Author name: Jordan Warfel

But I Found None!

Did a warm up on the circle and headed to the soccer field at St. Michael. Teamed up to do 100 dry docks, 200 squats, and 300 LBCs. One PAX did the exercises while the other ran across the field and back. Then we went to the parking lot at Georgetown Presbyterian. PAX planked up and took turns running to the other side and doing 10 burpees.

The PAX special requested that I put my message up for you all.

Message Title: But I Found None!

Ezekial 22:29-31

“The people of the land have practiced extortion and committed robbery. They have oppressed the poor and needy, and have extorted from the immigrant without justice. And I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Therefore I have poured out my indignation upon them. I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath.”

The Context: This was a message of judgement from the Lord to the Jewish people in Jerusalem. Murder, extortion and incest had become a prevalent and accepted part of their culture. God would judge them for the prevailing evil in their society.

The Wall: The wall here is not referring to the physical wall around Jerusalem. The physical wall would protect them against foreign forces but not against God’s judgment. The wall that need repaired and defended in this verse is a spiritual and moral wall protecting their society and culture from the judgment of God. Without a man to fix and defend it, the Jewish people were defenseless against God’s wrath. 

The Search: God was looking for a man, not a woman or child. This is because God needed a strong leader to repair the wall. In this case, He was looking for a man to stand up and say NO to the prevailing evil in the culture of Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul may have had Ezekiel 22 in mind when he wrote “Be watchful. Stand firm in the faith. Act like men. Be strong.”

One Man: Notice that God did not need an army or a committee. He only needed a single man strong enough to stand up to the evil in the culture and spare the city from God’s wrath. The great and shocking tragedy is that God couldn’t find a single man strong enough to do that. EVEN WHEN YOU STAND ALONE, GOD CAN USE YOU! It only takes one man with the strength to say NO!!! to the popular evil in whatever culture he happens to find himself in. Will you be that man?

The Contrast: Notice the difference between how God through the prophet Ezekial describes a strong and courageous man compared to how our popular culture does. The popular singer Harry Styles recently posed in Vogue magazine wearing various feminine dresses. Newspaper headlines around the western world were quick to give their approval. Harry Styles was declared to be revolutionary and courageous. God sees a strong and courageous man as one willing to oppose the popular injustice in the culture, even when it means standing alone. Our newspapers see a strong and courageous man as one willing to wear a dress. We all live in a culture. All of our cultures have various evils of some kind that are popular and accepted. What kind of man will we choose to be?

Block Work at CHOP

Or “Shut up you loud crazy people!!”

Waterfall on Q for a warm but moist gloom at CHOP.

We warmed up with the usual: Side Strattle Hop, Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Seal Jack.

The Thang: Overhead carry the blocks to the tooth pulling place. Pair up for block work. 100 squats, 100 LBCs, 100 presses, all with the blocks. Done as a team. While one partner does the exercises the other lunges across the parking lot and mosey back. We stopped when a neighbor opened the window and yelled at us.

Carried our blocks back to the AO to finish. Then we mixed things up. One partner side steps across the parking lot while the other does the UPS. Each partner does the parking lot twice. Then partner mosey across the parking lot and nur back while the other partner holds the block in Al Gore position. Each partner does the parking lot twice.

F3 Message. Don’t let your New Year’s resolutions just be wishful thinking. 1. “Budget” your plans. Know what it is going to take and how you are going to get there. 2. You need “councilors.” Tell your M and your friends about your plans. 3. “Commit to the Lord.” Make sure your plans are consistent with God’s will for your life.

Finished up with some Mary.

Count-a-rama Name-a-rama

New FNG is named “Beeker.” He is a science teacher. Welcome Beeker!!



Welcome FNG Papa Bear!

Warm Up: Side Strattle Hops IC, Cherry Pickers IC, Seal Jacks IC, Windmills IC

The Thang: The Escalator with 6 pain stations.

The way this works is that you start with 10 reps of an exercise at the first station. At the next station you add 20 reps of a different exercise to the first. At the next station you add 30 reps of another exercise and so on. Our exercises were as follows. 10 Burpees, 20 Australian Snow Angels, 30 E2Ks each side, 40 squats, 50 high knees, and 60 LBCs. Australian Snow Angels is when you lay on your belly in the superman position and then move like you are making snow angels.

