Author name: Dan O'Brien

Super Dicey Wednesday

Date: 3-4-20

QIC: Wildwing

WARM O RAMA: IN CADENCE —- SSH x 20, Cherry Picker x 20, Morrocan Night Clubs x 20, Smurf Jacks x 20, Travoltas x 20, Elwoods x 20


(1). Each HIM receives a die to carry with him through the workout. The PAX mosied to a series of stations located throughout Lewes (Canal Gazebo, Canal Lot, St. Peters Wall).

(2). Before the PAX arrived at each station, the QIC threw his die. The group then performed ten times the number of Merkins shown on the initial dice throw.

(3). Upon completion of these Merkins, the PAX mosied to the next exercise station to perform the following routine: (a) Seal Jacks, (b) Tennesee Rocking Chairs, (c) Smurf Jacks, (d) Travoltas, (e) Elwoods, (f) Mountain Climbers. The number of repetitions for each exercise was determined by the sum total of all dice thrown by the PAX.

(4). The QIC then throws his own die and the PAX performs ten times that number of Merkins before again proceeding to the next station.


The question posed was why vote on Super Tuesday? And if there is a reason, is this reason relevant to anything else happening to us? The QIC suggested that voting is an opportunity to think through what is important, to be inquisitive, and then to be intentional with the information gathered.

If this is a valid reason to vote – and to decide how one is voting – this same approach might be applicable to situations at home or work when an important decision needs to be made. Inquire, think, act. Simple…..?

And since there is a Presidential election coming our way, here are words of wisdom from earlier office holders:

“It’s easier to do the job right than to explain why you didn’t. (Van Buren)

“Amazing what you can accomplish if you don’t care who gets credit.” (Truman)

“In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock.” (Jefferson)

“Accomplishment is a journey, not a destination.” (Eisenhower)

“Presidents are like cemeteries, there are lots of folks under you and no one is listening.” (Clinton)

“If I walked across the the Potomac, the headline would read ‘Johnson can’t swim'”. (LBJ)

“I left an order to be awakened in case of any emergency, even if I was in a Cabinet meeting.” (Reagan)


Milton Parade coming – See Pre Blast for workout next Saturday

Respectfully Submitted, Wildwing

High Intensity In Lewes

Date: 2/5/20

QIC: Wildwing

Warm O Rama: In Cadence – SSH x 25, Cherry Picker x 25, Alabama Ass Kickers x 25, Daniel Son (Karate Kid Crane Kicks) x 5 each leg, Windmill x 25,

The Thang:

Pax performed four HIIT training exercises for a period of 60 seconds with a 30 second recovery period between each exercise at the following locations:

….Bath Overhang: (Squatting Joe Lewis, Big Boys, Broad Jumps); ….Park Gazebo: (American Hammers, Mountain Climbers, LBCs);  ….St. Peter’s Wall: (Dirkins, Apollo Ohnos, High Knee Taps); ….Bank Tunnel: (Overhead Squat Claps, Bobby Hurleys, Fireman Ladders).

In addition, there were two impromptu sessions – LBCs in the bank driveway and circle merkins near Rose and Crown.

F3 Message: According to some, the President gave a rollicking State of the Union speech last night and, in honor of this, the F3 message began by recalling memorable SOU’s from years past:

  1. James Polk (1848): “The accounts of the abundance of gold in [California} are of such a character as can scarcely command respect….”
  2. Franklin Roosevelt (1942): Berlin and Tokyo know “that victory for us means victory for freedom….It means victory for the institution of democracy – the ideal of the family, the simple principles of common decency and humanity. They know that victory for us means victory for religion. And they could not tolerate that. The world is too small … for Hitler and God.
  3. Abraham Lincoln (1862): Proposed constitutional amendments by which the federal government would free slaves and compensate owners by 1900. Lincoln argued that this formed the basis of a compromise to end the civil war. He ended by stating: “Fellow-citizens, we cannot escape history. We will be remembered in spite of ourselves….We say we are for the Union. We know how to save the Union. [By freeing the slaves] we shall nobly save or meanly lose the last best hope of hearth. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which if followed the world will forever applaud and God must forever bless.
  4. F3 messages are generally uplifting and relevant. This SOU briefing was neither. It did, however, make me think where does one find a moral compass these days. For some, it is natural to pull inspiration from the Bible. (As Chappie says, it is now permissible for anyone to read it.). But, according to Pew Foundation polling, Catholics have different sources of moral guidance – 10% from the Pope, about the same from the Bible, and, surprisingly, the vast majority of Catholics have their moral compass set by watching what others do and say.
  5. So, to tie this together, I wanted to thank the HIM’s for the guidance they give – Chappie mentioning guardrails for posting and many others who support their families and Ms in small and large ways. Uplifting, relevant, and useful. Well done, F3.

