
The Bloody Tour De Riverfront

13 HIM braved the misty morning and showed up at the Gritmill for a VQ….

QIC- Dunkin 


We are just a group of men who lead others, there are no professionals here, you have to pay for them, this is free. If your sue happy spill your Dunkin coffee but don’t confuse them with me cause I and we don’t have anything and your being told you can’t sue any of us. If you can’t do something we are doing tailor it for yourself, but do something and get stronger 

1 minute- On your belly for sleepy man’s (superman) 

20- Merkins

20-cherry pickers

20- fairy jacks 

The Thang

Tour de Bloody Riverfront

Mosey down the river walk 

Checkpoint #1 (at the park)

50 dips 

20 Freddie Mercury OYO

Mosey to checkpoint #2

Checkpoint #2 big round about (8 sides)

10 merkins 

10 diamond merkins 

At each side of the round about

Mosey to checkpoint #3 

Checkpoint #3 small round about (6 sides)

20 squats 

30 big boys

At each side of the round about

Third F 

Coach John Scolinos at a Confrence…..

“Do you know how wide home plate is in Little League?” After a pause, someone offered, “Seventeen inches,” more question than answer.

“That’s right,” he said. “How about in Babe Ruth? Any Babe Ruth coaches in the house?”

Another long pause.

“Seventeen inches?”came a guess from another reluctant coach.

“That’s right,” said Scolinos. “Now, how many high school coaches do we have in the room?” Hundreds of hands shot up, as the pattern began to appear. “How wide is home plate in high school baseball?”

“Seventeen inches,” they said, sounding more confident.

“You’re right!” Scolinos barked. “And you college coaches, how wide is home plate in college?”

“Seventeen inches!” we said, in unison.

“Any Minor League coaches here? How wide is home plate in pro ball?”

“Seventeen inches!”

“RIGHT! And in the Major Leagues, how wide home plate is in the Major Leagues?”

“Seventeen inches!”

“SEV-EN-TEEN INCHES!” he confirmed, his voice bellowing off the walls. “And what do they do with a a Big League pitcher who can’t throw the ball over seventeen inches?” Pause. “They send him to Pocatello!” he hollered, drawing raucous laughter.

“What they don’t do is this: they don’t say, ‘Ah, that’s okay, Jimmy. You can’t hit a seventeen-inch target? We’ll make it eighteen inches, or nineteen inches. We’ll make it twenty inches so you have a better chance of hitting it. If you can’t hit that, let us know so we can make it wider still, say twenty-five inches.’”


“Coaches …”


” … what do we do when our best player shows up late to practice? When our team rules forbid facial hair and a guy shows up unshaven? What if he gets caught drinking? Do we hold him accountable? Or do we change the rules to fit him, do we widen home plate?

The chuckles gradually faded as four thousand coaches grew quiet, the fog lifting as the old coach’s message began to unfold. He turned the plate toward himself and, using a Sharpie, began to draw something. When he turned it toward the crowd, point up, a house was revealed, complete with a freshly drawn door and two windows. “This is the problem in our homes today. With our marriages, with the way we parent our kids. With our discipline. We don’t teach accountability to our kids, and there is no consequence for failing to meet standards. We widen the plate!”

Pause. Then, to the point at the top of the house he added a small American flag.

“This is the problem in our schools today. The quality of our education is going downhill fast and teachers have been stripped of the tools they need to be successful, and to educate and discipline our young people. We are allowing others to widen home plate! Where is that getting us?”

Silence. He replaced the flag with a Cross.

“And this is the problem in the Church, where powerful people in positions of authority have taken advantage of young children, only to have such an atrocity swept under the rug for years. Our church leaders are widening home plate!”

Something we forget quite often because we are stuck on meeting the “requirements” of just knowing the most popular verse of the Bible instead of sticking to the chapter, book, or the 17inches, an important part, if not the most important part, of that follows in the next verse….

