Author name: Jason Dypsky

Different Muscle Groups


20 seal jacks i/c
20 seal wave i/c
20 plank jacks i/c
20 harry rockets i/c
Capri lap around parking lot
Side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, mosey
20 ssh i/c
20 Imperial walkers i/c
20 Windmill i/c
20 crab FLIPPER

The Thang

1 HIM carries coupon out to wall, climbs wall, and returns without coupon.

Rest of HIM do the following exercises as many times as possible;

Lunges with slosh pipe
Abyss merkins
Dips on slide ladder
Log row
Tire sledge
Flutter kicks
Coupon curl

3rd F

Play The Man • Devotional

Round 2
1 HIM runs out to wall, climbs wall, and brings coupon back while rest do listed excercises


7 HIM showed today: Semi, Streudel, Fireplex, Doubtfire, Quarto, Toy Soldier, Bovine


Swings, coupons, and a wall

20 seal jacks i/c
20 seal wave i/c
20 plank jacks i/c
Capri lap around parking lot
Side shuffle, nur, side shuffle, mosey
20 ssh i/c
20 Imperial walkers i/c
20 Windmill i/c
21 crab FLIPPER

The Thang
Everyone grabs a coupon

While 1 HIM moseys out to the wall with his Coupon and ascends the wall and moseys back, rest of PAX does the following:

Tire flip
Coupon Hip thrust
Coupon Merkins
Coupon curl
Coupon swing (kettle bell)
Coupon squats
Coupon big boys
Coupon split squats


Round 2

HIM showed today: Semi, Chappie, Gump, Chairman, Quarto, Chattahoochee, Toy Soldier, Vineyard, Strudel, Fireplex, Bovine

Number Rama
Name Rama




20 SSH I/C
SIDE SHUFFLE CAPRI LAP AROUND CIRCLE, switch direction half way


Mosey north to Ruxpin’s Distillery

10 hanging knee lifts
5 burpees
3 rounds

Mosey across railroad tracks to white building

20 urkins, jump wall, 10 derkins
Climb steps
20 urkins, jump wall, 10 derkins
5 leg lifts
3 rounds


Play The Man • Devotional

Mosey to Domino’s

Hold wall sit while one HIM does 2 chicken peckers rotating through all HIM

Mosey to circle

20 split squats per leg (1 leg on bench)
Lt. Danger around circle
Toy soldier set
60 lbc
30 E2K (each side)
20 big boys

6 HIM showed: Semi, Chattahoochee, Quarto, Fireplex, Chauffeur, Toy Soldier

Number Rama
Name Rama

Semi Colon “3.14”

QIC. Semi

17 Seal jacks. I/c
14 Cherry picker. I/c
Capri lap, side shuffle around circle, switch halfway
17 SSH. I/c
14 Windmill. I/c
Capri lap, nur halfway, mosey rest
17 seal waves. I/c
14 MMP. I/c

Mosey to old napa store

14 burpees mosey around building, 14 merkins mosey around building, 14 squats mosey around building for 3 rounds.

Mosey to school

44 lbcs
22 e2ks
14 big boys
Go up steps and Jump wall to sidewalk
3 rounds

3rd F

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
1 Peter 5:6‭-‬10 ESV
A good affirmation that you are not alone in your struggles. There is season for everything. God will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

Mosey to Ruxpin’s distillery

14 leg lifts hanging from railing

Mosey back to AO

 7 HIM showed today. Semi, Fireplex, Waterfall, Chappie, Quarto, Doubtfire, Leatherman

Number Rama

Name Rama


21 and the Tomb of the Unknown

QIC : Semi


21, All i/c
Seal jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker
Capri lap around parking lot, side shuffle up, nur across, and side shuffle down
Plank jack

The Thang

Mosey to bridge by park
21 lt. Dan across bridge, if not all the way across mosey to end
21 burpees
Nur across bridge
21 dan lt. across bridge, if not all the way across mosey to end
21 big boys

3rd F

21 meekins
21 e2k leftside
21 diamond merkins
21 e2k rightside

Mosey back to ao

1 round of banana, superman, ripcord

7 HIM showed; Semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, Gump, Woodstock, papa bear, and visitante

Number Rama

Name Rama



QIC : semi

Warm up

25 Seal jacks. I/c
20 Cherry picker. I/c
Capri lap – side shuffle length of court, nur width of court, side shuffle length of court, and nur width of court
25 Seal wave. I/c
20 Windmill I/c
Capri lap – side shuffle length of court, nur width of court, side shuffle length of court, and nur width of court
25 Ssh. I/c
20 mountain climbers i/c


Mosey to far side of ball field.
1 HIM does 10 Abyss merkins between picnic tables while rest of pax does derkins rotating through pax till all have completed abyss merkins.