Number O Rama, Name O Rama, COT

Respectfully submitted, Wildwing


Date: January 28, 2020

QIC: Wildwing

WARM A RAMA: SSH x 20, Cherry Picker x 20, Goof Ball x 20, La La Leggy x 10, Joe Lewis x 20

The Thang:

Sixteen workout stations were set out in two lines 40 feet apart. Each station had a separate exercise that continued for 60 seconds. Pax would do Bobby Hurleys or a Fiddler Crab walk as they rotated to a new station.

Exercises included: box cutters, iron mikes dips, dirkins, lbc, wheel of merkins, groiners burpees, coupon jump, elf on shelf, bolt 45, windshield wipers, big boy, war hammers, Alabama ass kickers

Third F:

While PAX were on 6s doing bicycles, QIC recited Kobe Brant sayings such as: “I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.” He also talked about leaving the game better than you found it. “When it comes time to leave, leave a legend.”

“Leaving the game better than you found it” echos the concept of seeking a “more perfect union.” So we closed the message by recalling Rear Admiral Black’s opening prayer at the Trump Impeachment trial: “Sovereign God, author of liberty … remember that Patriots reside on both sides of the aisle….Give all senators a civility built upon integrity that brings consistency in their beliefs and actions, we pray in your powerful name, Amen.

(A person can hope anyways.)

Number a Rama, Name a Rama, COT

Respectfully and hopefully submitted: Wildwing

Irish Road Bowling

PAX: Chairman, Chappie, Gump, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Semi, Summit

POSTED IN: : Lewes, Delaware

QIC: Wildwing

WARM UP: Side Straddle Hop x 21 IC, Windmills x 21 IC, Morrocan Night Clubs x 21 IC, Annie x 21 IC, Failure to Launch x 5 IC

The Thang: In small towns across Ireland, the sport of road bowling has a long history. Teams roll or throw a ball down the road, chase after it, and throw it again until you come to the next village.

Today, Lewes had its first practice session when the Pax sprinted after their ball down Second Street and stopped periodically to enjoy this routine:

Burpees x 5-10 IC, Alabama Ass Kickers x 5-10 IC, Boat And Canoe on command, Bobby Hurleys x10-20 IC, Three Amigos Circle Walk.

THIRD F: The Science of Charity: Modern research indicates that charitable acts and giving have both economic and psychological benefits for the giver.

… The Turtle Story: On his way to an important meeting, an F3 member decided to not crush a turtle sitting in the middle of the road. Instead, he pulled over, grabbed the turtle, and placed him safely in tall grass off the road. Turtle winks at F3 driver. Good vibes all around. Next to turtle is $82 in cash. Moral: Charity pays.

…Kitty Studies: members of group each given $100 and told they can either keep the money or contribute to kitty that their leader can share equally with everyone. Some folks pocket their $100. These individuals rarely chosen as the leader. Instead, the chosen leader is often the first person to put their $100 into the kitty. Moral: Charity creates leaders and / or leaders are charitable.

See : Why Giving Matters, Arthur Brooks, AEI,

  • Back to Post: Bruce Lee Super Set (Amerian Hammer, Leg Raise, LBC, Heel Touch x 20 IC)

Count Off and Name A Rama


Respectfully submitted – Wildwing

CHOP Crunchville

Date: November 14, 2019

QIC: Wildwing

Lovely 22 degree morning greeted HIMs at the CHOP. Little known fact (since she never told anyone her age): Wildwing’s Mom would be 100 years old today.

WARM-O-RAMA: Side Straddle Hop, Imperial Walker, Windhills, Cherry Picker, Morrocan Night Club (IC x 20)

Stage I: CHOP circuit run

Stage II: Thirty and Ten Workout: Intense exercise for 30 seconds followed by 10 second recovery

  • Firefighter, Knee Crunch, Glute Bridge, Bike Crunch, High Knees, Reverse Crunch, Mountain Climber, Windshield Wiper, One Leg Bridge Crunch, Spiderman Crunch Standing Side Crunch

Stage III: Lt. Dan’s with blocks

Stage 4: Thirty and Ten Workout Repeated

Third F: The theme was Leadership and Elections. Once upon a time, the President faced dismal reelection prospects because the country had largely lost faith in his Administration. Losses in the Wilderness and in the Crater Massacre outside Petersburg were astounding. Lincoln met quietly with Grant and warned that he should expect McClelland to be elected President within months. A few weeks later, Sherman entered Atlanta and Lincoln was reelected.