John 3:17 “for god did not send his only son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” 

Mosey back to Gritmill for 

Number-Rama, COT 


-Monday workouts (Memorial Day/Labor Day….both on Monday this coming year)

-VQ’s this month and VQ Warmups at Chop and Gritmill


Chattahooche’s family 

Fireplex’s father and unspoken for friend

Jugs, Jugs, and more Jugs…

Date: 8/31/2022

QIC: MacDaddy

18 Outstanding HIM including one FNG beat the fartsack and showed up for a GritMil beat down. We had such a good turnout we had to overcome and adapt to our situation in order to have enough coupons for everyone. Big thanks to Chief Quattro for lending out various weighted objects to fulfill the order.

Side-Straddle-Hops X 20
Bolt 45s
Merkins X 20
Cherry Pickers x 20

The Thang
Mosey to Basketball “Field”

Round 1.
With 1 gallon jugs
50 Bicep Curls
Sprint to opposite end of B-Ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start and 50 Bicep Curls
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 2.
With 1 Gal Jugs
50 Overhead Shoulder Presses
Walking lung to opposite end of B-ball court, 5 Burpees
NUR Back to start and 50 Overhead Shoulder Presses.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 3.
With 1 gal jugs, lay flat on back for 50 tri-cep extensions (Skull Crushers) with 1 gal jugs
Scissor run to other side of B-ball court, 5 Burpees.
Scissor run back to Start, 50 Tri-Cep extensions with 1 gal jugs.
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

Round 4.
With 1 Gal jugs 50 Juggerbell Swings with squat.
Tightrope Walk with arm out to other side of B-Ball Court, 5 Burpees
NUR back to start for 50 Juggerbell Swings
Everyone does Squats until 6 is in.

3rd F
Being a Man who Leads

In the Bible Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 11, where he says, “The man is the head of the woman…For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man, for indeed man was not created for the woman’s sake, but woman for the man’s sake. This is Paul upholding the concept of a man’s leadership in the family by appealing to the order of creation, and the fact that man was created first, then the woman as a helper to man. Later on in Ephesians Paul addresses a married man’s role as head of his own home. Paul establishes that God’s design is that the husband is “the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church”. Then the bible gives specific instructions on how husbands are to fulfill their leadership role, beginning with the important command: “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loves the church”.

Let’s think about the for a second. How much does Jesus love His church. This love would be described as a sacrificial, purifying, caring, unbreakable, Christ-like love. Christ’s love for the church is a model for husbands to follow, and is a living illustration of the redemptive love of Christ. One of the greatest act of love anyone could do for another is to sacrifice their own life for them. (Acts 20:28 – Christ purchased the church with His own Blood).

Now the question to ask is, if we are to love our wives with that same kind of love, how to we compare? Well, the answer is we all fall short, and we do not even come close. But that’s okay, because Christ has set the standard, so we now know where to aim.

Some more questions we could ask ourselves is:

How are we sacrificial in our own home?

Are we so self-focused that we are not aware of the needs in our home?

Are we willing to sacrifice our time to listen to & comfort our wives and provide emotional and physical security?

Who is the spiritual leader in the home?

If you are a Christian man, then you will recognize that success in your home is far more important than success in your career.

So when we leave here today, let’s note where it all begins, with the command, “Husbands, love your wives”.

C.H. Spurgeon said,

“A husband loves his wife with a constant love, and so does Christ his church. He will not cast her away tomorrow having loved her today. He does not vary in his affection. He may change in his display of affection, but the affection itself is still the same. A husband loves his wife with an enduring love; it will never die out. He says, “Tell death us do part will I cherish thee”, but Christ will not let death part his love to his people. Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

So gents, with that said, we now know God’s standard when it comes to being a Godly husband, a leader in our home, and a father to our children. Let’s use that in our life to better serve our family.

