Keep Being Wild, WildWing

F3 Workout 4.18.2023

SSH – 15 reps

Windmill – 15 reps

Arm circles – 10 each way

Iron Mikes – 10 each side

Mosey to the field

15 Rep Football Dash – Start at Goal Line w/ 1 Coupon Squat Mosey to far Goal Line 14 Merkins, repeat to 14 Coupon Squats and 1 Merkin.

3rd F Motivation

What drives you to come to post to a workout?  Trying to lose weight?  Get in Better Shape?  Skip one night of reaching for a drink?  Start your day right with a clear mind? Let this quote sink in:

“Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit” – Vince Lombardi

People who set goals to achieve things in life need to live by this simple saying.  You want to start a new business, post this sign on a wall, write it on a Post-It in your truck, put it on a mirror in your bathroom.  Track your successes and failures.  I have kept a weight tracker on my phone, marking down my weight since 2/24/2022 I was 260 lbs. and recently weighed in at 231.  My goal is to get back to my college baseball weight but not lose strength. 

What is your goal?  Write it down and track it.  Find a place to write down what Coach Lombardi said and commit yourself to that phrase.

20 LBCs

10 Big Boys

Name-O-Rama: T-Rex on Q, Semi, and Looney Tunes

Prayers – Semi’s opportunities, T-Rex’s Dad

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