Block Work at CHOP
Or “Shut up you loud crazy people!!”
Waterfall on Q for a warm but moist gloom at CHOP.
We warmed up with the usual: Side Strattle Hop, Cherry Picker, Moroccan Night Club, Seal Jack.
The Thang: Overhead carry the blocks to the tooth pulling place. Pair up for block work. 100 squats, 100 LBCs, 100 presses, all with the blocks. Done as a team. While one partner does the exercises the other lunges across the parking lot and mosey back. We stopped when a neighbor opened the window and yelled at us.
Carried our blocks back to the AO to finish. Then we mixed things up. One partner side steps across the parking lot while the other does the UPS. Each partner does the parking lot twice. Then partner mosey across the parking lot and nur back while the other partner holds the block in Al Gore position. Each partner does the parking lot twice.
F3 Message. Don’t let your New Year’s resolutions just be wishful thinking. 1. “Budget” your plans. Know what it is going to take and how you are going to get there. 2. You need “councilors.” Tell your M and your friends about your plans. 3. “Commit to the Lord.” Make sure your plans are consistent with God’s will for your life.
Finished up with some Mary.
Count-a-rama Name-a-rama
New FNG is named “Beeker.” He is a science teacher. Welcome Beeker!!