
Triangulation Scars

Date: 10/29/19

QIC: Chappie

Those who stayed cozy got lapped! Especially those new young guys. What the what? Get upppp! Sorry, not sorry! Nonetheless a dirty dozen HIM started the week by winning THAT FIRST BATTLE and posting for an ad hoc beatdown by YHC. Doubtfire had to back out of his scheduled Q due to his back being tied in knots. Here’s to a recovery day for our brother and a quick return to the rotation. We have so many on the Q rotation that it sometimes feels like you don’t get to Q enough; that’s a good problem to have. YHC was excited to step in.

Never really JUST a standby, YHC went to the Exicon toolbox, pulled out the Bearmuda Triangle, and used it on the PAX. It lived up to its name…we mysteriously lost a PAX along the way (oh, wait, that was only a modification?). Here’s the skinny on the workout:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Crab Flippers (Cherry Pickers on Delmarva) – 18 IC
  • Swartz Jacks – 18 IC (Uno, dos, tres, QUATTRO!)
  • Moroccan Night Clubs – 18 IC
  • Merkins – 18 IC

Patriot Run around the block – nice pace!

3rdF Message shared here – Content posted below

The Thang:

THE Bearmuda Triangle – 3 cones set up in a triangle pattern, 90 feet apart. PAX Bearcrawl from cone to cone, adding 1 Burpee at each cone. 3x around the cone triangle = 45 total Burpees

Two 10-counts later, PAX found themselves on the side wall of the church:

  • People’s Chair – 10 Count
  • 5 Mexican Jumping Beans, OYO
  • BTTW – 10 Count
  • 10 Mexican Jumping Beans
  • People’s Chair – 10 Count, 2x
  • 15 Mexican Jumping Beans

The Jack Webb Finale: (Always a crowd pleaser)

  • Ratio: 1 Merkin/4 OH Claps all the way up to 10 Merkins/40 OH Claps
  • Though Leatherman tried to stop us, and stop the pain, we went…a WHOLE 30 secs over :-)’ Nice try brother, nice try!


  • COT/BOM:
    • Announcements: Nuh’in (at least not that YHC remembers)
    • Prayers: For family of Fireplex’s friend who passed from ALS, Chappie’s nephew (Aaron) who is deployed, for our bro Doubtfire on several different fronts

That was about it. Again, honored by the opportunity to lead. Always enjoy Q’ing. Humbled by it all. Get back soon, Doubtfire.

~Chappie, out!

Scars – 3rdF Content:

The theme of SCARS seems to keep coming up an awful lot in the last few weeks. Scars are often a kind of credential. Each of them has a story.

Kyle Carpenter (MOH recipient) bears some serious scars for jumping on a grenade to save the life of a fellow Marine. He devoted an entire chapter of his book YOU ARE WORTH IT to scars (cf. Ch.13, Don’t Hide Your Scars). In it, he wrote that “scars are a kind of credential”(210). Kyle added this story: “There is a greeter at my local Walmart, an elderly gentleman who always has a cheerful hello for everyone who comes through the door. One day, as I was walking in, he spotted me, flashed his huge grin, and then did finger pistols at me as he playfully asked, ‘Motorcycle wreck?'” I did finger pistols right back at him and replied, ‘Taliban!'”

Later he continued, “I would never encourage anyone to share something they aren’t comfortable sharing. But there are some scars that are so obvious, so apparent, that it is impossible to hide or ignore them. Instead of being ashamed of them, I think there is power in embracing these ‘stories’ that leave their marks on our bodies and souls” (211).

Scars are a kind of credential. They have tremendous power for creating bonds. “Wear them proudly. Wear them for yourself, to honor what you’ve been through. And wear them for others, to connect with them and inspire them to keep on fighting. They reassure others they’re not alone. They give hope that someday, their wounds will become nothing but scars, too” (215).

