

Date: January 28, 2020

QIC: Wildwing

WARM A RAMA: SSH x 20, Cherry Picker x 20, Goof Ball x 20, La La Leggy x 10, Joe Lewis x 20

The Thang:

Sixteen workout stations were set out in two lines 40 feet apart. Each station had a separate exercise that continued for 60 seconds. Pax would do Bobby Hurleys or a Fiddler Crab walk as they rotated to a new station.

Exercises included: box cutters, iron mikes dips, dirkins, lbc, wheel of merkins, groiners burpees, coupon jump, elf on shelf, bolt 45, windshield wipers, big boy, war hammers, Alabama ass kickers

Third F:

While PAX were on 6s doing bicycles, QIC recited Kobe Brant sayings such as: “I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.” He also talked about leaving the game better than you found it. “When it comes time to leave, leave a legend.”

“Leaving the game better than you found it” echos the concept of seeking a “more perfect union.” So we closed the message by recalling Rear Admiral Black’s opening prayer at the Trump Impeachment trial: “Sovereign God, author of liberty … remember that Patriots reside on both sides of the aisle….Give all senators a civility built upon integrity that brings consistency in their beliefs and actions, we pray in your powerful name, Amen.

(A person can hope anyways.)

Number a Rama, Name a Rama, COT

Respectfully and hopefully submitted: Wildwing

A Roll of the Dice


DATE: 1/22/20

QIC: Chappie

Six PAX is never a good start to your day, unless, of course, you’re talking about 6 F3 PAX who won THAT FIRST BATTLE by unpartaking of the Fartsack and were lucky enough to post at the Primis AO in Lewes, DE.

No. One. Ever. Regrets. Posting. Post!


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Moroccan NC’s – 10 IC
  • Italian NC’s – 10 IC
  • The Motivator (Shout out to the men of F3 Lanco, YHC borrowed this excellent warm-up exercise)
  • Calf Raises – 30 IC
  • Crab Flipper – 18 IC (Now Local & Legit: a variation of the Cherry Picker, PAX pick cherries…er, um…flip crabs on the 3-count near the left foot, then down the middle between feet, then on the 3-count near the right foot, continuing to alternate L, M, R, R, M, L throughout the exercise — it’s now local gentlemen…and good for warming up and stretching)

At this point PAX took the Shovel Flag for a short tour (.96 miles) Patriot Run.

PAX returned from Patriot Run to the Tennis courts where, low and behold, awaiting was a giant pair of dice and YHC’s Board of Pain…

Look at that pair!

PAX each took turns rolling the dice, accomplishing each exercise on the Board of Pain except SSH, Squats, Merkins, Sandbag Circle, and Dying Cockroaches. First lucky roll came from Ruxpin who kicked it off by rolling a 9: Flying Squirrels (25 of those suckers darn near whooped us!) But we continued.

The Q inserted 2 laps around the tennis court [for a breather]. First time around PAX did the Nur. Second time around PAX Side-shuffled.

YHC also gave the PAX a breather by sharing the following 3rdF:

Just a reminder of what this F3 thing–this Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith thing–is about…it’s all about LEADERSHIP! We’re here because we inherently desire to sharpen our ability to lead.


You’re all here because you’re a part of that mission, because you recognize on a personal level you’ve not arrived and you have room to grow in the area of leadership…be it in your home, your workplace, or the communities in which you serve.

We tend to think leadership is…

▪ A solo adventure, that we have to go it alone. We see ourselves standing atop the proverbial mountain directing our “troops” into battle.

▪ We tend to think it’s about our position and how to get to the next rung on the ladder.

▪ We tend to think leadership is about us (me, myself, and I)

▪ And…its none of these things at all! In fact, some of the greatest detriments to our ability to lead are actually our own egos, our push to rise to the top of the pecking order, or our desire for recognition.

Not having it all together (and worse yet, the trap that follows of ACTING like we do) we hide behind power and position. Afraid we will be found out… afraid that others (men especially) will see that we actually don’t have it all together, we end up taking stances in leadership that hinder, rather than help, our ability to lead. Then too often we end up forfeiting opportunities to master leadership by learning from our failures (we think we’re not allowed to fail).

We tend to assume “the bigger my ego, the more respect I’ll be able to demand, and the better my leadership.” But reality is that the biggest thing that needs to be put in check is, in fact, our egos.

I base these statements on the example we see in Christ: In Jesus is found the example of a servant leader who, though fully divine, took on humanity and the human experience. He did this to redeem us…

Think about that: God became a man, and at that, A SERVANT [LEADER], because there was something enormous at stake: Your life… eternally! So His plan of redeeming you included SERVANT LEADERSHIP.

