
Jan Two-Six for the Seven-Five

DATE: 1/26/21

QIC: Chappie

You: If you got whooped by your fartsack this morning

If your fartsack hit you as hard as Poirier hitting McGregor, if you’re reading this from a distance, or, if you sadistically enjoy recalling what you’ve been through in the Gloom, here’s how it went down:


  • SSH – 10 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 10 IC
  • Windmill – 15 IC (via Woodstock)
  • Toy Soldier Squat Jumps (Toe touches [Toy Soldier], Jump w/hands to side & slightly out, down to Squat – Rinse & Repeat)
  • Single Arm Flying-Squirrels – 5 each arm, OYO
  • Seated Reverse Crunch – 15 IC (On six, hands to side/slightly back for stability, Feet 6″, knees together, bring up to chest, extend back out to 6″, knees slightly spread, bring to chest, extend back out to 6″, rinse & repeat)
  • WACH Merkins – 10 OYO, Wide-Arm to Close Hand (Wide-Arm down, on Up hands come off ground and go to Close Hand, back up, hands go to Wide-Arm, Rinse & Repeat)

TODAY, GOTTA KEEP MOVING! — We’re going to do a few sets of double-deuces as we go (22 double-time steps under ruck to increase pace and to remember the average veteran suicide rate is 22/per day).

THE THANG: *Rest position for each workout is Plank, if you stop moving plank it up!

RUCK UP – 30lbs
• 10 – No Crawl Dragon (Stationary w/ruck)

Movement to dentist office:
• 75 – Ruck Squats

Movement to Orchard St.
• 75 – Shoulder to Shoulder

Movement to Mulberry St.
• 75 – Ruck Swings


YHC took a brief moment to share the 3rd F:

Ephesians 5:25 says, “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”

As I was laid up with Covid19 in early December I’d announced on the F3 First State Groupme that I was going to “make the best of my time” by watching every episode of Band of Brothers. I mean, really, who ever gets the time to do that? None of us! We’re hard-working family oriented HIM! I was licking my chops with anticipation of an uninterrupted block of quarantine so that I could watch the series without excuse. I assumed I’d be down for 3-4 days and then jump back into action (well, I did not expect to be out over a month!).

What I also did not anticipate was that Band of Brothers would have to wait. I tested positive, so that meant my wife (a school teacher) also had to quarantine and teach from home. Have you ever tried to watch Band of Brothers while your wife is teaching 4th graders remotely from the next room? It really doesn’t work…at all. Band of Brothers was out!

Another blissful thing I did not anticipate as I lay on the couch growing worse each day, was the joy I had watching and listening to my wife teach her students. While I initially fussed (under my breath, of course) about being unable to watch the B.O.B. series, I was met with the pleasure of hearing/seeing my M teach. I’d sacrifice B.O.B. again to hear/see her do what she does. I honestly believe she’s THE BEST teacher around! I always have. I’d say that even if she wasn’t my M. She is one of those rare people who is doing what she loves, so she loves what she’s doing. She is one of those rare people who is doing EXACTLY what they’re called to do–and it is most obvious not only in the way she teaches, but, as much, in the way she genuinely loves each of her students.

Band of Brothers you’ve got nothing on my M! I loved watching and hearing her in action. There’s no way I could’ve (or should’ve) demanded she teach elsewhere in our house just so that I could corner the market on watching an HBO series. I love the whole series; it’s excellent! I’ve watched it before…a few times, but I was blessed instead to follow the Biblical counsel of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: “Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her” (5:25). As HIM let’s pursue sacrificial ways (great & small) to demonstrate our love for our wives–giving them our all as Christ gave His all for the church.


Movement to Shipbuilders
• 75 – Ruck Deadlifts

Movement return to AO, Endex




  • Announcements: Nuttin honey
  • Prayers: Rocky family lifted up during their time of grieving the loss of a loved one; our brother Streudel lifted up as he’s facing some tests/results today.

Ruck workout complete, to include many reps in honor of the 75th Ranger Regiment, four sets of double-deuces to be kept aware that there are an average of 22 American vets daily who take their own lives, and a total of .86 miles.

Shout out to Chattahoochee celebrating his 4-yr-Manniversary today. He was our longest serving Site-Q and is one of the most consistent PAX you will see. Follow him! Great to know you brother!