In 2 Cor. 11, the Apostle Paul shared quite a list of experiences which undoubtedly left him with serious scars. The context of the list was that he was facing off with false teachers who were trying to lead the Corinthians away from the truth. Paul shared the list not to brag about personal experiences, but to express that his heaviest burden of all was for the churches. The best scars are always the ones left from a cause that is bigger than we are! Listen to these verses from 2 Cor. 11:22-29…   

22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I.    23 Are they servants of Christ?—I speak as if insane—I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death.     24 Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes.   25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep.     26 I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren;     27 I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure.     28 Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches.     29 Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern?

Had Paul NOT been a true follower of Christ, had he NOT been truly concerned for the church, he would not have experienced (willingly endured) those trials — he would not have borne the scars which those trials inevitably produced — especially the 39 lashes x5! (Btw…that’s 195!).

Scars are a kind of credential. The nail-scarred hands of our Savior are credentials of His unconditional love. Proof that He paid our penalty in the cross. They are further proof that He is alive! Add to that, sometimes some else’s scars remind us we’re living, we’re ALIVE!

This past week you heard about the death of Toby Mac’s (and his wife, Amanda’s) oldest son, Truett, age 21. Toby Mac’s Facebook post was nothing short of phenomenal. In the midst of feeling exceptional pain that will leave exceptional scars, he and his wife, Amanda, were able to inspire others. Here’s how/why: (This is the last paragraph of their post)

Scars in the lives of HIM are a kind of credential. They’re credentials that we ARE unquestionably ALL IN, whether it be in relationship with God, in our families, our churches, our workplaces, or the communities in which we serve. Scars heal and tell a story BECAUSE YOU ARE ALIVE; scars mark you as resilient, tough, and as a survivor! They mark you as a HIM!

That Rucking Deck of Cards

5 PAX beat the fartsack this Gloom for another Gump Ruck beatdown

Warm-o- Rama!

  • 20 SSH IC
  • 15 Hairy Rockets IC
  • Bolt 45 IC

The Thang!!

This beautiful Gloom the PAX came to play a game of cards. Forwarning might have scared a few HIM from braving the suck and attending this GLOOM.

  • We circled up and drew cards (or, well, tapped my random card app on my phone) and we preformed Ruck exercises depending on what card appeared.
  • if we drew and A we did 10 rucking smurf- jacks IC
  • If we drew a diamond we did merkins to the amount shown on the card (face cards were 10) OYO
  • if we drew a heart we did IC flutter kicks with rucks held above our chest
  • if we drew a club we did Ruck pulls (started doing mountain climbers but the act of cinching and uncinching our rucks was a huge hassle and if we didn’t cinch our rucks the Ruck busted the backs of our head) therein, quickly, QIC Gump decided to switch to ruck pulls IC. Also, got off to a rough start but Gump quickly got the hang of it!!
  • If we drew a spade we did Ruck overhead squats IC. (after the bolt 45s this one really felt great by the end!!)
  • Half way thru this agony we did the 3rd F
  • After the 3rd F we continued the horror of drawing cards, to our surprise we seemed to draw the small cards early. We continued draing cards until 5 minues until quitting time


Laying in soft grass (except Wildwing, hes got buns of steal he did these on the Rocks, Hoorah!!) We preformed Febreeze. PAX would complete 2 big Boy situps followed by 10 airlifts (you would be surprised how heavy air is AYE!) we continued the exercise from 2:10, 3:20, 4:30, 5:50(?) on the last rep we lifted our legs 6 inches off the ground as in American hammer style and it proved to be an excellent mary exercise!

COT, prayers for Doubtfires fast healing and chappies army ranger nephew protection while overseas

3rd F- Whole heartedly accepting Gods Plan

Joshua 1:9

9”F3 message started out with Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

QIC Gump shared an experience that happened two years ago. One morning after our family did our morning dedication, the reading was Joshua 1:9. Gump told his family to remember the verse Joshua 1:9 for the day, and reminded that that no matter what happened for the day the the Lord our God would be with us every step of the way and reminded them that sometimes life may throw us curve balls, and sometime things may seem real hopeless and grim, but just remember that Jesus is with us and we should not be afraid of anything that comes our way B/C we belong to the Most High and we are royalty in His eyes and He would never leave us nor forsake us.

