

QIC: Chappie

DATE: 03/10/20

14 HIM beat the lag from the new hours of Daylight Savings Time and posted at CHOP in Milton, DE for some ab work. Plus, the PAX got in their fair share of Merkins for March Merkin Madness (actually only 147 total).

WARM-O-RAMA: (Intended for Phyfe but he couldn’t make it because of working the Blue Light Special today – no worries, we’ll get him on the schedule again.)

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Swartzjack – 18 IC
  • Smurfjack – 18 IC
  • Plankjack – 18 IC
  • Crabflippers – 18 IC


PAX lined up single file at the edge of the field which had 6 cones lined up evenly from one end of the field to the other (lit up with chem-lights – you gotta admit it was cool looking!)

  • RR Tracks to the far cone (approx. 175 yards)
  • Cone #1 – COP Hello Dolly – 50 IC (…and the mumble chatter begins)
  • Mosey to parking lot – 6 Merkins OYO
  • First 3 guys back to lot had to grab a Restrictor Plate (Sandbag)
  • Mosey out to Cone #2 – COP X’s & O’s – 18 OYO
  • Mosey to parking lot – 12 Merkins OYO (from here on Restrictor Plates were voluntary, at least for the most part. Well, see what happened was…instead of mumble chatter there was some “mumble yelling” by the enforcer, Leatherman, to get everyone to step up and shoulder 1 of the 3 sandbags (i.e. some guys appeared to be bypassing the bags)
  • Mosey out to Cone #3 – COP 4-Count Freddies – 25 IC
  • Mosey to parking lot – 18 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey out to Cone #4 – COP Box Cutters – 30 IC
  • Mosey to parking lot – 24 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey to Cone #5 – COP Dying Cockroaches – 30 IC
  • Mosey to parking lot – 30 Merkins OYO
  • Mosey to Cone #6 – COP American Hammers – 30 IC

This is how it went…back and forth like suicides, only for abs instead.

PAX circled up for 3rdF:

One of the more popular Bible verses referred to in F3 circles is Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

Most of us have shared that verse as part of a 3rdF, and if not, all of us have at least heard it because it’s been shared regularly.

Iron sharpening iron is a pretty simple concept. We all get it—I think that’s why its included in the Book of Proverbs—its masculine practicality speaks to the hearts of all men!

I’m referring to it today in terms of the leadership principle/practice of ACCOUNTABILITY. By very definition, without accountability there’s no iron sharpening iron. Having no accountability makes you about as useful as the file hanging by itself on a hook in my shed. (P.S. – proper use is critical!)

The question I want to pose is this: In an age when there is so little accountability (i.e. men refuse accountability) do you have someone to whom you’ve MADE YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE—willingly? I’m not talking about your workplace, where you’re subordinate to a supervisor or to someone who holds your paycheck. But I’m talking about a brother in the Lord, a brother in this circle, or another man, who, in any given circumstance can not only encourage you but call into question a decision, a motive, a response, a reaction, or a path you’ve taken? Have you made your heart receptive to the counsel of someone who might even wound you so that you’ll continue to grow and mature as a man, a husband, a father, and friend? Earlier, Proverbs 27 also says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend…” (27:6). If you don’t have that other piece of iron in your life (I think Mr. T’s words might be for you: “I pity the fool!)

The term ACCOUNTABILITY as its defined in our F3 lexicon is: “Submitting to a standard through enforcement and consequence. To practice Accountability, there must be a STANDARD (and objective measure of performance or behavior…p.s., you’re NOT it!), ENFORCEMENT (an external force to apply that Standard), and CONSEQUENCE (the result of the Enforcement of the Standard). This is certainly a larger definition by context than just a friendship with a brother from another mother, yet it still applies to iron sharpening iron.

That verse means that when iron is rubbed against another piece of iron it SHAPES and SHARPENS it. Similarly, we as men, can help each other become better by our discussions, criticisms, suggestions, ideas, and accountability. As HIM we should not only provide that kind of influence, whether good or bad, but we MUST welcome it as well!

The verse implies both the pleasure and advantage of accountability. Accountability means you have wise and profitable discourses by which you sharpen and are sharpened. I.e. something is added—you are filed, made smooth, or are given a good edge by accountability with another High Impact Man (HIM)…or other High Impact Men (plural). One last question: Do you have the MORAL COURAGE to make decisions for which you will be held accountable?

