Author name: Looney Tunes

The 4 Horsemen


The HIM : Chappie, Ruxpin, Woodstock, Waterfall, Mac Daddy, Sherlock, Special Guest: Timeclock Looney Tunes on Q


30 Side Streudal Hops,

30 Windmills, 

30 Imperial Walkers,

30 cherry pickers,

30 Maracan Night Club

THA-THANG 4 Rounds of Staple Exercises:

Horseman 1 | ROUND 1:MOSEY

Bolt 45

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 2 | ROUND 2:

50 squats,

40 mountain climbers,

40 Big Boys


Horseman 3 | ROUND 3:


40 Squats

40 Dips(tricep dips)

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

30 merkins.

Horseman 4 | ROUND 4:


20 Squats

30 Dips(tricep dips)

30 merkins.

30 little baby crunches(LBCs)

BONUS: 20 Military Big Boys(Guy holding your feet)

THE 3rd F The 4 Horsemen:
I went to an Iron Council event called the Maine Event with what i thought was a Battle plan.

The focus is on the Battle Planner which has 4 quadrants Calibration | Contribution | Conditioning | Connection. Right now, I’m focusing on Contribution(business) this quarter, my calibration is good, my conditioning is good, my Connection quadrant was all about connecting with business owners and NOT about connecting with my family.
Then, we had a CONNECTION presentation by Taylor Jacobson. I fully planned on zoning out but I think the “Jocko Go” kept me super focused all weekend.

He began going through the 4 Horsemen of Fractured Relationships:
The First Horseman: Criticism – and I think, “Oh I criticize people sometimes, but my home life is great. This is just coincidence.”
Second Horseman: Defensiveness: Always justifying yourself.  I think, “Well, I have to do that, I HAVE to be defensive. My family doesn’t understand how hard I work.”
Third Horseman: Contempt: -“I dont do that” then once it was explained as talking down, I thought. “shit I do that, but in a funny way, that’s ok right?”
Most importantly, contempt is the single greatest predictor of divorce. It must be eliminated.

Fourth: STONEWALLING: Zone Out, ignoring.
It was at this point I wanted to sneak out of the building and hitchhike home down I-95.

I was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as an Atlas Stone on my shoulder. As uncomfortable as realizing that Taylor is telling stories as examples and he might as well use my name.
I realized- The Four Horseman were right outside my home. Just waiting.
It was a good wake up for me to be honest, I may have been taking my family relationships for granted.
Luckily, Taylor gave us some antidotes to fight these 4 bastards.
The 4 Antidotes
Gentle Startup Dealing with problems in a calm and gentle way. The focus is on the problem—not the person.
Take Responsibility Own up to your behavior without blaming others
Share Fondness & Admiration Foster a healthy relationship by regularly showing each other respect and appreciation. • Show affection. • Recognize your partner’s strengths. • Give compliments
Use Self-Soothing Use relaxation techniques to calm down and stay present with your partner.
• Agree to pause the conversation briefly.
• Use deep breathing. • Use progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

I usually I keep these things to myself, “I’ll work on them in silence”. This time, when I got home I opened my notes and showed my wife the Damn 4 Horsemen of Fractured relationships.
Im fighting them off now- it’s been a week since I got back from Maine. The other morning I got a little heated at something (dog related or probably job related) and I could feel myself wanting to STONEWALL.
I forced myself to tell my wife a separate story about farming or something to establish that: 1) the argument was over, 2) I’m not mad- we cool.
We dont know what we dont know.

And we dont know what to ask. I would’ve never googled 4 horsemen unless I was looking for a Ric Flair Meme.

DOS workout

Wednesday Morning F3 Workout in Milford. Looney Tines on Q, with Ruxpin, Spaceman and Woodstock. We heard someone camping out under the Library’s overhang. But the F3 workout must go on!

5:15 Warmup


• Maraccan Night Club : 30

• Cherry Pickers: 20

• Imperial Walkers:20

• Bolt 45

End Warmup with a Lap around the Library

Leaving this F3 workout up to chance. I have half a deck of DOS cards, I removed all of the numbers higher than 5 . The card game cousin of famous game UNO. We flipped cards, and read from Jocko’s book, the Discipline Equals Freedom Field Manual.

DOS Key# = Mosie a LAP





2=WILD = Bear Crawl.





The Thang

Here’s the run down as the cards told us:

10 Merkins

10 Full Crunches

50 Burpees, ok we did 15 Burpees, because during our August 500 Burpee school supply drive, I realized 15 is a good burpee limit.


Bear Crawl

10 Squats

10 Merkins

10 Big Boys

Bear Crawl

40 Merkins

50 Merkins

Mosie a lap

10 Burpees

40 LBCs

40 Squats

50 Squats

10 Big Boys

Ended with prayer.

ABC – Part Deaux!

