Circle station

QIC: Nugget

Date: 7/28

AO: The Aegis

Warmup. SSH, Cherry Pickers, High Knees, Butt Kicks & left and right Karaoke.

Run to first station, do 33 big boys, 50 American hammers & 50 Heal Touches x2. Mosey back to circle.

Run to second station and do ladder of 9’s. With Scraper Merkins and BTTW Derkins (45°). With Lt. Dans in between. Mosey back to circle.

Run to third station and do quick core workout: Mt. Climbers & Shoulder Taps. Mosey to fourth and last station.

Do Inch Worms. Dragon Crawl. And Bear Crawl. Mosey back to circle.

End in COT! Ran 2+ miles and had a nice full body workout! Thanks for joining HIM!

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