Always honored to lead. Thanks to all the PAX who won THAT FIRST BATTLE, dropped the DRP, and posted even knowing it was going to be a ruck beatdown. Let’s keep getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Aye?


~Chappie, out!

Ran out of time. Here’s what we missed:

Movement to Pediatrician’s at Willow St.
• 75 – Ruck Pulls

Movement to Union St.
• 75 – Ruck Merkins

Streudel’s Super 21

Date: 01/12/21

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex Standing in for Streudel

Warm up – Pass the Baton

Swartz Jacks – 18 IC

Prisoner Squats – 15 IC

Cherry Pickers – 22 IC

Merkins – 22 IC (Four Count)

SSH – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Low Double Mountain Climbers 15 IC

The Thang

The Super 21 “Streudel Special”.  1 Merkin to 1 Big Boy Sit up.  2 Merkins to 2 Big Boy Situps.  3 Merkins to 3 Big Boy Situps, etc., etc., etc.  But wait there is a twist….after each set completed of #1 though #5 you will do 21 Imperial Walkers.  After each set completed of #6 through #10 complete 21 Mountain Climbers.  After each set completed of # 11 through #15 complete 21 Monkey Humpers.  After each completed set of #16 through #20 complete 21 Prisoner Squats.  After the final set of #21 Merkins to 21 Big Boys then finish strong with 21 Burpees.

F3 Message

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.  

F3 Message 01/12/21 – Ron Hutchcraft Ministries

January 8, 2015

Health clubs and spas love January! Business skyrockets as December bulges turn to January workouts.

A “new year” sounds like a great time to work on a new you. Thus, the infamous New Year’s resolution. “A firm decision to do or not to do something.”

Sadly, research shows that about 88% of our resolutions won’t happen.

It’s not that we aren’t sincere about wanting to improve. We really do want to be healthier. Spend more time with the family. Get out of debt. Do better in school. Clean out the junk. In our house. Or in us.

So why do our great intentions so often end in failed commitments?

My work has put me in the middle of many folks’ efforts to change. From their experience – and too much of my own – I’ve seen four reasons we fail.

1. We’re not specific.

Goals have to be more than general intentions. “I’m going to be a better husband” … “I’m going to get in shape” … “I want to make more of a difference” – nice ideas. Not likely to succeed. “I’m going to give my wife all of my attention at least once a day” … “I’m not going to eat after 6 o’clock and I’ll spend 20 minutes on the treadmill each day” … “I’m going to volunteer at the shelter” – those are specific – and measurable – enough to give a person a decent shot at real change.

2. We’re not accountable.

A resolution between me, myself and I is just too easy to forget. But when you announce to several key people the commitment you’ve made, you’ve put yourself on the line to do it. Like the Bible says, “Two are better than one … if one falls down, his friend can help him up.”

3. We give up too soon.

Babies learn to walk by a process I call “step … boom!” They fall down, but they don’t stay down. They get up! Next time – “step, step, step … boom!” Until one day they’re rocketing across the room. Sadly, when we fall down in our effort to do better, we too often stay down. But one day’s failure is just that. One day. Keep it that way. Get up and keep walking!

4. We have a power shortage.

Especially when it comes to the changes that really matter. Breaking the cycle that’s hurting the people I love. Conquering the dark part of me that has brought me down again and again. Moving beyond the pain of my past. Attacking that fatal flaw that has cost me so much.

Every new year has the same last name. “A.D.” 2015. A.D. “Anno Domini.” The year of our Lord. Measured by how many years it is since Jesus Christ came.

My whole life has been “B.C./A.D.” The me I couldn’t change before Christ took the wheel of my life. And the changed life He’s made possible since I gave me to Him.

I thought I could only trust me to drive. But I drove into too many ditches. Ran over too many people. Crashed too often. I couldn’t get me to the man I want to be. I need to be. That the people I love need me to be.

Like one of the men who wrote the Bible. He said, “I want to do what is right, but I can’t. I want to do what is good, but I don’t … Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death?”

I know that feeling. And I’ve found the power to change where that Bible-writer found it. “Thank God!” he said – “The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” It took the Man who died for my sin to give me the power to beat my sin.

My personal B.C. – a man I didn’t want to be. My personal A.D. – the man I could never have been without the great Life-Changer.

Not just a new year. A new me.