That fact teaches several important factors which can transform our thinking about leadership:

#1: “Leadership is an action, not a position.” (Chris Brady) i.e. it’s what you do!

#2: “Leaders must ALWAYS operate with the understanding that they’re part of something bigger than themselves and their own personal interests.” (Jocko, EO p.76)

#3: “Leaders move people from where they are to where God wants them to be.”

In reference to what I’m sharing these next two are critical:

#4: “Leadership IS NOT about being the best; leadership is about making everyone else better.” (@bjj_world)

#5: “The bottom line in leadership ISN’T how far we advance ourselves; it’s how far we advance OTHERS.” (LTC Rick Frank)

Philippians 2:6ff talks about how Christ humbled Himself by coming down from heaven and becoming human–a bond-servant. God did that! So leadership is best expressed in humility and in the interest of others. These verses are stated as the example to follow and the attitude we’re supposed to have (Christ’s) after we read earlier in Phil. 2:3-4 “DO NOTHING FROM SELFISHNESS OR EMPTY CONCEIT, BUT WITH HUMILITY OF MIND LET EACH OF YOU REGARD ONE ANOTHER AS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIMSELF; DO NOT MERELY LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS, BUT ALSO FOR THE INTERESTS OF OTHERS.” Have this attitude in yourselves.…” (Emphasis added) The attitude of Christ is what was then described.

Today, if you want to be a HIM, humble yourself and serve to make someone else better. Humble yourself and lead by advancing those around you!

PAX returned to taking a few lucky rolls of the dice and experiencing the Board of Pain before time was up.




  • Announcements: Praise YHC’s nephew, Aaron, is home from deployment! PAX shared other AO’s, workout locations, with Chauffeur so he’d know where to post in the Gloom
  • Prayers: Chauffeur & Doubtfire (prayers for things going on on the home front); Prayers for all those still deployed, especially Aaron’s battle buddy, Cottle; Prayers for our F3 brother, Styx, experienced some recent serious heart issues.

Always thankful for the opportunity to borrow, create and execute a new Weinke. While we repeated several of the exercises, we didn’t make it through the whole Board of Pain. Perhaps another time…its just the luck of the roll. Until then…

~Chappie, out!

How’d you start your day?

Man. Up.

Music To My Ears

Thursday, January 16, 2020 @ The Grit Mill

Q: Chairman PAX: Chappie, Chewtoy, Gump, Loose Wheel, Poppa Bear, Ruxpin, Waterfall, FNG Visitante

Warmup: 15 Cherry Pickers, 15 Moroccan Night Clubs, 15 Windmills, & To the song, Tubthumper by Chumbawumba, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. In the end, you will do about 27 burpees. Lap around library

The Thang: Toy Soldier Set 35 LBCs 25 E2Ks 15 Big Boys. Another lap around the library.

Bring Sally Up Merkin Challenge, Hold plank on bring Sally up and hold bottom position of merkin on bring Sally down.

Burpee mile: 48 burpees, 1 mile run. Done as 12 burpees, run 1/4 mile x 4. Last 12 burpees replaced with Burpos: low burpee. Starting position is bottom of a squat. Then reach hands out to ground, legs fire back into a plank, chest to the ground, pushup, draw legs back into a squat, final position is the bottom of a squat. No standing up for the duration of the reps.

F3 Message about being part of F3 and how great it is to see F3 First State growing with record #s posting. How forcing yourself to post is hardest and most important part. Once you post being around other HIM motivates us and we lift each other up during the workouts and in our family lives, jobs, etc.

Number-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, naming FNG, and COT.

Watch “F3 First State Grit Mill” on YouTube

Coupons and wheelbarrows

QIC: Semi


20 all i/c

Seal wave
Cherry picker
Capri lap around upper parking lot
Side shuffle out, nur across, side shuffle in, and mosey across
Plank Jack
Seal Jack
2nd capri lap around upper parking lot
Side shuffle out, nur across, side shuffle in, and mosey across


Each HIM grabs a coupon and pairs up with another HIM lined up between the light poles.