Query: How often do Presidents (or any leader) display the following qualities that help define an ethical leader?

  • Justice
  • Respect for others
  • Honesty
  • Humane treatment of others
  • Commitment to team building
  • Value driven decision making
  • Intolerance of unethical behaviors

These are not the easiest standards to uphold and Lincoln, like all HIMs, certainly missed here and there. Nonetheless, it is still worth aiming high even when we fall short.



Friends facing medical diagnoses and nephews on deployment along with any number of requests that were unspoken over the years.

Respectfully, Wildwing

Brexit and the Queen

September 5, 2019

QIC: Wildwing

Posted In: CHOP, Milton

Warm Up: SSH 25x, Cherry Picker 25x, Mountain Climber 25x, Bobby Hurley 25x, Moroccan Night Club 25x

The Thang: Great Britain is in a self inflicted constitutional crisis because of Brexit, the ongoing effort to implement the results of a very close 2017 referendum where citizens decided to jump out of the European Union without knowing what it would cost and what the consequences might be. For two years, politicians have struggled to reach a deal with the EU that Parliament would approve. Two Prime Ministers have resigned after failing to reach an acceptable deal and the new PM’s plans were rejected by Parliament this week. Our PAX decided to work it all out this morning and each HIM / Member of Parliament could vote to (1) leave EU, (2) call for new referendum, or (3) stay in EU. The workout was wrapped around 6 key Brexit moments as follows:

(1) PM May to Brusels – Gets Compromise Deal: MPs do overhead cinder block presses and cinder block Lt. Dan’s.

(2)  Parliament Rejects May Compromise Deal: MPs in two groups – one on wall doing block squats and the other doing 40 seconds of SSH, Squats, and Bobby Hurleys followed by 20 second rest period. Group run around block.

(3)  Boris Replaces May – Promises Complete EU Withdrawal: MP groups change roles. Group run with 30 – 60 – 90 acceleration run.

(4) Coalition Forms – No EU withdrawal without Parliament ok: MPs in two groups – one doing merkins, derkins, and block presses. Other group does 40 second LBC, American Hammers, and Big Boys. Twenty second rest after each.

(5) Boris Purges Party of Unfaithful Pro EU Conservatives: MP groups switch assignments.

(6)  (Proud) Queen Mary Elizabeth Tells MPs to Grow Up and Resolve It: During Circle of Pain, MPs issue Brexit votes —— 3 for Immediate EU exit, 2 for new referendum, 3 for staying in EU.

F3 MESSAGE: (1). Before you vote, know what you are voting for. (2). Don’t let little things in politics (work, life, family) become constitutional crises. (3). Just cause you got up on the high dive by mistake, it’s still ok to get back down.

Name a Rama, Announcements, Prayers,

Respectfully submitted, Wildwing.

Tour De Lewes

(Special Pennsylvania Guest Appearances by Skater and Quigley)

QIC: Wildwing

Date: 7/31/19

Beautiful morning for a tour of Lewes with visiting HIMs here on vacation from Lancaster, PA. Unusual number of citizens walking the streets which gave us a chance to introduce the F3 concept to the locals.

The Warm Up: Side Straddle Hop x21, Cherry Picker x21, Bobby Hurley x21, Moroccan Night Club x21 (In cadence)

The Thang:

(1) Canal Gazebo – Clock Merkins 5 merkins at each hour mark;

(2) Mosey to Lewes Museum – LBC x 42 and Derkins x 30;

(3) Mosey to Second Street for a 30 – 60 – 90 sprint ;

(4) St. Peter’s Wall – Dirty Hook Up x 10;

(5) Mosey on Second Street for another 30 – 60 – 90 sprint;

(6) Courtside Wrap Up: Bear Crawl, Bobby Hurleys x24, Bear Crawl, Burpees x24, Bear Crawl, LBC x24 – Easy Boy Recliners – Toy Soldier Set

The Message: Q returned from F3 event in Charlotte where he visited the Billy Graham Library and found this quote from the Reverend: Integrity is the glue that holds our way of life together. What young people want from elders is integrity , honesty, truthfulness, and faith. What they hate is hypocrisy and phoniness. Let them see us doing what we would like them to do. That said, sometimes the youngsters show the elders what they should be doing. Some of that was on display in Charlotte.

(BTW, next time in Charlotte stop in to see the BG Library and President Polk’s family home. Some would say Polk went all manifest destiny by grabbing Texas, paying Mexico for California, and stealing Oregon and Washington from England. Not a bad haul.)

COT: And best wishes to our compatriots from Lancaster.