Respectfully Submitted,


No Murph

QIC. Chattahoochee

8 HIM beat the fartsack on this frosty morning for a little frosty fun. Q was thinking of introducing Lt. Michael Murphy to the PAX bit do to excessive Merkins at the grit mill yesterday we met Cpt. THOR instead.

Warmup – 25 SSH, 20 Windmills, 20 cherry pickers, 15 smurf Jack’s, 20 mou train climbers, all IC. 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards to.

Approximately 1 mile run threw town ending at the old HOB elementry.

20 pull ups.

1 set Aiken leqs- 20 squats, 20 boxjumps, 20 lunges, 20 split Jack’s.

Captain Thor. 1 big boy 4 american hammers. 1:4 ratio until 10 big boys 40 american hammers are complete.

Mosey the short way back to CHOP

Toysoldier set 40 LBC, 25 E2KS, 15 BIGBOYS followed by 20 flutter kicks IC.

For.the 3rd F I spoke a little about my experiences 30 years ago on Jan 16th president George H. W. Bush announced the start of what would be called operation Desert storm a military operation to expel occupying Iraqi forces from iraq.

Fill in Q

QIC: Semi

20 ssh i/c
15 plank jack i/c
20 Cherry picker i/c
15 Imperial walker i/c
Capri lap around library
20 seal jack i/c
20 Windmill i/c
10 seal wave i/c

The Thang

Mosey to front steps of library

Run up steps, 2 burpees, run down steps, 1 burpee
Nur up steps, squat every 2 steps, 2 burpees, run down steps, squat every 2 steps, 1 burpee

Wosey to west side of library back steps

AMRAP station
As one HIM climbs the steps rest of PAX complete exercise.
Round 1 merkins
Round 2 lbcs
Round 3 wide merkins
Round 4 right side plank
Round 5 diamond merkins
Round 6 left side plank

Mosey back to shovel flag

50 wall crunches
10 e2ks


3 HIM showed today: Chairman, Swarts, Semi

O Holy Hill

Date: 12/24/2020

AO: CHOP, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 25 IC

Bolt 46’s IC (4 Count) – 16 squats to halfway down (Q Lost Count).  15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats.

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC 

The Thang

Mosey @.5 miles to O Holy Hill. 

PAX performed 12 hydraulic squats in cadence with a weird 6 count, 12 best form LBC’s in 4 count cadence, & 12 best form merkins in 4 count cadence.  Once complete Pax will nur up the hill and run down and plank for the 6.  PAX completed 11 hydraulic squats in cadence, 11 best form LBC’s in cadence, & 11 best form merkins in cadence.  Nur up the hill and run down and plank for the 6.  Rinse and repeat in descending order until time became a factor.  HIM completed 5 evolutions down through the round of 8. 

Mosey @.5 miles back to CHOP 

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.    

F3 Message 12/24/20 – see below for Billy Graham & Ron Hutchcraft posts gleaned from the Internet…

In His Own Words – Billy Graham’s 1993 Christmas Message

December 21, 2020

The joyful Christmas message of peace on earth and goodwill to men seems clouded this year by events at home and around the world that dramatize the terrible increase in violence and crime.

We live in a world dangerously torn by hate and conflict, and people feel powerless to do anything about it.  Many also know that their own hearts are driven by destructive passions and motives they cannot seem to control or change.

The decline in moral values is having a tragic effect on our society.  People are concerned about their children, their families and their country and are desperately searching for answers.  In taking God and religion out of our lives, we have lost our moral and spiritual bearings.

This Christmas season let us consider our spiritual heritage. Let us listen carefully to the angels’ words that continue to offer us hope, especially at this critical time.

“Fear not.”  the angels said on that starry night in Bethlehem. “For I bring you good news of great joy, which shall be for all the people.  For today in the city of David there has been born for you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”

In a world more needy than ever, let us open our hearts to the child in the manger, who can bring us new life and new power over the violence, crime, and evils of our day.


