Six PAX is never a good start to your day, unless, of course, you’re talking about 6 F3 PAX who won THAT FIRST BATTLE by unpartaking of the Fartsack and were lucky enough to post at the Primis AO in Lewes, DE.
No. One. Ever. Regrets. Posting. Post!
SSH – 18 IC
Moroccan NC’s – 10 IC
Italian NC’s – 10 IC
The Motivator (Shout out to the men of F3 Lanco, YHC borrowed this excellent warm-up exercise)
Calf Raises – 30 IC
Crab Flipper – 18 IC (Now Local & Legit: a variation of the Cherry Picker, PAX pick cherries…er, um…flip crabs on the 3-count near the left foot, then down the middle between feet, then on the 3-count near the right foot, continuing to alternate L, M, R, R, M, L throughout the exercise — it’s now local gentlemen…and good for warming up and stretching)
At this point PAX took the Shovel Flag for a short tour (.96 miles) Patriot Run.
PAX returned from Patriot Run to the Tennis courts where, low and behold, awaiting was a giant pair of dice and YHC’s Board of Pain…
PAX each took turns rolling the dice, accomplishing each exercise on the Board of Pain except SSH, Squats, Merkins, Sandbag Circle, and Dying Cockroaches. First lucky roll came from Ruxpin who kicked it off by rolling a 9: Flying Squirrels (25 of those suckers darn near whooped us!) But we continued.
The Q inserted 2 laps around the tennis court [for a breather]. First time around PAX did the Nur. Second time around PAX Side-shuffled.
YHC also gave the PAX a breather by sharing the following 3rdF:
Just a reminder of what this F3 thing–this Fitness, Fellowship, & Faith thing–is about…it’s all about LEADERSHIP! We’re here because we inherently desire to sharpen our ability to lead.
You’re all here because you’re a part of that mission, because you recognize on a personal level you’ve not arrived and you have room to grow in the area of leadership…be it in your home, your workplace, or the communities in which you serve.
We tend to think leadership is…
▪ A solo adventure, that we have to go it alone. We see ourselves standing atop the proverbial mountain directing our “troops” into battle.
▪ We tend to think it’s about our position and how to get to the next rung on the ladder.
▪ We tend to think leadership is about us (me, myself, and I)
▪ And…its none of these things at all! In fact, some of the greatest detriments to our ability to lead are actually our own egos, our push to rise to the top of the pecking order, or our desire for recognition.
Not having it all together (and worse yet, the trap that follows of ACTING like we do) we hide behind power and position. Afraid we will be found out… afraid that others (men especially) will see that we actually don’t have it all together, we end up taking stances in leadership that hinder, rather than help, our ability to lead. Then too often we end up forfeiting opportunities to master leadership by learning from our failures (we think we’re not allowed to fail).
We tend to assume “the bigger my ego, the more respect I’ll be able to demand, and the better my leadership.” But reality is that the biggest thing that needs to be put in check is, in fact, our egos.
I base these statements on the example we see in Christ: In Jesus is found the example of a servant leader who, though fully divine, took on humanity and the human experience. He did this to redeem us…
Think about that: God became a man, and at that, A SERVANT [LEADER], because there was something enormous at stake: Your life… eternally! So His plan of redeeming you included SERVANT LEADERSHIP.
That fact teaches several important factors which can transform our thinking about leadership:
#1: “Leadership is an action, not a position.” (Chris Brady) i.e. it’s what you do!
#2: “Leaders must ALWAYS operate with the understanding that they’re part of something bigger than themselves and their own personal interests.” (Jocko, EO p.76)
#3: “Leaders move people from where they are to where God wants them to be.”
In reference to what I’m sharing these next two are critical:
#4: “Leadership IS NOT about being the best; leadership is about making everyone else better.” (@bjj_world)
#5: “The bottom line in leadership ISN’T how far we advance ourselves; it’s how far we advance OTHERS.” (LTC Rick Frank)
Philippians 2:6ff talks about how Christ humbled Himself by coming down from heaven and becoming human–a bond-servant. God did that! So leadership is best expressed in humility and in the interest of others. These verses are stated as the example to follow and the attitude we’re supposed to have (Christ’s) after we read earlier in Phil. 2:3-4 “DO NOTHING FROM SELFISHNESS OR EMPTY CONCEIT, BUT WITH HUMILITY OF MIND LET EACH OF YOU REGARD ONE ANOTHER AS MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIMSELF; DO NOT MERELY LOOK OUT FOR YOUR OWN PERSONAL INTERESTS, BUT ALSO FOR THE INTERESTS OF OTHERS.” Have this attitude in yourselves.…” (Emphasis added) The attitude of Christ is what was then described.
Today, if you want to be a HIM, humble yourself and serve to make someone else better. Humble yourself and lead by advancing those around you!
PAX returned to taking a few lucky rolls of the dice and experiencing the Board of Pain before time was up.
Announcements: Praise YHC’s nephew, Aaron, is home from deployment! PAX shared other AO’s, workout locations, with Chauffeur so he’d know where to post in the Gloom
Prayers: Chauffeur & Doubtfire (prayers for things going on on the home front); Prayers for all those still deployed, especially Aaron’s battle buddy, Cottle; Prayers for our F3 brother, Styx, experienced some recent serious heart issues.
Always thankful for the opportunity to borrow, create and execute a new Weinke. While we repeated several of the exercises, we didn’t make it through the whole Board of Pain. Perhaps another time…its just the luck of the roll. Until then…
Twenty-three degrees at O-Gawd-Thirty? No problem! F3 HIM are principled men, and 4 of them upheld the F3 principle “always outdoors rain or shine, hot or COLD” at The Grit Mill in Milford this Gloom. Rumor has it a dirty dozen posted in Milton at the CHOP–that makes 16 on the day who are principled men.
