Pax: Chairman, Chappie, Chatahoochee, Doubtfire, Fireplex, Leatherman, Ruxpin, Semi, Summit, Toy Soldier, Vanilla, Wildwing
Posted In: Milton, CHOP
QIC: Wildwing
A bit nippy 27 degrees this morning but never a problem for those familiar with Jack LaLanne’s Kingdom [(Fitness the King and nutrition the Queen)]. Our very own Jester, the Comical Ruxpin, regretted that the F3 Knights did not carry him back in triumph to the CHOP. In truth though, some were slightly winded from their Norwegian Sprints, known locally as the 30-20-10 sessions.
Warm – O – Rama
SSH – 25 IC, Cherry Pickers – 25 IC, Moroccan Night Club – 25 IC, Windmill – 20 IC.
Today’s lark was premised on the virtues of the 30 – 20 – 10 Norwegian run which moves through successive intervals of 30 seconds jogging, 20 seconds moderate running, and 10 seconds of all out sprinting. HIMs completed roughly 10 intervals which were rudely interrupted by the Jester, aka Ruxpin, who demanded the odd batch of merkins and burpees at unexpected times. After 8 or so Norwegians, the group enjoyed an Australian Oblique Session – Side Dips, Side Reach Planks, Sexy Spiders, and Butterfly Sit Ups. Then back to the Norwegian’s before ending with CHOP Wall Squats. All in all, 1.57 miles of running and endless insults from the Jester.
The Third F (with thanks to the Q Source): Every HIM runs a Royalty Race with himself. The Race is focused on gradually but consistently improving one’s fitness level. It is not enough to merely stay in shape. Staying in shape is what Amateurs try to do.
The inspiration for the Royalty Race comes from Jack LaLanne, who said that exercise is king and nutrition is queen—put them together and you’ve got a kingdom.
F3 added the Jester because we realized that the wrong temptation can topple even the strongest man’s fitness kingdom. (Ruxpin as Jester?)
The goal of the King is to constantly increase the four elements of FITNESS: Speed, Strength, Stamina, and Toughness.
Fitness is best Accelerated by running with faster runners. Together, we sharpen each other—as iron sharpens iron.
It’s simple really. If you want to learn how to run faster, just find a faster man. And chase him until you catch him.
Number – O – Rama: 12 PAX
BOM: Announcements and Prayers
With apologies for ending a few minutes early and failing to video anything other than the odd embarrassment, honored to Q! Wildwing