Author name: Mike Brent

Turkey Day Wobble

PAX: Spaceman, Doodle, Quattro, Wood, Beaker, Woodstock, Semi, Draggin, Deez, Nutz, Draggo, Yukon, Schwartz, Cinco, Bolt, TRex, LooneyTunes, Mr Mom, Spreader, Focker, Hoss, Toad, YourEn8, Hotdog, Bunt, Ruxpin, Chatahoochee, Chauffer, Fireplex, Whirlybird

DATE : 11/24/2022

AO: CHOP, Milton, Delaware

QIC: WhirlyBird


Side straddle hops x5 IC

Hips circles oyo ea direction x10

Knee circles oyo ea direction x10  

Cherry pickers x10 IC

Jitsu knees and hips x20 oyo


Set a repeating timer for 2:30 to complete the following: All PAX completed ten total rounds

  • Run 100 yards 
  • 10 x wide merkins
  • 10 x normal merkins
  • 10 x diamond merkins 
  • AMRAP burpees (trying to get to 100 total)

3rd F ——> Small quote about children and how to be a better parent by listening to them. For most, it’s the first time they’ve seen or done whatever it is they are trying to show you, so act surprised… act as if you would want someone to act if you showed them something for the first time! (See picture posted below)

DAKOTA LOUIS MEYER – Medal of Honor Recipient -What an absolute STUD of a Marine! The guy kept going back for more and then even got out of his truck on foot (Basically asking for more when the enemy couldn’t take him out, See below)

Plank Off Game 

Divide into two teams, facing each other.  Starting on same line, 

  • Run back to a cone (approximately 20 yards away)
  • Do the prescribed work there
  • Return to starting line and get into plank
  • Must hold plank until entire team is back
  • If you drop plank, you run to 20 yd cone over again (just run to cone and back/ no exercises) 
  • Winning team now adds 2 burpees before they can run to 20 yard cone on next round
  • 1st round/ 10 big boys, 2nd round/ 10 squats, 3rd round/ 10 burpees

Reaction Tag 

Split group into two teams.  Team 1 and Team 2.

Line in middle of parking lot is divider.  I will throw dice:

  • if it lands on an odd number team 1 takes off running back to their safe zone (Approximately 20 yards away) while team 2 attempts to catch them.  
  • If dice lands on even number, team 2 runs back to their safe zone (Approximately 20 yards away) while team 1 tries to catch them. 

(You must run to safe zone in a straight line so nobody gets hurt!!!!) 

**** If you get caught, you must complete 2 burpees ****


  • Number-Rama: 30 PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE and posted in yet another glorious Gloom on a National Holiday! Way to get after it gentlemen and even better…. A new record in the books for attendance!
  • Name-O-Rama
  • Announcements: Memorial Day this year will be on none other than a Monday and we are looking forward to it.
    – Couple guys advised that they are looking forward to March Merkin Madness
  • PRAYERS: Several requests which were addressed and a prayer indeed for all of our soldiers overseas who can’t be home on Thanksgiving day… we pray that they find the courage and are safe in everything that they do/are doing to keep us safe!

What a blast that was had by all!

Gambler Man

October 11, 2022

AO – CHOP, Milton, Delaware

QIC – Whirlybird

Pax: Deez, Drago, Beeker, Bunt, Nutz, Trex, Quattro, Ruxpin, ToySoldier, Pooh, Cheaffer, Chappie, Probe, Fireplex, Streudal, Wildwing, Whirlybird


Side straddle hops – 3 (Yep, thats enough)

Prop strikes – 4 count – feet spread shoulder width apart, one arm in air, twist body

Iron grinder – 4 count – touch toes in plank 

Hip circles – 10 ea way oyo 

Knee circles – 10 ea way oyo 

Bolt 45s w/ arms off legs – led by Fireplex

The Thang

Split into teams of 3… Gather up and face another team.  You will count 3,2,1 and then one person from each team will pick a number 1 thru 10 and shout it out at the same time, (Highest number wins, but both teams will have to do the reps their team shouted out).  Whatever team picked the highest number is penalized, therefore you have to run to roadway and back as the losing teams face off while waiting for the winners to get back. Once you reach a total of 50 total points, you can hold plank. the following were the exercises that need completing;

Carolina Dry Docks 

Big boys  


Air squats 

Overhead shoulder presses 

Blockie curls 

Mike Tyson’s  


Plank jacks 

Forward lunges from grass to light poles and then reverse lunges (walking backward while facing forward) back to the grass

Third F

  1. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.
  2. Be a man of your word. Make a promise keep it.
  3. Competence under stress cannot be created after emergencies occur.
  4. After writing an angry email or post, read it carefully. Then delete it.
  5. Give credit. Take the blame.
  6. Add value everywhere you go.
  7. Change the world, don’t let it change you.
  8. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.
  9. Always leave something better than you found it. 

