Warm up
20 Seal jacks. I/c
15 Cherry picker. I/c
Capri lap
20 SSH. I/c
15 Windmill. I/c
Capri lap
20 seal waves. I/c
15 Peter parker. I/c
The Semi “colon”
Mosey 1 block north from circle, 1 block east, and 2 blocks south to Domino’s.
Wall sit – 10 count
Bttw merkin
10 count from each HIM for 2 rounds
Mosey to firehouse
Plank – 10 count
10 count from each HIM for 2 rounds
Mosey to school parking lot
3rd F
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
1 Peter 5:6-10 ESV
A good affirmation that you are not alone in your struggles. There is season for everything. God will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.
SEMI’S “Suicides” consisted of nurs, jailbreaks, bear crawls, side steps, woseys, moseys, crawl bears, karaokes, lt. Dan’s, and LT. Dangers back and forth across width of parking lot.
Mosey to old napa store
5 burpees mosey around building, 5 merkins mosey around building, 5 squats mosey around building for 2 rounds.
Wosey to 1 block from AO, then jailbreak the rest of way in.
toy soldier set
30 lbcs
20 k2e per side
15 big boys
Mosey around circle for 2 rounds
Finish with AYG high and low plank switched at Q’s call.
5 HIM showed today. Semi, Fireplex, Vanilla, Chattahoochee, nugget
A great morning for some HIM to gather for a nice nice little circuit course beatdown
QIC- Chattahoochee
WARMUP- 20 SSH, 20Cherry pickers, 20MNC, 15 Sealjacks 15 Merkins all IC followed by a short mosey out back entrance of the AO around to the front
13 pax showed up so I set up 13 stations with a couple stations on standby in case more pax showed up
Weighted run with 20 lb vest for our timer to switch stations
Bench dips
Box jumps
WWII sit ups
Slosh pipe squats
Flutter kicks
Bear crawl
The rowing merkin with choice of 25 lb or 15 lb dumbbells
Abyss merkins
Coupon squats with concrete block
Crab cakes. Almost 1 complete round completed and stopped for a quick 3rd F about leadership. Leadership is not about being the best leadership is about making everyone else bette. Philippians 2:4 Not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of others
Sheldon Cooper – Pax completes one lap around the circle then completes, 10 Burpees, 10 Squats, 10 merkins & 10 Big Boys descending to 1 each of each exercise. The circle is approx. .08 tenths of a mile or 400 linear feet/135 yards….but who’s measuring….:)…
F3 Message – see below
Mosey back to CHOP – approx. .3 mile
Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, FNG naming (Welcome to Fuzz) and the Circle of Trust. Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayer.
F3 Message 05/07/19
Below are excerpts from the blog site ActiveChristianity.org by Brunstad Christian Church in reference to Forgiveness.
Forgiving others can be really difficult
“Forgiving others is important, but sometimes it can be really difficult to do. Why should I forgive, and how can I do it?
Peter came to Him and said, ‘Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me,
and I forgive him? Up to seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘I do not say to you,
up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.’” Matthew 18:21-22.
if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15.
others who have wronged you, whether for a relatively small thing, or for a
seriously damaging act against you, can sometimes seem like an insurmountably
difficult thing to do. In some cases it’s a process that really takes time.
Yet, the Bible is crystal clear on the necessity of it. And there are no caveats
such as “unless,” “if,” or “but.” As in all things, we need to look to our
Forerunner, Captain, and Master as our example.
“Father forgive them”
suffered unrighteousness—even cruel unrighteousness. No one could have suffered
more unrighteously than Christ. And some of the last words He ever uttered
were: “Father forgive them, they know
not what they do.” Is it easy? No. Is it impossible? “All things are possible to him who
believes,” said Jesus. (Mark 9:23) All things.
when you don’t have the power, when you know that it is not in you to forgive,
then you have to find it in Christ. “I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:12-13.