(Sources: QSOURCE by DREDD, Lexicon, & TBKC)


PAX moved to the wall for a short game of Merkin Dice. PAX took turns rolling the BIG dice to determine the number of Merkins to be done between 10-Count BTTW’s. It went a little something like this:

  • Roll #1 – 10 reps
  • BTTW – 10 Count
  • Hand Release Merkins – 10 OYO
  • Roll #2 – 5 reps
  • BTTW – 10 Count
  • Tempo Merkins – 5 IC
  • Roll #3 – 6 reps
  • BTTW – 10 Count, courtesy of Leatherman. Recount courtesy of Doubtfire
  • Prison Cell Merkins – 6 OYO

Times up…and good thing because somebody’s pain was starting to become “special.” Lol. Plus, PAX had to have time to name our FNG>


  • Number-Rama
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Naming of FNG – Welcome FNG Jeff Chorman, now known in F3 circles as Woodstock
  • Announcements:
    • Softball games Saturday in Milton to raise support for Delaware Food Bank: Bring your non-perishable food items to the ball fields (Suggestion: You could ruck them to the ball fields.)
    • 2nd Annual Shamruck: Family Ruck this Sunday (3/15). Stepping off from the Big Lot’s parking lot in Milford at 3:17 p.m. Rucking 1 mile to McDonald’s for Shamrock Shakes. Rucking 1 mile to return to parking. Bring a ruck (40 lbs if you weigh over 150, 20 lbs if you weigh under 150. If the kids can’t ruck pull ’em in a wagon, bring friends, etc. Let’s just enjoy some time together under ruck and having some quality 2ndF and giving our families the opportunity to get to know one another.
  • Prayers: Stafford Family, effected by cancer. Family of Trion’s M’s uncle, Roger. YHC’s friend, undergoing brain tumor removal tomorrow. Other PAX’s families battling for the marriages, etc. P.S. – don’t forget to pray for Quattro, who is sick.

Grateful for the beautiful weather and the amazing full moon to workout under. More than anything, YHC is grateful for the HIM who posted and the accountability that is available (for all who are willing) through this special esprit de corps among F3 brothers. Thanks for posting men!

~ Chappie, out!

Blimps, Blimps, Blimps

Date: 03/05/2020

AO: CHOP, Milton DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Jiminy Crickets – 10 OYO

Windmills – 20 IC

The Thang

Pax completed the Hindenburg BLIMPS routine from the Exicon at the CHOP.  We modified the sprint portion to a straight line across the CHOP Parking lot approx. .02 miles apart.  Sprint from the Church to the field behind CHOP and perform 1st exercise, sprint back to Church and perform 1st exercise, sprint back to the field and perform 1st exercise.  Sprint back to the Church and perform 1st exercise.  Plank it up until all PAX are in.  That completes one round.  Rinse and repeat but perform the second exercise working from the Church to the field.  Rinse and repeat for the 3rd and 4th exercises.  Round #1 – 10 Burpees. Round #2 – 20 Merkins.  Round #3 – 30 LBC’s.  Round #4 – 40 Lunges (20 each leg).  Round #5 – 50 Plank Jacks.  Round #6 – 60 Squats.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.    

F3 message –The 3rd F from Ron Hutchcraft Ministries was shared after completing Round #4.  See Below….


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.    

At a party with some of our ministry staff and volunteers, we had a lot of fun with a common party game. You know, each person brings something they really want to get rid of, beautifully wrapped, of course. Everyone draws a number. When your number comes up, you have the choice of opening one of the unopened gifts and making it yours or taking that unopened package and trading for what someone else has already opened, and then you leave them with whatever is in that still-wrapped package. Somehow, there always ends up being a few items that everyone wants. And depending on how aggressive your people are – and we’ve had some pretty aggressive ones – they remember who’s got the hot item and they go after it with a vengeance. Those few items just keep moving around in trade after trade.

My sister-in-law, who is a wonderful worker in our ministry, actually drew the #1, which meant she didn’t get to make a trade at the beginning. But while the trading frenzy for the evening’s hot items got more and more intense, she just sat peacefully and quietly through it all, because she remembered the oft-forgotten rule of the game. Since #1 didn’t get to make a trade at the beginning of the game, she makes the last trade of the game. So all along, she knew what she wanted. And all along she is sitting there thinking, “I know how this is going to end!”

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Knowing the Ending.”

