
Whole Body Beat Down



PAX – Chappie , Chairman, Ruxpin, WildWing

Warm-Up :


Moroccan Nightclubs I/C

Seal Jack I/C

Wind Mills I/C

The Thang :

Mosey to the Bank

20- lunges


20-Flutter Kicks



20 -Carolina Dry Docks

20- Four Count Freddies


20-Split Squats


10-Big Boys


20-Step Ups

20- Decline Carolina Dry Docks

Monkey Humpers while cars came by for a little fun.


Mosey back to the A/O

20- Merkins

20- Squats

20- Gas Pumpers

F-3 Message was pulled from the Q-Source

F3 | DISRUPTION (F1) January 1, 2019January 1, 2019 by Dancing Idiot


Disturbance To The Status-quo

Leaders influence movement to advantage

A leader is a person who can influence people to do things that they would not have done otherwise. Put another way, but for the influence of the leader, the things done by his followers would not happen. The leader is the agent, the impetus and the proximate cause of his followers’ movement toward the doing of those specific things that he identifies as advantageous. Without him, they would remain static and focused on maintaining the status quo. In the heart of man inertia will reign—absent a Disruption .

The connection between movement and leadership is critical because it presupposes a need for action, a recognition by the leader himself that the status quo is something less advantageous than some other place, a location the leader visualizes and then articulates to his followers. Only then can the leader begin to persuade them to follow him to the new place. He must describe it to them first because people will only overcome their inertia and follow someone if they believe that he knows where he is going. They won’t leave the known for the unknown, no matter how charismatic the leader is.

Because it induces movement, leadership causes Disruption

Leadership wrenches people away from the place at which they were determined to remain. It causes them to question the foundation for their belief that their status quo was desirable and that stasis was in their best interest. It attacks the palpable (but false) sense of security that inertia provides. Like the agitator in a washing machine, leadership dislodges things long embedded in people’s emotional fabric, things that are impure and do not belong there but to which they had become accustomed—like a ketchup stain on their favorite shirt.

Being both Disruptive and agitating, leadership will naturally make people uncomfortable, at least until they begin to see for themselves that they are being led to a place of advantage.

If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or governing, but he is not leading. He is a leader in name only until people begin to follow him to an advantageous place that he has visualized and articulated to them. A Leader is a person who influences movement to advantage.

A great Leader’s legacy is built on love

The degree to which a Leader is able to influence movement is dependent upon his level of skill. People will follow a Leader when he is in the room. People will continue to follow a good Leader when he has left the room. But only a great Leader is able to influence movement to advantage even after he has died. That is a legacy Leader, and he is a rare breed who leaves a legacy that is built upon love.

All great Leaders aspire to leave a legacy. Leadership is a difficult skill to master, requiring desire, commitment and love. Having paid for that skill with blood, sweat and tears, great Leaders have the natural inclination to pass on what they have learned and to be remembered for it. This yearning is what creates their legacy. It comes from the Leader’s love for his followers and his sincere desire to see them obtain advantage.

A great Leader accelerates throughout his life. He views leadership as a craft that must be honed through continual study and application. In the way that a lawyer or doctor practices his profession from the standpoint of service to his client or patient, the great Leader’s focus is always upon his followers rather than himself. It is their best interests, not his, that motivates his actions. It is their advantage, not his, to which he initiates movement. This is only possible if, first and foremost, he loves them more than he loves himself.

The great Leader knows that If his love is not great, than neither will be his leadership.


8 HIM beat the fartsack this morning for a good ole leg beatdown

WARMUP- 25-ssh, 10 side lunges each side, 20 windmills, 10 arm circles forward 10 backwards.

THE THANG- Mosey to H and R block 20 flutter kicks IC, 20 4 count freddies, mosey to alley between Walgreens and Family dollar, half pax take the peoples chair while other half does 10 meekins, 10 LBC , 10 burpees switch off followed by 21s between walls 20 Mike tyson’s without the merkin , bear crawl to other wall 1 squat Lt Dan back to first wall for 19 Mike tyson’s bear crawl back to 2nd wall for 2 squats you get the idea. Half way thru there was not much chatter but plenty of grunting and groaning. Took a short break for a 3rd F then mosey back to AO made it with just a couple minutes to spare so 10 War Hammers ( 1 world war II sit up 4 american hammers) The legs may be a little tight but the end of the day.

3rd F I read Isaiah 40: 28-31 the part I thought fit i with today’s beatdown was He gives strength to the weary and Increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall.

Quote by Bruce lee. You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing everything with logic. If words control you that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass

Catch Me If You Can, William Wallace!