The very same day around lunch time while Gump and his construction crew were hanging siding on a new construction home when I received a phone call from a guy wanting us to build a 20, 000 sq ft new construction framing job. I assured the guy I would like to meet him and talk to him about the job, however, I immediately thought in my mind that “this guy has the wrong guy, that job is too big for me”. Upon hanging up with the man I laughed out loud at the hypocrisy running thru my thoughts and thought to myself ” wow you just told your family to be strong and courageous today and the Lord is with you with every step”. Therein, my spirits were immediately lifted at the thought of such a supreme God being with me right where I was standing.

Weeks passed, and about 2 months later I had the opportunity to meet the man at the jobsite where he gave me a set of blueprints for the job, and expressed what he was expecting of me. I left the jobsite starsrtuck at the magnitude of this job, and about halfway between my destinations (about a 1 hour ride total) I happened to glare at the set of blueprints that graced the frontseat of my truck. The blueprints were about 3 ft tall and maybe 100 pages thick. They were enourmous, unlike anything I had ever seen before. My thought that ran thru my head was thi, “This job is too big for me!” The instant that thought finished in my head, the very instant, on the local radio station the Radio DJ says “and todays word of hope comes from Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. I immedeatly started crying in praise to God and shouted in thanks at his reminder that infact, He was, and is continuely right beside me and His plan for mylife is way better than my plan for my life. So it was, “okay Lord here I am, have your way if it wins it wins, if it loses it loses!” What do I have to be afraid of? Gods word reminds us of this “And do not fear those who kill the body buy cannot kill the soul. But rather fewar Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” Matthew 10:28.

The job ended up being a fail monetarily wise. It was an amazing experience so I wont say it was a loss. I often say ” I received my dr. in construction on that job.” But it offered a great learning experience. At one point our small business employed 12 people whom worked 60 hours a week for about 8 weeks. Our weekly payroll was at 13k per week. And at one point I was in charge of 40 people, of which only 13 spoke English fluently. However, God was there in the Midst and for some reason communication was real easy. It was like they could understand my language and I could understand their language. After all is said and done the following year we were pounded from workers Comp and had to pay 7k per month for the insurance for the employees. After doing the math based on previous years I confided in my crew, “guys the only way we are going to get thru this is, if God allows it to happen. But, when we get on the other side we will be better for it”. Well long story short, (haha) we made it thru the storm, and it started with this one thing. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”. Joshua 1:9 The plan the Lord has for us is totally different than any plan we could come up with for ourselves, not only that but if we were to be told exactly how God is going to work things out in our life’s we wouldn’t even believe it! So there is this notion, our lives are not really our lives but we live in servitude to Him, and he loves us more than we love ourselves and He would never leave us nor forsake us!

Do Not Worry

25 “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 Which of you by worrying can add one [a]cubit to his [b]stature?

28 “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; 29 and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not [c]arrayed like one of these. 30 Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?

31 “Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6: 25-34

Oh hill no that’s a lot of Rucking steps


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 20 windmills IC
  • 20 morocan nightclub IC
  • 20 cherry pickers IC

The Thang

  • This gloom in honor or GORUCK Selection Q Gump asked the PAX if they could bring their Rucks for the F3 selection edtion beatdown.
  • First the PAX teamed up. there were 4 rounds in the first exercise. FIrst round teammate 1 ran around library and ran up and down every set of steps (138 steps) while teammate 2 did overhead presses with Rucksack, once partner 1 returned, it was partner 2s turn.
  • Round 2 teammate 1 ran around library and hit every step while teammate 2 did ruck swings, switch
  • Round 3 Ruck squats
  • Round 4 flutter kicks with ruck above chest (552 total steps)
  • After round 4 the PAX Rucked up and performed 5 no pushup Burpees

Welch Dragons (ruck edition)

  • Remain in plank position the while time. Bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and tap the back of each shoulder 1 time. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each time- bear crawl forward 4 steps and do 2 merkins 2 plank jacks 2 sets of back of shoulder taps etc. Go to 5 reps each.