The occasion was a city-wide art contest. They were told to paint paintings entitled “Peace.” While the judges were understandably attracted to this beautiful pastural scene that a local painter had painted. It was a green pasture. It was the puffy white clouds and the beautiful blue sky and a little boy going by with a fishing pole over his shoulder and a quiet brook and some birds. That got second place. First place – well, the picture was of an angry, stormy day at the seashore as the ocean was beating against the cliffs and the cliffs were stark and dark because of the darkness of the storm. The sky in this painting was angry and black, green and purple. You had to look twice to figure out what in world this had to do with peace. But if you looked halfway up the cliff these little baby birds were nestled underneath the wing of their mother, and they were sleeping totally oblivious to the storm that was howling all around them. Now it’s the Christmas season. It’s supposed to be about peace; but, if you feel the holiday pressure like I do, seems more like a storm, a stress which leads us into those birds.

Well, I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “A Christmas Survival Kit.”

Our word for today from the Word of God comes from Isaiah 30:15, “in quietness and trust is your strength.” What a great verse for the chaos that Christmas has become. You’re in the middle of it right now. The shopping – the entertaining – and getting all the cards out – “Oh, who did we forget. They sent us a card; we better send them one.” – All of the church events that are going on – maintaining all the family traditions that the kids insist on or you do – the guests are coming – family time – you know, they’re flying in – they’re driving in. Suddenly the Christmas season seems more like “Stress on Earth” than “Peace on Earth,” and then God speaks “in quietness and trust is your strength.”

If you are going to protect the heart of Christmas and not succumb to the hassle of Christmas, you must protect a quiet spot at the beginning of each day where quietness and trust will be your strength. Think about those birds in that painting. Peace was not the absence of a storm, it was peace right in the middle of it. They found their quiet spot. Well, the secret is the same for you. The more hectic the season is, the harder it is to get your quiet time with the Lord and the more you need it.

It would be tragic if Jesus gets lost in the process of you getting ready for His birthday. If anything, make your time with Jesus more top priority than ever. First of all because Christmas becomes an idol if it crowds out Christ. Secondly, you need to be with Him to keep everything in proportion. Unload your concerns on Him. Focus on the relationship with Jesus. It’s a love relationship above all else. Eliminate the overload. Ask the Lord if there’s things you can eliminate. Simplify as you ask for His wisdom. What’s your Christmas survival kit? “Quietness and trust is your strength.” It comes from non-negotiable times spent with the Prince of Peace, not peace that’s the absence of a storm but peace right in the middle of a storm.

Respectfully Submitted,


Found an open playground

QIC: Semi


All i/c
20 Seal jacks
20 Plank jacks
20 Mountain man pooper
20 Cherry picker
Capri lap – side shuffle across parking lot, nur, side shuffle, and mosey
20 SSH
20 Seal waves
20 Imperial walkers
21 Crab flippers

The Thang

Break up into teams

Frisbee golf to old HOB entrance doing as many burpees has strokes to holes.
Mosey to playground in back

15 swerkins
25 step ups per leg
20 hanging knee lifts
15 urkins
20 derkins
X 2

Mosey back to CHOP.

11 HIM showed today: Chappie, Chairman, Ruxpin, Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Dunkin, Waterboy, Streudeul, Doubtfire, Leatherman, Semi

Post veterans day beatdown

QIC- Chattahoochee

11 Him braved the warm rainy November weather for a post Veterans day beatdown

Warmup- 30 SSH, 20 Windmills,15 squats,20 alternating shoulder taps, 20 cherry pickers all IC.

The Thang,

Mosey up mulberry st. to the fishing pier

25 merkins, 25 dying cockroaches IC, 25 American hammers,6 burpees

Mosey to chestnut st and down to firehouse

25 merkins, 30 flutterkicks IC, 25 American hammers, 6 burpees

Mosey up Union st. to front of library short break for 3rd F on the history of Veterans day

25 Merkins, 30 hello dollies IC, 25 american hammers, 6 burpees.

Mosey to CHOP for Numberama, Name-o-rama and COT

No Excuse November

DATE: 11/3/20 **ELECTION DAY**

QIC: Chappie

Turned out to be yet another Baker’s Dozen consisting of the 13 HIM who won THAT FIRST BATTLE and posted on the first truly cool gloom workout of Fall 2020. Bad weather cannot stop these men–No Excuse November has begun!