The Message: I talked about how my M was attacked by a dog and how God and her self defense training protected her. I read a few verses about God’s protection and wisdom’s protection. The take away is two fold protection. We need to be wise and depend on God. The verses are here.

Route 66

Beautiful weather for lots of Burpees!

Q: Waterfall The PAX: Toy Soldier, Summit, Ruxpin, Ying Ying, Chairman, Gump, Doubfire, Chattahoochee

The Warm Up: 20 SSH IC, 20 Diaper Pickers IC, 20 Moroccan Night Club IC, 20 Windmill IC, and Superman Banana! Superman Banana starts in the superman position. When Q yells BANANA you roll over on to your back in a reverse of the superman so you are curled up like a banana. When the Q yells SUPERMAN you roll back. Rolled back and forth like a bunch of crazy people a few times.

The Thang #1: Route 66 and a bag of chips. We did the Route 66 from telephone pole to telephone pole. We did it decessending from 11 burpees at the first telephone pole down to 1 burpee at the last telephone pole for a total of 66 burpees. For added suck we also did LBCs ascending. I’m calling the additional exercise “and a bag of chips” since it was added on.

The Message: The story of the Rich Young Ruler. His good works weren’t good enough. Jesus invited him to follow him. But the young man went away sorrowful because he wouldn’t give up his lavish lifestyle to follow Jesus.

The Thang #2: Waterfall likes the wall! Wall of Burpee for an additional 3 burpees. Each PAX takes the chair. We go down the row doing 1 burpee each. Then we went down the row again doing 2 burpees each. Next we did Mexican jumping beans and overhead claps ascending up to 10 jumps and 40 claps. With a few minutes left we ended with some Mary.

Good push by all!

Texas Hold’em

Waterfall was the dealer (on Q)

Warm Up: 20IC side strattle hop, 20IC Moroccan night club, 20IC Windmills, 20IC seal jacks

The Thang: Poker with 2 decks of cards and the ball of suck (a die with different exercises on each face). We did this with 11s with dips on one side of the parking lot and squats on the other side. The cards and ball of suck were in the middle. Paired up into teams of two. Each team started with 2 cards face down. To get a card, as you went by, you had to roll the ball of suck and do the exercise to get a card. If you didn’t want a card, you could pass and keep doing your 11s. The team with the best hand at the end of the workout won.

The Message: Romans 12:1-2 Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I talked about not getting sucked into the us vs. them mentality in our culture. Instead be conformed to the Bible.

Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, COT

Winning hand was 5 Kings!

Mary no mercy!

9 PAX posted this morning for too much Mary! Waterfall on Q.

The Warm Up: 20 SSH IC, 20 Moroccan Night Club IC, 20 Cherry Pickers IC, Bolt 45 (AKA zoo keeper special)

The Thang: PAX teamed up in pairs of two. Half shuffled with their ruck sacks around the church. The other half did Mary. Then they swapped. We did Mary off of this sheet provided by Waterfall’s M, “Flamingo.” See the sheet here: We got through the “side jack knives” before we ran out of time.

The Message: Q read from the Easter story, John chapter 20. Waterfall commented that he is like Peter because he is always getting outrun.

Countarama, Namarama, COT


The Warm Up:

  • Side Strattle Hops IC
  • Cherry Pickers IC
  • Moroccan Night Clubs IC
  • Windmills IC
  • 3 Inch Warm Burpees

The Thang #1

Overhead carried concrete blocks to the wall of burpees. Each PAX took the seat on the wall while holding his block. Starting on one side we took turns doing 3 burpees till each PAX did 3. Then we each did 2 burpees and then 1. We finished up with some windmills to stretch ourselves out.

The Thang #2

We overhead carried our blocks to the dentist parking lot for some more suck. Teamed up and did 75 curls, 75 irkins, and 75 squats, each with the blocks as a team. One PAX ran the length of the parking lot while the other did the exercise. Overhead carried our blocks back to the wall.

3rd F Message

Our message was about courage and taking action. Read the whole thing at

The Thang #3

Next we did Mike Tysons and Overhead presses with the blocks. We started with 10 of each and descended to 6 of each. Overhead carried our blocks back to where they belong. Finished up with a few minutes of Mary. COR, NAR, COT

Captain Thor

October 18, 2018

The cold hit us hard for a chilly game of Captain Thor poker.  We warmed up with a mosey around the block, some cherry pickers, and windmills.  

