Coupons and Mountaintops

January 14, 2020, 05:15

VQ: Quattro

Disclaimer: Given


  • SSH IC
  • Windmill IC
  • Cherry Picker IC
  • Bolt 45
  • Playboys 10 count each leg (to keep the sniper off our back)
  • Pretzel Merkins 7 each arm IC (once called Yoga-bare Merkin)

the Thang:

  • Mosey around the block (because what’s a block party without it!)
  • Grab a pair of coupons, meet at the edge of parking lot
  • Coupon crawl across grass to first cone, plank for 6
  • 10 Abyss Blerkin
  • Coupon crawl to second cone, plank for 6
  • 20 incline Bigboys holding 1 block
  • Coupon crawl to next cone plank for 6
  • 30 Block presses
  • Coupon crawl to sidewalk
  • Colt 45s IC single count

Gather at Skreet light for 3rd F

Exodus 17: 8-16
Read devotional from Turning Point Ministries:

In today’s reading, we find the nation of Israel engaged in combat with the Amalekites. While Joshua led the troops, Moses went up onto a hill overlooking the battlefield and, in an attitude of prayer, observed the action. The Lord gave the Israelites success as long as Moses’ arms were raised, but whenever he lowered them, the enemy gained the advantage. So Aaron and Hur helped him to maintain the posture that assured victory.

This historical account teaches an important lesson for every believer: Life’s battles are won or lost in the place of prayer. We may think that conflicts are decided on the battlefield, but victory depends on children of God coming before their Father and seeking His face. It is not the size of our army or the strength of our opponents’ forces that ultimately determines the outcome. When we spend time alone with God, we will be equipped by the One who knows the end from the beginning and understands the reality of all circumstances, regardless of appearances.

God foresees every snare and temptation of Satan just as He discerns what people are thinking and plotting. So it is wise to trust His battle plan instead of our own instincts—and we can do so with confidence that we will not suffer defeat.

Faith will allow you to keep your eyes focused on the Lord, even in the midst of frightening circumstances. When you acknowledge Him as the source of everything you need, your sense of direction will become clear. No matter what enemy is facing you, God will reveal what needs to be done.

  • Wosey Double-time back to the coupon magazine to re-stack coupons

Number-rama 16 in all!

Name-O-Rama with one FNG… Welcome @bore

COT: Holding each other’s arms up in prayer

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