
New Beginnings


Milton Mustard Seed welcomes our brother from Charleston, SC today.
  • Side Straddle Hop 20 IC
  • Seal Jacks 20 IC
  • Smurf Jacks 20 IC
  • Plank Jacks 20 IC
  • Hairy Rockets 15 IC
  • Mountain Man Poopers 15 IC
  • Cherry Pickers 15 IC

The Thang

Caterpillar Snake Run with 12 pound medicine ball to 4 locations with exercises at each location.

First stop H&R Block

  • Merkins 20 IC
  • Air Drama Squats 25 OYO
  • Flutter Kicks 25 IC

Second stop Adkins Law Firm

  • Diamond Merkins 15 IC
  • Ballerinas Toe Squats 25 OYO
  • American Hammers 25 IC

Third stop field behind apartments

  • Hand Release Merkins 20 OYO
  • Bobby Hurley 20 OYO
  • Absolution 10 IC

Final Stop field behind AO

  • Walking lunges across field passing medicine ball
  • Burpees 10 OYO
  • Toy Soldier Set 40/20/10

F3 Message: New Beginnings bud around you and within you every day. You don’t need a clean slate. God is in the business of making all things new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has come the new is here.

Peter 1:3 Praise be to theGod and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Jeremiah 29:12 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Seal Jacks Smurf Jacks 20 IC

Texas Hold’em

Waterfall was the dealer (on Q)

Warm Up: 20IC side strattle hop, 20IC Moroccan night club, 20IC Windmills, 20IC seal jacks

The Thang: Poker with 2 decks of cards and the ball of suck (a die with different exercises on each face). We did this with 11s with dips on one side of the parking lot and squats on the other side. The cards and ball of suck were in the middle. Paired up into teams of two. Each team started with 2 cards face down. To get a card, as you went by, you had to roll the ball of suck and do the exercise to get a card. If you didn’t want a card, you could pass and keep doing your 11s. The team with the best hand at the end of the workout won.

The Message: Romans 12:1-2 Offer your bodies as a living sacrifice and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I talked about not getting sucked into the us vs. them mentality in our culture. Instead be conformed to the Bible.

Count-A-Rama, Name-A-Rama, COT

Winning hand was 5 Kings!

Wheelbarrows and 45’s

QIC Semi

All i/c
20 seal jacks
20 Windmills
20 seal waves
20 Cherry pickers
20 mountain man pooper

The Thang

Mosey to new HOB entrance

Pax pair off

Big boy 45’s.
Wheelbarrow to light pole
Sumo squat 45’s I/c
Wheelbarrow to light pole
Leg lift 45’s.
Wheelbarrow to light pole
Legs 6″ squats. I/c
Wheelbarrow to light pole

3rd F
All in
Talked about how Abraham was all in sacrificing his son Issac for the Lord.
Genesis 22

Mosey back to CHOP

13 HIM showed – semi, Ruxpin, leatherman, Vanilla, Chappie, Wildwing, Chairman, toy soldier, Waterfall, doubtfire, Fireplex, nugget, FNG gump

Number Rama

Name Rama


Stations of Pain @CHOP and sweat…many stations of sweat.

June 18 2019

QIC – Summit 



SSH- 15 

Imperial Walker – 15

Mountain Climber- 15 

Arm circles – 15

Reverse arm circles – 15 

Bolt 45s 

Mosey around block back to AO

The Thang- 

Each PAX Pick a station to start


  1. Burpees
  2. Squats with 50lb sandbag
  3. Merkins
  4. LBC’s
  5. Hair Burners – with Cindy 
  6. Squat – Overhead Press w/cindy
  7. Dips on bench 
  8. American Hammer
  9. Burpjacks
  10. Plank

Work Each station for 60 seconds , Q calls next and move to next station for 60 sec. 

10PAX 10 stations. 

After 3 stations complete , all Pax go for Mosey around block. Return for 3 stations, mosey , last 4 stations then Mosey.

Meet in middle for –

3rd F – https://www.success.com/rohn-4-tips-for-setting-powerful-goals/

Rinse and repeat for 30 seconds with no mosey in-between.   Go until time. 

Woof.     God work men.  ????



Toy Soldier’s D-Day Beatdown

Date: 6/6/19

QIC: Toy Soldier

Warm-up: SSH, Sun Goddess, Smurf Jacks, Hairy Rockets, Mountain Man Poopers.

The Thang

Mosey to HO Brittingham Elementary School. Share 10 facts about D-Day throughout the workout.

