QIC: Semi
20 All i/c
Seal jack
Plank jack
Seal wave
Cherry picker
Mosey to front steps of library
10 box jumps
10 hand release merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down
10 each leg split squats
20 wide merkins
Up the steps 1 at a time and back down
5 tempo squats-3 count i/c
5 diamond merkins
Up the steps 2 at a time and back down
Mosey to park across the river
Using walls in park
4 rounds
10 derkins
10 urkins
20 double count flutter kicks
3rd F
Marriage after God – podcast
Date night
Toy soldier set
50 lbcs
30 e2k
15 big boys
Mosey to bridge – crawl bear across
Mosey back to library
6 HIM showed today; semi, Chappie, Ruxpin, papa bear, Chairman, FNG loose wheel
Number Rama
Name rama