Here’s how it all went down, rather, up and down, and up and down, at the Grit Mill:
SSH– 20 IC
Imperial Walker – 18 IC
CrabFlipper – 20 IC (Variant: Left, Middle, & Right flippers)
Tempo Merkin – 18 IC
SwartzJacks – 18 IC
ArmCircles – 10 forward, 10 backward OYO
Calf Raises – 30 OYO
Mosey all the way around the library to steps on back parking lot side. Figured to be a good place to start since a little extra clatter in the lot might ‘rouse Chilly from his sleep to what’s the matter. It didn’t work, but here’s what did:
Back Lot 2-Story Steps:
PAX Planked, while in turn each ran to the top and back down, swapping out with next PAX in plank line. 4 rounds
PAX did Plank Jacks, while in turn each ran to the top and back down, swapping out with next PAX in Mountain Climber line. 4 rounds
Mosey to front library steps
Front Library Steps:
PAX in line did Low Slow Squats, while in turn each ran to top on left steps, back down middle steps, back to top on right steps, and back down the middle steps to swap out with next PAX in line. 4 rounds
Mosey to side, lower entry steps
SideLower Entry Steps:
PAX rotated from BTTW, to running up, then back down the steps to swap out with next PAX. 4 rounds, on final round the PAX added the side steps for extra credit
Then PAX rotated from standing High Knees, to running up, then back down both main steps and side steps, 4 rounds
YHC Shared the following 3rdF to get PAX thinking about the amazing part of Christmas–the INCARNATION–the fact that God became man for our salvation:
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And we beheld His glory. This is John’s version of the Christmas narrative. While it is not really a narrative, it does tell us about the most incredible truth ever told. God the Son, who was eternal God Himself, put on flesh and dwelt among us. Another word for this is: I-N-C-A-R-N-A-T-I-O-N
The Bible is literally 66 books, ranging from Genesis to Revelation. Forty different writers authored it’s books, over a period of 1500 years. Despite all of this, a consistent, complete message unfolds across its pages.
It’s easy to forget the Bible predates the printing press by over a thousand years. It was laboriously written on papyrus. Very few owned the manuscripts, usually only religious officials. Over centuries, the Jews nurtured and preserved the writings, carefully recording each letter and punctuation mark — In fact, if a letter or a syllable was wrong, the copying had to start over! The early Christians continued the practice of precision, passing the written Word along carefully from generation to generation.
WHY WAS THE BIBLE WRITTEN? Think about this relate-able picture: Late on Christmas Eve, a frustrated father sits on the floor. Stray parts of a new toy litter the room. His wife surveys the mess, and says, “When all else fails, read the instructions.”
Maybe you’re the type who typically skips the manual. Most of us definitely don’t like to stop and ask for directions either. But think further about this: God knew we would frequently need to “read the instructions” — perhaps before we even find ourselves in a mess!
1) For an infinite God to reveal Himself to a finite people
2) To reveal to people how to live. In Deuteronomy 4:1 God said, “Hear my Word and follow my decrees and statutes that you may LIVE….”
3) To reveal how God interacts with people through history
Roman’s 15:4 says, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have HOPE.”
This Christmas season, would you commit to taking the time to read the first few chapters of the Gospel of Matthew or the Gospel of Luke? (The Christmas narratives of the birth of our Savior.) Read the instruction manual and share it with your family to see just what it says about Christmas and the hope it brings to us in Christ. Merry Christmas!
At this point PAX mosey’d all the way around the building and returned to the Back Lot 2-Story Steps:
PAX in line did Mountain Climber, while in turn each ran to the top and back down, swapping out with next PAX in Mountain Climber line. 4 rounds
PAX in line did Seal Jacks, while in turn each ran to the top and back down, swapping out with next PAX in line. 4 rounds
Time called. Mosey back [just] around the corner to AO starting point for…
NUMBER-RAMA: One! Two! Three! And YHC’s golf game, Four!
Announcements: YHC shared briefly about the potential/goal for F3 First State to take on official Region Status. It’s within reach and leadership (Nantan, Site-Q’s, & Comz, etc.) will have further discussion on this. It’s a great year to do so, since the year to come is all about 2020. So, let’s work together soon to get some 20/20 on Region status in 2020. More to come…
Prayers: Prayers lifted for several: Aaron (YHC’s nephew deployed), homeless family (ministered to by Gump), April & Faith and their family members (Waterfall’s extended family)
What a brisk morning it was! Lots of leg smoke, but a leg-day never hurts. Well, actually, it does! But that’s the point. Check? Check!
Always honored to lead the men in Milford at our newest AO, The Grit Mill. get the word out in and around Milford, men. Own the mission to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership! Even if you don’t regularly post there, if you’d like to Q it, contact Site-Q Ruxpin. The place is a workout goldmine. YHC knows one thing for certain…there are plenty of steps. And we didn’t even leave the AO!
A dirty dozen PAX won THAT FIRST BATTLE, gave their fartsack a beatdown, and posted for the first beatdown of the week on an amazing 63 degree day in December!
If you can’t figure out the beatdown from the title, then read on. If you have children at home, you get the reference. If you were 1 of the 12 HIM who posted, then you know…
Disclaimer given
SSH – 18 IC (Because many men are 18″ from life eternal)
Swartzjacks – 10 IC (Because, well, it’s the 10th of December)
Sealjacks – 10 IC
Crab Flippers – 10 IC…Nice and slow for full effect
Patty Cake Merkins – 10 OYO (w/partner)
Bolt 45 – No complaint breaks in between – Squats: 15 – Top to half, 15 – Half to bottom, 15 – Top to bottom
PAX stayed paired up, each pair retrieved a 40# sandbag and lined up at the edge of the Grace Church field. Approximately 150 yards in length, PAX alternated between doing 10 Burpees & the Sand Bear Drag (planked over the sandbag, PAX Bearcrawled and pulled the sandbag forward) while advancing the entire length of the field. “Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the opposite end of the field looking at me.”
Partner 1: 10 Burpees
Partner 2: Sand Bear Drag
Swap, rinse & repeat as necessary
To return from opposite end of the field, PAX swapped out from 10 Apollo Ohno’s to Burpees while advancing the length of the field in return. “Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the opposite end of the field looking at me.”