Mosey to backside of lifesaving station
15 hanging knee raises from leanto header
Crawl dragon up ramp, dragon crawl down ramp
15 hanging knee raises
Dan lt. Up and lt. Dan down ramp
15 hanging knee raises
25 6″ squats
25 sumo squats
25 squats
on the ramp facing the water

3rd F
Go After God’s Heart

Mosey to playground beside basketball court
25 calf raises off ledge
20 urkins
15 split squats per leg
10 burpees
5 super bananas
10 burpees
15 split squats per leg
20 urkins
25 calf raises off ledge

Mosey back to center court

6 HIM showed – semi, Chappie, Chairman, Wildwing, Ruxpin, kings point

Number Rama

Name Rama


Coupons and wheelbarrows

QIC: Semi


20 all i/c

Seal wave
Cherry picker
Capri lap around upper parking lot
Side shuffle out, nur across, side shuffle in, and mosey across
Plank Jack
Seal Jack
2nd capri lap around upper parking lot
Side shuffle out, nur across, side shuffle in, and mosey across


Each HIM grabs a coupon and pairs up with another HIM lined up between the light poles.

Each pair will wheelbarrow to other center parking line
half of pax does 10 burpees while the other half does 15 Swerkins, plank for 6
Wheelbarrow back to light pole line
Other half of pax does 10 burpees while the other half does 15 swerkins, plank for 6

3rd F

Coupon barrow to other parking line
15 Abyss merkins
Coupon barrow back to light pole line
15 Wide Merkins
Coupon barrow halfway to other parking line and switch with partner and continue to parking line
25 Coupon squats
Return Coupons to stack and return to parking line.
Dragon crawl to light pole line
40 lbcs

Number Rama
Name Rama

16 HIM showed today, Semi, Chappie, quarto, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Chairman, Wildwing, leatherman, Ruxpin, strudel, doubtfire, trion, phyfe, forky, fng showfer, fng baby shark

Difference Makers


QIC: Semi


20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker


Mosey to front steps of library
10 box jumps
10 hand release merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down
10 each leg split squats
20 wide merkins
Up the steps 1 at a time and back down
5 tempo squats-3 count i/c
5 diamond merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down

Mosey to park across the river
Using walls in park
4 rounds
10 derkins
10 urkins
20 double count flutter kicks

3rd F
Marriage after God – podcast
Date night

Toy soldier set
50 lbcs
30 e2k
15 big boys

Mosey to bridge – crawl bear across
Mosey back to library

6 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, papa bear, Chairman, FNG loose wheel

Number Rama
Name rama


QIC: Semi


20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker


Mosey to intersection of front str. and walnut str.

10 mike Tyson’s
Nur to top of hill

Mosey to playground behind Milford church of God

3rd F

What defines who you are?  Your job?  Your spouse, your partner, your accomplishments?  Does your sense of well-being and satisfaction come from dependence on your position or friends or appearance or skills?
What would you do if all that were taken away?  
“Cross country is a very difficult sport. From the time you start, you do not stop or pause until you cross the finish line. And in many regards, that’s like our life; that’s our journey of faith.”
“Being an overcomer means there is pain, discomfort, inconvenience, life’s tough, and yet you have joy and peace and all the stuff that you can only have if there is an anchor in your soul.”
“Being an overcomer means you keep your head up and you know that you’re going to get through it; you figure out a way to get through it, you keep your faith strong, you get through it, and you just thank God.”

3 rounds of 15
Hanging knee raises
big boys

Mosey back to library

Side plank for 20 count each side

5 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, Waterfall, papa bear

Number Rama
Name rama

Keep them burnin while their burnin 2.0

QIC : semi

Warm up

20 Seal jacks. I/c
25 Cherry picker. I/c
15 smurf Jack’s. I/c
Capri lap – nur length of court, side shuffle across, mosey, and side shuffle
20 Seal wave. I/c
25 Windmill I/c
20 Ssh. I/c


Mosey to pavilion across bridge

20 derkins
BB 45
15 Upper big boy
15 Lower big boy
15 Full big boy
20 erkins
40 lbcs

Mosey to bathrooms near AO

3rd F
Toes out. 15 i/c Sumo style
Feet 6″ apart 15 i/c
Should width 15 I/c hold in squat on 15 count

35 reverse crunch
Side plank for 15 count
35 flutter kick – double count
Side plank for 15 count

Mosey back to AO

6 HIM showed – semi, Ruxpin, Chairman, Wildwing, leatherman, Gump

Number Rama

Name Rama


UNCOMMEN: Being Better Husbands And Fathers Daily • Devotional

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