ABC – Part Deux
Today’s workout is a complete rip off of yesterday’s workout presented by Flatbottom, but in the Looney Toons version ABC stands for:
Arms • Burpees • Chest

Side Strattle Hops 40
Cherry Pickers 30
Moraccan Night Club 30
Windmill (in cadence) – 15
Imperial Walkers (in cadence) – 15

The Thang
Mosey to the Jesus Loves Temple

Tricep Arm Dips 25
Burpees 15
Merkins 25
Triceps Dip

Mosey to park

Front of Bench Arm Dips 25 Tricep arm dips…
Burpees 15
Derkins 25

Tricep Decline Merkins

Mosey back to the Library
Back of bench tricep Bench Merkins 25
Burpees 15
Incline Merkins 25

Bicep Decline Merkins

3rd F from Ryan Michler’s Sovereignty:


Here’s the first realization you need to understand: there is no arrival. There is no final destination. No glorious state of being where the clouds part and the angels sing, “Hallelujah, you’ve made it.” I know that may not sound very empowering, considering that most men work better when they know what they’re working toward.
But let’s break this down a little bit and make a distinction. There are going to be projects, jobs, encounters, relationships, and experiences that are going to end. In fact, most of what we deal with on a daily basis is, by design, supposed to end.
What I’m referring to when I say there is no arrival is that you, as a man, will never reach your full potential. What does “full potential” even mean? I know we like to talk about it, but I sincerely believe it is impossible. Your potential as a man is a moving target. Once you think you’re there, you can plainly see you’re capable of so much more. At first glance that may be a very frustrating idea. If you’ll never reach your full potential, what’s the point of even trying? But if you think about this on a deeper level, you’ll see, if you know there is no state of being where you become your best, you give yourself permission to enjoy the ride you’re currently on.
When we spend our entire lives adhering to the notion that there is some final destination for ourselves or, worse, we compare ourselves to where other people are, we become consumed with chasing something that does not exist. If you’re chasing something that isn’t real, all you end up doing is spinning in circles and not getting anywhere.
Even the thought of mastery can be an elusive target. Does complete mastery even exist? With the advancement in technology and medicine, things that were once impossible are entirely possible today, and even more so in the future. I don’t, however, consider mastery an objective. I consider mastery a path—a journey to see how good we can actually become. And isn’t that more exciting anyway?
Whether you’re sweeping floors and cleaning toilets as a janitor or running a Fortune 500 company, understanding that there is no arrival should fill you with optimism, as there is no limit on what you can ultimately achieve.

Michler, Ryan. Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men (pp. 184-185). Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press. Kindle Edition.

Mosey back to the Church
Triceps Arm Dips 25
Burpees 15
Merkins 15  (any style)

Mosey back to library

Flutter Kicks – 50 Single Count

50 LBCs

20 Big Boys
Circle of Trust!

F3 Workout Coupon Styles

Coupon Styles

After a long weekend celebrating our Independence from that fat jerk the king of England, we were back in the GLOOM at CHOP- Chappie’s House of Pain. I was scheduled to Q next Saturday but I’m taking the kids to the Poconos so I pulled the switcheroo with Vanilla and Cabana.

The F3 Warmup: Done by Cabana:

  • 20 Side Straddle Hops
  • 20 Moroccan Night Club
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain man Poopers
  • 20 Merkins, Palms facing in

Looney Tunes on Q

Mosey around the premises.

Each HIM Grabs a Coupon from the stack, That stack sure is getting a lot of love lately.

The Thang:

Same thing with different Styles,

Round 1: Traditional Style

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP – Fireplex ran with his Coupon- starting a trend that every HIM kept going.
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 2: Quatro Style

Gloves OFF

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP with Coupon
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 3: Drago Style

Every exercise is done at a much slower pace, creating more burn.

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Crab Crawl!
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

Round 4: Cabana Style

Every exercise is done 50% more than required. Instead of 20, you do 30. Cabana of course, did 40 since 40 is 50% more than the now required 30

  • Derkins (Merkins with Feet on your Coupon): 20
  • Coupon Curls: 20
  • Squats Holding the Coupon: 20
  • Big Boys 20
  • Run Across CHOP with Coupon
  • Nur Back
  • 10 Count Recovery

3rd F.