  • High Knee run from 1st light post to 2nd
  • Lt. Dan from 2nd post to 3rd
  • walking lung 3rd post to 4th
  • bear crawl 4th to 5th post
  • merkin crawl (merkin and move laterally and merkin until arrows on road)
  • 30 Burpees
  • 30 Bigboys
  • Mosey around parking lot
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys
  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey around parking lot
  • 10 Iron Mikes IC
  • 10 Outlaws
  • Mosey to AO

On 6 June 1944, British, US and Canadian forces invaded the coast of Normandy in northern France.The landings were the first stage of Operation Overlord – the invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe – and aimed to bring an end to World War Two. By night-time, around 156,000 Allied troops had arrived in Normandy, despite challenging weather and fierce German defences. At the end of D-Day, the Allies had established a foothold in France and within 11 months Nazi Germany was defeated and the war was over.

Here are 10 things you may not have known about the operation:

1. Photography appeal

As early as 1942, the BBC launched a bogus appeal for photographs and postcards from the coast of Europe, from Norway to the Pyrenees. It was actually a way of gathering intelligence on suitable landing beaches and Normandy was settled on. Millions of photos ended up being sent to the War Office and, with the help of the French Resistance and air reconnaissance, military bosses were able to target the best landing spots for D-Day.

2. Phantom army

The Allies put a lot of effort into trying to convince the Germans that the invasion was going to be near Calais, not Normandy. They invented phantom field armies based in Kent as part of their D-Day deception plan, named Operation Fortitude. They built dummy equipment – including inflatable tanks – parachuted dummies, used double agents and released controlled leaks of misinformation which led the Germans to believe the Allies were going to invade via the Pas-de-Calais and Norway. The Germans took the bait so much that even after D-Day they held many of their best troops in the Calais area expecting a second invasion.

3. Two million troops

By 1944 more than two million troops from more than 12 countries were in Britain preparing for the invasion. On D-Day, Allied forces consisted primarily of US, British and Canadian troops but also included Australian, Belgian, Czech, Dutch, French, Greek, New Zealand, Norwegian, Rhodesian [present-day Zimbabwe] and Polish naval, air and ground support.

4. Weather watching

The officers organising the operation were very particular about the timing of D-Day. They wanted a full moon with a spring tide so they could land at dawn when the tide was about half way in – but those kind of conditions meant there were only a few days that could work. They chose to invade on 5 June, but ended up delaying by 24 hours because of bad weather. It was Group Captain James Martin Stagg who made the vital forecast and persuaded General Eisenhower to change the date.

5. Rommel’s shoes

In fact, the forecast was so bad that the German commander in Normandy, Erwin Rommel, felt so sure there wouldn’t be an invasion he went home to give his wife a pair of shoes for her 50th birthday. He was in Germany when the news came of the invasion.

6. Sleeping Hitler

When the D-Day forces landed, Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was asleep. None of his generals dared order reinforcements without his permission, and no-one dared wake him.Crucial hours were lost in the battle to hold Normandy. When Hitler did finally wake up, at around 10am, he was excited at news of the invasion – he thought Germany would easily defeat the Allies.

7. Commonwealth strength

While America formed the biggest national contingent, the combined force of Commonwealth service personnel – mostly British and Canadian – was greater. Of the 156,000 men who landed in France on 6 June, 73,000 were American, and 83,000 British or Canadian. The Commonwealth naval contingent was twice that of the Americans.

8. Bloody Omaha

There were five beaches that were chosen for the operation, codenamed, from east to west, Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, Utah. Casualties varied widely – on “Bloody Omaha”, where around 4,000 men were killed or wounded, one US unit landing in the first wave lost 90% of its men.On Gold Beach, by contrast, casualty rates were around 80% lower. The fighting during the Battle of Normandy, which followed D-Day, was as bloody as it had been in the trenches of World War One. Casualty rates were slightly higher than they were during a typical day during the Battle of the Somme in 1916.

9. Smashed toilets

The vibration of HMS Belfast’s guns firing during D-Day was so powerful it actually cracked the crew’s toilets.

10. Pub test

Having been given his top-secret mission to attack the Merville battery on D-Day, Terence Otway had to be certain his men wouldn’t spill the beans ahead of 6 June 1944. He sent 30 of the prettiest members of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, dressed in civilian clothes, into village pubs near where his soldiers were training.

