Dragon Tail
Q – Doubtfire
12 HIM showed up for the early morning beatdown, 37°
25 SSH
11 Michael Phelps
25 Windmills
25 Mountain Climbers
25 Cherry Pickers
Bolt 45 set
The Thang:
Mosey to Food Lion Parking lot
Crawl Bear from one light to the next
25 Burpees
Bear Crawl Back
3rd F Leadership Nuggets:
1) Servant Leadership: Jesus was our ultimate example of servant leadership. Whether we are leading a business, a sports team, a church, a class, a or squadron, we are all in a leadership position. Servant leadership is all about making the goals clear and then doing whatever it takes to serve those around us to help THEM accomplish THEIR goals. They don’t work for us or serve us, we serve them. Good leaders must first become good servants. Give your Power away!
2) Team work: Jesus engaged a team of 12 to accomplish his mission. I remember the story of this man lost on a country road in his pickup truck and found himself on the road and into the ditch. He walked to a nearby farm to ask for help. The farmer pointed to his old decrepit mule and said Ole Worwick can pull you out. The man, with doubt, accepted the offer. The farmer hitched Ole Warwick to the man’s pick up truck and said “pull Fred, pull Jack, pull Ted, Pull Warwick” And Ole Warwick pulled the truck right out of the ditch with no problem. The man asked in amazement, “why did you call out all of those names?” The farmer said with a grin on his face, “you see, Ole Warwick is blind and as long as he believes he is part of a team he will pull just about anything!” Teamwork is a powerful tool, just see what the 12 disciples were able to accomplish in such a short period of time. A group can accomplish things which the cumulative individuals of the group could never bring about. Such is the case with this amazing group of HIM!
Lt. Dan between light poles
30 Merkins
Dragon Crawl back
Mosey Back to CHOP
Somewhat super toy soldier set of 60/30/15