From the F3 classic Freed to Lead

For organizations to change in this way a dice cultural shift would be necessary. Men have grown discharging their service obligations via a well-worn boy to them, like Cub Scouts being led through a craft or
This problem, of men passively waiting to be told what to be done rather than actively doing it themselves, has been creeping up on us for a long time. More than thirty yes (1980), George W.S. Trow wrote in The New Yorker that “in important role of a father is to give a son a sense of permission -a sense of what might be done. This still works, but since no adult is supported by the voice of the culture (which is now a childish voice), it does not work well. As a result, Trow wrote, “(i)n the absence of adults, people came to put their trust in experts.”
He sums it up pretty well. The absence of male community leadership has progressively infantilized us, sapping our will toward independence and self-reliance. When we compare sense of what might be done to our culture’s Trow’s sense of what might be done” to our culture’s command to do “what ought to be done”, we can clearly see how far into childish expert-dependence we have descended. Maybe this is why our pastors and other community leaders foist opportunities upon us. Otherwise, nothing would ever get done. Arresting this cultural devolution will require action as bold as the initiative it took to reverse the flow of the Chicago River, but we are confident that it can be done. We have seen it work in F3. Healthy men, brought together in Fellowship and finding themselves driven to serve, are more than able to do so dynamically if given the “sense of permission” cited as lacking by Trow. This, we believe, is how men are wired.

The HIM in action!


Quatro: Today is July 6th.

ROCKY Workout

Milford Rocky Beatdown June 24, 2021

5:15 Warm Up By Mack Daddy

5:20 We picked up 2 pound hand weights and took a Mosey to the Spot


  • Start at one end of the block
  • 40 Jabs
  • Sprint to other end of the block.
  • 20 Squats curl weights
  • 20 side straddle hops. Sprint Back
  • Repeat 2x.

Rocky 2

  • 40 Jabs + Cross Combo
  • Lunge Up Sidewalk
  • 20 1 Arm Alternating Merkins – Harder than it looks
  • 20 Squats arms out holding weights
  • Nur Back
  • Repeat 2x

Rocky 3

  • 30 Jab, Cross, Hook, Hook
  • Sprint Up
  • 20 Squats press weights
  • 20 LBCs
  • REPEAT 2x

3rd F Let me tell you something you already know:

“The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows.  It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done. Now, if you know what you’re worth, then go out and get what you’re worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain’t you. You’re better than that!” ~ Rocky Balboa

Rocky 4

  • 20 Derkins
  • 20 Tricep Dips on bench

Rocky 5

Rocky hits the Wall.

So we hit the wall for Wall Squats for one minute.
MOSEY Back for Name-O-Rama

Two Looney Tooney Walls

5:15am 67 Degrees Looney Tunes on Q,

The Warmup

  • Side Straddle Hop – 50
  • Windmills – 20
  • Cherry Pickers – 30
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 40
  • Imperial Walkers – 20

Mosey to Wall

Next, a Half Mile Mosey to the Wall down by the bank.

Half Mile Mosey to the Wall

The Wall Part 1

Super Set 1 – 4 Rounds

  • Triceps DIPS Open Hands OUT. Advanced, Add 3 Pulses. To Failure
  • 10 Air Squats

Super Set 2 – 4 Rounds

  • 20 Derkins with Elbows against body for that extra tricep blast!
  • 20 Big Boys

3rd F

Levine, Wayne. Hold on to Your NUTs: The Relationship Manual for Men (p. 75).

TOOL Nº. 2 EXPRESS BUT DON’T DEFEND YOUR FEELINGS Men are all screwed up about feelings. Not long ago, a man was a man if he kept his feelings to himself, you know, like John Wayne. Then it became popular for men to behave more like women and to express all of their feelings, all of the time, a la TV’s Alan Alda. Neither approach is healthy for men, and neither makes for successful long-term relationships. So does the answer lie somewhere in between the Duke and New Age man? Not quite.
A POWERFUL MAN KNOWS HOW HE FEELS First, let’s review your feelings. Remember those? They’re the things which, if embraced as they are—without a bunch of social, familial, political and cultural influences piled on top—will guide you to making the best decisions for you. Acknowledging how you honestly feel will be your most effective tool in decision-making. When you’re clear about how you feel, the solutions to your problems become clearer, too. Recognizing those feelings is important work for men who have been socialized in many ways to deny how they feel. Being in your power requires, first and foremost, knowing how you feel.
LET HER KNOW In a long-term relationship, letting her know how you feel is critical. Many men have heard that from their women.  WARNING! Don’t be a bully. A man in his power doesn’t manipulate, intimidate and interrogate to get his way or to prove his point. A man in his power is loving, accepting and compassionate. Express your feelings from this place, rather than being the resident bully. TIP! One of the best ways for men to figure out how they feel is to have a sounding board they can trust. Look for a male counselor, friend or mentor. The guy’s got to be healthy and capable of hearing you, to help you figure out how you feel rather than imposing his fears, insecurities, judgments, etc., onto you. Also, his vision of manhood should mesh with your own.

The Wall Part 2: The Second One

We woseyed over to the World Famous Milton Mural for The People’s Chair!

16 Men on the World Famous Milton Mural

I asked Chatahoochie for a number 1-5, Hooch chose 4. So 4 minutes of The People’s Chair. When time was up it was time to Mosey back to the CHOP. Legs were on FIRE, need to plan that better next time!

We then MOSEY’D back to the CHOP.

Name o Rama

Watch the video to find out what the F3 this is all about
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