Partner 1: 10 Apollo Ohno’s
Partner 2: Sand Bear Drag
Swap, rinse & repeat as necessary
Back in the AO parking lot, PAX circled up for the day’s 3rd F Message:
(Source: Adapted from F3 Nation QSource Nov. 20)
COMMITMENT – Unwavering Loyalty To The Group And Unflinching Determination To Accomplish It’s Mission
Loyalty requires abandonment of self
How important is commitment to you?
Are you someone who values loyalty and follow-through? When things get tough, are you in the habit of standing firm? Or do you have a tendency to compromise your level of commitment or even quit? More specifically, how committed are you to your team? Is your support solid? Is your dedication undeniable?
WAYS to improve your level of commitment . . .
1) TIE COMMITMENTS TO YOUR VALUES. Because your values and your ability to fulfill your commitments are closely related, take some time to reflect on them.
First, make a list of your personal and professional commitments. Then try to articulate your core values.
Once you have both lists, compare them. You will probably find that you have commitments unrelated to your values. Reevaluate them. You will also find that you have values that you are not living out. Commit yourself to them.
2) TAKE A RISK Being committed involves risk. You may fail. Your teammates may let you down. You may discover that fulfilling your goals doesn’t give you the results you desire. But take the risk of committing anyway. George Halas, former owner of the NFL Chicago Bears, asserted, “Nobody who ever gave his best regretted it.”
3) EVALUATE TEAMMATES’ COMMITMENT If you find it difficult to commit in particular relationships and you cannot find a reason for it in yourself, consider this: you cannot make a commitment to uncommitted people and expect to receive a commitment from them (Emphasis added). Examine the relationship(s), team, group to see whether YOU are reluctant because the potential recipient is uncommitted (maybe even untrustworthy).
4) INCREASE YOUR LEVEL OF COMMITMENT AND STAND FIRM ON MATTERS RELATED TO YOUR VALUES Loyalty is firm, and constant support and allegiance manifested, through the subordination of one’s own well-being to the Prosperity of the Group. A Loyal person puts the interest of his Group and the needs of its Members before his own. In his decision making, he is concerned first with the impact a course of action will have on the Group and only secondarily upon himself. His relationship with his Group and its Members is that of a fiduciary, in that he is charged with a special duty of Trust that obligates him to safeguard the groups Prosperity in everything he does.
Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act.
Proverbs 16:3 Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.
1 Kings 8:61 Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments, as at this day
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men
Next PAX circled up with sandbags & bricks: 1 PAX on Sandbag, 1 PAX on a brick, sandbag, brick, sandbag, brick, etc. (you get the idea). PAX rotated counter-clockwise around the circle alternating between Sandbags & Bricks:
Sandbags = 10 Sandbag Squats
Bricks = 10 Merkins (touch chest to the brick to work on full form)
Final stops of bags & bricks = 20 reps each
Total = 70 reps Sandbag Squats, 70 reps Merkins
One final COP: Al Gore for a couple of 10 Counts
With that, it was a wrap! Sand Bear, Sand Bear, what do you see? I see the end of the workout looking at me!
Announcements: Plan B has been activated for this year’s F3 first State Christmas Party – We’re moving to Irish Eyes, Friday, Dec. 13 @ 7 pm. Come one, come all. Thanks to Chairman for taking the lead on making the reservations call! Dec. 21-22 Crossroad Christmas (See Quattro for the skinny on the times)
Prayers: Streudel’s M, Lisa, biopsy today. Danielle, continued prayers thru her battle. Aaron, Chappie’s nephew deployed. Vanilla, continued prayers for health for entire family recovering from colds and flu. Prayers for all PAX to check their commitment levels.
Always an honor and painful pleasure to Q. Shout out to the Dirty Dozen who posted, and, as Chattahoochee’s shirt said, “Embrace the Suck.” Way to embrace it men!
Why: Why not? You’ll regret not being there if you miss it.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: Not a dime. But each PAX/M is asked to bring a pasta dish of your choice, salad, & dessert (just bring something to share)
A: Drinks will be provided. But booze…I think is BYOB. Check with Ruxpin
Q: When should I RSVP?
A: Yesterday. Since you can’t do that hit up Ruxpin on the GroupMe or DM him so that he and Shawna can start to get a headcount.
Q: What if I have any additional questions not covered here?
A: Reach out to Ruxpin or Chappie in the Gloom or on F# First State FB or IG.
Thanks ahead of time to Ruxpin and his M, Shawna, for hosting this always-a-fun-time event. Let’s get together, celebrate Christmas and another year of F3, and enjoy some 2ndF beyond a morning workout (i.e. lets introduce our families to each other…)
Seven PAX broke the Fartsack chains and won THAT FIRST BATTLE to brave the polar vortex, which brought a 30 degree temp drop since yesterday’s workout. Those who took on today’s Gloom repeatedly jumped “into the void” for an ab beatdown at the hands of YHC.
The plan was to stay put on the AO’s home court, however, the stiff winds not only moved us during the warmup, but also the workout. During the warmup PAX were moved to behind the screens on the tennis courts…
SSH – 18 IC
SwartzJacks – 18 IC
Crab-flippers – 10 IC
Imperial Walkers – 18 IC
Prison Squats – 18 IC
The stiff wind, along with 24 degree temps, forced us to take a short mosey downtown to a beatdown sheltered by surrounding buildings, so off we went…
PAX were circled up where the following beatdown instructions were received: The middle of the circle will be called “The Void,” 1 PAX would be in the void, executing 10 Burpees, while PAX on the outside of the circle would execute, IC, AMRAP Ab exercise pulled on the card. PAX would rotate strictly voluntarily to jump into the void. PAX executed the following random ab exercises as written on the cards:
Crab Cakes
Box Cutters
Gas Pumpers
American Hammers
Freddie Mercury
Protractor (10-Counts)
Big Boys (Feet interlocked)
Half Pumpers
Side Planks (10-Counts)
Not-So-Lazy-Boys (10 Counts)
Dying Cockroaches
Heel Touches
X’s & O’s
Flutter Kicks – lots of extras here, read below
After first round thru with each PAX rotating into the void for Burpees, the following 3rdF was shared:
We’ve all come across those in life who stand and watch. But we are not those; we know we cannot afford to be. No man can. Instead we’re leaders, we’re those who have jumped into the void (or are prepared to do so at a moments notice, at first call) we’re those who are HIM! And HIM, by definition, jump into the void.
