Tuesday July 23, 2019
Location: CHOP
Q: Chairman
PAX: Chattahoochee, Fireplex, Gump, Leatherman, Nugget, Ruxpin, Summit, Toy Soldier, Vanilla, Waterfall, & Ying Ying
Warmup: All IC 25 SSH, 18 Cherry Pickers
18 Moroccan Night Clubs, 18 Windmills, 18 Mountain Climbers
The Thang Mosey around the block
Bring Sally Up with Burpees on Up (30)
Mosey around the block
Burp & Merk Pyramid up to 10 and back down. Start with 1 merkin 1 burpee, 2 merkins 1 burpee, 3, …100 merkins 19 burpees.
Mosey around block
Cptn Therkin 1 Big Boy 4 American Hammers 5 Merkins, up to 5 Big Boys & 20 Double Count American Hammers with 5 merkins each time. Mosey around block
Brief message about F3 encouraging us all to win the 1st battle each morning by posting and how we all benefit from surrpunding ourselves with other HIM.
Number-O-Rama and COT.