F3 message

  • Phillipians 4: 4-13

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!Let your [a]gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Meditate on These Things

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Philippian Generosity

10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your[b] care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. 11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: 12 I know how to [c]be abased, and I know how to [d]abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. 13 I can do all things through [e]Christ who strengthens me.

Crowd pleaser Ruck edition

  • After the F3 message QIC Gump felt the love of the group and decided to please the crowd with “the crowd pleaser”
  • Essentially a Merkin followed by a Groiner but done as a pyramid. For regular men going from 1:1 (1 merkin, 1 groiner) to 4:4 (4 merkins, 4 groiners) and back down to 1 :1. F3 men should go from 1:1 up to 5:5 and back down (Or from 1:1 to 4:4 with Rucks on!! HOORAH) to truly enjoy the moment.

Step ups

  • 10 step ups each leg with Ruck on

Irkin Ruck Edition

  • 10 Incine merkins with Rucks on

After this Brutal beatdown all the PAX successfully met the standard and was accepted for F3 selection!! Way to Go guys!!

Circle up for count o rama, name of rama. All the PAX surrounded FNG for nickname o rama after much discussion we decided to name FNG chillie!! WELCOME TO F3 FNG Chillie!! Chillie borrowed QIC Gumps spare ruck for the days beatdown and left his keys in the Ruck!! Things happen and although it put GUMP a little behind on getting 2.0 on the bus today is still going to be as beautiful day in the name of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS!!

Announcements, Prayers. Have a blessed day everyone!!

Make It a Good Day

Welcome our new FNG Toad.


  • 20 SSH IC
  • 10 Inchworm walkout to Shoulder Tap
  • 20 Prisoner Squats IC
  • 20 Cherry Pickers IC
  • 12 Mountain Man Poopers IC

The Thang:

  • 15 Merkins IC
  • 25 Flutter Kicks IC
  • 15 Flying Squirrels

Walking lunge to light post then mosey to Shipbuilders

  • 20 Mountain Climber Twists IC
  • 25 Big Boys
  • 10 Pendulum Lunges each leg

Mosey to MES

  • 30 Panther Shoulder Taps IC
  • 20 Xs and Os IC
  • 25 Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to HOB entrance

High knees, butt kickers, karaoke down driveway then return with mosey prison break light post to light post

Mosey to Waters Edge

  • 20 Hand release merkins
  • Not so Lazy Lazyboys
  • 8 Iron Mikes IC

Mosey to AO

F3 Message

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”

  1. Psalm 118:24

What Does a Good Day Look Like?

Waking up to a new day is the start of a good day. For many of us, a good day includes having some alone time with God during our day, getting our families ready for school and work, and then doing whatever we need to do. Having a fulfilling day at work, being able to help others, and knowing that our kids and spouses have had a good day at work and school makes for a great day. Finally, spending time with your kids is a common and great way to end your day. However, the most important (and best part) of a good day is knowing that no matter what life throws at us, the Lord is there for us.

Q School Abbreviated

Date: 10/17/19

QIC: Chappie

Party-On-The-Patio (a.k.a. Warm-O-Rama)

DISCLAIMER – You’re here because you want to be. It is you against you. Do what you can. if there’s something you can’t do or shouldn’t do then modify, but always do something.

There was no rain or anything like that, the library just happened to have left the lights on for us so we executed the Warm-O-Rama on the library patio. Man, THAT PLACE IS GOING TO BE QUITE HANDY ON SOME OF THOSE RAINY/SNOWY DAYS! Technically it still meets the principle always outside rain or shine, hot or cold. Who found this AO??

Anyhoo, YHC led a warm-up that went something like this (the BB is a few days behind schedule so memory is fading on this one + it was Weinkeless)

  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Cherry Pickers/Crab Flippers/Hairy Chiggers – 10 IC
  • Prison Cell Merkins – 5 OYO
  • Windmill – 18 IC

YHC explained to the rest of the PAX that we’d be doing an abbreviated Q School for the workout. The value: New AO and new PAX who will soon be stepping into the Q role will be better-prepared for Q’ing.