The Robert Mueller Report

APRIL 18, 2019

PAX: Chappie, Fireplex, Chattahoochee, Ying Ying, Summit, Chairman, Ruxpin, Waterfall, Semi, Toy Soldier, Wildwing


WARMUP (IC x 20):  Jumping Jacks, Morrocan Nightclub, Cherry Pickers, Windmill

THE THANG:  Based upon irrefutable press reports, the PAX received an early summary of the investigation:

1.  “The Wall”:  Lt. Dan carries cinder blocks from point to point.  And back.  Mosie one block.  20 jumping jacks.

2.  Russian Meeting – Junior’s Report:  one block interval run with 20 jumping jacks. Mosie to parking lot.  2x

3.  Clinton Russian Reset:  Bear crawl 20 yards, 10 jumping knee touches at “Reset” 6x

4.  Pelosi Virtual Wall:  Al Gore’s with partner doing 20 American Hammerjacks.  3x

5.  Clinton Reset repeated

6.  Mosie to corner for F3 summary of “3 blank page” method for resolving conflicts with others – one page with their positive attributes, one page with negative attributes, one page with action steps such as ignore, contront, accept, or fire.

7.  Russian Meeting – Jared’s Report: two block interval run using “30-20-10 ” methodology

8.  Unbuild Wall – Lt Dan cinder block removal at CHOP

Count-o-Rama and Name-o-Rama


Wildwing on Q (with thanks to Cpt Mueller, recipient of Bronze Star and Purple Heart).

The 30/20/10 Kingdom

Pax: Chairman, Chappie, Chatahoochee, Doubtfire, Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Semi, Summit, Toy Soldier, Vanilla, Wildwing

Posted In: Milton, CHOP

QIC: Wildwing

A bit nippy 27 degrees this morning but never a problem for those familiar with Jack LaLanne’s Kingdom [(Fitness the King and nutrition the Queen)]. Our very own Jester, the Comical Ruxpin, regretted that the F3 Knights did not carry him back in triumph to the CHOP. In truth though, some were slightly winded from their Norwegian Sprints, known locally as the 30-20-10 sessions.

Warm – O – Rama

SSH – 25 IC, Cherry Pickers – 25 IC, Moroccan Night Club – 25 IC, Windmill – 20 IC.


Today’s lark was premised on the virtues of the 30 – 20 – 10 Norwegian run which moves through successive intervals of 30 seconds jogging, 20 seconds moderate running, and 10 seconds of all out sprinting. HIMs completed roughly 10 intervals which were rudely interrupted by the Jester, aka Ruxpin, who demanded the odd batch of merkins and burpees at unexpected times. After 8 or so Norwegians, the group enjoyed an Australian Oblique Session – Side Dips, Side Reach Planks, Sexy Spiders, and Butterfly Sit Ups. Then back to the Norwegian’s before ending with CHOP Wall Squats. All in all, 1.57 miles of running and endless insults from the Jester.

The Third F (with thanks to the Q Source): Every HIM runs a Royalty Race with himself.  The Race is focused on gradually but consistently improving one’s fitness level.  It is not enough to merely stay in shape. Staying in shape is what Amateurs try to do.

The inspiration for the Royalty Race comes from Jack LaLanne, who said that exercise is king and nutrition is queen—put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.

F3 added the Jester because we realized that the wrong temptation can topple even the strongest man’s fitness kingdom.  (Ruxpin as Jester?)

The goal of the King is to constantly increase the four elements of FITNESS:  Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Toughness.

Fitness is best Accelerated by running with faster runners.  Together, we sharpen each other—as iron sharpens iron.

It’s simple really. If you want to learn how to run faster, just find a faster man. And chase him until you catch him.

Number – O – Rama: 12 PAX

BOM: Announcements and Prayers

With apologies for ending a few minutes early and failing to video anything other than the odd embarrassment, honored to Q! Wildwing

Wall of Fire Webbicide

Warm Up: SSH 20x, Morroccan Nightclub 20x, Cherry Picker 20x, Matt Biondi 20x

THE THANG: Bear crawl to pick up patio pavers, Lt Dan carries pavers to Wall of Fire for rotating merkins, mosie pavers down to corner, sprint one block and Karaoke return to starting line 4x, Bobby Hurleys 30x, mosie pavers back to Wall of Fire, Webbicide with 10 merkins 6x, Bear crawl limbo under pavers

THIRD F: Storytime… Fellow finds clay balls buried in sand, packs them in ruck but throws all but one into sea. Last one cracks open showing beautiful gemstone inside. See what you lose by throwing away without looking past surface.



COT…praise for 35* and rain plus more important things.

QIC: Wildwing

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