One of the exciting things about what God reveals to us in His Word is that we get to see how things are going to end. The frenzy and chaos may last quite a while, there may be lots of twists and changes, but, like my sister-in-law’s perspective on that game, there is no question about how it’s going to end up.

Our word for today from the Word of God is the incredible promise of Romans 8:28; the verse that one great writer called “a soft pillow for a long night.” Later verses will declare that if God is for us, no one can successfully be against us, that Christ’s love makes us conquerors in the worst of life’s disasters, that there will never be a life-quake so severe that it will be able to take us out of Jesus’ love. But before all that, this promise of how everything in a believer’s life will end up. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” In the King James, “God works all things together for good.”

During the game, it can get really frantic. In fact, it can even hurt a lot. The verse doesn’t say everything is good. It says God is working everything together for good – the agony, the ecstasy, the pains, the gains, the losses, even what the devil is doing to you. Paul’s thorn in the flesh wasn’t good in itself; it hurt him, it frustrated him, and the Bible says it was a “messenger from Satan.” But Paul saw the good that came later in the game. The pain had brought him to the end of himself and into an experience of God’s power that only the powerless ever touch. The gain was far greater than the pain.

That is the implied guarantee of Romans 8, that God will not allow it in your life unless it can be used for a greater good. No matter how hard this current situation is to understand, no matter how almost unbearable the pain, it’s possible for you to keep going with this unexplainable sense of peace and well-being. Because while God never guarantees that all the chapters will be happy, He does guarantee a happy ending.

The outcome – a better family, a better ministry, a better business, a better you if you will stay on the Jesus-path, if you will let the struggle turn you to your Lord, not away from Him. He will do what will bring you the greatest good and Him the greatest glory. Relax in that guarantee, no matter how it looks now.

As the pressure and the frenzy increase around you, you’ll be able to sit there with this wonderful inner calm saying because of your Sovereign Lord, “I know how this going to end.”

Respectfully Submitted,


Super Dicey Wednesday

Date: 3-4-20

QIC: Wildwing

WARM O RAMA: IN CADENCE —- SSH x 20, Cherry Picker x 20, Morrocan Night Clubs x 20, Smurf Jacks x 20, Travoltas x 20, Elwoods x 20


(1). Each HIM receives a die to carry with him through the workout. The PAX mosied to a series of stations located throughout Lewes (Canal Gazebo, Canal Lot, St. Peters Wall).

(2). Before the PAX arrived at each station, the QIC threw his die. The group then performed ten times the number of Merkins shown on the initial dice throw.

(3). Upon completion of these Merkins, the PAX mosied to the next exercise station to perform the following routine: (a) Seal Jacks, (b) Tennesee Rocking Chairs, (c) Smurf Jacks, (d) Travoltas, (e) Elwoods, (f) Mountain Climbers. The number of repetitions for each exercise was determined by the sum total of all dice thrown by the PAX.

(4). The QIC then throws his own die and the PAX performs ten times that number of Merkins before again proceeding to the next station.


The question posed was why vote on Super Tuesday? And if there is a reason, is this reason relevant to anything else happening to us? The QIC suggested that voting is an opportunity to think through what is important, to be inquisitive, and then to be intentional with the information gathered.

If this is a valid reason to vote – and to decide how one is voting – this same approach might be applicable to situations at home or work when an important decision needs to be made. Inquire, think, act. Simple…..?

And since there is a Presidential election coming our way, here are words of wisdom from earlier office holders:

“It’s easier to do the job right than to explain why you didn’t. (Van Buren)

“Amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets credit.” (Truman)

“In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” (Jefferson)

“Accomplishment is a journey, not a destination.” (Eisenhower)

“Presidents are like cemeteries, there are lots of folks under you and no one is listening.” (Clinton)

“If I walked across the the Potomac, the headline would read ‘Johnson can’t swim'”. (LBJ)

“I left an order to be awakened in case of any emergency, even if I was in a Cabinet meeting.” (Reagan)


Milton Parade coming – See Pre Blast for workout next Saturday

Respectfully Submitted, Wildwing

Pretty Colors

DATE: 02/25/20

QIC: Chappie

Eleven PAX posted at CHOP this Gloom for a beatdown hosted by YHC himself. Some wonder was expressed over where the other (potentially) 12+ PAX were at on such a perfect day, and for the first beatdown of F3 First State workout week.