Medal Of Honor – Major General Patrick Brady (see link below for more information)

Rinse and repeat, only now the winning team does 20 burpees instead of running to the road (ran out of time on this).

Bolt 45’s led by Fireplex


Burpee Baseline

Warm -A- Rama

Side straddle hops

Hip circles x10 both ways oyo

Grinder push-ups calf stretch 

Cherry pickers 

Knee circles x10 oyo

Bolt 45s brought by Mr Fireplex

The Thang

Mosey to Firehouse parking lot 

Play quick video on “Just one more” (Ed Mylett)

DEATH BY BURPEE”   – This is a test of mental toughness…. You against you and you can only cheat yourself.  Do your best as we want to see an improvement when we revisit this again after the burpee challenge in August 

Minute 1 – 1 burpee 

Minute 2 – 2 burpees 

Minute 3 – 3 burpees

Minute 4 – 4 burpees 

(To 20 total if you can last)

If you fail to make the amount of burpees in a minute, you are done!  

***** Keep your total in your head and I’ll mark you down   

3rd F – LT Brian Murphy (podcast to follow) 


6 corners – you run to a corner and someone rolls the dice.  If it lands on your corner number, you stretch….. everyone else must partake in the workout (must run to corners 1-6 and be in there before dice stop) 

1 min for the losers who guessed wrong or have no luck.

  1. Plank – 1 min
  2. Air squats – 1 min
  3. Flutter kicks – 1 min
  4. Bear crawl – 1 min
  5. Bomb jacks – 1 min
  6. LBCs – 1 min
  7. Iron mikes – 1 min
  8. Suicide Sprints – 1 min
  9. Burpees  – 1 min

Number -A- Rama

Name -A- Rama

COT- prayer

Merkin here, Merkin there

PAX: Cabana, Chappie, Chattahoochee, Chauffer, Drago, Fireplex, Flatbottom, Hideous, Looney Tunes, MacDaddy, Quattro, Ruxpin, Semi, Streudel, Toy Soldier, Whirlybird, Wildwing, Woodstock, FNG (Blockbuster)

QIC – Whirlybird

Little introduction for a FNG this morning followed by a short warm up consisting of:

  • Cherry Pickers –
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Moroccan Night Clubs

The Thang

Short mosey (.5 miles or so) at a fast pace to our local school for a parking lot beatdown.

Dice Numbers as follows:

1 – Reverse lunges 

2 -B wheel barrow   (partner grabs one foot and you walk to next pole) 

3 – Jail Break 

4 – Lt Dans 

5 – Partner bear crawl – hands tied 

6 – Nur

Grab a partner and you must hit every light pole.  At each light pole, you must do 10 merkins to continue on… Poles are approximately 50 yards apart from each other. Once done the merkins, dice were rolled to see how we traversed to the next pole.

Pole 1 – 10 merkins each person oyo

  • Curl coupon while walking to next pole 

Pole 2 – 10 merkins 

  • Hold coupon out in front for shoulders and jog to next pole  

Pole 3 – 10 merkins 

  • Overhead lunge with coupon in air or near body to next pole

Put down coupon and leave on sides of road

Pole 4 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em  

Pole 5 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em  – Lt Dans

Pole 6 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Lt Dans

Pole 7 – 10 merkins

  • Roll em – Wheel Barrows

Pole 8 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Partner Bear Crawls

Pole 9 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Lt Dans

Pole 10 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Jail Break

Pole 11 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em  – Partner Bear Crawl

Pole 12 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Jailbreak

Pole 13 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Nur

Pole 14 – 10 merkins

  • Roll em – Lt Dans

Pole 15 – 10 merkins 

  • Roll em – Nur

Coupon redemption – Pickup

Pole 16 – 10 merkins 

  • Curl coupon and walk to next pole 

 Pole 17 – 10 merkins

  • Overhead lunge with coupon in air

Pole 18 – 10 merkins 

Mosey back to the CHOP and complete the Name-O-Rama, Circle of Trust, Prayer.

Named the FNG – Levi Bean – Blockbuster

Respectfully Submitted,


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