In the Bible, when the Lord said to Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” he was calling Joshua to the enormous, overwhelming, fear-inducing task of leading Israel into the Promised Land. He called Joshua to jump into the void, into the arena! In that very moment Joshua had to make the decision, as Kyle Carpenter writes, “On behalf of Future You (actually in his case future Israel, my emphasis). You know that Present You is probably going to have to deal with a little more discomfort or inconvenience right now, but long-term, you will be grateful for the choices you made today. You don’t want merely to hope for better days ahead, you want to take the steps necessary to ensure them.” (You Are Worth It, 229)
Our workouts are preparation, a small microcosm of this, an incubator, if you will, but it applies to all of life. You may be “nudging, creeping, or stumbling forward because it’s the only option you have: forward or backward,” but you’ve jumped into the void, you’re in the arena getting sweaty, marred, and bloodied—but YOU’RE STRIVING, not standing and watching!
“Even when there’s no reason in the world to continue, you’re making decisions that take away your own excuses to quit (every one of them) because you know how it would affect the way you carried yourself afterward. And once you make those kinds of choices to continue, you find it easier to make them again and again.” (Adapted: Ibid. 231, 261, 262)
So, what’s God calling you to do? How might this bare out personally? In the very least, refuse to align with being a cold and timid soul: Be a HIM in your home, in your workplace, and in the communities in which you serve! Maybe God’s even calling you to something additional, seemingly enormous, like Joshua? Whatever it is, dare greatly and jump into the void, because “HE WHO JUMPS INTO THE VOID OWES NO EXPLANATION TO THOSE WHO STAND AND WATCH”!
PAX returned to the COP for Round 2: Instead of Burpees, this time the PAX who jumped into the void would either Plank or Chilcutt for 1 minute (timed). PAX outside the void cycled through the same Ab cards. Only detour taken was an extra long set of Flutter Kicks at the hands of Leatherman (and the finicky timer on YHC’s phone).
Mosey return to the home court
Announcements: F3 First State Christmas Gathering location up for grabs, somebody act quickly so we can plan. Wanna host? Contact Chappie
Prayers: Aaron (Chappie’s nephew deployed), Danielle Briggs (facing cancer), Denny (Chairman’s dad, praise for good test results), Doubtfire, etc.
What a brisk morning it was, lots of work but no sweat–to cold to sweat. Honored to have the privilege to bring the beatdown at the Primis AO and to be able to share a 3rd Word with the PAX. A principle tested is a principle proven (F3 workouts are always outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold). YHC appreciates all the PAX who braved the elements prove the principle on this very cold and very windy gloom! Aye!
Those who stayed cozy got lapped! Especially those new young guys. What the what? Get upppp! Sorry, not sorry! Nonetheless a dirty dozen HIM started the week by winning THAT FIRST BATTLE and posting for an ad hoc beatdown by YHC. Doubtfire had to back out of his scheduled Q due to his back being tied in knots. Here’s to a recovery day for our brother and a quick return to the rotation. We have so many on the Q rotation that it sometimes feels like you don’t get to Q enough; that’s a good problem to have. YHC was excited to step in.
Never really JUST a standby, YHC went to the Exicon toolbox, pulled out the Bearmuda Triangle, and used it on the PAX. It lived up to its name…we mysteriously lost a PAX along the way (oh, wait, that was only a modification?). Here’s the skinny on the workout:
SSH – 18 IC
Crab Flippers (Cherry Pickers on Delmarva) – 18 IC
Swartz Jacks – 18 IC (Uno, dos, tres, QUATTRO!)
Moroccan Night Clubs – 18 IC
Merkins – 18 IC
Patriot Run around the block – nice pace!
3rdF Message shared here – Content posted below
The Thang:
THE Bearmuda Triangle – 3 cones set up in a triangle pattern, 90 feet apart. PAX Bearcrawl from cone to cone, adding 1 Burpee at each cone. 3x around the cone triangle = 45 total Burpees
Two 10-counts later, PAX found themselves on the side wall of the church:
People’s Chair – 10 Count
5 Mexican Jumping Beans, OYO
BTTW – 10 Count
10 Mexican Jumping Beans
People’s Chair – 10 Count, 2x
15 Mexican Jumping Beans
The Jack Webb Finale: (Always a crowd pleaser)
Ratio: 1 Merkin/4 OH Claps all the way up to 10 Merkins/40 OH Claps
Though Leatherman tried to stop us, and stop the pain, we went…a WHOLE 30 secs over :-)’ Nice try brother, nice try!
Announcements: Nuh’in (at least not that YHC remembers)
Prayers: For family of Fireplex’s friend who passed from ALS, Chappie’s nephew (Aaron) who is deployed, for our bro Doubtfire on several different fronts
That was about it. Again, honored by the opportunity to lead. Always enjoy Q’ing. Humbled by it all. Get back soon, Doubtfire.
~Chappie, out!
Scars – 3rdF Content:
The theme of SCARS seems to keep coming up an awful lot in the last few weeks. Scars are often a kind of credential. Each of them has a story.