QIC: Vanilla


SSH – 20 IC

Seal Jacks – 20 IC

Smurf Jacks – 20 IC

Crab Jacks – 10 IC

Plank Jacks – 20 IC

Cherry Pickers – 20 IC

Mosey to Soccer Field at St. Michael The Archangel

The Thang 1: “Catch Me If You Can”

PAX Partner/Team Up. Once PAX does an exercise while the other PAX NUR’s around the soccer field. Once PAX completes the exercise, He sprints to his teammate and they swap duties. Rinse and Repeat until full lap around field is complete. PAX Completed 4 Laps with the following exercises: Round 1: 5 Burpees, R2: 10 Squats, R3: 10 Diamond Merkins, R4: 10 Big Boys)

Break for Third F: Disruption (F1)

Back at it…

The Thang 2: “William Wallace”

PAX back into teams. 1 PAX runs from sideline to the other sideline and performs a chosen exercise while the rest of the PAX are in plank. That PAX returns to his corner and alternating PAX run to opposing sideline to complete the same exercise. 3 Rounds of exercises were completed: 10 Merkins – High Plank, 20 Big Boys – Crab Plank, 10 Burpees – Forearm Plank.

Mosey back to the AO w/ 6 minutes to spare

The Thang 3: “Mary-Go-Round”

PAX had the chance to pick a Core Exercise (Mary), upon completion of called exercise, PAX ran a lap (Go-Round), came back for the next core exercise called, etc., etc. Scissor Kicks, 6 Inches, Flutter Kicks

Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM

Humbly Your QIC,


Wet Ace

8 HIM punched today in the face and started it with a soggy workout…. and each are better for it.

Warm up- 
Arm circles forward – 15

Arm circles reverse- 15

SSH- 25 

Cherry pickers – 10

Mountain climbers – 15

Mosey to Ace Parking Lot.

 Line up on one end of lot. 

25 ssh – single count 

Sprint 3/4 way of parking lot -point B  

25 ssh. 

Bear crawl  to end of lot- point C 


Mosey back to start. Plank for 6

25 merkins 

Sprint to point  B

25 merkins 

Lt Dan to point C

25 merkins 

Lt dan to point B

Mosey back to start. Plank 

25 squats

Sprint to Point B

25 squats 

Bear crawl to point C 

25 squats 

Bear crawl to point B

Mosey back to start. Plank 

25 Big Boys 

Sprint to B 

25 big boys 

Lt dan to point c

25 Big Boys 

Lt dan to point b

Mosey back to start. Plank. 

3rd F –

Mosey back to AO. 

Wrap up with 

25 SSH 

25 merkins 

Side plank shoulder taps- 15 each side

25 squats 

25 big boys 

Wall sit overhead claps

Deeper wall sit overhead claps 25 


1st 2019 Beatdown

10 HIM showed up for the first beatdown of the year. To start of the year we passed the baton to give everyone that wanted it a chance to get in on serving a beatdown to the other Pax. Hopefully I can remember everything and get the order close to being right.

Warm up by Chattahoochee



Mosey out back entrance of the AO and around to the front Chappie took the baton on the first round with a little bring sally up bring sally down merkin beat down

Another repeat mosey followed by 40 squats IC by leatherman

Repeat mosey and Summit took the Baton with a toy soldier set with a surprise between sets 30 LBCs, Lt Dan to next parking row bearcrawl back to start, 20 E2Ks each leg, Lt. Dan/bearcrawl, 10 big boys, Lt. Dan/ bearcrawl

I think it was one more mosey after that and Vanilla took over with 20 alternating shoulder taps, 10 side plank 4 count shoulder taps.each side,

Fireplex/ Semi combo by fireplex descending merkins staring at 10 end in at 1 with a burpee after each set

Vanilla again with 25 American Hammers

Chattahoochee with 20 scissor kicks

Chappie with 20 4 count Freddie’s

Chattahoochee with 5 wall crawls start in the plank with feet against the wall crawl up to balls to the wall position crawl back to the plank

I believe I hit it all but still have the feeling I missed something

Number-rama, Name-o-rama followed by COT.

Afterwards we enjoyed some coffee, juice, breakfast casserole and fellowship thanks to Chappie and his M

Total body 2018 wrap up

Capri lap around circle 


WindMill- 12

SSH- 29

Cherry picker- 18

Squats- 12

Merkins- 29 oyo

Moroccan NC-18 

Mosey to Napa-

 Mini Merkin madness –

20reg 20 wide 20 hand release20 ranger  20 reg 

Mosey to school – for sake of wet feet we used parking lot.

Nur to light pole 1- 15 squats 

Lt dan back –

 Nur to light pole 1 – 15 squats 

Side shuffle to pole 2 – 20 flutter kicks 

Side shuffle back to pole 1 ,  Lt dan back

 Nur to pole 1 – 15 squats

 Side shuffle to pole 2 – 20 flutter kicks 

Sprint to pole 3 – 25 ssh 

Sprint back to pole 2 ,Side shuffle to pole 1 Lt dan to start. 