Here’s the skinny: YHC tried to bring some new exercises to the Gloom…


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Windmill – 18 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 18 IC
  • WTHEKS – 18 IC
    • (What The HEKS = High Elbow Knee Slide) [Bearcrawl position. Alternate raising high elbows up & over your back, twist & slide opposite knee under. Rinse & Repeat]
  • Cherry Pickers – 15 IC
  • Swartzjacks – 18 IC



  • Broad Jump Squats – 10 rounds OYO
    • [BJ, squat, turn around in air, BJ back, squat, turn around, BJ, rinse and repeat]
  • Partner Pushes – 3 rounds across the lot & back, alternating who pushes
  • Lunge Thrusts – 3rounds per leg
    • [Lunge right leg, thrust high knee following lunge. 5 reps same leg. Swap. Rinse & Repeat]
  • BPJ’s, (Bad Parking Jobs) a.k.a. Line Touches
    • [Side-shuffle, touch parking line, side-shuffle back, touch parking line. Rinse & Repeat]


  • Curbside Carolinas [Feet together, up on curb, butt in air, Carolina Drydock] – AMRAP OYO, resting means your finished. Ruxpin was last man standing
  • Shmerkin – 5 rounds OYO
    • (Shuffle Merkins) [Plank position, shuffle right 3 “steps”, 5 Merkin, shuffle left 3 “steps”, 5 Merkins Rinse & repeat]
  • Swerkins – 5 reps, boosted to 10 Reps at half, swap w/partner, while remaining PAX ☆RR Tracks across lot, mosey back, rinse & repeat til all PAX work through the RR Tracks

☆ Mosey 30, 20, 10 around the short block

3rdF Beak in Action | YHC shared the following:

Years ago Lt. Sakowski was the leader of our Field Artillery survey team when I served in PA’s 28th ID BTRY F 109th FA. After completing a successful mission during a field training exercise, Lt. Sakowski and our Platoon Sergeants decided to reward our team’s hard work with a bit of what I’ll call a “field picnic” — after several days of eating MRE’s for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, we were ready for a change! They’d snuck back to the PX and picked up some rolls, cold-cuts, lettuce, tomato, pickles and some other snacks, etc.

Our Lt. had scouted out an “off the grid” spot and in the midst of making our way there with 3-4 vehicles right behind his, Lt. Sakowski’s driver hit the brakes, and our Lt. stood up to extend through the top of his uncovered/topless 1/4-ton Jeep and began shouting to turn around and high-tail it back to where we’d come from. Based on the nature of his commands, the tone of his voice, and the look on his face, nobody asked a question and we got out of there fast!

Once we finally made it to the location he’d originally picked, Lt. Sakowski owned up to what he had done — he discovered he was leading our small convoy directly through the middle of an Impact Area! For those unfamiliar with what that is, it’s an area where bombs are dropped and into which Artillery and other weapons are fired during live-fire training exercises. I.e. YOU DON’T WANT TO BE IN AN IMPACT AREA!!

Outside of the fact that if you’re in there you’re a target), the moral of the story is that everyone one of us in our artillery survey team, not to mention everyone in my entire unit, would’ve followed Lt. Sakowski anywhere, especially into battle! He was a rare leader! He was a proven leader! He was a humble leader. He was a great leader who was highly respected by all. His leadership was defined by consistently leading well on all occasions, not by that single incident of taking us into an extremely dangerous area. Even in that moment he took full responsibility of what could’ve been a catastrophic mistake.

Let’s go ahead and call it “NO EXCUSE NOVEMBER,” not just in terms of posting or not posting, but in all we do. We’d all do well to stop making excuses and blaming others for failures. We’d do well to own up to OUR mistakes (and sins) so that we’re able to learn from them and grow into better leaders as a result…better leaders in our homes, in our workplaces, and in the communities in which we serve. We’d do well to take ownership and responsibility and lead even where someone else has come up short.

One biblical example of this that I’m thinking of is Peter… He exhorted the elders as a “fellow elder in 1 Peter 5:1 to, “Shepherd the flock of God among you…” Where did those words come from? See John 21 where, at a post-resurrection breakfast along the beach, Jesus pulled Peter aside and asked him 3 times, “Peter, do you love Me?” Each time Peter responded with, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you” and each time Jesus responded with, “then shepherd my sheep.” Remember Peter was the one who openly denied Christ. He was a failed leader, a broken leader. In all practicality, we assume Peter’s repentance, his ownership of sin and failure. He was humbled and broken; but lesson learned he was restored and then Jesus recommissioned him with the words…follow me!