Kyle Carpenter (MOH recipient) bears some serious scars for jumping on a grenade to save the life of a fellow Marine. He devoted an entire chapter of his book YOU ARE WORTH IT to scars (cf. Ch.13, Don’t Hide Your Scars). In it, he wrote that “scars are a kind of credential”(210). Kyle added this story: “There is a greeter at my local Walmart, an elderly gentleman who always has a cheerful hello for everyone who comes through the door. One day, as I was walking in, he spotted me, flashed his huge grin, and then did finger pistols at me as he playfully asked, ‘Motorcycle wreck?'” I did finger pistols right back at him and replied, ‘Taliban!'”
Later he continued, “I would never encourage anyone to share something they aren’t comfortable sharing. But there are some scars that are so obvious, so apparent, that it is impossible to hide or ignore them. Instead of being ashamed of them, I think there is power in embracing these ‘stories’ that leave their marks on our bodies and souls” (211).
Scars are a kind of credential. They have tremendous power for creating bonds. “Wear them proudly. Wear them for yourself, to honor what you’ve been through. And wear them for others, to connect with them and inspire them to keep on fighting. They reassure others they’re not alone. They give hope that someday, their wounds will become nothing but scars, too” (215).
In 2 Cor. 11, the Apostle Paul shared quite a list of experiences which undoubtedly left him with serious scars. The context of the list was that he was facing off with false teachers who were trying to lead the Corinthians away from the truth. Paul shared the list not to brag about personal experiences, but to express that his heaviest burden of all was for the churches. The best scars are always the ones left from a cause that is bigger than we are! Listen to these verses from 2 Cor. 11:22-29…
22 Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. 23 Are they servants of Christ?—I speak as if insane—I more so; in far more labors, in far more imprisonments, beaten times without number, often in danger of death. 24 Five times I received from the Jews thirty-nine lashes. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, a night and a day I have spent in the deep. 26 I have been on frequent journeys, in dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from the Gentiles, dangers in the city, dangers in the wilderness, dangers on the sea, dangers among false brethren; 27 I have been in labor and hardship, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, often without food, in cold and exposure. 28 Apart from such external things, there is the daily pressure on me of concern for all the churches. 29 Who is weak without my being weak? Who is led into sin without my intense concern?
Had Paul NOT been a true follower of Christ, had he NOT been truly concerned for the church, he would not have experienced (willingly endured) those trials — he would not have borne the scars which those trials inevitably produced — especially the 39 lashes x5! (Btw…that’s 195!).
Scars are a kind of credential. The nail-scarred hands of our Savior are credentials of His unconditional love. Proof that He paid our penalty in the cross. They are further proof that He is alive! Add to that, sometimes some else’s scars remind us we’re living, we’re ALIVE!
This past week you heard about the death of Toby Mac’s (and his wife, Amanda’s) oldest son, Truett, age 21. Toby Mac’s Facebook post was nothing short of phenomenal. In the midst of feeling exceptional pain that will leave exceptional scars, he and his wife, Amanda, were able to inspire others. Here’s how/why: (This is the last paragraph of their post)
Scars in the lives of HIM are a kind of credential. They’re credentials that we ARE unquestionably ALL IN, whether it be in relationship with God, in our families, our churches, our workplaces, or the communities in which we serve. Scars heal and tell a story BECAUSE YOU ARE ALIVE; scars mark you as resilient, tough, and as a survivor! They mark you as a HIM!
DISCLAIMER – You’re here because you want to be. It is you against you. Do what you can. if there’s something you can’t do or shouldn’t do then modify, but always do something.
There was no rain or anything like that, the library just happened to have left the lights on for us so we executed the Warm-O-Rama on the library patio. Man, THAT PLACE IS GOING TO BE QUITE HANDY ON SOME OF THOSE RAINY/SNOWY DAYS! Technically it still meets the principle always outside rain or shine, hot or cold. Who found this AO??
Anyhoo, YHC led a warm-up that went something like this (the BB is a few days behind schedule so memory is fading on this one + it was Weinkeless)
SSH – 18 IC
Cherry Pickers/Crab Flippers/Hairy Chiggers – 10 IC
Prison Cell Merkins – 5 OYO
Windmill – 18 IC
YHC explained to the rest of the PAX that we’d be doing an abbreviated Q School for the workout. The value: New AO and new PAX who will soon be stepping into the Q role will be better-prepared for Q’ing.
Mosey to Arena’s Restaurant parking lot for Q School!
The Thang:
PAX Circled up and worked through the following:
Intro to Q School
Abbreviated History of F3
Freed to Lead (there are a few AO copies floating around, grab one and read
F3 Mission
Sadclown Syndrome
IATA – The “How” of Effective Leadership
Individual Initiative – the I2 of Freed to Lead
Accountability – must be applied by and outside force (“Accountability means making personal commitment to the entire team,” adapted from 4DX. “We expect out of peers the very best we all can offer.”)
Teamwork – Individual participation based on strengths
Attention to detail
How to Count– Effective leadership as a Q – Critical to this particular abbreviated version of Q School
Command Voice – Comes from the gut, not the throat. Signals PAX that you are in control, have a [plan, and you’re ready to roll and take leading them seriously.
Why Cadence? – CONSISTENCY in all things is the building block of leadership. It develops Esprit de Corps. It prevents fatigue. Demonstrates consistency, competence, and attention to detail.
At this point YHC gave a demonstration and then handed-off the Q baton to each PAX. We worked around the circle and each PAX called out an exercise and executed it IN CADENCE to practice counting. Gents be patient with yourselves and each other, IT TAKES PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
YHC briefly covered some of the important factors of the Building of the Workout structure by a Q.
Thang 2:
PAX lined up along one end of the parking lot and YHC worked the PAX up the ladder by 5’s with a “slow-burn” back and forth across the lot with exercises at each end to wrap the Q School.
Mosey back to the AO.
That’s it. Keeping it short (a first) but had to make sure the Backblast was posted. Afterall, if there’s no Backblast, it didn’t happen. Plus, YHC wanted to lead by example since Toy Soldier is on Q in the Gloom.