YHC has been trying not to be a “numbers watcher” but, hey, you’ve gotta understand there’s been just a little invested in the past 3.5 years to put a shovel-flag in the ground here in the First State and get this mustard seed growing. So, yeah, there’s this tendency (because of ownership) to watch the numbers and want to see both F3 PAX and more and more FNG’s welcomed into the fold. Put it this way, if you’d been the one to put the first shovel-flag in the ground in the First State, you’d very likely want to see all the guys out, all the time; you’d want to see every man consistently win over the fartsack in order to sharpen others and make F3FirstState the best it can be. That’s a pretty high expectation, yet YHC is aware of reality too. Nonetheless, he merely wants to see that ownership spread [ownership in a healthy way…as in responsibility]. Still, we had 11 who broke the grip of the fartsack this morning, and it was the perfect number for a beatdown in honor of Faye Marie Swetlik.

YHC saw the post last night calling PAX across the F3Nation to wear the brightest colors we had to our workouts on Tuesday, Feb 25th. Known for wearing our dark colors, the bright colors instead were worn to honor Faye, a 6-yr-old girl who loved pink and purple and brought sunshine into the lives of all those around her. You likely saw on the news that Faye was recently abducted from her front yard in Cayce, SC. Sadly, she was found deceased 4 days later near her home.

YHC used to land-survey all over the community of Cayce, but F3 PAX from AO’s in that area have both family and friends familiar with the family—some of their 2.0’s went to school with Faye.

Wearing bright colors was a small thing for our PAX to do this morning, but it was at least one way for us to stand in a shield-lock with F3 brothers, the Swetlik family, the community of Cayce, and all those, especially LEOS, who spent countless hours searching for 6-yr-old Faye. Our hearts go out to everyone effected by this tragedy. YHC appreciates all the PAX who read the post last nite and came dressed for success at today’s workout…

The boys


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers – 10 IC
  • The Motivator – 10’s Single Count IC (YHC still has to figure out how to properly end this heart-pumper)
  • Crab Flippers – 10 IC (A legit local favorite, cousin to the Cherry Picker)
  • Hillbilly Walker – 10 IC
  • Windmill – 10 IC

Patriot Run to “Merlot Hill” (a.k.a. the end of Behringer Street by the park, so named after a PAX by the same name. And, yes, you know why!)


YHC introduced the conspicuously placed Restrictor Plates (20lb sandbags) lying in the shade beside the power pole.

The Workout: 11’s on the hill.

  • Merkins at bottom and top. The sandbags? Only rule was that you could never pass one up (unless you had just carried it either to the top or bottom) 11 PAX, 2 bags…no problem. Everyone got their fair share of carries by the time this series was completed. No one slowed! No one quit! No one passed up opportunities to carry an extra 20 lbs!
  • 110 Merkins total + Racing hearts = Great cardio
  • And…no one splashed!

PAX Circled Up for 3rdF:

The leadership strategy of subordinating your ego.

A few verses I want to share as an underlying foundation for today’s 3rdF:

▪1 Pet. 5:5-6 say, “You younger men, likewise, he subject to your elders; and all of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one-another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives GRACE to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time.”

▪Critical Quote: Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.

▪Rom. 12:3 “For through the GRACE given to me I say to every man among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought...”

I’m reading Jocko’s book LEADERSHIP STRATEGY AND TACTICS. In one portion he talks about Subordinating Your Ego. As men we tend to think AND practice otherwise, but subordinating your ego IS a leadership strategy!

Jocko tells of meeting with senior executives from a young and very successful company. He was impressed with all of them! The COO, the CFO, the CTO were all solid! Then he tells of meeting the CEO. The guy had been an NCAA athlete. A 6’5″ beast! He’d earned his MBA at an Ivy League school. Was already running a hundred-million-dollar company in his mid 30’s! Was physically impressive, and had a massive ego to match. His attitudes and the look on his face screamed “I’m better than you are!”

Jocko said there was immediate tension because of the guy’s enormous ego. But after realizing that ALL of the CEO’s senior executives and midlevel managers liked and respected the man, Jocko assumed “He’s got them all fooled!”

At several of the company’s training sessions, Jocko observed the man’s self-important, ego-driven attitudes. He wondered, “what the heck is wrong with this guy?”