Aiken Legs

May 21, 2019

Warmup: 30 SSH, 18 Cherry Pickers, 18 Windmill, 18 Moroccan Night Clubs, 18 Mountain Climbers

The Thang:

Mosey to HOB
Aiken Legs: 2 Rounds of 20 Squats 20 Box Jumps 20 Lunges (10 each leg) 20 Split Jacks (10 each leg forward) Brief discussion about HOB, Q’s elemetary school.

Mosey to Rogers Signs, 10 Burpees, brief discussion about Q spending time as kid at old sign shop.

Mosey to Big Johns
20 Hand Release Merkins 20 Werkins 20 Merkins 10 Diamond Merkins 10 Ranger Merkins. Brief discussion about passing of John Megee and Q spending lot time as kid between John’s house, Q’s Mom Mom’s house, and Far (fire) House.

Mosey to Bodies. Brief discussion about Q’s baby sitter at corner Magnolia and Mulberry Street. Toy Soldier set: 35 LBCs 25 E2Ks 15 Big Boys

Mosey back to CHOP.

Number-O-Rama & Name-O-Rama. Circle of Trust with prayers for Semi’s field trip to DC and Chayanne ad her baby.

Watch “May 21 F3 Workout, CHOP, Milton, DE” on YouTube



QIC: Vanilla


Here’s the truth…QIC hit snooze and was late to his own beatdown. So, truth be told, the on-time PAX lead the Warm-O-Rama and I don’t have a clue what they did! Shoutout to the dozen PAX who extended grace for my tardiness and still followed my lead upon arrival!

Once QIC arrived, we got right to it w/ a “Friendly” Patriot Run to Milton Memorial Park

The Thang: Monkey-A-Round

PAX rotated between 5 stations doing as many reps as possible for as many rounds as possible. Rotation happened when PAX running at station 5 completed their loop.

  1. Pull Ups
  2. Swerkins w/ Tuck (Complete a merkin with feet in swing then pull feet in for a tuck – BRUTAL!)
  3. Box Jump to Incline Merkin
  4. Forearm Plank
  5. Run loop around gazebo

PAX completed 6 rounds in 20 minutes.

3rd F Message: Excerpt from “Finishing Strong” by Steve Farrar on Vision

Patriot run back to AO

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,



13 pax 13 stations

A great morning for some HIM to gather for a nice nice little circuit course beatdown

QIC- Chattahoochee

WARMUP- 20 SSH, 20Cherry pickers, 20MNC, 15 Sealjacks 15 Merkins all IC followed by a short mosey out back entrance of the AO around to the front

13 pax showed up so I set up 13 stations with a couple stations on standby in case more pax showed up

  1. Weighted run with 20 lb vest for our timer to switch stations
  2. Bench dips
  3. Box jumps
  4. WWII sit ups
  5. Slosh pipe squats
  6. Burpees
  7. Flutter kicks
  8. Bear crawl
  9. The rowing merkin with choice of 25 lb or 15 lb dumbbells
  10. Abyss merkins
  11. Coupon squats with concrete block
  12. E2Ks
  13. Crab cakes. Almost 1 complete round completed and stopped for a quick 3rd F about leadership. Leadership is not about being the best leadership is about making everyone else bette. Philippians 2:4 Not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of others

Baker’s Dozen

Date: 05/07/19

AO: Chop, Milton, DE.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up – Welcome to FNG and Disclaimer Given

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Ballerina Toe Squats – 20 IC

Mountain Climbers – 20 IC

Windmills – 20 IC

The Thang

Mosey to H.O.B. circle – approx. .3 mile

Sheldon Cooper – Pax completes one lap around the circle then completes, 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 merkins & 10 Big Boys descending to 1 each of each exercise. The circle is approx. .08 tenths of a mile or 400 linear feet/135 yards….but who’s measuring….:)…

F3 Message – see below

Mosey back to CHOP – approx. .3 mile

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, FNG naming (Welcome to Fuzz) and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer. 

F3 Message 05/07/19

Below are excerpts from the blog site ActiveChristianity.org by Brunstad Christian Church in reference to Forgiveness.

Forgiving others can be really difficult

“Forgiving others is important, but sometimes it can be really difficult to do. Why should I forgive, and how can I do it?

“Then Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’” Matthew 18:21-22.

“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15.

Forgiving others who have wronged you, whether for a relatively small thing, or for a seriously damaging act against you, can sometimes seem like an insurmountably difficult thing to do. In some cases it’s a process that really takes time. Yet, the Bible is crystal clear on the necessity of it. And there are no caveats such as “unless,” “if,” or “but.” As in all things, we need to look to our Forerunner, Captain, and Master as our example.