9 HIM posted for the first First State beatdown of the week and the month.
YHC pulled out what has become a standard of measure at the CHOP AO in Milton, DE: The 4 x 4! But the name was changed from 4 x 4 to 4 for #4 this time in honor of #4 Troy Haynes, star QB from Woodbridge High School, Class of 2019. This young-man was starting QB for 4 years, leading his high school football team to 2 State Championships. He was diagnosed in the Spring with kidney cancer. He’s been a strong tower through this battle, and his parents and family have been an amazing testimony of faith in Christ the whole time, hoping, praying for, and expecting the best. Sadly, Troy went home to be with the Lord on Sunday. He just turned 19-years-old!
The whole community of Woodbridge has stood by the Haynes family during this battle. YHC’s wife teaches in the Woodbridge School District and has been involved in rallies for #4 and kept YHC abreast of his situation. What a community! Everyone was praying. Everyone was wearing their shirts that said #fightlike4. Everyone was right there, on the sidelines, rooting for Troy through what turned out to be an insurmountable battle. Troy was apparently not accustomed to losing, but this one was out of his hands. If they could everyone around him, including Troy himself, would no doubt call some other play, any play, that would pull this one out for the win–whether it be a come from behind, after the 2-minute warning, last second, or an OT situation. Texas. In the end, there was no play call to beat this opponent. Cancer. Time ran out. Cancer sucks! A young man has been taken from his parents, family, friends, and this world. Too soon! Our hearts ache for the whole family, but for the parents, especially. Some of you have been there and done that, but most of us cannot imagine losing a child. They’re supposed to outlive us! There’s no understanding this side of heaven to be able to explain, more less fully accept such a loss. There are no easy answers. Presence. Yet, we know Christ who holds this family and the entire world in His hands. In situations like this we may not know the future, but we can find peace in Him who holds it. We pray this for Troy’s mom and dad, and for his siblings. As part of the community-at-large, we’ll continue to pray for and support and stand beside this family–their hopes were not seemingly satisfied. While there are no answers in all of this (yet), the family’s faith has been strong. We trust that it remains as such, and if not, where it is perhaps tested or maybe even broken, may God use this experience to rebuild their faith in due time.
This workout was themed in honor of Troy: 4 for #4: 4 corners [around the block, 0.5 miles] with 4 workouts, one on each corner. It went a little something like this:
Cherry Picker (Crab Flipper, Hairy Chigger) – 18 IC
Italian Night Club – 18 IC
B2G (Butt 2 Ground) Squats – 10 Count Hold (x3)
Brief review on the purpose of the Shovel-Flag, the Mission of F3 to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership, and the principles of F3: 1. All men 2. Always outdoors, rain or shine, hot or cold 3. Peer lead 4. Free, and 4. Always end with a COT.
Brief explanation of workout and how we were going to use it as a simple tribute to Troy Haynes. #4!
Transition to next corner: Mosey down Willow Ave. toward Union St. 50% mosey to 1st light pole, 75% mosey to 2nd light pole, Jail Break rest of the way to…
Corner #4: Body – Burpees – 10 OYO, Mt. Climbers – 10 OYO, Flying Squirrels – 10 OYO, and Mule Kicks – 10 OYO (YHC’s back still hurts! note to self: NEVER put these on the Weinke again!)
There you have it, 4 [corners] for #4.
Mosey return to the AO. And looky, looky, it’s 0600 hrs.
Announcements: Lots of chatter about some unheard of run. The Dogfish somethin’ or other? We’re going to check into this thing and see what it’s all about. Anybody know anything? (Seriously, great job to all the guys who ran it! Chairman, Chattahoochee, Leatherman.) Shout out to all those pushing not only to improve their wellness, but also their leadershipness. #F3FirstStateVisibility
Prayers: Haynes family, that God and His people would surround them during this time | Gump, recovery from possible stress fracture | A bunch of other requests that I’ve forgotten but Christ has not. All humbly lifted to our Lord.
Thanks to all the HIM who won That First Battle, overcame the draw of the fartsack (which has apparently been very strong as of late), and posted. You posted and that’s why YHC posted! Honored to lead this workout as a simple tribute to #4, and honored to lead the PAX of F3 First State! Aye!
Chappie, out!
3rd F Message shared prior to Corner 3 workout. The full version:
We’ve all inadvertently inflicted pain on someone else, we’ve all inadvertently been the source of someone else’s pain. I remember once when Zeke (our 20-yr-old) was a baby and I had just changed his diaper. As I was getting him dressed again, I began to snap the shoulder snaps on his onesie. One moment everything was fine, a split-second later, he was red-in-the-face screaming and crying. I had no idea what was wrong with my little guy, and I all I wanted to do was finish dressing him so I could pick him up to comfort him. I was having trouble with one of the snaps, so I hurried even more, pressing the snaps harder between my fingers. He screamed and cried louder. I became all the more determined to get the thing snapped, so I squeezed the snap harder still. The result was his escalating pain. At that moment I was horrified to realize he was being tortured by ME! He was screaming and crying because of ME! The snaps I’d kept squeezing harder together would not close because I had the skin of his left shoulder between them. I was the source of his pain! Inadvertently, yes! But I was inflicting severe pain upon someone I loved. (Not talking about discipline here, that’s very purposeful pain, but I’m talking about inadvertent infliction.)
Several pieces of this scene translate into tools we can use when discovering that we’re the source of someone else’s pain:
First: STOP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING. When I discovered I was causing my son pain I stopped. I realized I’d had some of his skin between the snaps and I was hurting him, so I stopped right away. When you and I realize that what we’re doing is a source of someone else’s pain — a loved one, a friend, a peer, an acquaintance, or even someone we may not know — we have to stop doing whatever it is that’s causing them pain. You might discover it on your own, they may tell you (depending on age, they might even scream or cry :-), or an outside voice might come from someone observing what’s going on and mention it to you. The point is that awareness should bring it’s end.
