QIC: Vanilla
AO: Aegis: Georgetown, DE
PAX: Fireplex, Summit, Vanilla
Cherry Pickers – 19 IC
SSH – 20 IC
Seal Jacks – 20 IC
Smurf Jacks – 20 IC
Plank Jacks – 20 IC
Mosey to Napa Autoparts
Cherry Picker – 20 IC
Windmill – 10 IC
Mosey to Georgetown Middle School for Tha Thang
The Thang 1: Chappie Challenge aka Scary Spice Circuit
Start: PAX lined up along sidewalk 1 on near side of school front yard.
Round 1: Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, mosey back to start, complete 30 merkins OYO.
Round 2: Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, Lt. Dans to sidewalk 3, mosey back to start, complete 20 merkins.
Round 3: Bearcrawl to sidewalk 2, Lt. Dans to sidewalk 3, Dragoncrawl to sidewalk 4, mosey back to start, complete 10 merkins.
The Thang 2: Quarter Pounder
Sprint 25 yards – 25 Merkins, Nur Back
Sprint 50 yards – 50 Prisoner Squats, Nur Back
Sprint 75 yards – 75 Mtn. Climbers, Nur Back
Sprint 100 yards – 100 LBCs, Nur Back
Break for 3rd F
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke
Read excerpt from Freed to Lead by OBT & Dredd
“There are many great Workout locations in F3Nation, but Charlotte’s Freedom Park was the first. It is where it all started. Not only is it a great place for a Workout, it also serve the community in a thousand different ways. The average man in F3Metro probably spends an average of 7 hours a week there in one capacity or another. Go there on a Saturday morning in the spring or fall and you will see the parking lots stuffed full of minivans and the fields overrun with kids playing soccer and baseball. There is so much sweet America there it will make your teeth hurt. When the world is running particularly amok, a day in Freedom is all a man needs to keep him focused on what we have here, what is worth protecting. The World may be afire, but we have Freedom, brothers. We have Freedom. Is it likewise in every park that is part of F3Nation? We imagine so. That is really why we do this, isn’t it?
One day after soccer, Dredd was walking toward his minivan with his daughters when the youngest one asked him why there were never any police officers at Freedom Park. He had never thought about it until that moment, but she was right. Except at the front gate (enforcing the no-left turn rule), he had never seen a police officer patrolling the park. So he answered, “They are probably at other places where they are needed.”
Which prompted her older sister (in her older sister voice) to say, “Yeah, we don’t need them here because we have the daddies.”
Little sister replied, Riggggght we have the daddies to keep us safe at Freedom. The police are at the parks without the daddies.” At that, Dredd kind of looked away so his daughters wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes, and he noticed that he could see about five other F3 guys within nine-iron distance, coaching soccer or cheering their kids on. And he knew there were another twenty F3 men that he couldn’t see from where he was standing. But there were there.
It occurred to Dredd that if the bad guys came to Freedom they might have thought it easy pickings because they would see no police on duty. But they would be mistaken. If evil came to Freedom it would have the daddies to contend with, and it would not stand a chance. While we might be outnumbered Brothers, we have locked our shields and will keep them locked in the heat of battle. We know that to be true.
Alone, we may go down fighting but we are still easily overcome. But we do not fight alone. We fight behind the Locked Shields of the Minivan Centurions. That shield wall will not be broken. That is Why We Are Here. We are F3.”
Mosey back to AO for Tha Thang 3: Captain Thor
1:4 ratio of big boys & American hammers, work to 10:40
Ended with Number-Rama, Name-O-Rama, & COT/BOM
Humbly Your QIC,