Each pair will wheelbarrow to other center parking line
half of pax does 10 burpees while the other half does 15 Swerkins, plank for 6
Wheelbarrow back to light pole line
Other half of pax does 10 burpees while the other half does 15 swerkins, plank for 6

3rd F

Coupon barrow to other parking line
15 Abyss merkins
Coupon barrow back to light pole line
15 Wide Merkins
Coupon barrow halfway to other parking line and switch with partner and continue to parking line
25 Coupon squats
Return Coupons to stack and return to parking line.
Dragon crawl to light pole line
40 lbcs

Number Rama
Name Rama

16 HIM showed today, Semi, Chappie, quarto, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Wildwing, leatherman, Ruxpin, strudel, doubtfire, trion, phyfe, forky, fng showfer, fng baby shark

Difference Makers

Coupons and Mountaintops

January 14, 2020, 05:15

VQ: Quattro

Disclaimer: Given


  • SSH IC
  • Windmill IC
  • Cherry Picker IC
  • Bolt 45
  • Playboys 10 count each leg (to keep the sniper off our back)
  • Pretzel Merkins 7 each arm IC (once called Yoga-bare Merkin)

the Thang:

  • Mosey around the block (because what’s a block party without it!)
  • Grab a pair of coupons, meet at the edge of parking lot
  • Coupon crawl across grass to first cone, plank for 6
  • 10 Abyss Blerkin
  • Coupon crawl to second cone, plank for 6
  • 20 incline Bigboys holding 1 block
  • Coupon crawl to next cone plank for 6
  • 30 Block presses
  • Coupon crawl to sidewalk
  • Colt 45s IC single count

Gather at Skreet light for 3rd F

Exodus 17: 8-16
Read devotional from Turning Point Ministries:

In today’s reading, we find the nation of Israel engaged in combat with the Amalekites. While Joshua led the troops, Moses went up onto a hill overlooking the battlefield and, in an attitude of prayer, observed the action. The Lord gave the Israelites success as long as Moses’ arms were raised, but whenever he lowered them, the enemy gained the advantage. So Aaron and Hur helped him to maintain the posture that assured victory.

This historical account teaches an important lesson for every believer: Life’s battles are won or lost in the place of prayer. We may think that conflicts are decided on the battlefield, but victory depends on children of God coming before their Father and seeking His face. It is not the size of our army or the strength of our opponents’ forces that ultimately determines the outcome. When we spend time alone with God, we will be equipped by the One who knows the end from the beginning and understands the reality of all circumstances, regardless of appearances.

God foresees every snare and temptation of Satan just as He discerns what people are thinking and plotting. So it is wise to trust His battle plan instead of our own instincts—and we can do so with confidence that we will not suffer defeat.

Faith will allow you to keep your eyes focused on the Lord, even in the midst of frightening circumstances. When you acknowledge Him as the source of everything you need, your sense of direction will become clear. No matter what enemy is facing you, God will reveal what needs to be done.

  • Wosey Double-time back to the coupon magazine to re-stack coupons

Number-rama 16 in all!

Name-O-Rama with one FNG… Welcome @bore

COT: Holding each other’s arms up in prayer


QIC: Semi


20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker


Mosey to front steps of library
10 box jumps
10 hand release merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down
10 each leg split squats
20 wide merkins
Up the steps 1 at a time and back down
5 tempo squats-3 count i/c
5 diamond merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down

Mosey to park across the river
Using walls in park
4 rounds
10 derkins
10 urkins
20 double count flutter kicks

3rd F
Marriage after God – podcast
Date night

Toy soldier set
50 lbcs
30 e2k
15 big boys

Mosey to bridge – crawl bear across
Mosey back to library

6 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, papa bear, Chairman, FNG loose wheel

Number Rama
Name rama

Record numbers for a short jog around the block

Warm Up-

20 each IC


Cherry Pickers

Have a lot to get in a short period of time…

The Thang:

Mosey to HR Block where we completed a Toy Solider set 60,40,20

Mosey to Food Lion bear craw from first light pole to second for 20 hand-release merkins. Lt. Dan to 3rd light pole for 50 double count flutter kicks.

Take a right out of Food Lion and Mosey down to Morris Av and back up to the car wash.

Break for 3rd F.

Wall sit while each PAX completes 10 V-ups.

Mosey back to CHOP.



Block Work at CHOP

Or “Shut up you loud crazy people!!”

Waterfall on Q for a warm but moist gloom at CHOP.

We warmed up with the usual: Side Strattle Hop, Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Seal Jack.

The Thang: Overhead carry the blocks to the tooth pulling place. Pair up for block work. 100 squats, 100 LBCs, 100 presses, all with the blocks. Done as a team. While one partner does the exercises the other lunges across the parking lot and mosey back. We stopped when a neighbor opened the window and yelled at us.

Carried our blocks back to the AO to finish. Then we mixed things up. One partner side steps across the parking lot while the other does the UPS. Each partner does the parking lot twice. Then partner mosey across the parking lot and nur back while the other partner holds the block in Al Gore position. Each partner does the parking lot twice.