Second: COMFORT THE OTHER PERSON. When I discovered I was causing my son pain I comforted him. I immediately picked him up and I soothed his shoulder the best I could. I couldn’t believe what I’d done. Frankly, I’m surprised there’s no scar there today. Pain brings discomfort. The level of pain inflicted carries with it a corresponding level of discomfort. My son was only a baby at the time, and it was easier to comfort him in that moment than at other times in his adolescence, or since as a young adult when I’ve failed him and inadvertently inflicted pain upon him (or others). The same is true among all of us as adults; we can’t simply pick up another adult and soothe them from [physical/emotional/relational] pain we’ve caused. Oh, if it were only THAT easy! It’s going to be different when we’re dealing with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet, still, maybe it doesn’t have to be as complicated as we sometimes make it. After all, we’re “members one of another” according to Romans 12:5. And Romans 14:19 says, “So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.” What it is that will provide comfort for someone when we’ve been the source of their pain? Our pursuit of making peace with them (no matter who it is).
Third: EXPRESS YOUR SORROW. When I discovered I was causing my son pain I pleaded my sorrow to him. As a baby, he had no clue what I was saying. But he did understand the action of my love. He knew my sorrow because it was expressed not just by my voice (words he didn’t understand) but by my affection and by my repentance (I stopped doing that which was his source of pain and I picked him up and held him til the pain subsided). God’s Word talks about a sorrow that leads to repentance (2 Cor. 7:10). While that refers to salvation, I think we can apply it here. When we’re the source of someone else’s pain, its not enough to simply say we’re sorry. Our sorrow over hurting someone else has to lead us not only to stopping, but it has to lead to reconciling with them. Taking full responsibility for our words and/or actions is part of godly sorrow.
When Carol and I were first married we attended what was essentially a small group for Marriage Ministries International. Someone in the group quipped that there were 12 words that we’d have to get used to saying: “You were right. I was wrong. Please forgive me. I love you!” If I recall correctly, the husbands (especially) were taught we’d have to get used to saying them if we wanted a happy marriage. I jest, but there’s truth in those words that we’ve both actually kept handy for nearly 26 years now. Here’s some key advice for expressing your sorrow when you’ve been the source of someone else’s pain. DO NOT just say sorry! DO tell them you know exactly what you did that hurt them. Take full responsibility for it! Plead sorrow and use these words EVERY time: “Will you forgive me?” If you’re the one who’s been hurt, and someone is admitting their wrong and asking for your forgiveness, use these words EVERY time: “I forgive you.” Say it! You’ve probably noticed some who are utterly uncomfortable using these words. Well, make it your practice anyway! Who knows, maybe it’ll catch on. Remember, express genuine sorrow and take full responsibility for doing whatever it was that was the source of someone’s pain, and let the action that follows do the convincing: “…fervently love one another from the heart” (1 Peter 1:22). In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus said, “If therefore you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you [i.e. you probably hurt him], leave your offering there before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.”
Also, in the next chapter, right after the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught this about forgiveness: “For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then you Father will not forgive your transgressions” (Matt. 6:14-15). In summary, these verses say we are to treat others the way God has treated us.
Rest assured I was careful to never pinch my boy’s skin between the shoulder snaps of his onesie again. Nonetheless, I have been a source of pain to him in other ways. To be fair, he’s done the same. I’m human. He’s human. We’re all human, and there have been plenty of times when we’ve inadvertently been the source of someone else’s pain. And maybe they’ve been the source of ours. Yet, we have this God-driven love for one another, supernatural love, which not only prompts us in the Spirit of Christ to reconcile, but He’s also given us the above tools and many more to work through the pain and continue on in healthy relationships with one another. That’s what HIM men do!
YHC’s first official Q at Milford was a swap with an under-the-weather Ruxpin, so it was assumed he was out. And he was. Then YHC became aware that Gump was licking his Calf-wounds from Saturday’s workout. Needless to say YHC was wondering who might show. All worries aside we had 4 PAX break the grip of the fartsack, win THAT FIRST BATTLE and post at F3 First State’s newest AO. (Hey, this thing still needs a name!) The core group here is strong! Let’s keep planting, growing, and serving small workout groups of men for the invigoration of male community leadership.
Though YHC didn’t use all the steps he had previously threatened to incorporate when he got onto the Q schedule, we still hit a select flight right on the AO. Here’s how the PAX took a step in the right direction…
SSH – 18 IC
Imperial Walker – 18 IC (Don’t worry Papa Bear, they’ll grow on you!)
Hillbilly Walker – 18 IC
BTTG Squat – 2 rounds (Butt to the Ground, Single Squat, as low as you can go, with a 10-count)
Schwartz Jacks – 18 IC (Um…don’t worry Papa Bear, they’ll grow on you!)
Plank Jacks – 18 IC
The Thang: Wosey about 10 steps to brick wall surrounding library amphitheater…
Raccoon Walk on top of wall to library steps, 5 Irkins/5 Derkins at each elevation change. Total combined Irkins/Derkins: 50
Library Steps:
7-1 Burpees at the top. PAX started with 7 Burpees at the top, ran down steps, did 5-35 Plankjacks at the bottom. Burpees descending 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (Total: 28 Burpees). Plankjacks ascending 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 (Total: 140 Plankjacks).
Side-stepping The bonus round: 2 of 4 PAX completed Crawlbear up and Bearcrawl down the library side steps.
Mosey to the opposite side of the library for the 3rdF: A repeat of a previous 3rdF due to the fact that prep time was cut short the night prior because of an ad hoc budget committee meeting for YHC. Based upon Exodus 33:13-15, YHC challenged PAX that in order to be a good leader, each of us must first be led. Led by God Himself, by His presence. We must NOT be willing to move ahead, go forward, or lead in our homes, workplaces, and communities in which we serve, unless we are first ensured of the Lord’s leadership in our lives. When we become aware of the absence of God’s presence, our response must be to cry out to Him like children crying out to their father, thinking they’re lost on a trail in the woods (when it turns out the Father had just hidden his presence behind a tree). There’s more to that story…ask Chappie.