Mosey to Arena’s Restaurant parking lot for Q School!

The Thang:

PAX Circled up and worked through the following:

  • Intro to Q School
  • Abbreviated History of F3
    • Freed to Lead (there are a few AO copies floating around, grab one and read
    • F3 Mission
    • Sadclown Syndrome
  • IATA – The “How” of Effective Leadership
    • Individual Initiative – the I2 of Freed to Lead
    • Accountability – must be applied by and outside force (“Accountability means making personal commitment to the entire team,” adapted from 4DX. “We expect out of peers the very best we all can offer.”)
    • Teamwork – Individual participation based on strengths
    • Attention to detail
  • How to Count – Effective leadership as a Q – Critical to this particular abbreviated version of Q School
    • Command Voice – Comes from the gut, not the throat. Signals PAX that you are in control, have a [plan, and you’re ready to roll and take leading them seriously.
    • Why Cadence? – CONSISTENCY in all things is the building block of leadership. It develops Esprit de Corps. It prevents fatigue. Demonstrates consistency, competence, and attention to detail.
  • At this point YHC gave a demonstration and then handed-off the Q baton to each PAX. We worked around the circle and each PAX called out an exercise and executed it IN CADENCE to practice counting. Gents be patient with yourselves and each other, IT TAKES PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

YHC briefly covered some of the important factors of the Building of the Workout structure by a Q.

Thang 2:

PAX lined up along one end of the parking lot and YHC worked the PAX up the ladder by 5’s with a “slow-burn” back and forth across the lot with exercises at each end to wrap the Q School.

Mosey back to the AO.


  • Announcements
  • Prayer

That’s it. Keeping it short (a first) but had to make sure the Backblast was posted. Afterall, if there’s no Backblast, it didn’t happen. Plus, YHC wanted to lead by example since Toy Soldier is on Q in the Gloom.

Always grateful for the Q!

~Chappie, out!

24 and wheelbarrows

QIC: Semi


24 all i/c

Seal wave
Cherry picker

Capri lap around parking lot
Side shuffle out, nur across, side shuffle in, and mosey across

Plank Jack
Seal Jack


Mosey to park. Pair off.

Each pair will do 24 of each exercise then wheelbarrow around the gazebo, switching who’s wheelbarrowing at other side of gazebo

Hanging Knee raises

Mosey back to CHOP

Number Rama
Name Rama

12 HIM showed today, Semi, doubtfire, Fireplex, toy soldier, Waterfall, Chattahoochee, Chappie, Chairman, quarto, ying ying, Gump, and Ruxpin

18 years later


QIC- Summit

9 HIM beat the fart sack this morning and started their day off strong in Lewes.

Warm up- 

9 – side straddle hop

11- mountain climbers 

9 – smurf jacks 

11- cherry pickers 

9 – seal jacks 

11- windmill 

9- side straddle hop 

11 – imperial walker 

Mosey to stairs by doc master 

The Thang – 

To remember some of the tragic events of 9/11/01 

8:46 – north tower struck 

8 burpees 

46 big boys 

Run up steps to end of pier and back down  

9:03- south tower struck 

9 burpees 

3 min high plank 


9:37- pentagon struck 

9 burpees 

37 American hammers 


9:59- south tower collapses 

9 burpees 

59 lbc 


10:07- flight 93 goes down in PA 

10 burpees 

7 stair runs – up and down is one


10:28- north tower collapses 

10 burpees 

28 flutter kicks 


Mosey back to courts for 

Name A Rama


And a passing of the flag for Primis. Gump steps up to take over as site Q for Lewes ! Great job Leatherman , and thanks to Gump for stepping in!

Throughout the workout, I shared from an article written by a young lady who was 16 at the time of the attacks.

The Growing Pains Cycle

Warm-o-rama- PAX circled up for 20 SSH IC, 20 seal jacks IC, 20 cherry pickers IC and 20 windmills IC

Started Beat Down immediately on our 6 doing 30 LBC IC, Followed by 30 Big Boys OYO, and finally we held superman for 30 count IC.

