F3 Monterey-Iron Pax Challenge Week 4

Date: September 28 2019

Participants: ThisOneTime, Sharkbait (respect), Bergundy (respect), Psyc, Screech, BreuHaha,

Warm up: sidestraddle hops, imperial walkers, and arm circles

  • The workout (3 rounds for time)
  • 100 merkins and/or squats
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)
  • 100 coupon swings and/or Bonnie blairs
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)
  • 100 coupon thrusters and/or traveling lunges
  • 100 yard coupon carry out and back (200 total)

Result: Workout called at 0800. Recorded times: Burgendy at 52:50 (Respect!)

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