Here’s what YHC had planned next:

  • Big Boy Heal Touches
    • [Lying flat, arms extend on ground behind head. 1 knee upward toward chest, torso up extending both arms to touch both sides of same heal, back down, raise to opposite heal, back down. Rinse & repeat]
  • Crazy Dolly
    • [On six, hands in ground near hips, torso in recliner position. Feet at 6″, spread out like Dolly, bring feet together, then knees to chest, back out, spread feet like Dolly, feet back together, knees to chest. Rinse & repeat]
  • Boardwalk Big Boys
    • [Partner hold feet, six on edge of Boardwalk Bench, lay back 1/2 – 3/4, back up. Consistent motion. 5 reps, swap with partner, rinse & repeat]
  • Boardwalk Liars
    • [Partner holds feet, lie on stomach with upper torso extended over edge, hands behind head, lower down then back up. 5 reps, swap with partner. AMRAP while other PAX☆RR Tracks across lot, mosey back]


  • Rosie – AC/DC version, 05:36 mins. of Rosalita! (Extra credit if done at home)
  • Dragon Tires
  • RR Tracks across the field
  • Wall Work

We ran out of time, so Here’s what we actually did:

  • Mary – 3 rounds: 4-Count Freddies (Quattro); American Hammers (Woodstock); Flutter Kicks (Leatherman)


  • Announcements: Another fundraiser 5k coming up, Quattro to push out the details to PAX on Groupme; Woodstock likely to miss 11/5 VQ due to travels and looking to swap Q’s with another PAX. BIG NEWS: Today was last day single “reeespect” for Streudel, tomorrow the beast turns 60 and gains double-reeespect in the COT! Remember, it’s No Excuse November” so lets be HIM, eliminate the excuses we’re prone to make, and, who knows, perhaps we’ll develop some new habits that’ll carry us beyond November.
  • PRAYERS: It’s Election Day… nuf said; Chattahoochee’s 2.0, Taylor, recovering from tonsillectomy; Woodstock safe travels to pick up a plane; etc.

~Chappie, out!

The Field


20 cherry pickers IC
20 windmills IC
20 crab flippers IC
20 UP straddle hop (10 each leg) IC


After warm o rama pax lined up across from CHOP in “The Field” to perform the Spartan Routine.
PAX line up and sprint 100 yrds, do selected exercises at the finish and walk back to the start
all together. Q starts each sprint race with a verbal call. Exercises are as follows:
30 LBC
30 squats
30 merkins
30 double tap lbc (15 each side)
30 lunges (15 each side)
30 wide arm merkins
30 big boys
30 compassion squats
30 hand release merkins
30 American hammers
30 split jacks

15 burpees

15 Hand release burpees

Today we wake up to a world in chaos and darkness, hurting and despair. Its easy to go along
with the flow and get dragged down into the pit of misery and anger. But in a world full of
darkness, we are called to be the light. One match lights an entire room and consumes the
darkness. Just like the lantern in the darkness we should also run desperately to our Light, our
Beacon, our Hope, our Redeemer, our Salvation Jesus while the world so aimlessly runs farther
and farther away. We are High Impact Men. We are called to a different standard. We lead, we
are leaders. If we can’t be the light the world will continue to see darkness.
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was
good; and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:3-4 NKJV
Then Jesus said to them, “A little while longer the light is with you. Walk while you have the
light, lest darkness overtake you; he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.
While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become sons of light.” These things
Jesus spoke, and departed, and was hidden from them.
John 12:35-36 NKJV
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a
lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in
Matthew 5:14-16 NKJV
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already,
because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the
condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come
to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that
his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
John 3:18-21 NKJV

Different Muscle Groups 2.0


20 seal jacks i/c

20 seal wave i/c

20 plank jacks i/c

20 harry rockets i/c

Capri lap around parking lot

Side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, mosey

20 ssh i/c

20 Imperial walkers i/c

20 Windmill i/c

21 crab FLIPPER

The Thang

1 HIM moseys out back drive and back.

Rest of Pax do the following exercises as many times as possible;

Coupon Squats


Abyss merkins

Manmaker merkins

Log row

Tire flip


Coupon carry

Big boys

Coupon curl

3rd F

Play The Man • Devotional

Round 2




14 HIM showed today: Semi, Gump, Fireplex, Ruxpin, Waterboy, Streudel, Summit, Vanilla, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Whaler, Doubtfire

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