Humpty’s Hill

Date: 11/09/2022

AO: Gritmill, Milford, DE

Warm up

  • Side straddle hop
  • Cherry pickers
  • American Hammers
  • Squats 20

The Thang

  1. Patriot run with shovel flag to dog park
  2. Count off, one guy does shoulder taps while the other dragon crawls to top of hill 50 yds.
  3. Third f
  4. Switch elevated Merkins, while other guy bear crawls 2x with a merkins
  5. 10-1, diamond Merkin, baby crunches

Sherlock Shuffle, high knees until man calls down- goes around circle once.

Count-O-Rama, Name-O-Rama, and the Circle of Trust.  Please keep all our HIM in your thoughts and prayers.

F3 Message 11/09/2022

We shouldn’t care too much about how strangers view us. Life is too short. Our outcome is never guaranteed, but the process is yours. The outcome you worked so hard for can be taken from you in many ways.

You can work hard and get robbed, fall in love and get cheated on, or do well without getting any recognition. When you do things for the outcome, you care about something that’s beyond your control.

It’s in the name. The outcome, as in outside of you. People’s approval is outside of you, but the process of working on yourself is internal.

Focus on proper execution and discipline demands attention and dedication. These are the elements of the process. A focus on the process makes it difficult to worry about what other people will think of the outcome.

The process is immune to other people’s opinions. It’s the private place to make mistakes, grow, and take care of the only thing that matters: what you can control.

Yes, other people can critique what you’re doing, but not what you’re thinking and your objectives. Your focus is on the process. The process is your own style of learning, development, and exploration.

Another way to look at the idea of “focusing on the process” is only doing what’s important to you. When you only focus on the things that matter to you, you naturally focus on the process anyway. This is because you’re more concerned with getting better than getting attention.

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