Visting Focker Falls in Milford, DE

DATE: 24 AUGUST 2022

QIC: Focker

YHC had a better planned Q this morning than last month! I was really looking forward to this beatdown so that we could get more burpees and school supplies collected. I am grateful for the 11 other HIMs who showed up this morning to include 2 FNGs and 3 unicorns.


  • Side Straddle Hop – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 20 IC
  • Turn and Bounce – 20 IC
  • Hairy Rockettes – 20 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 20 IC
  • Moroccan Nightclub – 30 IC
  • Burpees – 10 OYO

Following the warm-o-rama we mosied to the parking lot at Arena’s. On the way the HIMs in attendance were able to witness the glorious Focker Falls where YHC took a misstep in a pothole and had to tuck and roll…I knew this wasn’t a running group!


Using the four corners of the parking lot, the beatdown would be conducting an exercise at each corner and mosey/sprint between corners. YHC would announce a new set of exercises for each round. Early finishers of the round would plank waiting for the 6. YHC conducted the 3rd F after round 2.


  • Burpees – 10
  • Big Boys – 20
  • Lunges – 20 (10 each leg)
  • Merkings – 10


  • Squats – 20
  • Burpees – 10
  • LBCs – 40
  • Wide Arm Merkins – 10


  • American Hammers – 40 (20 each side single count)
  • Flutter Kicks – 40 (20 each leg single count)
  • Burpees – 10
  • Tie Fighters – 20 (10 Forward Baby Arm Circles right leg lunge, 10 Backward BACs left leg lunge)


  • Diamond Merkins – 10
  • Freddy Mercury – 40 (20 each leg single count)
  • Alternating Side Squats – 20 (10 each side)
  • Burpees – 10


“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things..”

-Henry David Thoreau

Joe Rogan: “That’s Thoreau’s quote – that ‘most men live lives of quiet desperation’ – that’s one of my favorite quotes ever, because it’s true – and I’ve been that guy. You’re just in this world where you just can’t wait to run away.”

Annie Jacobsen: “And how do people get stuck there – how do you think they get stuck there?”

JR: “Bills and commitment. You have an apartment to pay for, you have a car you leased, you have a wife that you have to feed, you have a child you have to raise. You have your mortgage. You have your this, you have your that…and that’s where it all comes from.”

AJ: “Where do you think opportunity plays into that?”

JR: “Well, the opportunity takes place, usually when you’re young and you have no responsibility. That’s when you have your options. Your options are severely limited the more you gather responsibilities. Like, if I as a 51 year old, father of 3, married man, pays taxes, has a house and  mortgage and a business and all that jazz, if I had to quit everything now and struggle the way I struggled as a standup comedian – it would never work.” 

“The only way I could be this person now is if I took that chance when I was 21, when I was dead broke and had my cars repossessed and all that stuff. That’s the only way that you ever get where you want to go. You have to take a path that’s dangerous and most people want to take the safe path. And the safe path leaves you stuck in ‘quiet desperation’ almost every time. It’s hell. It’s hell. You’re selling insurance or some other shit that you care zero about.”

AJ: “But can people just make that change?”

JR: “Yes, yes you can, but you have to plan it out. The way to make that change is you have to put aside enough money to give yourself a window. And then you have to have a plan, and you have to spend all your waking hours outside of whatever shit job you do planning your escape, and you have to come to the realization very clearly, that you fucked up – you got yourself stuck, so whatever you’re doing you have to do it like your life depends on it.  Whether it is…if you’re going to try and be an author and you’re working 8 hours a day, plus commuting, plus family responsibilities plus whatever else you have, whatever time that you have, you have to attack like you’re trying to save the world, like you’re trying to save your life, you don’t want to drown. That one and a half hours a day that you have to write – god damn – you better be caffeinated and motivated. You gotta go. You gotta get after it. You gotta have discipline – that’s what most people don’t have, those things, most people don’t understand what it’s like to really go for something and to know that the consequences of not doing that are horrific.”