F3 Message. Don’t let your New Year’s resolutions just be wishful thinking. 1. “Budget” your plans. Know what it is going to take and how you are going to get there. 2. You need “councilors.” Tell your M and your friends about your plans. 3. “Commit to the Lord.” Make sure your plans are consistent with God’s will for your life.

Finished up with some Mary.

Count-a-rama Name-a-rama

New FNG is named “Beeker.” He is a science teacher. Welcome Beeker!!


1/1/2020 Field of…….Dreams??


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 20 Crab flippers IC (see what I did there?? 2020 AYE!!)
  • Bolt 45 (uggg)
  • 20 windmills
  • 20 smurf Jacks (double uggg)

The Thang

  • We stayed at the basketball courts for the first part of our beatdown and did the Webiside routine. A standard suicide but instead of touching each line the pax does an increasing number of merkins at each line. Run to the first line, do one merkin, run back to start, run to next line, do two merkins, and so on until you get to 10. A running form of the Jack Webb
  • Moseyed over to the baseball diamond where we started the field of dreams routine Start out by counting off by fours. 1s start at First Base  AMRAP Squats until relieved. 2s at Second Base do AMRAP Mercans until relieved. 3s at Third Base do AMRAP LBC’s until relieved. 4s at Home Plate will perform 15 Burpees then run to First, relieving the Pax there. Continue until all Pax have done the Burpees.
  • Insert first part of F3 Message here: Q Gump read the final speech from the movie courageous details will be at the end of the Backblast.
  • Continued the field of dreams routine this time we swapped the exercises to all mary exercises. Home plate still did 15 Burpees, 1st base did sets of 2 BBSU and 10 overhead presses AMRAP, 2nd base did American hammers, and 3rd base did flutterkicks
  • Started the Bear Crawl Ring of fire: PAX lined up and bear crawled around the baseball diamond upon Q’s “halt” the first person in line did 10 merkins, while everyone else planked, than “crawl” everyone crawled until again the Q “halted” then the next HIM would do 10 merkins while everyone planked and than “crawl” rinse and repeatuntil everyone in line did 10 merkins.
  • 2nd 3rd F message inserted here where QIC Gump read “The Resolution” (Image at end of BB)
  • Everyone gave quatro a Big High five after this one during the last Bear Crawl ring of fire quatro accidentally said the words “Crawl bear” so the next exercize was inspired by quatro. During this exercise we started the “Crawl Bear ring of fire” it was just as fun as bear crawl ring of fire except it super sucked. as you can imagine we craw bear’d around the baseball diamond and on the “halt” command everyone planked while 1 HIM did merkins than “crawl” and everyone crawled until “halt” than the next HIM took his turn doing 10 merkins while everyone else planked rinse and repeat until everyone did 10 merkins. and we had to crawl bear home.
  • Wosied back to the basketball diamond where we ran 3 sets of suicides , ran to foul shot line touched line, back to basketball hoop, half court and back, opposite foul shot line and back, and opposite out of bounds line and back, opposite foul shot line and back, half court and back, foul shot line and back was 1 round with 10 count in between each set.
  • Number o rama
  • Name o rama
  • COT

Gifts around the block

13 HIM beat the fartsack and posted at the CHOP on this nice brisk morning for a little 4X4 action around the block 4 corners 4 exercises per corner. Transition between corners varies. Oh and Chappie made it back from picking up his 2.0 just in time for the name-o-rama and COT.

Warm-up- 25 SSH + 10 more just because, 20 Windmills, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Cherry Pickers, 20 MNC.

The Thang- Mosey to dental office –

20 Merkins, 20 Widearm Merkins, 15 Diamond Merkins, 15 Ranger Merkins.

Lt. Dan to first light pole mosey to shipbuilders.

30 LBCs OYO, 25 Flutterkicks IC, 20 Freddie mercuries IC, 15 big boys OYO.

Bear crawl down mulberry street to first light pole mosey to Drs office.

20 Imperial walkers IC. 20 Squats, 20 lunges 10 each leg, 20 monkey jumpers. I believe some pax performed a few extra monkey humpers to entertain a lone car going by and some how we ended up with 10 bombjacks at this stop.

Mosey on to final corner at union street.

20 American hammers, 20 mountain climbers, 20 splitjacks and everones favorite gift was 10 hand release burppes.

Mosey back to CHOP for a stop at the wall.

Wall sit with 10 overhead clamps

Balls to wall 10 Australian mountain climbers IC.

Wall sit with 15 overhead hand claps

After all that Christmas eve fun we still had time for a few minutes of Mary which indo not recall what exactly consisted of.

Finished up with Number-rama

Name-o-rama along with giving our FNG his F3 nickname welcome Phyfe and ending with the COT.

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