Does forgiving negate the pain you have suffered? Does it reverse the things
that have happened to you? Does it mean the person who wronged you doesn’t have
to take responsibility for his/her actions? No, but you will be free from the
thoughts of hatred and bitterness and the burden they are. Forgiveness is not
only done for the sake of the one you are forgiving, but for your own sake, so
that you don’t have to live with the burden.
to you who fear My name the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in
His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.” Malachi 4:2.
fact that you forgive someone does not condone what they have done, nor does it
by any means make it all right. Trust is not implicit in forgiveness, nor is
forgetting obligatory. “Forgive and forget” is not a Biblical quote. It is one
thing to be wary and aware, and another thing to hate and resent.
God is righteous
Ideally the one who has harmed
you would repent and atone for what they’ve done as well. But make sure your
healing is independent of that. You should forgive regardless of their
attitude. Their sins are between them and God. It is right for someone to face
up to the consequences of their actions according to earthlyRefers to
everything of this earth, as opposed to heavenly things. Example: Earthly
treasures/heavenly treasures. The earthly things pass away (are temporal), but
the heavenly things are eternal. (Matthew 6:19-21;…authority and law, and they
will also someday stand before God’s face and have to give account for their
actions, and God is righteous above all else. But judgment and vengeance belong
to God.
is important to note that forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice.
Choosing forgiveness will mean that you have to go to God on your knees for the
power to forgive. It’s choosing not to let thoughts of hatred rule in your
heart. It’s choosing to go to God to find help and comfort instead of dwelling
on the past, even when our feelings would rather do anything but. The power we
need for this we get from the Holy Spirit. Jesus, “when He was reviled, did not revile in
return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who
judges righteously.” 1 Peter 2:23.
Draw near to God, and in His love you’ll find everything you need.”
YHC is a little behind the ball on getting this BB posted, but its better late than never. Last Thursday workout was brought to you by Bo Derek…i.e. 10 HIM won the first battle, struck down the fartsack, and posted for a Chappie beatdown. First we got in the Warm-O-Rama, then we mosey’d to the Post Office. YHC figured a federal building would be a the best place to workout on our nation’s National Day of Prayer. Here’s how it all went down…
Disclaimer stumbled through
SSH – 18 IC
Cherry Pickers – 18 IC
Nipple Scraper Merkins – 5 OYO (remain planked)
Merkins – 10 IC
Seal Jacks – 18 IC
Patriot Run to the “oval track” in front of the Post Office. You gotta love running with Old Glory!
The Thang:
Once reaching at the Post Office, PAX circled up while YHC stationed two 40# sandbags (restrictor plates) at each end of the oval. PAX paired up and completed the following exercises. One rule: No one could pass a sandbag. If there was a sandbag in your lane around the oval, you had to carry it half-way around (opposite end). 3rd F was introduced, then shared at the end of each round. Since it was the National Day of Prayer, each portion was contained in a letter that volunteers opened and read amongst the PAX
Exercises: (Partners switched back and forth until the accumulated reps was accomplished)
100 Merkins
200 Squat Jumps (side-to-side)…YOWZA!!
300 American Hammers
Chattahoochee said something about Burpees, so…YHC shared the following, encouraging PAX to take some time to pray throughout the day. This was followed by the PAX doing Burpees while Chattahoochee ran the oval one last lap.
PAX collected the 2 sandbags, the shovel flag, and mosey’d back to the AO to return right on time – 0600hrs.
Announcements: Aegis closed Saturday, workout to be held at CHOP; Mystery Dinner at Milton Firehall Saturday evening 5-9, etc.
Prayers: Continued prayers for Brenda & Denny, Chairman’s mom & Dad; PRAYER FOR OUR NATION, not just today but especially today
Great work by all the PAX, nothing but love expressed during those Jump Squats. Always appreciate the chatter! He, he! As always YHC was humbled and honored to lead.