-Joe Rogan Podcast #1299 with Annie Jacobsen, 1:04:00

At the completion of the four rounds of exercises we still had time so we did Bolt 45s on the curb. We then mosied back to the Grit Mill to end the beatdown. When we arrived we still had two minutes so 10 more Burpees were completed. During the COT the train went by so we did 10 more Burpees for a total of 70 Burpees!




Welcomed FNG Tom Catalfamo named Tatty Patty and FNG Nick Wright named Nutty Buddy. Also, we had a few unicorns show up. Welcome back Loose Wheel, Silhouette, and Visitante!!!

Reminded the men about the upcoming CSAUP in Rehoboth on Labor Day with more details to be posted to group by Chappie.

Prayer requests for Ruxpins Father in law, Waterfall and his M, Gump and his M, Fireplex and his dad and any needs and requests unspoken.


We are foundation builders!!!

9 PAX and 1 FNG conquered the fartsack this morning and made it to this morning’s rainy murky Gloom, in order to work on our foundation.
Semi, Rooty, Spreader, Waterboy, Dunkin, Turtle, Ruxpin, Gecko, MacDaddy, and FNG

Warm- Up
Cherry Pickers
Butts Kicks 1 Min OYO

The Thang

Step off from GritMil, Indian run to Avenue Methodist Church parking lot. Runner from back sprints ahead holding a large dice, then when in front of pack, HIM pass the dise back to last man, then run, rinse, and repeat.

Arrival at church parking lot, HIM split into teams of 2. Runners and Crunchers. Runners roll dice for core exercises, and then take off for a lap around the church. Crunchers do rolled exercise until the 6 is in. Rabbit runners will join crunchers until the 6 is in, then switch sides, run, rinse, and repeat.

Several moseys around the church parking lot followed by various dice rolled core exercises.

American Hammers
Plank Jacks
Shoulder Taps
Freddie Mercury’s
Big Boys

Break for Third F

Matthew 7:24-29

24 “Therefore, everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts on them, will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of Mine, and does not act on them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and it fell—and its collapse was great.”

Here in Matthew 7, Jesus speaks of the parable of the two houses. One was built on the rock, and the other was built on the sand. When a huge storm came, both houses were hit with the same storm, but the one built on the rock never moved, and the one built on the sand was wrecked and destroyed.

The builders of these houses, built their homes with the same materials, the same quality, and the same specs, except for the foundation on what they were built on. The foundation is what made the difference in this situation. In comparison, it takes hard work to build your house on a good foundation, and it is very easy to build your house on the sand.

The house build on the rock represents the individual who loves Christ and follows him. They invest their lives in the pursuit of Christlikeness. 1 Corinthians 1:11 says, “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.”

The house built on the sand represents the foolish builder who looks the part, and is polished on the outside. However, he deceived himself thinking that everything would be okay when trials would come his way. He had nothing to anchor him down, he heard God’s word, but never put it into practice or lived it out. There was no true evidence that this individual grounded himself in the teaching and principles of Jest Christ.

So gentlemen, we are all guaranteed to have a severe storm come into our lives. In fact, God says that we will endure trials, but when it comes, will we be grounded in Him? The only way we will not budge is if we have built of lives on our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

So, let’s take a step back today, and look at our foundation. Let’s do an inspection of our life, and see where we are at. Where are our priorities, are we just hearing God’s word, or are we living it out in our life?

James 1:12 says, “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”

Mosey Back to the Gritmil via Indian Run for Name-O-Roma/COT

A Twisted Deck of Pain

DATE: 22 JUNE 2022

QIC: Focker

YHC had his Virgin Q this morning! Thanks to the 17 HIMs who showed up for a record attendance at The Grit Mill! It meant a lot to have such good representation on my first Q. I decided to use fate and the F3 Workout Cards to assist me on the beatdown.


