Frosty beatdown
QIC- Chattahoochee
8 HIM braved the cool frosty weather this morning and posted at the circle for a little fun
Warmup- 25 SSH, 25 Windmills, 15 smurfjacks, 15 cherry pickers, 15 seal jacks, 15 MNC,
The Thang, nice friendly mosey to the fro t yard of Georgetown middle school and started off there with a round of BLIMPS
5 burpees (handrelease)
10 lunges each leg
15 imperial walkers (4 count)
20 Merkins
25plank Jack’s
30 squats
Then we near crawled to the first sidewalk for a super toy soldier set
50LBCs, 30E2Ks each side, 20 big boys
Lt. Dan to next sidewalk for 30 hand release merkins.
Crab walk to next sidewalk for 20 Bobby hurleys.
Mosey back to beginnings for a few capt thors 1:4 ratio big boys to american hammers only went to 5/20. After this we took a short break for a little 3rd F followed by another Mosey to Georgetown Armory steps for a round of Aiken legs 20 Squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges each leg, 20 split Jack’s, followed by another set of Capt. thor. Same as the last one followed up by by rinse and repeat on the Aiken Legs. From there we took a mosey to the front pad of Georgetown fire company for a round of Howling monkeys each Pax held their own ankles while we went around circle individually 10 monkey jumpers while all pax held start position. Since we were in front of camera fireplex requested something manly so we added 20 merkins in cadence. Then the one last mosey around the block just in time for 8 mins of mary. To old to remember what all that consisted of but we did get thru 7 pax each adding their own little bit to the ending of the beat down.
Finished up with count-o-rama, name-o-rama and COT.
Pulled the 3rd of from Q source
A man’s right relationship with himself, his fitness begins with his body because it is his most fundamental piece of physical equipment. A man must get it and keep it in the normal upright position at all times if he wants to be effective. In fact because preparedness requires him to be ready for the unexpected. ( not just to get ready for the expected) the him is focused on gradually but consistently accelerating his fitness level rather than merely staying in shape. Staying in shape is what amateurs try to do. These fragile bodies of ours are what we are given to house our souls. Life the thing so precious to each person that he will fight tooth and nail to preserve it. Is contained within this bag of muscle, flesh and bones we call the body. How can the soul prepare if the body withers and wither it will if we dont put it in motion against continually steeper hills and heavier rock. The body is made to be used. Let it fallow and it will not produce a good crop. But if it is well plowed and carefully tended the result will be a bounty of preparedness.