9 PAX posted this morning for too much Mary! Waterfall on Q.
The Warm Up: 20 SSH IC, 20 Moroccan Night Club IC, 20 Cherry Pickers IC, Bolt 45 (AKA zoo keeper special)
The Thang: PAX teamed up in pairs of two. Half shuffled with their ruck sacks around the church. The other half did Mary. Then they swapped. We did Mary off of this sheet provided by Waterfall’s M, “Flamingo.” See the sheet here: https://darebee.com/ab-exercises.html We got through the “side jack knives” before we ran out of time.
The Message: Q read from the Easter story, John chapter 20. Waterfall commented that he is like Peter because he is always getting outrun.
10 HIM showed this beautiful morning. The thang took to long so we had mosey back without a 3rd F. Warm up
22 Seal jacks. I/c 19 Cherry picker. I/c 22 Seal wave. I/c 19 Windmill I/c 22 Ssh. I/c
Mosey to park
Pair off
1 pair of HIM mosey to bridge and lt. danger across and danger lt. back across bridge and mossy back to pax. Rest of pax will AMRAP the other exercises.
Derkins Pull ups Burpees Swirkins
Mosey back to AO
10 HIM showed – semi, summit, Chappie, Chairman, leatherman, Chattahoochee, doubtfire, Fireplex, toy soldier, Ruxpin
Okay, as you can see by the BB title YHC has to come clean. True Confession: Tuesday’s workout, as quickly perceived by the astute Vanilla, had a hidden two-fold motive–1) YHC signed on to complete the GORUCK April #RuckingChallenge and needed to get in Day 1, so WE did, and, 2) A “ruck” workout without a ruck (sandbags instead) might just be a catalyst for someone to step into the circle and buy a ruck, and hence, get into rucking. Did it work? THAT is the question.
12 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE and got jump-started with a good Warmup VQ by Doubtfire, then those who did not have a ruck with them (ruckers were alerted night before) were directed to the shed to grab a sandbag coupon. Shout out to Leatherman, each bag NOW weighs 40lbs. PAX circled up again in the parking lot where YHC esplained the forthcoming routine…
Day 1 of the GORUCK Lucky 7 Rucking Challenge: 7 Ruck workouts 7 days during April.
PAX would carry either a 40lb ruck or a 40lb sandbag throughout the workout. PAX went 2x around the block to complete 1 mile by doing the Double-Deuce shuffle. That’s 22 shuffle/mosey steps to remember that the average of American Servicemen and women who take their own lives on a daily basis is 22. The average is said to have come down to 20, but even 1 is too many. So we shuffle 22 steps, with PAX taking turns to call a bit of a cadence, then we stepped for 22. Rinse and repeat for the entire mile.
While doing the Double-Deuce the PAX circled up for pain at corners #1 and #3:
Corner #1: PAX paired up and alternated back & forth to complete 10 sets x 10 Ruck/Sandbag Squats each…Double-deuce to corner 3.
Corner #3: PAX paired up and alternated back & forth to complete 10 sets x 10 Ruck/Sandbag Merkins each (#brutal!). Continue Double-Deuce shuffle around block to circle up again at corner 1…
Corner #1: PAX paired up and alternated back and forth to complete 10 sets x 10 Ruck/Sandbag American Hammers (a.k.a. Russian Twists) each. Continue Double-Deuce Shuffle all the way around the block, back to the AO to complete 1 mile.
Upon returning to the AO we circled to close it out with the following 3rdF:
At the beginning of March YHC posted a meme on our GroupMe that said: “THERE’S A FIGHT RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER, JUST WAITING…” The idea is to get ready for whatever the fight might be. In the last couple of months, I’ve been walking through fights with people who never saw them coming. Health battles. Marriage battles. Financial battles. Emotional battles. Pornography battles. Anger battles. Etc. But my point is that I’ve NOT been in these battles with people JUST because I’m a pastor.
We tend to read or hear a statement like the above and respond individually. While it takes a personal response, that phrase was/is meant to move us into the arena of that fight corporately/together (whatever the fight may be). I.e. We are supposed to battle along side one another. After all isn’t that the 2ndF part of what of why we get together?