  • Disclaimer given
  • Moroccan Nightclub – 20 IC
  • Side Straddle Hob – 20 IC
  • Imperial Walker – 20 IC
  • Cherry Picker – 20 IC

Following the warm-o-rama we mosied to the parking lot at Arena’s and the PAX circled up around the speaker and workout cards.


YHC broke out his new F3 Workout Cards for this beatdown. With the PAX circled around the cards about 15 feet from the deck of cards. Inspired by T-Rex using music for his beatdown, YHC brought a speaker to play 90’s alternative for the entire beatdown.

Everyone bear crawls to the center where YHC drew five cards for the first set and a different PAX was identified for the subsequent sets. Once cards were drawn, everyone crawl beared back their original position.

Call out for the exercises written on the cards as follows:

  • 2-10: card value + 10 reps for the exercise
  • Royals: 25 reps for the exercise
  • Ace: 50 reps of that exercise

At the completion of the set everyone bear crawls back to the deck for more cards.

Set breakdown:


14 – Alternating Side Squats

25 – Freddie Mercury’s

12 – Bulgarian Split Squats

18 – Backward lunges

25 – Diamond Merkins


13 – High, Slow Flutter Kick IC

17 – Monkey Humper

14 – Carolina Dry Dock

Bear crawl 15 feet, Crawl bear 15 feet

20 – Rosalitas

Conducted the 3RD F after the second set:

Continuing the theme of checking on each other and on the people in our lives with whom we haven’t spoken to in a while. YHC shared a personal story of how he was going through a difficult time in his life and felt alone and had received a special message to seek out Psalm 20.

Psalm 20
For the director of music. A psalm of David.
1 May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.[b]
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 May we shout for joy over your victory
and lift up our banners in the name of our God.

May the Lord grant all your requests.

6 Now this I know:
The Lord gives victory to his anointed.
He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary
with the victorious power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
9 Lord, give victory to the king!
Answer us when we call!

Two days later, YHC met a woman while performing his duties as a nurse, and she was the key to change the direction his life was going in and make everything right in his world. Continue to reach out to each other and to others in your life. You just may be the person to turn their life around for the better!


16 – Jumping lunges

25 – Monkey Humper

17 – Derkins

18 – Luge

25 – American Hammers


14 – Heels to Heaven

20 – Butt Kicks

18 – Merkins

17 – Lil Baby Crunches

15 – Hand Release Merkins


19 – Squats

16 – Wide Arm Merkins

50 – Calf Raises

25 – Shoulder Taps

19 – Ranger Merkins 

Mosey back to The Grit Mill to end the beatdown.




  • Welcomed Thomas Lilly FNG nicknamed as Knobs.
  • Announcements: TRexs’ M’s event this weekend at Milton Memorial Park. Roving Ruckf3st Friday will be at The Grit Mill
  • Prayer: For Quattro’s friend who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer. For MacDaddy and Taps and the group traveling via bicycles. Prayers for all us HIMs to be the leaders and examples to others in our homes, jobs, and communities. Prayers for all the needs and attentions of those present.

I am honored that so many PAX showed up for my VQ! I was truly grateful and humbled.

Focker, out!

Bocce Ball

Bocce Ball

QIC: Semi
AO: Grit Mill

25 seal jacks i/c
25 seal wave i/c
10 mountain man pooper i/c
25 plank jacks i/c

The Thang
Mosey past the basketball court to the bridge, lt. Dan halfway across, Dan lt. The other half over to the bocce court on the right.

Bocce ball
Teams of 2 try to roll their ball closest to the “Jack”
We completed an Exercise after each round;
Squats 25
Urkins 25
Derkins 25
Split squats 10 per leg
Lbcs 25
Big boys 15
Merkins 25
Dips 25

3rd F
Leadership Ignited • Devotional

Mosey back to AO


8 HIM showed today: Semi, Sherlock, Dunkin, Waterboy, Focker, Ruxpin, Time Clock, Spreader

Recovery Workout??