“Father forgive them”

Christ suffered unrighteousness—even cruel unrighteousness. No one could have suffered more unrighteously than Christ. And some of the last words He ever uttered were: “Father forgive them, they know not what they do.” Is it easy? No. Is it impossible? “All things are possible to him who believes,” said Jesus. (Mark 9:23) All things.

And when you don’t have the power, when you know that it is not in you to forgive, then you have to find it in Christ. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:12-13. Does forgiving negate the pain you have suffered? Does it reverse the things that have happened to you? Does it mean the person who wronged you doesn’t have to take responsibility for his/her actions? No, but you will be free from the thoughts of hatred and bitterness and the burden they are. Forgiveness is not only done for the sake of the one you are forgiving, but for your own sake, so that you don’t have to live with the burden.

“But to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.” Malachi 4:2.

The fact that you forgive someone does not condone what they have done, nor does it by any means make it all right. Trust is not implicit in forgiveness, nor is forgetting obligatory. “Forgive and forget” is not a Biblical quote. It is one thing to be wary and aware, and another thing to hate and resent.

God is righteous

Ideally the one who has harmed you would repent and atone for what they’ve done as well. But make sure your healing is independent of that. You should forgive regardless of their attitude. Their sins are between them and God. It is right for someone to face up to the consequences of their actions according to earthlyRefers to everything of this earth, as opposed to heavenly things. Example: Earthly treasures/heavenly treasures. The earthly things pass away (are temporal), but the heavenly things are eternal. (Matthew 6:19-21;authority and law, and they will also someday stand before God’s face and have to give account for their actions, and God is righteous above all else. But judgment and vengeance belong to God.

It is important to note that forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice. Choosing forgiveness will mean that you have to go to God on your knees for the power to forgive. It’s choosing not to let thoughts of hatred rule in your heart. It’s choosing to go to God to find help and comfort instead of dwelling on the past, even when our feelings would rather do anything but. The power we need for this we get from the Holy Spirit. Jesus, “when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously.” 1 Peter 2:23.

Draw near to God, and in His love you’ll find everything you need.”

Respectfully Submitted,


Going Postal

Date: 5/2/19

QIC: Chappie

YHC is a little behind the ball on getting this BB posted, but its better late than never. Last Thursday workout was brought to you by Bo Derek…i.e. 10 HIM won the first battle, struck down the fartsack, and posted for a Chappie beatdown. First we got in the Warm-O-Rama, then we mosey’d to the Post Office. YHC figured a federal building would be a the best place to workout on our nation’s National Day of Prayer. Here’s how it all went down…


Disclaimer stumbled through

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Cherry Pickers – 18 IC
  • Nipple Scraper Merkins – 5 OYO (remain planked)
  • Merkins – 10 IC
  • Seal Jacks – 18 IC

Patriot Run to the “oval track” in front of the Post Office. You gotta love running with Old Glory!

The Thang:

Once reaching at the Post Office, PAX circled up while YHC stationed two 40# sandbags (restrictor plates) at each end of the oval. PAX paired up and completed the following exercises. One rule: No one could pass a sandbag. If there was a sandbag in your lane around the oval, you had to carry it half-way around (opposite end). 3rd F was introduced, then shared at the end of each round. Since it was the National Day of Prayer, each portion was contained in a letter that volunteers opened and read amongst the PAX


Exercises: (Partners switched back and forth until the accumulated reps was accomplished)

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squat Jumps (side-to-side)…YOWZA!!
  • 300 American Hammers

Chattahoochee said something about Burpees, so…YHC shared the following, encouraging PAX to take some time to pray throughout the day. This was followed by the PAX doing Burpees while Chattahoochee ran the oval one last lap.

PAX collected the 2 sandbags, the shovel flag, and mosey’d back to the AO to return right on time – 0600hrs.


  • Announcements: Aegis closed Saturday, workout to be held at CHOP; Mystery Dinner at Milton Firehall Saturday evening 5-9, etc.
  • Prayers: Continued prayers for Brenda & Denny, Chairman’s mom & Dad; PRAYER FOR OUR NATION, not just today but especially today


Great work by all the PAX, nothing but love expressed during those Jump Squats. Always appreciate the chatter! He, he! As always YHC was humbled and honored to lead.

~Chappie, out!