Nur to 1st- 15 squats 

Side shuffle to 2nd -20 flutter kicks 

Sprint to pole 3- 25 SSH

Karaoke to pole 4- 30 merkins 

Karaoke to 3rd. Sprint to 2nd, Side shuffle to 1st , It dan to start. 

Mosey to library – 

Toy soldier set 

American Hammers- 25 

Pax choice ab – 4 count Freddy 

Wosey during 3rd F
– Setting goals vs resolutionsSet the goal. Layout a plan. Forget the goal and Work the plan.You need Mentor  and a coachOften there’s a difference. Know the difference but seek both. 

Mosey to courthouse lot – 3corners – 

1st corner- 10 burpees

 Nur to 2nd corner 

2nd corner- 50 merkins (20 reg, 15 diamond, 15 wide ) 

Lt Dan to 3rd corner 3rd corner- 100 lbc – nice steady pace  And 50 dips 

Bear crawl To sidewalk. 

Mosey to circle for COT 

Coupon Sled

9 HIM showed today: Semi, Chappie, Fireplex, Wildwing, Chairman, Chattahoochee, Ruxpin, Waterfall, Vanilla

Warm up
20 Seal jacks
15 Cherry picker
20 Shoulder taps
15 Windmill
10 Imperial walker
20 Ssh

The Coupon SLED

1 HIM pushes sled back and forth across parking lot as rest of pax AMRAP following exercises:

Tire flip
Coupon curl
Coupon over head press
Mexican jumping bean
Coupon carry
Ball slam
Coupon merkin

For 2 rounds

3rd F
Read the 2nd devotion out of True Competitor.
We do the training; God does the changing.
It talked about how athletes spend 95% of their time practicing and 5% competing. They have a plan on how to succeed.
We need to look at our spiritual life the same way. Most of us spend 99% on life and 1% on spiritual training. We need to give the same amount of discipline to our spiritual training as we do to our physical training.

His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.
2 Peter 1:3‭-‬4 ESV

For they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them, but he disciplines us for our good, that we may share his holiness. For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees,
Hebrews 12:10‭-‬12 ESV

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Do all things without grumbling or disputing,
Philippians 2:12‭-‬14 ESV

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Philippians 4:8 ESV

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16‭-‬17 ESV

Semi suicides
Side step, nur, mosey, jailbreak, bear crawl, and Lt. Danger

toy soldier set
30 lbcs
20 k2e per side
15 big boys

Number Rama

Name Rama



Happy? Burpday

Date: 12/18/18

QIC: Chappie

Eight PAX broke the Fartsack chains and set off to the CHOP AO to start the workout week on a HIM note. Shout out to our peeps with the sleeps…you’re keeping us below the double-digits. Let’s get back to the discipline of posting regularly–we’re counting on you! (As PAX were getting ready for the workout by stretching and chatting, mention was made concerning the great quality of the 2nd F Christmas Party on Friday night. Someone mentioned that “we should do more of this!” YHC couldn’t agree more. Let’s make that happen.)

YHC had all kinds of plans for a board-game style of workout, but time and tyranny (the tyranny of the urgent) tied him up multiple times on Workout Eve. (“Board Game” is gonna have to wait for a later date.) No complaints on the tie ups, just some crises to help people through, added to a prior scheduled meeting. With that, YHC went in another direction with what turned out to be a Weinke-less workout. To the best of YHC’s recollection here’s how the whole thing went down:


  • SSH – 18 IC
  • Plank – 10 Count
  • Seal Jacks – 18 IC
  • Low Plank – 10 Count
  • IW – 18 IC

Mosey long(er) way to HOB via Union & Clifton Streets. Upon arrival at H.O. Brittingham Elementary, YHC shared the following the 3rd F Message:

The 3rd Word:  
Gather ten pennies sometime, shake them up in your hand, and pour them out in front of you. See if all ten come up “heads”. It’s not likely, so you’ll have to try again…and again…and…How many tries would you guess it would take to see ten Lincoln heads in front of you? I’m sharing this with you because I want to point out the validity of the Bible. Fulfilled prophecy verifies the fact that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. Looking at prophecies which preceded Jesus by hundreds of years and seeing how He fulfilled them in every detail reveals the authenticity of His claims. It’s Christmas, so that’s what I want to focus on this morning:

PROPHECY: Micah 5:2 “But you, Bethlehem, though you are small among the clans if Judah, out of you will come one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from old, from ancient times.”  (That was written in 700 BC)

FULFILLMENT:  Its fulfillment was recorded in Matthew 2:1 “Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea.”

PROPHECY: Isaiah 7:14 “The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”  (That too was written in 700 BC)

FULFILLMENT: and it was fulfilled by Jesus, as recorded Matthew 1:18  “His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit.”