Back to work on the library parking lot:
The Thang 2: Parking lot slow burn, bottom to top, mosey return to bottom
Bearcrawl bottom to top – 10 Merkins OYO
Crawlbear bottom to top – 20 Delmarva Drydocks OYO
Dragon Crawl bottom to top – 30 American Hammers OYO
Lt. Dan bottom to top – 40 Prisoner Squats OYO
High Step Nur bottom to top – 50 Seal Jacks OYO
Time’s up, circle up!
Announcements: Get the word out that there’s an AO in Milford. Family Ruck on Saturday aft/eve 9/28 in Milton. 5k ruck, concluding at Irish Eyes for dinner. Bring the M and 2.0’s. Time TBA.
Prayers: Leah (Waterfall’s sis-in-Low); PAX families; Ruxpin; Gump; Etc.
Still plenty of steps available for Milford Q’s., not to mention walls. Want to be on the Q Schedule? Contact Site-Q, Ruxpin.
Primis drew 5 HIM out of the Fartsack on Wednesday for a “tentative” workout. What that means is that there was enough lightning flashing across the sky to bring doubt as to whether a workout would be in the PAX’ best interest. Flashes pretty well subsided by go time, and having left all kites and keys in the clown cars, PAX ventured into Hump day the best way known…untouched by lightning and with an O-Gawd-Thirty beatdown session that went a little something like this:
Disclaimer proclaimed.
SSMedley: SSH, 10 IC – Swartzjacks, 10 IC – Sealjacks, 10 IC (smooth transitions from one to the other…til we hit the SJ’s)
Crab Flippers: 18 IC
Prisoner Squats: 18 IC
Groiners (Real ones, Doubtfire, real ones!): 18 IC
Mosey to Beebe Hospital Parking Garage – more like “Mosey Plus” with the following mosey additions along the way:
Karaoke, switch
First State Fanny Kickers
Side Shuffle, switch
Stair Climb in the “Hot box” to 4th deck of the Parking Garage (How have we missed these glorious leg killin’ steps all this time?)
RR Tracks to the 5th level
Quick Nur to the very top
After a brief visit by hospital security (and an unsuccessful EH because, well, we know where he’s at on Wednesdays at this hour), Pax took a quick breather for the 3rdF:
If you’ve been to any of my Q’s over the last few years, you know that I’ve usually done 18-counts, or 18 reps. I’ve mentioned as well there’s a reason for that. Today I’ll end the mystery or anticipation: Really, what I’m sharing today is about making Sky-Q your Soul-Q.
SkyQ def from the Lexicon: “The Q of the Big Ball and the Super Unknown. Recognized by those who do not believe themselves to be King of the world. The Creator.” (i.e. God/Christ the King)
When Jesus said in John 17:1 “The hour has come” He was referring to His impending death, a death for which the Son of the Living God needed to steel Himself (remember Sua sponte? Remember His presence? Remember finishing strong? There’s only one way to finish strong, and that’s to be in the race!).
As Jesus gathered His thoughts in preparation for His coming ordeal, however, it was life, not death, that first came into focus. In the 3rd verse He would go on to say, “This is life eternal, that they might KNOW Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.”
Here’s my point. It has to do with a four-letter word (Bombjacks? Nope!). If life is knowing God, then death is ignorance of God. But “K-N-O-W” in biblical language means not so much information about, as RELATIONSHIP with (something Toy Soldier referred to on Tuesday).
In this sense we have to understand the Savior’s definition of life: Life is knowing God; death is ignorance of God. Life is fellowship with God; death, alienation from God. Life is friendship with God; death, enmity against God. Life is union with God; death, separation from God.
The essence of death then is not the cessation of bodily functions; that is merely a symptom of alienation from the Source of life; so it has been since our sin first separated us from God in the Garden. For that reason, Rom. 6:23 says that “the wages of sin is death.” Those who do not K-N-O-W the Father through faith in the Son–who have not received the forgiveness of sin Christ died to purchase–are literally dead even while they live. (Ephesians. 2:1 “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins.”) There Paul was speaking to people about their state of being prior to their relationship with God through faith in Christ. He was talking to living people, but declared to them that they were dead.
You may K-N-O-W alot about God. You may have even grown up in the church, or you might have gone to church your whole life. But that doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to McD’s makes you a hamburger. Only knowing alot ABOUT God puts you about 18″ from heaven, if you haven’t personally received the forgiveness of your sin through faith in the Son. 18″ is about the distance from your head to your heart! That’s the difference between speaking of SkyQ and personally KNOWING Soul-Q, the difference between heaven and hell.
So this morning, in this Q I tell you the significance of “18” and I want to ask if you simply know about Jesus, or if you K-N-O-W Jesus. 18″! …
ALBERT EINSTEIN – I too know who I am; what I don’t know is where I am going. “
“Confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved…” Rom. 10:9
6 Ab exercises:
AH – 18
Leg Raises – 18
LBC’s – 18
Dying CR’s – 18
Heel Touches – 18
Dolly – 18
36 secs rest (9 count x 4), Rinse & Repeat
PAX did the mini (2 rounds) because of time, Bruce was said to have done 9 rounds.
Mosey return to the AO, with a few bonuses:
I.e. a few Prison Breaks between cross streets.
Stop at the dock for some “Donuts & Coffee” – On your 6, feet hanging over the edge, make 18 big “O’s” (donuts) to the left, 18 big “O’s” to the right. Word on the street is that Gump dunked his donuts (feet) in the coffee (water)
Announcements: Recon in Milford, CHOP open at the same time; Annual Labor Day Beach Day Beatdown, Rehoboth Beach – details TBD.
Prayers: Maddex, Leatherman’s 2.0 and for the complete healing of his hand and fingers, especially his pinky finger; Gump and decision concerning opportunity to serve at his church; etc.
Honored to Q it up at the Primis. Love that parking garage! 2 for Coffeeteria afterward at…Dunkin Donuts. Where else, right? (Thanks for the subliminal messages Summit.) Always appreciate the conversation with Wildwing.