Two Looney Tooney Walls

5:15am 67 Degrees Looney Tunes on Q,

The Warmup

  • Side Straddle Hop – 50
  • Windmills – 20
  • Cherry Pickers – 30
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 40
  • Imperial Walkers – 20

Mosey to Wall

Next, a Half Mile Mosey to the Wall down by the bank.

Half Mile Mosey to the Wall

The Wall Part 1

Super Set 1 – 4 Rounds

  • Triceps DIPS Open Hands OUT. Advanced, Add 3 Pulses. To Failure
  • 10 Air Squats

Super Set 2 – 4 Rounds

  • 20 Derkins with Elbows against body for that extra tricep blast!
  • 20 Big Boys

3rd F

Levine, Wayne. Hold on to Your NUTs: The Relationship Manual for Men (p. 75).

TOOL Nº. 2 EXPRESS BUT DON’T DEFEND YOUR FEELINGS Men are all screwed up about feelings. Not long ago, a man was a man if he kept his feelings to himself, you know, like John Wayne. Then it became popular for men to behave more like women and to express all of their feelings, all of the time, a la TV’s Alan Alda. Neither approach is healthy for men, and neither makes for successful long-term relationships. So does the answer lie somewhere in between the Duke and New Age man? Not quite.
A POWERFUL MAN KNOWS HOW HE FEELS First, let’s review your feelings. Remember those? They’re the things which, if embraced as they are—without a bunch of social, familial, political and cultural influences piled on top—will guide you to making the best decisions for you. Acknowledging how you honestly feel will be your most effective tool in decision-making. When you’re clear about how you feel, the solutions to your problems become clearer, too. Recognizing those feelings is important work for men who have been socialized in many ways to deny how they feel. Being in your power requires, first and foremost, knowing how you feel.
LET HER KNOW In a long-term relationship, letting her know how you feel is critical. Many men have heard that from their women.  WARNING! Don’t be a bully. A man in his power doesn’t manipulate, intimidate and interrogate to get his way or to prove his point. A man in his power is loving, accepting and compassionate. Express your feelings from this place, rather than being the resident bully. TIP! One of the best ways for men to figure out how they feel is to have a sounding board they can trust. Look for a male counselor, friend or mentor. The guy’s got to be healthy and capable of hearing you, to help you figure out how you feel rather than imposing his fears, insecurities, judgments, etc., onto you. Also, his vision of manhood should mesh with your own.

The Wall Part 2: The Second One

We woseyed over to the World Famous Milton Mural for The People’s Chair!

16 Men on the World Famous Milton Mural

I asked Chatahoochie for a number 1-5, Hooch chose 4. So 4 minutes of The People’s Chair. When time was up it was time to Mosey back to the CHOP. Legs were on FIRE, need to plan that better next time!

We then MOSEY’D back to the CHOP.

Name o Rama

Watch the video to find out what the F3 this is all about