As he pondered why fellow executives weren’t bothered by the CEO’s conceit and self-importance, Jocko began to think, “Wait, is it possible the problem is me? Could it be my ego causing this problem? Was there a chance that my ego was intimidated by all this and that I was the one who was acting like an idiot?” His conclusion: “Of course—Our two massive egos were bumping into each other and causing friction.”

At one break Jocko asked the man to step out in the hallway, out of earshot from the other team members, where they could talk. He gave him a quick assessment: “Your leaders are solid. Your company has great morale. Everyone understands the mission here. But the most impressive thing I’ve seen here is you….” He spoke of several more items about the CEO that brought Jocko to the point of telling him he was impressed and that he had nothing but respect for the CEO. RESULT: They talked of their deep respect for one another and both laughed as the tension between their two egos disappeared.

Jocko wrote: “The problem was solved. How? Simple. As soon as I was able to detach and recognize that this was a clash of egos, all I had to do was humble myself for a minute; I had to subordinate my own ego to allow the tension to break. Once I did that, the problem was solved.” “Subordinating your ego is actually the ultimate form of self-confidence. That level of confidence earns respect.” He said, “To put your ego in check, to subordinate your ego, you must have incredible confidence. If you find you cannot put your ego in check because you’re afraid it might make you look weak, then guess what? YOU ARE WEAK. Don’t be weak.

Subordinate your ego. Build relationships. Win the long game” (Adapted from Leadership Strategy and Tactics 72-78) …a great read, get it!

▪Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.”

I love that: Don’t be weak! Subordinate your ego, its what HIM do!

Patriot Run back to the CHOP AO: Shovelflag + two 20lb sandbags. YHC said next time we’re taking the backstreets. Moseying back up Union was a bit of a clusterbanger (Rush hour in Milton!)

Short round of Mary complements of Leatherman, Beeker, & Fireplex (Flutterkicks, LBC’s, and Crabjacks respectively)



  • Saturday, March 7 workout moved to Crossroad Community Church @ 6 a.m., instead of the usual 7, followed by breakfast and Operation Timothy Men’s Conference at the church. (See Quattro for details)
  • Lucky Rucker, March rucking challenge by @ruckingchallenges. Whoever is a HC and wants to roll the dice for accountability, stick around because YHC has the BIG dice available…see results below
  • Sunday, March 15 @ 3:17 p.m. Annual Shamruck Family Ruck. Park in Big Lots parking lot in Milford. 1 mile around industrial park loop to McDonald’s for Shamrock Shakes, 1 mile return. Bring the M, the 2.0’s, and friends and family. Bring the wagons and strollers! Recommended weight: Over 150lbs, you carry 30lb ruck; under 150, you carry 20lb ruck. The weight, however, is not important—the 2nd F is!
Nothing like a ruck with a reward: Shamrock Shakes!


  • Hoffstetler family
  • PAX’s Marriages
  • Swetlik family in Cayce, SC
  • Chairman’s mom, ankle surgery
  • Semi’s M, Leah, going for job interview
Chappie: 6 Rucks, 4 miles each
Leatherman: 5 Rucks, 4 miles each
Ruxpin: 3 Rucks, 5 miles each

That’s a wrap! Honored to lead the workout and offer a little something for transformation as HIM. Thanks men for posting! Remember: Don’t be weak!

~Chappie, out!


QIC : semi

Warm up

25 Seal jacks. I/c
20 Cherry picker. I/c
Capri lap – side shuffle length of court, nur width of court, side shuffle length of court, and nur width of court
25 Seal wave. I/c
20 Windmill I/c
Capri lap – side shuffle length of court, nur width of court, side shuffle length of court, and nur width of court
25 Ssh. I/c
20 mountain climbers i/c


Mosey to far side of ball field.
1 HIM does 10 Abyss merkins between picnic tables while rest of pax does derkins rotating through pax till all have completed abyss merkins.

