25 ssh

Bear crawl to end  

25 ssh 

Mosey back to start. Plank 

Round 4

25 Big Boys 

Sprint to 3/4 

25 big boys 

Side shuffle to end

25 Big Boys 
side shuffle to 3/4

Mosey back to start. Plank. 

Mosey back to AO. 

Flutter kicks IC 

count off, Name-a-rama


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