You can try to prove me wrong on this, but you’ll find it to be true: Did you know that almost ALL of the references to spiritual growth in the Bible are corporate/plural? That means you don’t have to read between the lines. It means that the best (if not, the only) way to grow, to fight, to gauge a victory is through/by way of the relationships we have with one another. As Maverick as we like to be, or think we should be, this means we were NEVER meant to fight alone.
Some of these thoughts were formulated from Friday’s 43 Feet Podcast (great one, listen to it). Practically speaking, we need about 3-4 other men to lock shields with. When our shields are locked together with other men beside us, we notice when they’re down. And they’ll notice when we are. So…who’s backed away, faded away, fallen aside and left a gap where once there was a shield? If you’re not sure how to answer or if you can answer that question, you may need to reevaluate your commitment to FELLOWSHIP–the 2ndF of F3.
To be honest, we don’t often see a fight coming either. Nonetheless WE CAN PREPARE. A phrase I heard on Friday’s 43 Feet podcast really caught my attention: “RELATIONAL ARRHYTHMIA” Think about that. It is TOTALLY DESCRIPTIVE! The question that follows is: Are you out of sync? In your relationships with your M, your 2.0’s, and your F3 brothers you’ve got to be in rhythm. If you’re out, it’s called relational arrhythmia. Your M will tell you when you’re out if rhythm. Your 2.0’s will tell you when you’re out of rhythm, but what about other guys? On the 43 Feet Podcast Dark Helmet said, “Without the 3 P’s you do not have a shield lock and you’re not ready/prepared for the fight. What are the 3 P’s? In short:
1) PROXIMITY: You gotta see each other, there’s gotta be physical contact (elbows, forearms touch in a shield lock). Proximity builds trust. Meeting together with a real purpose. Proximity is key because until you’re beside a man, you don’t know how he feels. You might not even notice he’s backed away from the line.
2) PURPOSE: Meet together for mutual benefit and mutual defense. Why? Because we’ve all got to have 3-4 brothers to get thru the flux of life (fights/mountains/valleys). This is the living out of Ecclesiastes 4:12, “A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
3) PERIODIC: The point the Dark Helmet was making here on the podcast was simply to lock down when you’re gathering, lock down EXACTLY when you’re going to get together and maintain a shield lock.
There’s a fight right around the corner, just waiting. Being prepared for it means being ready for the unexpected, while staying ready for the expected. The most important part of being ready for the fight is to be a part of a shield lock.
HIM shield lock with other men for mutual defense and mutual advantage.
YHC had a bunch of extras on his Weinke, like RR Tracks, Plank Pull Throughs, Ruck high Pulls, and, of course, Mary. However, time was called. Actually, we went into a little bit of OT; thanks for your patience, men. Great work today by all. The workout was harder than YHC thought it would be. But hey, we all completed 100 Ruck Squats, 100 Ruck Merkins, 100 Ruck American Hammers, & a 1 Mile Double-Deuce shuffle carrying 40 lbs.! Well done!
Once again we had double-digits. More often than not, that is happening and we’re no doubt on the verge of hitting some record numbers. So everybody KEEP POSTING. Awesome to see Ying Ying back out there again–he’s the only PAX in the Name-O-Rama that gets celebrated with onamonapia. Whaaat! Also, welcome Circuit, YHC was wondering if you were just a made-up “Unicorn” PAX who supposedly posted up when he was out. You’re real!
Number-Rama: Dirty Dozen
Fundraiser mentioned by Chairman, he will post it on the GroupMe.
PAX are to begin thinking through Memorial Day Mini, a bit of a CSAUP 2-hour workout at CHSP. Maps and recon suggested as each PAX is asked to bring a portion of the heat.
Jay, Bob, Brenda & Denny, Doubtfire’s friend/co-worker, and a few others were lifted up in prayer.
As always, it was an honor for YHC to Q it up. Site-Q’s don’t forget to add Doubtfire to your Q list for the cycle. Everyone, keep posting. Aye!