Mosey to backside of lifesaving station
15 hanging knee raises from leanto header
Crawl dragon up ramp, dragon crawl down ramp
15 hanging knee raises
Dan lt. Up and lt. Dan down ramp
15 hanging knee raises
25 6″ squats
25 sumo squats
25 squats
on the ramp facing the water

3rd F
Go After God’s Heart

Mosey to playground beside basketball court
25 calf raises off ledge
20 urkins
15 split squats per leg
10 burpees
5 super bananas
10 burpees
15 split squats per leg
20 urkins
25 calf raises off ledge

Mosey back to center court

6 HIM showed – semi, Chappie, Chairman, Wildwing, Ruxpin, kings point

Number Rama

Name Rama


Superman’s Bombjacks

F3 CHOP 2/6/2020

QIC: Quattro


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 20 Cherry Pickers IC
  • 20 Windmill IC
  • BOLT 45 because we all love FIREPLEX
  • 15 count playboys each side (to keep the sniper away)
  • 7 Pretzel Merkins each side IC


  • Mosey down Union St to Magnolia St, 6-inches for the 6
  • Jailbreak to Mulberry St
  • Carry-Ockie to fishing pier parking lot switching legs halfway across bridge
  • 50 4-count American Hammers IC on wooden ledge
  • 50 foot-elevated Big Boys OYO on ledge
  • Move to grass, 6-inches for 6
  • Superman-Bananas IC 5-count front, flip 5-count back, flip, Rinse and Repeat BEWARE sniper! Start off on your belly, in this case embracing the suck, arms out in front slightly raised, legs straight behind 6-inches off the ground (looking like superman flying). After Q counts to 5, PAX yell BANANAS! Then immediately flip onto 6 in a banana-like curve (arms out and slightly up, legs out feet 6-inches) Q counts to 5, PAX yell SUPERMAN! Immediately turn over. Rinse and Repeat as needed.
  • Wosey to base of Governor’s Walk
  • Indian Crab Walk up Governor’s Walk [mumble chatter was epic at this point!]
Indian Crab Walk UP Governor’s Walk
  • Wosey back towards CHOP while 3rd F was shared: an exerpt from “The Masculine Mandate” ‘God’s Calling To Men’ By: Richard D Phillips
  • Mosey once 3rd F was complete
Chapter 3, Page 18,19

10 BombJacks as a moral booster and simple accountability




Then we were out… like fat dudes in dodgeball


For the Love of Abs

F3 Lewes 2/12/2020



  • 20 ssh
  • 20 crab flippers
  • Grady Corn-Four-count exercise that begins in a standing position with your arms together, straight out in front of you. Swing your arms back to a “T” formation, then over your head to form a triangle, then back down to a “T”, and then back to the starting position.

The Thang

  • Hurricane Hoedown Flutter kick circuit performed in cadence: 7 IC Seated Flutter Kicks with hands raised in Hallelujahs. Move immediately to hands behind you. 7 IC slightly reclined flutterkicks. Move immediately to 7 IC normal flutter kicks. Move immediately to 7 IC LBC Flutter kicks. Rinse and repeat as needed. The real crowd pleaser is to work your way down the cadence ladder 7,6,5..
  • Bear Crawl 1-2-3 Partner up, perform 100 flutterkicks (50 each) 200 American hammers (100 each) 300 lbc (150 each) as a team. While Partner 1 is doing the 1-2-3, Partner 2 Bear Crawls across tennis courts and crawl bears back then they switch as an added bonus QIC Gump added a #40 GORUCK sandbag to the mix and one person who stayed back to do the ab exercises had to perform the exercise with the sandbag. Once the partner returned the partner used the sandbag, then we gave the sandbag to the other group and continued swapping the sandbag until we were all completed with the exercise

F3 Message:

  •   Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts. The holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, held in mid-February. The festival, which celebrated the coming of spring, included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St. Valentine’s Day. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance from about the 14th century. Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name from a priest who was martyred about 270 CE by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus. According to legend, the priest signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had befriended and, by some accounts, healed from blindness. Other accounts hold that it was St. Valentine of Terni, a bishop, for whom the holiday was named, though it is possible the two saints were actually one person. Another common legend states that St. Valentine defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples to spare the husbands from war. It is for this reason that his feast day is associated with love. Formal messages, or valentines, appeared in the 1500s, and by the late 1700s commercially printed cards were being used. The first commercial valentines in the United Stateswere printed in the mid-1800s. Valentines commonly depict Cupid, the Roman god of love, along with hearts, traditionally the seat of emotion. Because it was thought that the avian mating season begins in mid-February, birds also became a symbol of the day.

The Bible tells us all that we need to know about love, I pulled just a few scriptures that tell us about Christian Love.

  • Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the  gift  of  prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the  poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. But whether there  are prophecies, they will fail; whether there  are tongues, they will cease; whether there  is knowledge, it will vanish away.
  • I Corinthians 13:1-8

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, Ephesians 5:25 NKJV

Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’  This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’  On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”

Matthew 22:37-40 NKJV 

  • Finished off the Gloom with some Mary exercises (because you know we didn’t get enough
    • 2 BBSU 10 airpresses, 4 BBSU 20 airpresses, 6 BBSU 30 air presses, 8 BBSU 40 airpresses, 10 BBSU 50 airpresses (Gump)
    • 20 4 count Freddie (Phyfe)
    • 15 bocutters (wildwing)
    • 20 hello dollie ( Ruxpin)
    • Hold 6 inches and go around the circle each HIM giving 10 count (Chairman)
  • COT, prayers, todays going to be a great day!! Thanks gentlemen!!

Be The Buffalo

February 11, 2020, 51° and drizzling

Q: Doubtfire

15 HIM beat the fartsack in the rain: Gump, Bovine, Quattro, Leatherman, Vanilla, Chairman, Beeker, Waterfall, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Fireplex, Streüdel, Wildwing, Doubtfire



25 Cherry Pickers IC

25 Windmills IC

20 Triple Bears IC

30 Sumo Squat Jump OYO

Mosey to HOB

The Thang:

Dragon Crawl from one light pole to the next

25 Burpees

3rd F :Be the Buffalo:    When storms brew on the Colorado plains, they typically move in from the west, many times building in strength and intensity as they travel eastward. Cattle and buffalo share the plains as their home, but their response to the impending storms is very different. Cattle will attempt to avoid the storms by running away from them. They scatter and run with the storm for a longer period of time, increasing panic in the herd as well as the chance of injury. Buffalo, however, will gather together, turn, and run directly into the storm, thereby reducing the duration of time in danger and increasing their chances of emerging unscathed on the other side. By nature, most people want to avoid confrontation. Like the buffalo, the best relationships are the ones that encourage each other to continually turn headfirst into the issues. So much of the health of our relationships is riding on our ability to confront each other well! 

Crawl Bear to next light pole

40 Merkins

Bear Crawl to next light pole

Super Toy Soldier Set 100/50/25

Lt. Dan to beginning light pole

30 Sumo Squat Jumps

Super Toy Soldier Set 100/50/25

Lt. Dan to beginning light pole

30 Sumo Squat Jumps

Mosey back to the CHOP

High Intensity In Lewes

Date: 2/5/20

QIC: Wildwing

Warm O Rama: In Cadence – SSH x 25, Cherry Picker x 25, Alabama Ass Kickers x 25, Daniel Son (Karate Kid Crane Kicks) x 5 each leg, Windmill x 25,

The Thang:

Pax performed four HIIT training exercises for a period of 60 seconds with a 30 second recovery period between each exercise at the following locations:

….Bath Overhang: (Squatting Joe Lewis, Big Boys, Broad Jumps); ….Park Gazebo: (American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, LBCs);  ….St. Peter’s Wall: (Dirkins, Apollo Ohnos, High Knee Taps); ….Bank Tunnel: (Overhead Squat Claps, Bobby Hurleys, Fireman Ladders).

In addition, there were two impromptu sessions – LBCs in the bank driveway and circle merkins near Rose and Crown.

F3 Message: According to some, the President gave a rollicking State of the Union speech last night and, in honor of this, the F3 message began by recalling memorable SOU’s from years past:

  1. James Polk (1848): “The accounts of the abundance of gold in [California} are of such a character as can scarcely command respect….”
  2. Franklin Roosevelt (1942): Berlin and Tokyo know “that victory for us means victory for freedom….It means victory for the institution of democracy – the ideal of the family, the simple principles of common decency and humanity. They know that victory for us means victory for religion. And they could not tolerate that. The world is too small … for Hitler and God.
  3. Abraham Lincoln (1862): Proposed constitutional amendments by which the federal government would free slaves and compensate owners by 1900. Lincoln argued that this formed the basis of a compromise to end the civil war. He ended by stating: “Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves….We say we are for the Union. We know how to save the Union. [By freeing the slaves] we shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of hearth. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which if followed the world will forever applaud and God must forever bless.
  4. F3 messages are generally uplifting and relevant. This SOU briefing was neither. It did, however, make me think where does one find a moral compass these days. For some, it is natural to pull inspiration from the Bible. (As Chappie says, it is now permissible for anyone to read it.). But, according to Pew Foundation polling, Catholics have different sources of moral guidance – 10% from the Pope, about the same from the Bible, and, surprisingly, the vast majority of Catholics have their moral compass set by watching what others do and say.
  5. So, to tie this together, I wanted to thank the HIM’s for the guidance they give – Chappie mentioning guardrails for posting and many others who support their families and Ms in small and large ways. Uplifting, relevant, and useful. Well done, F3.