There’s a much longer list than that which dates many more prophecies to 500, 900, and 1000 years BC! I shared only those two because I want you to think about them this Christmas. But here’s my point, John 3:13 says, “And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven, even the Son of man.”

Still wondering about those pennies and how many times you’d have to toss them to get all heads? On average, a person will have to pour out those coins more than a thousand times before he can expect to produce all “heads” even once! (That’s 1000 to 1!)

Think of ten pennies as ten prophecies concerning the promised Christ. Would you consider it coincidence…or convincing proof…if any one individual fulfilled all ten? How about if there were 20? Or what about 50?Here’s the amazing news: During His earthly life, Jesus Christ fulfilled more than 300 specific OT prophecies concerning Messiah! John’s gospel begins by telling us this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word put on flesh and dwelt among us….” That’s the most concise summary of how God became a man to save us. It’s called the incarnation; it’s what we celebrate at Christmas! It was news first shared by an angel to some shepherds (i.e. regular guys) on a hillside outside Bethlehem. They rejoiced in the good news, went and proved its validity, and then went about sharing the good news of a great joy that a Savior was born for you! And HIM are regular guys who take this truth, prove it for themselves, and then pass it on to their families…and friends (because it’s news that changes them forever!). Or, you could say (because it’s more catchy) that HIM are wise men who still seek Him!

(Penny Illustration adapted from Christian Businessman’s Publication Finding the Way p. 8, 10)

The Thang:

PAX paired up on the sidewalk along the HOB entrance retention pond where YHC introduced Burpback Mountain

  • Partner 1 did Burpees while partner 2 mosey’d to the bottom, then Nur’d back to the top of the hill on the side of the retention pond, then switched. Partners did the rinse and repeat until 100 Burpees were completed.

YHC was tempted to go to the “Wall alley” on the back side of the school, but time prohibited an extended leg beatdown there. Next time.

Mosey return to the AO.

  • Bearcrawl/Merkin Ring of Fire – PAX circled up, took turns Bearcrawling around the outside of the circle until each had a turn; PAX in the circle did Plank, Merkins, HR Merkins, etc. 
  • 5 Minutes of Mary


  • Announcements: Christmas Services at Crossroads Community Church(see Fireplex). Christmas Services at Grace Church (CHOP AO, see Chappie). Bring Diapers, baby wipes, baby vitamins for the homeless mother & child mentioned by Waterfall. NOTE: It’s the most wonderful time of the year to EH those Sadclowns. Hit ’em up and get ’em out while their making resolutions. Let’s pursue our F3 mission to plant, grow, and serve…
  • Prayers: Friend of Chairman’s who was revived after being found OD’d in a ditch last Friday. Homeless mother and child, etc.


Truly appreciate this group of men! As always, YHC was honored to be able to Q it up and lead the PAX for the first workout of the week. Awesome to be able to tap into a relatively untapped area that’s part of this AO — the new HOB. It was indeed a Burpday! BUT was it really happy? That’s the question!

~Chappie, out!


Great morning with HIM!   Some good laughs along the way.   Felt good to be back in Lewes!   24 degrees was refreshing.

Capri Lap around courts 


SSH- 12 

CP- 19

IW- 18

WM- 12SSH- 19Squats – 18
Mosey through park over to public parking lot

 Burpee broad jump from tree to tree 

Lt Dan back 20 squats oyo 

Wait for 6 

Rinse and repeat for total of 4 rounds.    

Mosey over to pavilion

 1- Toy soldier set

2-  15 American Hammers IC

3- site Q ab pick

4- 15 flutter kicks IC

 5- Toy soldier set 

Mosey back to parking lot 

3rd F-
Mosey back to courts.

1-Side shuffle form one end to anotherBack the other way. 20 merkins 

2-NUR end to end Mosey back. 20 merkins

 3-Karaoke end to end Back the opposite direction 20 merkins 



Do not Rucking Quit!!!

Q: Leatherman 

Pax: Chairman, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Ruxpin, Wildwing

Warm Up-

SSH- 21

Cherry pickers-15


Moroccan Night Club-15

The Thang:

Partner up and alternate exercises for 3 rounds

Exercise 1

Partner 1 Max Merkins with Ruck on 40lbs

Partner 2 Holds Plank without Ruck

Exercise 2

Partner 1 Dead lift to overhead press with Ruck 10X

Partner 2 Broad Jumps 10X no Ruck

Exercise 3

Partner 1 Flutter Kicks holding Ruck above head

Partner 2 Mosey to Hotel and Back ( Distance unknown but brought the Suck to the partner Flutter Kicking )

Exercise 4 

25 Partner Big Boys passing Ruck 

5 Burpees in between sets 

All Pax finished strong and no one QUIT 

Ended with COT and Prayer


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