PAX moseyed 1/4 mile to baseball diamond GUMP had the pleasure of striking out many times on 25 years ago where we began a modified “The Cycle Routine”. PAX began at home plate, bear crawled to first base. At first base We preformed 10 merkins and 10 flutter kicks IC. PAX then crawl bared to home plate. From home plate we bear crawled around first base to second base where we then performed 20 merkins and 20 flutter kicks IC followed by a cozy crawl bear back the way we came. Finally we bear crawled around the baseball diamond all the way to 3rd base where we did, yup you got it 30 merkins and 30 flutter kicks IC and once we crawl bared all the way back the way we came to home plate we reached our F3 message.

The F3 message came out of the NKJV Holy Bible. QIC Gump read Isaiah 40: 28-31
:Have you not known?
Have you not heard?
The everlasting God, the Lord,
The Creator of the ends of the earth,
Neither faints nor is weary.
His understanding is unsearchable.
 He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,
 But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Habakkuk 3:17-19:
A Hymn of Faith
17 Though the fig tree may not blossom,
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls—
18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
19 [a]The Lord God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer’s feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills.

After F3 Message QIC Gump utilized the baseball diamond with the time we had left and we played a modified cooper routine we ran laps around the baseball field and once we reached home plate we did 10 LBC flutterkicks while feet are flutterkicking PAX does number of LBCs. after exercise we moseyed around the field again and did 8, then 7, wash rince repeat until we reached 5. It was getting close to time to head back to AO so we played Burpee catch me if you can, or cant…….where PAX at back of Indian Run line drops and does 5 burpees while the others keep on running, once HIM catches pack last man drops back and does 5 burpees. We showed up right at 0600 where we circled up for count, and name o rama, followed by announcements and prayer!!

Inaugural Milford Beat Down

Warm up: SSH 20IC, Cherry Picker 20IC, Windmill 20IC, Moroccan Nightclub 20IC

Break into 2 groups: G1 takes a lap around the Library while G2 does Erkins with an alternating K2E (knee to elbow). Groups 1 & 2 switch when Mosie groups has returned. (x2).

Mosie through downtown Milford.

7 of Walls!!! (Play on the 7 of Diamonds).

7: Mike Tyson’s at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

14: Snow Angels at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

21: Merkins at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

28: Deadlift Squats at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

Third F Message (see below)

21: Double Crunches at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

14: 4 count alternating hand to wall planks at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

7: Bobby Hurley’s at each wall, mosie from wall to wall (x4). Wall sit waiting for 6.

WHETSTONE (Q1.8) March 31, 2019 by Dancing Idiot.

A man must be sharpened like a knife blade. Both a man and a knife are made to cut, but neither can be effective until properly honed. A knife is sharpened by a whetstone. While water is used to lubricant the whetstone prior to sharpening, that is not where the “whet” part comes from. To whet actually means to sharpen, like with a man’s appetite and curiosity. In other words, to whet both blade and man is to put on an edge, with a result that is sharp, dynamic, and ready to cut. The unsharpened man is dull and lethargic, in-effective as a leader and I’ll-prepared for the obstacles he will face in his life.

Just as a man’s appetite for pure food must be whetted, so must his appetite for the heavy responsibility that comes with leadership. The HIM acts as the stone to the younger man’s blade, providing the hard surface against which he becomes sharper and whetting his appetite for greater responsibility.

Through the whetstone, the blade receives something he lacked before, a honed edge to his life that he must posses to be effective and have impact on his community. But the stone gets something as well. In fulfilling his natural desire to pour into younger men he accelerates his own pursuit of proper personal alignment.

Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, COT.

Fired Up

Date: 09/03/19

AO: Chop, Milton De.

QIC: Fireplex

Warm up

SSH – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Imperial Walkers – 20 IC

Bolt 45’s – 15 squats to halfway down.   15 squats halfway to full down.  15 full squats

Windmills – 20 IC

Mosey .4 miles to the Food Lion Shopping Center.   