Number O Rama, Name O Rama, COT

Respectfully submitted, Wildwing

You Da Bomb

Date: 02/04/20

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Cherry Pickers – 15 IC

Bolt 45’s IC (4 Count) – 15 squats to halfway down.  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Windmills – 15 IC

Burp & Merk – Burpee with Ascending Merkins up to 10

Chilly Jacks – 25 IC

20 lunges (10 each Leg) – OYO

20 split Jacks (10 each Leg) – OYO

The Thang 

B.O.M.B.S. – 50 Burpees, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 Merkins, 200 Big Boy Sit-ups, 250 Squats.  PAX partnered up and worked on exercises while their partner ran a “Chairman Lap” out the back driveway of the CHOP parking lot, left toward Union Street, and then left back to the CHOP.  The distance per circuit is approximately .25 miles.  Pax switched off with their partner after each lap.  Each PAX completed their half of the listed exercises before moving on to the next exercise. The entire “Thang” was complete before a break was taken for the F3 Message.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Prayers were offered for multiple needs within the attending PAX, but please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

 F3 Message 02/04/20 – From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries


I’m a tornado and hurricane kind of guy. I mean I don’t like them but, I’ve lived where you learn about those things. I’m not an earthquake kind of guy. I’ve never lived where those mattered much. But when I was in San Francisco, I was where earthquakes are a big deal! Most people there still have dramatic stories to tell about what happened during that big quake in 1989, the one that interrupted the 3rd game of the World Series. Some of the heaviest damage and injury was in the Marina District of San Francisco.

Well, actually, I was doing a youth radio program back then, and we went there to record part of it. In fact, we were right on the comer of Beach Street and Divisadero where several buildings collapsed or burned, including one that had been totally consumed by fire. One of the neighbors described the scene for us, one very different from this quiet neighborhood with beautiful rebuilt homes. The night of the quake was total chaos. This neighbor described that awful fire with the unbearable heat that had destroyed the building on the other comer. He said, “The fire started out with a gas leak. It was small. If I could have gotten over there, I literally could have put it out with a bucket of water. But then it started to spread and pretty soon there was no way to stop it.”

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “A Bucket of Water, or a Three-Alarm Fire.”

God believes in fighting fires when they’re small, when you can still put them out with a bucket of water. He talks about it in Ephesians 4:26-27, our word for today from the Word of God, and some of the most insightful verses in the Bible for preserving relationships. Here’s what God says, “In your anger, do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Could it be that you have let a fire smolder in some relationship in your life? Let it go, let it grow and you will have a blaze on your hands you cannot control.

Maybe there is a strained relationship in your life right now, between you and your mate, or you and a child, you and a co-worker, you and your parent, you and a spiritual brother or sister. Maybe there’s trouble in your marriage and so often, honestly, it’s the guy who’s the last to admit that anything’s wrong. Men – let’s face it – tend to be postponers when it comes to dealing with relationship difficulties. But I’m telling you, the fire isn’t going to stay the same size. Relationships of all kinds burn down when someone lets the small fire just go, until it becomes this uncontrollable inferno that can do so much damage.

In fact, the Bible says that when you let conflict or strain or anger go longer than a day, you literally give the devil himself a place to get into your relationship. Four verses later, in Ephesians 4:31, God lists the kind of ugly things that come from letting relationship fires go unaddressed: “All bitterness, rage, anger, brawling, slander, every form of malice.” Look, can you see some of those flames maybe right now growing in a relationship of yours.

Don’t wait another day to do something about the fire. It’s as small now as it’s ever going to be. Gently confront what you have to confront, forgive what you have to forgive, apologize for what you need to apologize for, and overlook what you have to overlook, but deal with whatever is between you, whatever is breaking or broken.

Because I’ll tell you this, the devil is standing there with his gasoline can ready to pour gasoline on that fire so everyone involved will get burned. You need to come running with whatever water it will take to put it out now. A bucket of water now is a whole lot better than a 3-alarm fire later.

Respectfully Submitted,


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