Next was The Thang.  Here are the rules.  We divided into 4 teams.  Each team started with 3 cards.  The goal is to get the best poker hand.  There were 2 decks of cards to draw from.  We did a modified Captain Thor while working our hands in between.  We started with 15 big boys and ran to the center of the parking lot.  In order to draw a card, you have to roll the ball of suck (a dice with a bunch of exercises on it).  After doing the exercise you rolled, you can draw a card for your hand.  Next you run to the other end of the parking lot for 60 American hammers single count.  You run back and forth doing the captain Thor descending while rolling the ball of suck and working our hands.  Vanilla and summit won the game and the losers had to do 20 jump lunges.  The fastest team got down to 4 big boys and 16 American hammers.  

The F3 message was about parenting. Ephesians 6:4 Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. 

Little Baby Beatdown

Waterfall Brings the Little Baby Beatdown (His 2.2 to be born soon)

August 18, 2018 at The Aegis

QIC:  Waterfall

The warmup:  37 SSH IC (37 because we are at 37 weeks) Diaper pickers (formerly shell pickers, formerly cherry pickers) 21 little BABY crunches (because she will be born on the 21st) and windmills

The THANG:  Mosey to a little field next to the little league fields.  At this point Leatherman joined us because he was rolling in way past hot.  LOL I am calling this the LITTLE BABY BEATDOWN.  We started with three exercises: Little baby crunches, little baby arm circles, and little baby merkins.

OK, I made up the little baby merkins “LBMs”.  You take the plank on your elbows position and do merkins on your elbows.

After the 3 exercises you push your partner across the field and they push you back.  Because you have to push the baby out!  This beatdown is descending.  I think we got down to about 31 LBCs, LBACs, and LBMs.

We mosied back to the AO and used the ball of suck a couple of times along the way.  More merkins and mexican jumping beans!

Countarama, Namarama, and COT

We had the ceremonial passing of the shovel flag to Summit.  Way to step up Summit!!

Super Duper Toy Soldier Saturday

It was a beautiful day on Delmarva for a Super Duper Toy Soldier beat down!

The Pax:  Chappie, Chattahoochee, T1, Chairman, and Waterfall on Q

Congratulations to Chappie, Chattahoochee, and Chairman on posting 6 consecutive days in a row!  That’s some serious dedication right there!

The Warm Up:  I figured I needed to stretch these guys out after 5 days in a row.  20 Side Strattle Hops IC, 15 windmills IC, 20 moroccan night clubs IC, 15 cherry pickers (shell pickers) IC

The Thang:  This is where it got fun.  I have to admit that I sort of made this up on the fly.  Are those the best?  We took a mosey to a new soccer field.  Started at one soccer goal with 40 LBCs, ran to the center and did 30 E2Ks each side, ran to the other goal and did 20 big boys.  Then we ran back to the center and threw the dice of doom (A dice of exercises I found at Five Below).  Each PAX had to roll the dice individually and do what was on it.  If a PAX rolled 15 burpees, every PAX had to do it.  We rolled the burpees twice!  Run back to the first goal to start over!  We reduced the exercises by 2 each set and ran out of time at 28 LBCs, 18 E2Ks each side, and 8 big boys.  That’s a total of 238 LBCs, 168 E2Ks each side, and 98 big boys!  Chairman did some more big boys for extra credit.  Some kinda beast.

The F3 message:  Talked about a pastor in my church that recently died.  He documented every funeral, marriage, and baptism through his whole life career.  They displayed it at his funeral so you could look through and find where he baptised and married you.  He gave his last sermon in December 2017.  He knew it was his last and told us so.  He preached on Heaven and how he wanted to see us all there.  It was clear he knew what he set out to do in his life, did what he came to do, and was ready for the next life.  He knew his purpose and was able to say mission accomplished!  I encouraged us all to keep “posting” in every area of our life so that someday we can say “mission accomplished.”

We took a mosey back to the AO to finish up with some more stretching exercises:  Windmills, cherry pickers, and moroccan night clubs IC.  Finished with 20 diamond merkins OYO just for fun.

Countarama, Namarama, and Circle of Trust!  With this awesome weather we are having, we need to get some FNGs out on Saturdays!  Aye!

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