QIC: Semi

AO: Gritt Mill

20 Seal jacks i/c
20 Seal wave i/c
10 fence hoppers per side oyo
10 hip circles each direction oyo
20 Cherry pickers i/c
15 Windmill i/c

The Thang
Mosey to playground by ballparks

15 hanging knee raises
50 lbcs
20 derkins
40 urkins
15 gas pumpers

10 count

15 hanging knee raises
50 lbcs
15 diamond merkins
15 wide merkins
15 gas pumpers

3rd F

Here’s the surprising answer of a 6 year old child.

Being a veterinarian, I had been called to examine a ten-year-old Irish Wolfhound named Belker. The dog’s owners, Ron, his wife Lisa, and their little boy Shane, were all very attached to Belker, and they were hoping for a miracle.

I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer. I told the family we couldn’t do anything for Belker, and offered to perform the euthanasia procedure for the old dog in their home.

As we made arrangements, Ron and Lisa told me they thought it would be good for six-year-old Shane to observe the procedure. They felt as though Shane might learn something from the experience.

The next day, I felt the familiar catch in my throat as Belker‘s family surrounded him. Shane seemed so calm, petting the old dog for the last time, that I wondered if he understood what was going on. Within a few minutes, Belker slipped peacefully away.

The little boy seemed to accept Belker’s transition without any difficulty or confusion. We sat together for a while after Belker’s Death, wondering aloud about the sad fact that dogs’ lives are shorter than human lives.  Shane, who had been listening quietly, piped up, ”I know why.”

Startled, we all turned to him. What came out of his mouth next stunned me. I’d never heard a more comforting explanation. It has changed the way I try and live.

He said, ”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life — like loving everybody all the time and being nice, right?” The six-year-old continued,

”Well, dogs already know how to do that, so they don’t have to stay for as long as we do.”

Live simply.
Love generously.
Care deeply.
Speak kindly.

Remember, if a dog was the teacher you would learn things like:

• When your loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
• Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
• Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure Ecstasy.
• Take naps.
• Stretch before rising.
• Run, romp, and play daily.
• Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
• Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
• On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
• On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under a shady tree.
• When you’re happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
• Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
• Be faithful.
• Never pretend to be something you’re not.
• If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
• When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by, and nuzzle them gently.

That’s the secret of happiness that we can learn from a good dog.

Talked from the heart about the lose of a friend and the car accident I came upon all within the last month

Mosey back to AO – ran down and up some steps at the AO


3 HIM showed today: Semi, Woodstock, Focker


QIC: Semi

20 seal jacks i/c
20 seal wave i/c
10 hip circles oyo
15 mountain man pooper i/c
15 Windmill i/c

The Thang

Each HIM grabs a coupon
Mosey to the old bank

10 chuck Norris merkin
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side
10 coupon merkin
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side
20 derkins
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side
30 urkins
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side

Capri lap around the parking lot

30 coupon flys, shoulders on the wall or curb
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side
30 coupon bench press, shoulders on the wall
5 kettle bell clean w/coupon per side
Bolt 45, heels on curb
20 gas pumpers, coupon between knees

3rd F

Told my story if how I got into F3

Mosey back to AO

Round of Mary
10 X n O’s, Waterfall
25 4 count Freddie, Woodstock


8 HIM  showed today: Chappie, Ruxpin, Kwak, Woodstock, Waterfall, Sherlock, Looney Toons, Semi

Hairy Starfish

Date: 3/2/22

QIC: Chappie

Hairy Starfish? What’s with the title? Eh, nothing more than a reference to the typical “hair or the dog” (i.e. a revisit to some of yesterday’s March Merkin Madness with Ruxpin’s first respect! Q ) through YHC’s Starfish workout for today. Here’s how it went down…

First, PAX began with a lot of mumble chatter reflecting on yesterday’s brutality. But hey, they posted so YHC knows they’re up for more!