The Thang

Hindenburg BLIMPS from the Exicon

Modified version of BLIMPS.  Done on a field.  Perform exercise at corner #1, sprint to corner #2, perform exercise, sprint to corner #3, perform exercise.  Then to corner #4, perform exercise, and then go back to corner #1.  Plank it up until all PAX are in.  That completes one round.  Round #1 – 10 Burpees. Round #2 – 20 Lunges each leg.  Round #3 – 30 Imperial Walkers.  Round #4 – 40 Merkins.  Round #5 – 50 Plank Jacks.  Round #6 – 60 Squats.

We completed three rounds due to time constraints.  Each round consists of .16 miles.

Mosey .4 miles back to CHOP. 

Toy Soldier Set.  30 LBC’s, 20 E2K’s, each side, 10 Big Boys. 

PAX finished the beat down strong with 40 merkins OYO

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message 09/03/19 – From Ron Hutchcraft Ministries

Why you Matter So Much to the People You Know – #7856

Monday, February 20, 2017

“You sit there staring at the phone for forty-five minutes. There’s this girl you really want to ask out, but every time you try to pick up the phone to call her, you freeze. Finally, you realize she probably isn’t going to call you, and the phone isn’t going to call her all by itself. So, you punch in her number. Are you still afraid? Yes. But courage is not the absence of fear; it’s the disregard of it! So here goes! Yes, that actually was my life at one time.

That battle with fear must be exponentially greater when there’s a life-or-death situation where you could make a difference. Like the day a commuter flight crashed on takeoff from the Lexington, Kentucky airport. Fifty passengers; only one survived-the co-pilot. He owes his life to three emergency workers who were there as the flames began to engulf the plane. They said the heat from thousands of gallons of flaming jet fuel was almost overwhelming. There was a lot of reason to be afraid. But they went in anyway. One of the workers put it this way: “We just knew we had to get him out of there.” He’s alive today because they did.

I’m Ron Hutchcraft and I want to have A Word With You today about “Why You Matter So Much to the People You Know.”

If you belong to Jesus Christ, you’ve probably heard sermons about how you’re supposed to “witness” and “share your faith.” Well, research shows that only a small, really small percentage of us Christians ever tell anyone what we know about Jesus Christ. If it’s just “witnessing” or “sharing your faith,” it’s one thing not to do it. If it’s the difference between someone within your reach living or dying, it’s something much bigger. And that’s exactly what it is-life-or-death.

There’s a simple eight-word command in Jude 23. It is our word for today from the Word of God. It captures the urgency of the mission that God has assigned to every believer. Here are your orders and mine: “Snatch others from the fire and save them.” The fire is the awful eternity that awaits anyone you know who doesn’t know your Jesus.

Jesus took the punishment for their sins so they wouldn’t have to, but they have to put their trust in Him. And to do that, they have to understand what Jesus did for them on the cross. And someone’s going to have to tell them about that; someone who knows this Jesus; someone who knows them. You have that information upon which their eternity depends. And because you’re already a part of their life, they’re more likely to listen to you than probably any other Christian on earth.

It’s our fear, isn’t it though, that keeps us from going in for the rescue? What can help you overcome that fear, the fear that’s kept you from telling people you know about your Jesus, maybe over and over again? First, understanding that this really is life-or-death; not just sharing your beliefs with someone.

Without Jesus, the Bible says, they will “be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 1:9). He doesn’t want that. He died so that wouldn’t have to happen, but they need to know that.

Secondly, you have to realize that fear always goes with rescue; rescue always means risk. It did for Jesus-it does for you. The fear is real, but it doesn’t have to decide what you do. Listen to the words of the man who went into that burning plane, “We just knew we had to get him out of there.”

That’s what will open your mouth. Deciding that whatever you’re risking to tell them about Jesus, it can’t be anywhere near as terrible as what will happen if you don’t tell them. You can’t just leave them lost. You can’t just let them die without a chance. You’re in a position to rescue them.

This isn’t just witnessing. This isn’t just sharing your faith. It’s rescuing the dying. Thank God you were snatched from the fire. Now it’s your turn to “snatch others from the fire and save them.”

Respectfully Submitted,


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