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Windmill – 18 IC
  • IW – 18 IC
  • OH Squat Press – 18 IC
  • Shoulder Tap Merkins – 10 IC (kinda hairy…)
  • Cherry Pickers – 18 IC (nice and slow, all the way up and clap)

Mosey to Arena’s parking lot…


The Starfish: 5 cones set up around the parking lot like 5 legs of a starfish, with 1 in the middle. PAX will do specific exercise at each cone, returning to the center cone after each one to do 10 Burpees or 10 Burpjacks. Check it out:

  • Cone #1: 100 Merkins (Kinda hairy, do sets of 10, 20, 25 or whatever, til you get ’em done)
    • To center cone: 10 Burpees
  • Cone #2: 100 LBC’s
    • Center Cone: 10 Burpjacks
  • Cone #3: 100 Squats
    • Center Cone: 10 Burpees
      • Inserted 3rdF here (see write up below)
  • Cone #4: 100 Drydocks
    • Center Cone: 10 Burpjacks
  • Cone #5: 100 Dips
    • Center Cone: 10 Burpees

Mosey back to the AO, hitting a Prison Break from the corner…

Among other things, from warm-up to workout that’s a total of 220 Merkins & 50 Burpees



Announcements: ShamRuck family ruck coming Fri. March 18 @ 6:17 pm (likely Georgetown, details TBA)

Prayers: For Bill Sammons and family, especially daughter Ira, fleeing Ukraine to Poland; for Blockbuster in Army Basic Training

Here’s your daily 3rdF:

I’ve been reminiscing a lot since Blockbuster left on Sunday to head to Basic Training at Ft. Jackson. Having served as well of course, I have lots of memories to reminisce about—1 in particular came to my mind as I thought of Blockbuster facing the unknowns and the fears that go along with them.

It had to do with the Lord’s Prayer: After lights-out on the very first night of Basic Training, the DS’s exited the barracks and we all laid there in the dark in total silence in our bunks, not sure what to do or whether to talk or not, etc. After a few minutes of a dark eternity I debated within my own head whether to say the Lord’s Prayer [out loud]. I feared whether anyone would join me. I feared forgetting the words and messing it up. Certainly this first day and night carried its own sort of fears too. Like, what the heck did I get myself into? Finally I just went for it:

Matthew 6:9-13

There in the dark barracks everyone else joined in the beautiful chorus of reciting the Lord’s Prayer together. It’s the Prayer that Jesus taught his disciples when they asked, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Mt.6).

He taught them a model of the structure of prayer which was never meant to be a repetitive recitation (used over and over). But that night I think we recited it as a way of not only acknowledging and confessing our fears [corporately], but also of crying out to God with one voice to say that we needed Him in that hour, in the weeks ahead, and in the season to come. And there was an Esprit de corps in that room! It was one of those moments that brought with it the peace and confidence which only God could provide.

We all seemed to know after that that God would carry us through BECAUSE we called out to Him. As men we tend to be self-made and self-reliant (but oftentimes as a result, self-destructive too). In times when we fear the unknown or we’re uncertain of what we’ve gotten ourselves into, or especially in times when God has led us in a specific direction, it is time to call out to Him, maybe even cry out to Him—depending on the circumstances.

God always answers. Isaiah 55:6-7 says, “Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.” The disciples wanted to learn how to pray, how to call on God, so they asked. Many men think that it’s less than manly to cry out to Jesus, but from what I read it’s one of the manliest things we can do. I don’t know about you, but I’ve discovered over the years that I can’t make it on my own. That’s why I’m grateful we have each other in this circle, but we also need to call on God. Lean one each other, yes! but more than that we must lean on the Lord. So man up and call on God; it’s what HIM do. He always answers.

Always grateful to bring the grit to the Grit Mill. Appreciate the PAX who posted for 2-in-a-row and downed a little hair of the dog–starfish style!

Chappie Out, Aye!

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